Cicada Moving

Chapter 242: Shocking Change 1 (please vote for me)

Chapter 242 Shocking Change 1 (please vote for me)


“Chief Zuo, I, Mr. Yang from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, heard that you have solved a major case recently. Congratulations.”

A smile appeared on Zuo Zhong's face. It turned out to be Section Chief Yang. I heard that he and Deputy Director Bai did a good job in promoting the New Life Movement and made a lot of money. Why did he think of contacting him today?

He then joked: "Brother Yang, you and Lao Bai have made a lot of money. Whether you married the second wife or moved to a new house and want to treat your brothers to dinner, I didn't say, Zuo will definitely be there."

Section Chief Yang on the other end of the phone smiled very proudly: "Haha, Section Chief Zuo, don't worry, I have your share. I really called you to invite you to a banquet. Lao Bai and I are hosting, and you are the only one invited. "

Zuo Zhong understood that they were frightened by the incident at the East Asia Club and the hospital, especially Lao Bai. He wouldn't have one of his subordinates trapped in it again, so he should learn from Xu Enzeng.

He rolled his eyes and said: "Well, brother has been busy with official duties recently. The East Asia Club case has been widely implicated, such as the Jinling police system. We are preparing for a large-scale purge operation."


There was a sound on the other end of the phone, as if two heads hit each other, and someone was whispering there. Zuo Zhong almost laughed out loud, and quickly covered his mouth. This was a good deal.

It took a while before Section Chief Yang spoke, with a hint of pain in his voice: "To be honest, it's mainly because Lao Bai wants to invite you this time. We are all good friends, can you give me some face?"

Zuo Zhong smiled and rubbed his chin, and said in an awkward tone: "Now is a sensitive time. Logically speaking, I shouldn't accept the banquet, but Lao Yang said, well, tell me the time and place."

"Thank you, Section Chief Zuo. The time is tomorrow evening at six o'clock. See you at Dehe Tower. Lao Bai and I will be waiting for you at the door." Section Chief Yang's tone was much more relaxed, and he was obviously afraid of being disgraced.

Zuo Chongen said favorably: "Be kind to Lao Bai for me. Tell him that I like the local specialties from his hometown very much. Hahaha, let him prepare more this time, and I will get a share of it."

 “Okay, okay, bye.”


Zuo Zhong hung up the phone, stood up and walked around the office, humming a song, "There is such a beautiful thing in the world," and the drug case was meant to be handled in a low-key manner, let alone to involve any involvement.

 Even if Bai Wenzhi did nothing, the matter would not be traced to him. It is estimated that this guy has something evil in his heart, and maybe he has received filial piety, so he asked Section Chief Yang to plead for mercy.

 Do you want to make it clear? Zuo Zhong felt that he wanted to teach Bai Wenzhi a profound lesson, lest this guy collect money that he shouldn't receive in the future and promote people who shouldn't be promoted. He was doing a good deed.

Next, Section Chief Yang hung up the phone and sighed: "Director Bai, you just heard it. Fortunately, you arrived in time. Otherwise, you would not be able to escape the blame for the secret service's purge operation."

Bai Wenzhi wiped the sweat from his head: "What a bad luck! The Japanese are such bastards. They bribed all the people in the police station, but the director is mine. Alas, this is a bad year."

 Section Chief Yang nodded and said disdainfully that the director is yours. He must have received some dirty money. If it weren't for the fact that you still have some foundation, I wouldn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. It's bad luck.

On the surface, he advised: "Director Bai must not be stingy this time. By the way, what is the local specialty that Section Chief Zuo mentioned? Director Bai, where is your hometown? Yang also wants it."

 Bai Wenzhi suddenly stood up: "Haha, I just remembered that there are some official matters that have not been done, so Bai will leave first. I will see you tomorrow. Brothers, I will remember what happened today, and I will prepare a generous gift for you in the future."

After saying that, he hurried away. Section Chief Yang smiled coldly. He was really greedy for money. He collected a lot of money from various drug stores in Jinling, and now he was not willing to spit out even a little bit.

"Don't blame me for being unkind." Section Chief Yang muttered to himself, then answered another call, with a smile on his face.

 “Hello, Section Chief Zuo.”

No one knows what Zuo Zhong discussed with Section Chief Yang. Anyway, at the end of the dinner the next night, Director Bai’s face looked ugly. If this continues, he will have to sell his house.

Last time there was a sum of souvenirs, and this time it was dozens of souvenirs. The hard currency that Bai Wenzhi had accumulated for many years was wiped out by Zuo Zhong. He had worked hard, embezzled and perverted the law, and all benefited from Zuo.

At the gate of Dehe Tower, Zuo Zhong picked out his teeth with a toothpick and said with satisfaction: "Brother Bai really spent a lot of money today. Don't worry, the director brought it all on himself and it has nothing to do with you."

After spending so much, I finally got a practical guarantee. Bai Wenzhiqiang smiled and said: "Chief Zuo is aware of everything. Don't worry, I will send someone to deliver those local specialties to your house tomorrow. I will never break my promise."

 Zuo Zhong was smiling all over his face. He turned around and was about to exchange a few words with his good friend Section Chief Yang. Then he heard a dull roar. Zuo Zhong and Bai Wenzhi were both stunned. How could this sound like an explosion?

Before they could react, there was another loud explosion. This time it was clearer than the last time. Even ordinary people realized that something was wrong, and the crowd was a little panicked.

Zuo Zhong walked down the steps in a few steps and looked along the sound of the suspected explosion. The sky was red. It was really an explosion. He looked solemn. Is it an accident or sabotage by the Japanese? He had to go and see.

Bai Wenzhi walked up to him and his face became even more ugly: "Military dangerous goods, or a large number of dangerous goods exploded, otherwise it would not have caused such a big fire. Jinling is in troubled times."

Zuo Chong narrowed his eyes: "Let's go, no matter what the explosion, you and I have the responsibility to take a look at the scene, hoping that the casualties are not big, and there is just progress in the southwest. We can't drop the chain here." "Oh, let's go. "

Bai Wenzhi's face is like black charcoal. Zuo Zhong's words make sense. Chinese people pay attention to celebrations and omens in everything. Many unrelated things will be connected together and have to be guarded against.

Section Chief Yang saw that they had something to deal with and left quickly. This matter had to do with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but had nothing to do with the Department of Internal Affairs. He followed him to the scene. If there were three explosions, wouldn't it be a disaster for Chi Yu.

Zuo Zhong got into Bai Wenzhi's car and drove quickly to the scene of the incident. Along the way, the vehicles and personnel of Jinling Military Police Xiante had gathered, and troops and policemen of various numbers began to set up checkpoints.

As the capital of Jinling, such a serious explosion occurred. It was a matter of head and official status. All agencies responded quickly. Zuo Zhong even saw people in one place, which shows how serious this matter is.

 “Stop! Which part.”

Zuo Zhong's car was also stopped. A second lieutenant stood in front of the car holding a jiraide. Bai Wenzhi took out his ID and handed it over: "I am the deputy director of the Jinling Police Department. What happened?"

The second lieutenant did not answer. He held up the flashlight to check and compare it carefully. Then he looked at Zuo Zhong and introduced Bai Wenzhi: "Chief of the Secret Service, I suggest you not to read his ID."

The Secret Service, the rumors in the army have been abuzz in the past two days. It is said that the Secret Service helped the brothers in the army fight against the Secret Service Headquarters. The Secret Service can also be regarded as one of their own. The second lieutenant smiled and waved his hand.


 “Thank you, brother.” Zuo Zhong nodded to the other party to express his gratitude.

 “Easy to say.”

The car continued to drive slowly along the chaotic streets, but Zuo Zhong and Bai Wenzhi became more and more strange as they drove. Why did this road look so familiar? It seemed like it was the road they took to supervise their new life on their first day.

 But there are shops and houses nearby, and there are no military police agencies or fireworks shops. Where did so many dangerous items come from? Maybe it is really a case of vicious sabotage and something big is going to happen.

While driving, Bai Wenzhi complained: "I don't know what has happened in the past two years. There seems to be no safe place in the world. There are explosions and shootings everywhere. I, the deputy director, am in trouble."

Zuo Zhong put his hands on the car window and ignored the veteran's self-pity. He carefully observed the military and police personnel nearby, and finally saw a bunch of spies. It was really a ghost.

  Usually when things like this happen, everyone is the last to arrive and the first to evacuate, exuding a loose atmosphere. How could they react so quickly this time? The sun is rising from the west.

Moreover, it takes more than twenty minutes to get here from one station, and the incident happened within ten minutes. Could it be that these people flew here with wings, and Xu Enzeng really became a birdman?

Zuo Zhong took out a cigarette, and at the moment he lit the lighter, he thought of the possibility that Yiji might not have arrived later, but had arrived earlier, and the explosion had something to do with them.

 The main work content of the first branch is to target the underground party. Just now Zuo Zhong saw their people on the periphery. The cordon was placed so far away, so the other party must be performing a very important task.

The explosion should have been an incident involving the underground party. The flashing light shone on Zuo Zhong's unusually gloomy face. As the car got closer and closer to the scene of the incident, he quickly thought of a place.

Jishi Pharmacy, I went there with Bai Wenzhi and Section Chief Yang. What was the name of the boss? Zhang Anren, yes, Zhang Anren. At that time, he judged that the other party might be an underground party member.

If it weren't for Liang Yuandong's case, Zuo Zhong might have secretly investigated this person. Multiple communication channels were a good thing for him, but he had to put on makeup for reconnaissance at that time, so he temporarily put the matter aside.

The car turned a corner and looked at the messy streets and the burning Jishi Pharmacy. My left temple twitched. It was really here. I wonder what happened to the boss Zhang.

 “Haha, Section Chief Zuo, look.”

 Bai Wenzhi stopped the car, pointed at the ruins of Jishi Pharmacy and sneered: "At that time, I thought that there was something wrong with that bastard. How can there be any businessman who is not afraid of our brothers? Now it has been blown up."

Zuo Zhong resisted the urge to kill him, and after looking around, he said: "Zuo's people have arrived, so don't disturb Director White. Don't forget to bring my souvenirs tomorrow. Goodbye."

 After saying that, he pushed open the car door and walked towards Gucci and others in the distance. The Secret Service responded quickly and had taken over part of the guarding work at the scene, anxiously waiting for the arrival of the firetruck from the fire department.

Bai Wenzhi looked at his figure and gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole, what's your souvenir? That's my souvenir. None of these spies are good, so they only know how to bully honest people."

  542983011, book club group.



 (End of this chapter)

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