Cicada Moving

Chapter 237: Angry (Happy National Day everyone)

Chapter 237 Anger (Happy National Day everyone)

 “He is slandering me!”

Xu Enzeng jumped up: "Zuo, don't talk nonsense. There is clearly something wrong with the equipment in your two offices. Otherwise, how could a good person die so easily? The responsibility lies with you."

Dai Chunfeng laughed angrily when he heard such shirking of responsibility. Even Director Chen felt a little embarrassed. The inspectors were afraid of getting into trouble and taking the blame for others, so they quietly stepped aside.

Zuo Zhong replied with a dark face: "I reminded you before the prisoner was handed over, and I reminded you again during the interrogation. Well, since you mentioned problems with our equipment, I humbly request an inspection."

 After saying that, he looked at Director Chen. Dai Chunfeng and the intelligence department agents also looked at Director Chen, wanting to see how the director would deal with it. Director Chen felt tremendous pressure and nodded with a wry smile.

There is no other way. He is currently riding a tiger and cannot get off. He must also pay attention to the art of leadership when trying to deflect the enemy. If he directly puts the blame on Zuo Zhong indiscriminately, I am afraid that the situation will be even more uneasy in the future.

Several knowledgeable inspectors were pushed out and circled around the electric chair of the Secret Service for a while. The final result was that there was no problem with the equipment. As for the cause of Oishi Masano's death, they were unable to determine.


Director Chen cursed after hearing this. He didn’t know who he was scolding. Anyway, Zuo Zhong thought he was scolding Xu Enzeng. Director Xu stood dejectedly next to Da Shi Zhengye’s body and breathed heavily.

"Well, look at what happened. Now our witnesses have been killed by you. This is an important suspect that the Chairman is concerned about. I need to report this to Lushan immediately."

After holding back for a long time, Dai Chunfeng finally showed his fangs and bit Director Chen and Xu Enzeng's vital parts with a vicious and cruel bite. The expressions of the two men changed, and they secretly cursed the stubborn Dai Chunfeng.

Zuo Zhong added jealously next to him: "What a pity. Not only does Oishi Masano have a lot of connections with Dean Wang's group, it is said that he has also attracted many important people in the intelligence system. I see this."

You might as well tell me my name. Xu Enzeng was so angry that his head hurt. Yellow mud fell into his crotch. It was either feces or feces. Zuo Zhong couldn't let Zuo Zhong talk nonsense anymore. He winked at Liu Gui desperately.

The fact that he, the head of the intelligence section, could hold out until they arrived without being beaten to death shows that he is quite capable. In this case, he must stand up bravely and take the blame for Director Chen and himself. This is what subordinates should do.

 No, here we go again!

Liu Gui was complaining in his heart. Xu Enzeng had this expression last time. As a result, he received a beating today. Now here he is again. Zuo Zhong is not a good gentleman. This time he might be killed.

Xu Enzeng winked for a long time, and when Liu Gui didn't respond, he was so angry that he said directly: "Liu Gui, come and talk about your views. Now that the case has reached this stage, what should be done? Speak boldly."

 Speak boldly? Is it okay if I want to scold my mother? Liu Gui racked his brains and thought, and then he saw Huang Dahu, whose face turned pale with fright. After seeing the power of the electric chair, this guy was as honest as a quail.

His eyes lit up and he said quickly: "The death of Oishi Masano was an accident. However, as Huang Dahu is our witness, his family should be protected by one place, whatever Chief Zuo wants."


Director Chen and Xu Enzeng were overjoyed. Huang Dahu's family members were caught by the Second Division, and they would probably admit the whole thing. If these people were caught by them, Huang Dahu would definitely grit his teeth.

 On the one hand, he wanted to reunite his whole family safely, but on the other hand, he died without a burial place. He should know how to choose which way to go. As for whether he was a spy or not, it was not important. Killing the secret service was important.

When Huang Dahu heard this, he immediately understood what Liu Gui meant, and his eyes shone with excitement. As long as he held on, not only could his family be safe, but he could also go home safely.

  Looking at the electric chair, Huang Dahu closed his eyes and said, "Just get on it. It's better to waste half your life than to lose the lives of the whole family." Thinking of this, he opened his eyes again, ready to give Liu Gui a response.

It's a pity that the intelligence department agents discovered this guy's dishonesty, and several people immediately stood in front of him, blocking between him and Liu Gui, cleverly avoiding possible communication between the two.

Xu Enzeng got excited again: "Where have you detained people? Release them quickly. We are government agencies, not kidnappers and gangsters. What do you mean by forcibly detaining innocent people?"

Dai Chunfeng looked at Zuo Zhong: "Shen Zhong, are Huang Dahu's family members at the Secret Service? Let them go if they are."

Zuo Zhong looked aggrieved: "Teacher, we did control Huang Dahu's relatives when we arrested him, but it turned out that they had nothing to do with the Japanese spies. I have released them and sent a car back."

"Well, that's good. Our Secret Service can't be like someone and just keep an eye on other people's family members."

Dai Chunfeng smiled and turned his head: "Director Xu, you heard it, we have released him. If you want to protect Huang Dahu's family, you can go directly to his house. Anyway, you are very familiar with this kind of thing."

Xu Enzeng was furious: "Dai Chunfeng, what do you mean by this? We are talking about work now."

General Liu Gui said doubtfully: "Chief Zuo, what do you mean by the little wooden horse you just showed Huang Dahu? Isn't it the son of Huang Dahu's son?" "What little wooden horse?"

"my son?"

Zuo Zhong and Huang Dahu looked puzzled. Apparently they didn't know what Liu Gui was talking about. Liu Gui's heart skipped a beat, feeling that he had overlooked something.

A few seconds later, Zuo Zhong said with a sudden realization: "Oh, you mean that wood carving, I bought it myself to play with. Why, Chief Liu, does he even have to take care of this? He has such a wide range of control. ”

 Fell into the trap again!

Zuo Zhong has been misleading himself, seemingly giving him hope, but in fact he is watching himself jump up and down like a clown. No wonder he is asking himself, not Huang Dahu.

Liu Gui gave a thumbs up: "Beautiful, today I finally saw how powerful Section Chief Zuo is. Liu is willing to give in, but there is one thing. As long as the arms smuggling case is solved, this matter will not be over."

Director Chen and Xu Enzeng listened to the conversation between the two in confusion, as if the matter of Huang Dahu's family was a trap left by the Secret Service, and General Liu Gui wanted to thoroughly investigate the arms smuggling case.

Zuo Chong smiled politely: "Chief Liu, you can go check it out, but I think you should call back to the secret service headquarters first. Maybe the arms smuggling suspect you want will come to your door."

What does it mean?

 Xu Enzeng and Liu Gui were instantly alert. Did Zuo Zhong send someone to rob someone? However, in order to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, the defense force of the secret service headquarters was not weakened at all, and it was impossible for the person to be robbed.

Xu Enzeng winked again, and Liu Gui picked up the phone in the interrogation room, and in fear she called the duty phone number at the secret service headquarters.

“Hello, I’m Liu Gui from the Intelligence Section. The director is with me. What’s going on in the department now?”

“What? More than a hundred military officers came and surrendered, claiming to be criminals in the arms smuggling case?”

Liu Gui felt that what he held in his hand was not a phone but a bomb. Zuo Zhong was right. Someone really admitted that he was a suspect, but this was impossible. This case was very serious and no one dared to take the blame.

The Secret Service can find one or two scapegoats, but where can it find more than a hundred people? He felt that his brain was about to explode. Is there really a powerful person involved in this matter? Otherwise, there is no explanation at all.

 “Liu Gui?”

 “What’s going on? Answer quickly!”

Liu Gui was awakened by a distant call. When she came back to her senses, she found that Xu Enzeng was staring at him. He quickly shook his head to wake himself up and told him about the situation at the secret service headquarters.

After Xu Enzeng listened, he looked at the smiling Dai Chunfeng and then at the smiling Zuo Zhong. He felt that something was not good. Unlike Liu Gui, he knew that no big shot was involved in the arms smuggling case.

The real big shots withheld the money while the appropriation was still in the Military Commission. There is no need to sell arms in such a painful way. Drinking some soldiers' blood casually will not make more money than smuggling arms, but this is strange.

Xu Enzeng was puzzled as to why these people surrendered themselves and what kind of ecstasy the Secret Service gave them. Smuggling and selling arms was a crime of decapitation, so how could anyone rush here to die?

Director Chen listened carefully and turned his head. He also felt that these officers were out of their minds. He was sure it had something to do with the Secret Service, but he just didn't know how.

Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong looked at each other and smiled. There were some things that could be done but could not be said. Although the Secret Service had contributed to this matter, what was more important was the arms smuggling gang. These people were somewhat capable.

Director Chen thought for a while and decided to make a phone call. As the head of the intelligence system, he had reliable sources in the military. After exchanging a few words with the other party, he opened his mouth.

After a long time, he hung up the phone and angrily yelled at Xu Enzeng: "You are such a deadwood! You are useless! You idiot!"

Director Chen was obviously angry. He changed from his usual gentleness. After these gentle personal attacks, he blurted out a bunch of Huzhou country dialect, which was probably not a good thing.

Xu Enzeng blushed after being scolded, and at the same time he felt a little aggrieved. He didn't know anything about the situation now, and he could only kill people with a nod. He had to be a sensible person, so he wanted to ask.

However, Director Chen didn't give him a chance. After speaking a lot of coded language, he pointed at his head and said: "Take your IQ back a little bit from women. Now it's spread all over the world. Japanese spies made it up." The arms smuggling case was to frame a threatening officer in the military.

There are even rumors that those officers who were not framed by the Japanese were related to the East Asia Club spy case. As soon as these two incidents came out, countless low-level officers were frightened and went to the secret service headquarters to surrender. How did you handle the case? Arrest all the officers involved, huh? ! "

Seeing this scene, Dai Chunfeng pretended to beg for mercy: "Director, Director, Director Xu just made an occasional mistake. No one knew that this spy Huang Dahu was so ambitious and wanted to kill all the young officers in the national army. "

 (End of this chapter)

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