Cicada Moving

Chapter 243: Shock 2 (please vote for me)

Chapter 243 Shocking Change 2 (please vote for me)

Gu Qi looked at the flames and shouted to a small agent: "If you keep urging them, I don't care what important tasks their fire station has. If they don't arrive within five minutes, I will report them to the top for malfeasance in their duties."

Zuo Zhong was off duty tonight. He was on duty in the department as the deputy section chief. Just when he was about to eat, he heard an explosion. He led people to the scene and found that there was an explosion in a pharmacy, and there were several acquaintances.

 He turned around to ask the gangsters in the first place what was going on, and saw Zuo Zhong walking out of a car. He didn't seem to be in a good mood, so he hurriedly greeted him.

“Section Chief, a violent explosion occurred in a store called Jishi Pharmacy and caused a fire. After questioning the witnesses, we learned that there had been a fierce exchange of fire. The boss was a middle-aged man named Zhang Anren, his hometown.”

"A native of Shashi, Hunan Province, we have inspected this store before. During the drug case, we conducted a detailed internal investigation and found no problems. How did such a violent explosion occur?"

Zuo Zhong interrupted Gu Qi's report, turned around and looked at the pale Liu Gui: "Is this something you guys did together? Damn it, why did you react so quickly today?"

Liu Gui didn't answer. He and a few agents from the same branch stared at the blazing flames in a daze. Zuo Zhong was so angry that he looked like a waste and immediately wanted to step forward and give them a few slaps to wake them up.

 Gu Qi did not expect that the section chief actually knew about this Jishi Pharmacy. Hearing Zuo Zhong ask Liu Gui, he whispered: "When we came, he had already brought people here. He felt like he was frightened."

 Scared silly? That was too much to underestimate the secret service headquarters and Liu Gui. Zuo Zhong took a few steps closer to the scene. The hot air burned his face. He sniffed. The smell of burning was unpleasant.

 There seems to be a truck in the pharmacy lobby? Could it be an explosion caused by a car accident? But what was the gunshot the witness said about? He wanted to observe the scene carefully and find some clues.


At this time, the building that had been burning for a long time finally collapsed, with flying sparks flying everywhere. Zuo Zhong thought about it in his mind and felt that he could not get involved in this matter, let alone take the blame for the secret service headquarters.

He shouted to his men: "The people from the Second Division will retreat immediately. The scene will be handed over to the Jinling Police Station and the First Division. All existing evidence and witnesses will be handed over. Don't delay the investigation."

The agents from the Intelligence Section agreed with a bang, and the whole team gathered to prepare for the evacuation. Now Liu Gui could no longer pretend, and stopped being in a daze. He rushed to Zuo Zhong's side with a disgusting smile.

"Chief Zuo, since you have taken over the scene, it is the case of the Second Division. We still have official business to deal with, so we won't stay any longer and won't send him off." After saying this, he wanted to wipe the soles of his feet and run away.

Zuo Zhong pulled out his gun directly, put it against his head and said: "If you dare to leave, I will shoot you. If you want to take a gamble, maybe you can throw the blame on our second department, okay?" "

Not only him, the agents present in the Intelligence Division took out PPKs, Thomsons, and grenades and pointed them at the people in the same place. This was not the first time that the two parties used knives and guns. They were all used to it.

Looking at Zuo Zhong’s smiling face, Liu Gui sighed. If Zuo Zhong had come a few minutes later, he would have thrown this hot potato away. Now, it’s good. He can’t steal the chicken but lose the rice.

He slowly raised his hands: "Brother, it was just a joke. Don't be impulsive. Please drive slower and pay attention to safety. Our special agent headquarters has taken over this case and will report the situation when the time comes."

This man is really flexible and flexible. Zuo Zhong scolded with a stern face: "Niang Xipi, you shameless bitch, if you dare to make such a joke with me next time, believe it or not, I will really dare to shoot."

 He put down the gun and shouted directly: "Let's go, retreat immediately."

The people from the Intelligence Department began to leave the scene. Zuo Zhong got into Gucci's car. Liu Gui, who was nodding and bowing, still stood on the side of the road waving goodbye. This despicable look made Gucci disgusted.

He explained helplessly: "When I arrived at the scene, Liu Gui was already there. He looked stunned. I didn't expect that he was pretending to be stupid and shirk responsibility. I almost fell into his trap. This **** is really not a thing."

Zuo Zhong didn't say anything. He was concerned about whether Zhang Anren was an underground party, and what exactly happened at Jishi Pharmacy. How did he get there? Who caused the explosion?

All this can only be verified by the underground party. If Jishi Pharmacy is an important location, evacuation and cleaning work must be carried out as soon as possible. Liu Gui is more difficult to deal with than Wang Aofu, so we must be more vigilant.

Zuo Zhong yawned: "Lao Gu sent me back to Chaotian Palace. I thought about this case. It should be a matter of the underground party and has nothing to do with our Secret Service. Let Liu Gui fight with the other party."

Gu Qi turned the steering wheel and drove towards Zuo Zhong's residence. He agreed with Zuo Zhong's view. The underground party's methods were becoming more and more sharp, and there was no need for them to fight each other to the death.

There is a good job of grabbing merit, and it is not good to be scolded. There is no better to grab more Japanese spies. I do n’t know when the chairman will return to Jinling.

After passing blockades and checkpoints one after another, the car arrived at Chaotian Palace smoothly. Gu Qi stepped on the accelerator and the car slowly disappeared into the night. Zuo Zhong walked into the house and carefully checked whether it was safe.

 Until he confirmed that there was no one in the courtyard and there was no eavesdropping device in the house, he took out his mobile phone from the room and sent a message. Then he put the mobile phone and gun on the table and sat in the main room to wait.

 Five minutes have passed

Ten minutes have passed

Until half an hour later, the cell phone was still lying quietly on the table. Zuo Zhong loaded the pistol first and sent another message, but the result was the same as the last one, as if it had disappeared into the sea.

Zuo Zhong frowned, but he didn't panic too much. He could turn on his phone around the clock here, but the underground party couldn't. He had to avoid possible electronic reconnaissance activities and couldn't turn on his phone at any time. If it doesn't work for half an hour, then one hour. If it doesn't work for one hour, then one day. If the other party is fine, he will definitely turn on his phone to contact him, because the more urgent the situation, the more important his information is.

 Zuo Zhong sat like this all night and sent more than a dozen messages, but he still didn't receive a reply when it came to work. In order not to attract attention, he suppressed his tiredness and went to the Secret Service.

After approving Fu Ling's plan and reviewing various documents and files, Zuo Zhong concentrated on his work, hoping to forget about it for the time being. He placed his cell phone under a pile of documents.

At the same time, news of the big explosion last night also came out. Some said it was an explosion in the National Army arsenal, and some said it was the remnants of the Japanese retaliation from the East Asia Club. In short, it was very chaotic.

Zuo Zhong also heard a few stories, but only one seemed very reliable, saying that something went wrong when the secret service headquarters was hunting down underground party members, and the other party seized the opportunity and died together. The first one suffered heavy losses.

But it was all hearsay and there was no reliable source of information. Just as Zuo Zhong was thinking about who to ask for information, Song Minghao walked into the office with his bandaged hand raised, a look on his face full of gossip.

He said mysteriously: "Section Chief, there was a lot of crying in a family area this morning, and many families were wearing sackcloth and mourning. I heard that Liu Gui led people to search for underground gangs and was ambushed last night, and many people died."

Zuo Zhong flipped the document over and threw a cigarette to him: "Where did you hear this? There is no news from our network. You are so powerful? Don't listen to what others say."

Song Minghao picked up the cigarette and put it under his nose and smelled it, with an expression of enjoyment: "No, my reliable contacts at the secret service headquarters revealed it. Xu Enzeng has strictly ordered everyone to keep it secret and not to leak it."

Zuo Chong saw the disgusting look on his face when he smelled the cigarette, and said angrily: "Just smoke it, what do you smell? But since Xu Enzeng strictly ordered it to be kept secret, he must have arranged measures. How did your relationship send the news?"

Also, I keep hearing you talk about guanxi guanxi, who is your informant? Is it a cadre from the secretary's office or the intelligence department? Isn’t it a lot of money to get accurate information every time? "

Song Minghao sneered, put the cigarette in his pocket, and said sheepishly: "No, he is a boiler burner in a canteen. Although he is inconspicuous, he has been in the same place for several years and has a very wide network of contacts.

I just got to know him in this business. He usually likes to take a sip. When he drinks too much, he talks a lot. He becomes familiar with him after a few visits. It is enough to give him some money to buy drinks. The information is basically correct. "

 “Pfft, cough, cough.”

Zuo Zhong almost choked to death on a puff of cigarette. Song Minghao's world line was so wild that he even caught up with the Kitchen God at the secret service headquarters. No wonder he could spread the news. Who would pay attention to a boiler burner.

Song Minghao saw that the section chief was about to cough up tears, so he quickly handed over the water glass. Zuo Zhong drank several sips before he felt better. He thought to himself that he must never underestimate the little people in the future.

Zuo Zhong put down the water glass and asked: "Is it the action of Jishi Pharmacy? I felt something was wrong as soon as I went there last night. It is estimated that no less than a dozen people died in the fire. The smell, hum."

Song Minghao shook his head: "I heard him say it was a pharmacy. I don't know if it was called Jishi. A group of twenty people went in at one place, and no one came out. One general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies."

 Twenty people!

No wonder Liu Gui was in a daze last night. Perhaps besides wanting to push the blame, he was also really frightened. Xu Enzeng would definitely scold him or kill him if he knew the news.

Zuo Zhong gloated: "It seems that Xu Enzeng will have to spend a fortune. The pension for twenty people is probably a lot. Then they got nothing last night. Do you have any specific information?"

Song Minghao blinked and said hesitantly: "There is a situation. According to my connections, there have been fewer people eating in the canteen in the past two days, more take-out food, and the people who take the meals are very tight-lipped."

Zuo Zhong's heart was moved, and he nodded nonchalantly: "I guess these **** are listening to someone else's corner again. Be careful when contacting them. In the future, the fees you pay to the other party will be deducted from Corey."

 “Thank you, section chief.”

Song Minghao left with a smile on his face. The section chief gave him an opportunity to make a profit. How much money he gave to the other party was not entirely up to him. The department would not go to the intelligence informant to reconcile the accounts.

Zuo Zhong was lost in thought after he left. There were two possibilities for the lack of response from the radio station. The underground party in Jinling suffered such heavy losses that the radio station needed to be silent, or the radio station had been seized.

No matter what the situation is, Zuo Zhong must contact the underground party. He can provide help to the other party. The only way now is to find Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan and find the higher-level organization through them.

  542983011, book club group.



 (End of this chapter)

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