Cicada Moving

Chapter 206: bedding

Chapter 206 Foreshadowing

"Mr. Liang, please go this way. Secretary Shen's office is in the European Department, and we still have to walk some distance." The guard explained to Liang Yuandong politely.

“Okay, thank you very much.” Liang Yuandong had a smile on his face, holding a small wooden box in his hand, and there was a banging sound in the box as he walked.

He walked behind the guard in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, with a hint of joy in his eyes. The impulsive and brutal Mr. Shen was indeed not a simple person, and he deserved the beating.

 Otherwise, the senior secretaries and guards would not be so flattering. They almost got into a fight just now for the opportunity to lead the way. The little people in this kind of organization know best how to follow the crowd and adapt to the situation.

Not to mention that the other party could let a stranger enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs without even registering his identity. He had thought that the two of them would hand over at the door, but he did not expect such an unexpected surprise.

“Mr. Liang, from here is the Asia Department, and upstairs is the office of the Americas Department.” The guard diligently introduced the detailed uses of the interior of the building.

"Thank you for the introduction. I don't know what the Asia Department and the Americas Department do." Liang Yuandong observed the surroundings calmly and remembered everything in his mind.

The guard didn't think much, scratched his head and said awkwardly: "I don't know much about it. It is said that it is in contact with foreign countries. You have to ask Secretary Shen about this."

Liang Yuandong pretended to suddenly realize it, and continued to focus on his eyes and ears, memorizing it with his heart. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

 Dean Wang’s power is mostly in the Executive Yuan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot intervene here for the time being, let alone bring in outsiders at will. I really want to thank Secretary Shen.

 Clerks with different expressions were running around holding documents, the phones were ringing rapidly, and occasionally scoldings could be heard. This was the core institution of the Republic of China in handling foreign affairs.

All the embassies and consulates of the Republic of China stationed abroad can be contacted here, and the feedback information will also be collected here. Every piece of paper he sees and every sentence he hears has huge intelligence value.

Liang Yuandong was walking, and his ears suddenly moved. He seemed to hear a few conversations in a foreign language. Looking at the European Department written on the sign on the wall, there were obviously more guards nearby.

The guard warned carefully: "Mr. Liang, the front is a confidential place. Please don't look too much and listen too much. Although you are a guest invited by Secretary Shen, there are some rules you must abide by."

Liang Yuandong smiled and nodded: "Okay, Liang is usually the most law-abiding person and will never ask for trouble. Thank you for your reminder. But is it inappropriate for Secretary Shen to let me in?"

The guard didn't take it seriously and said: "Who is Secretary Shen? He is a relative of the Chairman. Let alone letting people in, even if you want to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sir, it is not a matter of Secretary Shen's words."

Liang Yuandong's heart beat suddenly. Shen Dongxin was really a relative of that person. He had guessed before, but now it was initially confirmed. This identity was worth spending a lot of money to win over.

However, further verification was needed to find out why he had never heard of this person's reputation before, and now that it suddenly popped up, he really couldn't believe it.

He asked seemingly unintentionally: "This is the first time I heard about this. I only have some business dealings with Mr. Shen. I didn't know he had such a family background. Do you often see Mr. Shen?"


The guard didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he casually replied: "How can someone like Secretary Shen come to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work every day, and only come here once in a while?"

Liang Yuandong nodded when he heard this. This is indeed a normal situation. There are many second-generation people in the National Government who only work in the government agencies and rarely come to work.

The two walked through the busy office hall and continued along a corridor. It was much quieter here than outside. The staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who came and went also walked softly and did not dare to make any noise.

Liang Yuandong passed by a person and looked at the purple folder in the other person's hand. He wished he could make Mr. Shen his own right away.

Purple means that it is the most confidential document of the National Government. In the past, I had only heard that it was the first time for Liang Yuandong to see a document of this level with his own eyes.

He suppressed his excitement, glanced down at the wooden box in his hand, and secretly regretted that these ten large yellow croakers were probably missing for the real relatives of the emperor.

At this time, the guard stopped and looked around in confusion. He only knew that Secretary Shen's office was in the European Department, but he didn't know where the office was. He was going to find a clerk to ask.

Liang Yuandong looked at him from the side, feeling a little suspicious in his heart. At this moment, a tall and strong man who looked like an officer walked over from the other end of the corridor. He frowned when he saw them.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” the man asked in an official tone.

The guard's eyes lit up: "Director Li, I am the guard at the door. This gentleman is Secretary Shen's guest. Secretary Shen asked us to send him in on the phone."

Director Li said disdainfully: "What the hell, you have only been to our European Department a few times. Let him come with me. It just so happens that I have something important to see Secretary Shen."

"Yes, yes, Director Li." The guard felt as if he had been granted amnesty after hearing this, and explained to Liang Yuandong: "Mr. Liang, you see how troubled this is, and I'm really embarrassed."

Liang Yuandong waved his hand magnanimously and took out a ten-yuan note from his pocket: "It's okay, this is a little fun. I'll treat everyone to a pack of cigarettes."

Hearing the conversation between the two, the suspicion that had just arisen in his heart dissipated. It was normal for the guard at the door not to know where Shen Dongxin's office was.

But who is Director Li? Is he the director of the European Department? He is a powerful figure in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has a lot of important information in his hands. The guard was very moved when he looked at the banknotes. Ten yuan was not a small amount, but he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Director Li, so he could only look at it with pitiful eyes.

Director Li was very happy when he saw this. He stepped forward and lightly kicked the guard's butt: "Go, go, get out of here as soon as you get the money. You are not allowed to bring anyone to the European Department in the future."

The guard thanked him profusely and left. Director Li didn't even look at Liang Yuandong and walked away on his own. Liang Yuandong didn't mind following behind. He was well aware of the arrogance of these officials of the Republic of China.

The two of them went upstairs and turned a few corners, and came to the outside of an office. The gramophone inside was turned on very loudly, and American jazz music came out through the crack in the door, which was very harsh.

This is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China after all. Hearing such a sullen voice on such a solemn occasion, Director Li blushed a little. It was really too much.

Liang Yuandong was dumbfounded. Secretary Shen was really bold. Even if he was a relative of the Chairman, he shouldn't have acted so unscrupulously.

But just when he thought Director Li was about to get angry, he knocked on the door and said cautiously: "Secretary Shen, the guest you invited is here."

Obviously he was afraid of disturbing Mr. Shen's elegance. This move almost made Liang Yuandong laugh out loud. The Chinese officialdom was so corrupt and chaotic.

Unfortunately, there was no response from the room. Director Li had no choice but to knock on the door again and raise his voice a little louder. Only then did someone inside lazily reply.


“I am Lao Li, Secretary Shen, I brought Mr. Liang you invited.”

Director Li patiently replied outside the door, with a kind attitude and a gentle tone. He seemed to have long been accustomed to Secretary Shen's ridiculous behavior of playing music in the office.

Soon the door opened. Shen Dongxin glanced outside, opened the door to let the two of them in, turned around and ran back to the gramophone.

As soon as Director Li entered the office, he found a place to sit down and asked with a smile on his face: "Mr. Shen, I am in great spirits today. Is there anything good going on?"

Liang Yuandong followed Director Li in and closed the door of the office. He did not want the entire Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be attracted by the sound of music.

Zuo Zhong, who was looking for the record, did not look back: "There is indeed a good thing. Dean Liang, you can just put the things on the table and leave. Let's forget about it."

“Yes, I’ll leave Director Liu’s apology to you. Goodbye.”

Liang Yuan had a smile on her face, put the suitcase in her hand on the table, bowed slightly and prepared to leave. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to get on Secretary Shen's ship, which was a bit unexpected.

Looking at the target who turned around and left, Director Li leaned on the sofa and wondered whether all the preparation work he had done was in vain.

Zuo Zhong didn't care at all. He was very relaxed while humming a little tune. He didn't care whether Liang Yuandong really wanted to leave. If you want to catch big fish, you have to be patient.

This person is not a real businessman, but a professional spy. Probing and doubting has become a habit. If he finds a reason to keep people, it will definitely arouse Liang Yuandong's vigilance. Don't be anxious.

Seeing that Section Chief Zuo didn't respond, Director Li found a place to chat. He watched Liang Yuandong open the door and walk out. The sound of his footsteps gradually disappeared in the corridor, and he actually left.

 He wanted to ask what to do next, but Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop him before he opened his mouth. The two continued chatting insignificant gossip until after get off work.

Zuo Zhong walked back to his desk, opened the box, took out two gold bars and handed them over: "Take it, good things come to those who see them. We should go to Dehe Tower."

Director Li took the big yellow croaker with a smile, weighed it in his hands, and sighed that the people in the headquarters were quick to make money, so why go to Dehe Tower?

Zuo Zhong didn't say anything, but pointed to a newspaper on his desk. On the front page was written the ordering phone number of Dehe Tower, which was drawn in a big circle with a pen.

Director Li gave a thumbs up, and the two sat down and waited for a while, until the sound outside became noisy, and then slowly walked out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building.

The two of them talked and laughed along the way, completely ignoring the gazes of others, and then drove the car out of the gate in a dashing way, heading towards the downtown area of ​​Jinling.

Not far from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liang Yuandong was sitting in a car with a serious face and said to Jin Jiang beside him: "Go and find out when Secretary Shen booked the hotel, and then go follow him in the evening."

Jin Jiang nodded and said insinuatingly: "If Secretary Shen is really that powerful, should we admit him to the club? Mr. Wang's channels are too restricted and we need his help."

Liang Yuandong leaned on the car seat and said in a leisurely tone: "You don't have to worry about this matter. Let's make sure it's a big fish first. I'm always a little worried. If I have a chance, I'll go to his residence to take a look."


 (End of this chapter)

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