Cicada Moving

Chapter 236: Sick (Happy National Day everyone)

Chapter 236 Sick (Happy National Day everyone)

Liu Gui was relieved. These two men were finally here. If they didn't come again, he couldn't kneel down and beg Zuo Zhong not to be tortured. Now it was Zuo Zhong's turn to worry. Oishi Masano would retract his confession at any time.

He didn't know what method the Second Division used to lure Oishi Masano, but when faced with torture, would he bear the death penalty for a secret agent? Without the support of faith, there is a limit to his body's endurance.

Besides, as long as the arms smuggling case is proven to be true, the Secret Service will lose. Not only will they not be able to rescue Song Minghao, but they may even get a chance to catch up with a popular section chief. I really look forward to it.

He glanced at Zuo Zhong and found that the other person didn't seem to be panicking. He calmly asked people to remove the electrodes from Huang Dahu's body. But would this be useful? It was too late to make up for it.

Liu Gui chuckled lightly and quickly straightened up his appearance, preparing to give Director Chen a good impression. If the old man liked him, he might be able to save a few decades of hard work. Things are unpredictable.

Zuo Zhong was very calm, and things were currently going according to his expectations. When Director Chen got angry, the final plan was about to begin. He looked back at Oishi Masano who was smiling.


The door to the interrogation room was opened. Dai Chunfeng walked in first with a cold expression, and then made way for Director Chen behind him. Everyone in the room instantly stood upright to greet the boss.

Director Chen walked in with a very calm expression on his face, but in his heart he wanted to laugh to the sky. The incident at Mount Putuo made him and Da Chen very embarrassed. If the Chairman had not needed them to fight against dissidents, they might have fallen into trouble. .

 Others thought it was an accident, but Director Chen didn't believe it. Having been in charge of the intelligence agency for such a long time, he understood one thing. Behind all coincidences, there was an inevitability. The inevitability of the Caiyu Jushi incident was the Secret Service, or Zuo Zhong.

This time he came to the platform in such a hurry. In addition to cheering up his younger brother Xu Enzeng, more importantly, he wanted to cause trouble for Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong, especially the sesame little official Zuo Zhong. Director Chen decided to use thunderous force to wipe them out. repression.

A fly keeps buzzing around the food, which is really disgusting. Director Chen doesn't want to drag it on any longer. Although it is said that this fly has met the Chairman, there are many people who have met the Chairman. For example, in Shanghai back then The courtesans above.

Anyway, it's done by then, and the third uncle won't do anything to him. At worst, he will be fined a few months' salary, but as long as he can think clearly, these few hundred yuan of salary will be just like feeding the dogs. This deal is a good deal, in Director Chen's eyes Full of murderous intent.

The third person who came in was Xu Enzeng. He was a little disappointed when he saw Liu Gui with a bruised nose and swollen face. Why didn't Zuo Zhong beat this guy to death? Otherwise, he would have been charged with one more crime. But when he saw the intact Huang Dahu, he was still very disappointed. satisfied.

As a landlord, Dai Chunfeng winked at Zuo Zhong and said first: "Shen Zhong, Director Xu said that you mistakenly arrested a key witness. Is there such a thing? How did you do it? Why didn't such a big thing be done in advance? Report to me, confused.”

Director Xu sneered: "It was not a mistake, but a deliberate arrest. Witness Huang Dahu testified against people from both of your offices. You are seeking personal revenge and framed a good person. He is the culprit."

After speaking, he pointed at Zuo Zhong, who looked respectful, and said in a serious tone: "Zuo Zhong, in order to help the corrupt Song Minghao get away with it, you dared to forge testimony to frame Zhongliang. It is really a heinous crime. Now that the evidence is conclusive, what else do you have? Want to quibble?"

As soon as these words came out, the interrogation room became quiet. The agents of the Intelligence Division were full of dissatisfaction. Director Chen had a stern look on his face. Dai Chunfeng stood aside and watched. The inspectors at the bureau headquarters were gearing up to capture Zuo Zhong.

With such a serious accusation, Zuo Zhong took a few steps back, as if in panic, and said with disbelief: "Why did Director Xu say this? Your First Division and our Second Division are each performing their own duties.

We have received important information that Huang Dahu, the battalion commander of the 23rd Division, is a Japanese spy. As the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service, I have the full right to temporarily arrest and detain the other party. Please be aware of this, sirs. "

Xu Enzeng felt that he had a chance to win, and immediately asked: "What about the evidence? It relies on the nonsense of a Japanese spy. What a joke. You don't believe your colleagues in the army, but you believe the words of the Japanese."

Zuo Zhong shook his head solemnly: "Not only is the confession of the Japanese spy Oishi Masano, we found photos of the two people meeting at the spy base, and there is also a confession written by Huang Dahu himself.

In such a major case with complete witnesses and material evidence, if you do not take action in your humble position, you will be derelict in your duty. How can you live up to the chairman's high expectations, and how can you live up to the teacher's kindness to Zuo? "

Xu Enzeng was furious. This Zuo Zhong was really sharp-tongued. He angrily said: "This is just your one-sided statement. I am now asking the inspector from the bureau headquarters to take over the case to prevent anyone from making false claims. Director, do you think this is good?"

Director Chen wanted to kill Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong immediately. How could he not agree to this request? Moreover, he noticed that Dai Chunfeng was sweating on his head. He sneered in his heart and replied with four words: "Immediately" implement."

As soon as these words came out, the inspectors from the bureau headquarters quickly took over the interrogation room. The key figures in the case, Huang Dahu and Da Shizhengye, were surrounded by them to prevent these two people from being silenced by the Secret Service.

Zuo Zhong's face turned pale: "Yes, I will hand over all the personal and material evidence now. It's just that Japanese spy Oishi Masano's health is not very good. Our doctor diagnosed him as not suitable for torture."

Xu Enzeng was overjoyed after hearing this. Zuo Zhong was young after all. He said that these were the three hundred taels of silver that were not available in this place. He must be afraid that the Japanese spy would not be able to withstand the punishment and retract his confession. Of course, he could not do as he wished.

He waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about it. Put this spy on the electric chair quickly. We must try out some shameful deeds. There are too many rumors outside and we must calm down the turmoil as soon as possible."

The inspectors knew the purpose of today very well. After hearing what Xu Enzeng said, they unceremoniously tied Oishi Masano to the electric chair. This thing is not a high-tech thing and can be operated if you understand electricity.

The inspector who usually talks a lot now shows no mercy with his hands, neatly scraping Dashi Zhengye into a bare pig, and couldn't wait to turn on the power, and the lights in the interrogation room flickered on and off.

"your name."

 “Ah, Oishi Masano.”

"Task." "To win over the rebel officials, please spare me."

The scholars in the inspection room looked at the target who rolled his eyes and showed cruel smiles. How could they trust the information obtained so easily? They asked some simple questions over and over again.

 Oishi Masano rolled his eyes, and the muscles all over his body were shaking constantly. The water in his body was quickly evaporated by the electric current. The corners of his eyes and mouth were opened one after another in great pain, and his eyes became blood red.

His hair and residual hair were burned bit by bit, and excrement leaked out unconsciously. The smell was disgusting, but everyone present was used to it and observed it without changing their expressions.

Only Director Chen covered his mouth and nose. He sat in the office every day and rarely saw such cruel and frightening scenes. Now that he didn't vomit on the spot, he already had an extraordinary psychological quality.

Seeing this, Xu Enzeng quickly took out a delicate handkerchief and handed it over.

Director Chen took the handkerchief and smelled a faint scent of rouge. He glared at Xu Enzeng, who was a little embarrassed, covered his mouth and said, "Let's get to the point quickly and let him explain the problem thoroughly."

The inspectors nodded respectfully, and one of them turned down the electric switch. Oishi Zhengye suddenly collapsed on the electric chair, with light pink blood foaming from his mouth and nose.

 “Who is Huang Dahu?”

 “My downline.”

 “His code name.”


This answer was the same as before, which completely angered Xu Enzeng. He took off his coat and threw it to Liu Gui. He rolled up his sleeves and walked to the electric switch and pulled the switch. Oishi Zhengye screamed.

Xu Enzeng asked fiercely: "Don't have any illusions. No matter who says they can save you, they are lying to you. You have only one way to die. There is no need to die for them."

Oishi Zhengye cried with blood and tears: "What I said is true. Huang Dahu is really a mole of the Aoki Agency. His mission is to wait for opportunities to steal military secrets. His reporting of the arms smuggling case was also based on my instructions. The purpose is destroy"

 “The dead duck has a tough mouth!”

Xu Enzeng increased the current to the maximum, and the interrogation room became dark for a moment. It took a while for the voltage to stabilize. On the electric chair, Oishi Masano was covered in white smoke. He sat with his head hanging down, and his hands and feet were shaking mechanically. The scene was a bit strange. .

Standing outside the circle of inspectors, Zuo Zhong suddenly said in an anxious tone: "Director Xu, Oishi Masano is really in trouble with his health. Check to see if something has happened to him. If something happens, call a doctor for emergency treatment. He should be there in time. Please Believe me."

 “Bah, pretending to be dead.”

Xu Enzeng spat, turned off the switch, walked up to Dashi Zhengye, and pulled up his head with his hands. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was as wide open as possible. Xu Enzeng frowned and let go of his hands suddenly. His head was weak. fell down.


This look didn't look like he was pretending. Liu Gui, who had been watching the show, jumped over in a few steps, put his fingers on the other person's neck and felt it for a while, then looked at his pupils, and sat down on the ground.

Xu Enzeng didn't react and kicked Liu Gui with his foot: "Liu Gui, what are you doing? Why don't you wake him up quickly? There are still questions to ask. He hasn't told who is behind it yet. Hurry up."

Liu Gui turned his head with dull eyes: "The director is dead, the director is dead, he is really dead!"

Xu Enzeng's eyes widened, and then he slapped Liu Gui with a big mouth: "I am alive and well, are you damning me?"

Liu Gui covered his cheek and said dejectedly: "I mean Oishi Masano is really dead. There is no pulse in his neck and his pupils are dilated. Even if the gods are alive, he can't be saved. Director, he is really dead."


 Xu Enzeng burped and his heart was beating wildly. Oishi Zhengye looked strong. Why did he die like this? The current was a little stronger.

Zuo Zhong said sadly at the side: "I told you, Oishi Masano is really sick. You don't believe it. Now it's better. My witness is dead. Others will say that our secret service killed people and silenced them."

 After saying that, he looked at the silent Oishi Masano and sighed in his heart, using his life in exchange for the lives of his whole family, this was a good deal. Oishi Masano was indeed a smart man and knew how to make trade-offs.

 Otherwise, based on the crimes he committed, he would definitely have to go through the eighteenth level of hell. It would be really convenient for him to die so happily now. Zuo Zhong had a look of regret on his face. You can run fast.

 (End of this chapter)

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