Cicada Moving

Chapter 207: Dehe Tower

 Chapter 207 Dehe Tower

Jinling Dehe Tower is the favorite gathering place for the upper class and dignitaries of the Guodang Party. The entire hotel is six stories high, making it the tallest building in Jinling City.

Zuo Zhong parked the car in front of the hotel and walked in with Director Li. The waiter recognized the person who was coming and was a regular customer, Director Li, and hurried forward to greet him.

“Mr. Li, today we have dozens of freshly caught mandarin fish from the river. They are not too big and not too small. Do you want the chef to serve you two a squirrel mandarin fish?”

While the waiter took the coats from the two of them, he skillfully promoted the signature dish, as if live mandarin fish had become a rarity in the Republic of China.

Director Li smiled and looked at Zuo Zhong: "How about Secretary Shen, the squirrel mandarin fish here is really delicious. Many officers praised it after eating it."

Zuo Zhong took a look around the lobby and said nonchalantly: "Shen never does what everyone else says. He asks the chef to serve us Japanese food."

The waiter shut his mouth decisively. Although it is a restaurant that specializes in Huaiyang cuisine, because it has to entertain guests from all over the world, Dehelou naturally has chefs who cook foreign dishes, including Japanese food.

Zuo Zhong chose a small private room. The waiter enthusiastically handed over a hot towel and brewed the new tea of ​​the year. The service was very attentive, and it was worthy of being an old brand hotel.

Director Li wiped his face with a hot towel and discussed various secrets of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Zuo Zhong. The waiter quickly placed the bowls and chopsticks and excused himself quietly.

“Gentlemen, the tableware has been prepared for you, please use it slowly.”

 Director Li, who was chatting, waved his hand, and the waiter walked backwards and left the private room respectfully. He walked through the hotel lobby, back kitchen, and warehouse with a natural expression, and finally opened the back door carefully and stretched out his head to look around.

There was a person waiting in the alley at the back door for a long time. When he saw the waiter, he immediately waved and the two whispered for a while. After the conversation was over, the person handed the waiter a thick wad of banknotes.

Farther away, Wu Chunyang recorded the time and events in his hand, and asked in a low voice: "Take a photo immediately. Can you clearly capture the appearance of the Jinjiang River?"

“I can’t take a clear picture. It would be better if I were closer.” The agent who took the picture regretfully replied.

Wu Chunyang shook his head: "Forget it if you can't take a clear picture. The other party is a professional spy. You must not alert the enemy. You first clearly remember what the guy looks like."

 After a day of tracking, he found that the opponent's anti-tracking methods were very professional and his actions were very decisive. He disappeared from sight several times. If it weren't for the home field advantage, he might have lost track.

Facing an opponent of this level, one cannot be too cautious. If possible, Wu Chunyang would prefer to carry out technical monitoring throughout the entire process. The risk of personal tracking is too great and can be easily exposed.

Over there, Jin Jiang gave the reward to the clerk, whispered a few words, then turned and walked out of the alley, and got into a car on the side of the road. Sitting in the car was Liang Yuandong, the director of Renxin Hospital.

"How about it?"

“I booked a hotel this morning. After entering, the two of us talked about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There were no unusual extra seats or suspicious guests in the hotel, and the environment was safe.”

After hearing this, Liang Yuandong made a decision: "I will go in later to explore the bottom. You will monitor outside. After dinner, follow the person named Shen and go to his residence to have a look."

Jin Jiang nodded when he heard this: "Yes, Dean."

At this time, plates of exquisite Japanese food were served in the private room. Zuo Zhong and Director Li were eating and drinking. The atmosphere was very lively. Zuo Zhong learned some inside stories of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the conversation.

For example, Dean Wang tried to intervene in the personnel appointments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs several times, but was pushed back by Director Chen's group. Of course, there was a shadow of bald heads behind him, and the two parties fought repeatedly.

Zuo Chong said with a smile: "It seems that our Dean Wang has quite a lot of ambitions. The Chairman is extremely gracious to allow him to come back from Germany."

Director Li drank two more glasses of sake and said, "Who says it's not the case? The person surnamed Wang still wants to compete with the Chairman. He is really overestimating his capabilities."

In the eyes of many people, Dean Wang is too weak in character, has no position, and is not a leader worth following. Who would have thought that he would be so bold and do such big things later.


The chat was interrupted by a knock on the door. Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows at Director Li. The main character today was finally going to appear. It was worth the drama they had been playing for so long.

Zuo Zhong cleared his throat: "Who can't even eat a meal safely?"

“Secretary Shen, I am Liang Yuandong.”

Liang Yuandong’s unique scumbag voice immediately sounded outside the door, and he was very respectful.

Zuo Zhong immediately slammed the table and cursed: "MD, come in."

This shocked Director Li. He didn't know why Section Chief Zuo would do this to the target. Wasn't he afraid that Liang Yuandong would just walk away in anger?

Liang Yuandong opened the door and walked in without any anger at being insulted. With a humble smile on his face, he greeted Zuo Zhong and the others enthusiastically.

“Hello, Director Li, hello Secretary Shen. I didn’t expect it to be such a coincidence that we meet here again.”

Zuo Zhong poked Yusheng with his chopsticks, squinted and sneered: "It's really a coincidence. My surname is Liang, you are not unwilling to take revenge on me." Liang Yuandong's smile became even bigger, and he waved his hands repeatedly. : "Of course not, it's just ten large yellow croakers. Liang doesn't take them seriously yet. Don't worry, Secretary Shen."

 The tone was loud and seemed to be a bit tempting. When he heard that there was an advantage to be taken, a dandy like Zuo Zhong should find a way to make another fortune.

It's a pity that Zuo Zhong's purpose today was not to play according to the routine. After hearing these words, he didn't even look at Liang Yuandong, but picked up the wine glass.

“Director Li, please touch one more person, don’t let irrelevant people spoil your mood.”

This sentence was quite rude. Director Li smiled on the surface and drank the cup in one gulp, but in his heart he was sweating, for fear that the situation would get out of control.

This is his first secret mission. If something goes wrong and he cannot explain it to Dai Chunfeng, without the support of the Secret Service, his future will be worrying.

Seeing Liang Yuandong standing aside with a respectful expression without saying a word, Director Li thought about it for a while and decided to say a few words, just in time to help Section Chief Zuo come up with a sentence.

So he put down his wine glass, tilted his head and said to Liang Yuandong: "Mr. Liang, you are a bit abrupt like this. It's not a good habit to follow others."

Liang Yuandong cupped his hands and smiled bitterly: "The two officers really misunderstood Liang. I was passing by and saw Secretary Shen's car, so I wanted to come up and say hello."

This explanation is very reasonable. It seems that the other party has thought about the possible problems before coming in. It will be difficult to deal with. Director Li smacked his lips and looked at Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong put down the chopsticks in his hand and turned to look directly at Liang Yuandong. Liang Yuandong did not feel guilty at all, his eyes did not dodge, and his face was filled with a sincere smile.

Zuo Zhongxiang thought for a while and finally said, "Since you're here, just sit down. Don't say I won't give you a chance. If you have something to do, tell me quickly."

Liang Yuandong didn’t explain. He took out a bunch of things from his purse, respectfully put them on the table with his hands raised, and then took a few steps back.

Zuo Zhong chuckled and did not mind that Director Li was sitting nearby. He reached out and picked up the pile of things and looked at them. They were bearer bonds from the Bank of England.

As for the amount, it seems to be at least one thousand pounds, which is a considerable amount of wealth. It is estimated that Mr. Shen will save it for decades based on his salary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Zuo Zhong stroked the bond with his hand and said in a very calm tone: "Money is a good thing, but sometimes it is a poison that can harm people. Dean Liang, are you right?"

Liang Yuandong replied calmly: "Is it a good thing or poison? Does it matter to people like you, Secretary Shen? What matters is whether the money is enough, right?"

Zuo Zhong smiled, pointed at him, and said to Director Li: "Yes, I have begun to like this Dean Liang a little bit. He is a down-to-earth person. As long as he can make money, he can discuss all issues."

Director Li complimented: "Yes, is there anything Mr. Shen can't do in the Republic of China? If Mr. Li were more than ten years younger, he would also want to do things with you."

Zuo Zhong threw the bond on the table and said happily: "I accepted the thing. If you want to do a separate business, I will occupy three levels of shares. Don't think the price is expensive. This is not mine alone."

  If it is an official matter, such as a transfer or promotion, except for a few special agencies, tell me your name and position and I will handle it for you within a week. Will Boss Liang be satisfied? "

Liang Yuandong bent down: "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Shen. I have a good friend, Zhou Longyang, who is currently the director of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Interior. He has always been interested in diplomatic work. Do you think?"

What a cunning guy. One is to test Mr. Shen’s energy, and the other is to infiltrate Dean Wang’s power into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No matter what, he will not suffer any loss. He can do two things for one money. He is truly a devil.

Zuo Zhong pondered for a while, then turned to look at Director Li. Now is the time to reveal his identity. This is Director Li's task today.

Director Li pretended to hesitate and said a few words to Zuo Zhong with a troubled expression.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong looked surprised: "Isn't he the former secretary named Wang? He's just a nobody. You can just find a place to settle him when the time comes."

Director Li frowned and thought for a while, then sighed: "Well, it's you, Mr. Shen, who has spoken. I will do my best to work on this matter tomorrow."

Zuo Zhong showed a satisfied smile after hearing this, picked up his wine glass and toasted Director Li. Director Li seemed flattered and drank all the wine in one gulp.

Liang Yuandong was shocked. A glass of wine would determine the personnel appointment. As long as Zhou Longyang's transfer was successful, Mr. Shen's identity would be initially confirmed.

This can also show that Mr. Shen is very favored. The chairman of the committee has quite a few relatives, but how many people can decide the personnel appointment of a division chief.

Zuo Zhong knew that the other party might not be at peace in his heart, but with the bald Shang Fang Baojian, the transfer was only a minor problem. Zhou Longyang wouldn't live long anyway.

 He ​​put down the wine glass and asked with some surprise: "Boss Liang, aren't you leaving yet? Could it be that Shen is going to send you off? You and that Zhou or something can just wait for the good news. I think there will be news soon."

Liang Yuandong bowed repeatedly: "Okay, Liang thanked Mr. Shen on behalf of his friend. When the matter is settled, I would like to invite you to a party, and then Director Li will also be invited to come with him."


Zuo Zhong's heart was moved, and he said impatiently: "Okay, okay, let's talk about it then."

 (End of this chapter)

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