Cicada Moving

Chapter 244: Shock 3 (please vote for me)

Chapter 244 Shocking Change 3 (please vote for me)

Before getting off work in the evening, Zuo Zhong walked to the gun warehouse with his own gun and said to the general affairs department agent on duty: "Let someone take a look at my gun. The rifling is badly worn and it is not very accurate."

The little agent took it with both hands: "Yes, this batch of PPK has been used for more than a year. If it persists until now, it shows that the quality of the German goods is good. If it were the American goods, it would be no longer good. Chief Zuo, please sign."

After handing over the gun access record, Zuo Zhong casually wrote his name on it, walked out of the Secret Service building slowly, got into his own car and drove towards Chaotian Palace's residence.

On the way, he used a few less obvious anti-tracking actions to check behind him and make sure no one was following him before driving back to his residence. Lao Dai's suspicion was getting worse and he had to be careful in everything.

 Back home, Zuo Zhong closed the door and walked into the bedroom. He took out a new Browning pistol from the space. He secretly left it from the underground factory and now put it to use.

He is likely to encounter danger when he goes to find Xie and Gu. The source of the danger may be the underground party or a local party. In short, bring a gun to be prepared, but you cannot carry your own gun.

 In the fourth year of the Republic of China, local police in the United States began to use modern gun inspection technology to solve crimes. Although there were many omissions, with the development of time and science and technology, this technology quickly matured.

 In the fourteenth year of the Republic of China, American White found doctors, microscopists, photographers, and mechanical design experts to form a laboratory, and published several articles on projectile fingerprinting.

This is the famous bullet trace detection technology. As soon as this technology came out, police and intelligence agencies in various countries introduced it one after another, and the Republic of China was no exception, both in the first and second places.

 Once Zuo Zhong fired with his sidearm, it meant he was exposed. He checked the weapon over and over again and made a cross on the top of the bullet. If there was a firefight tonight, he must make sure that no one was left alive.

After sending the last telegram, there was still no reply from the underground party. Zuo Zhong made up his mind, put on a set of clothes that he did not commonly use, climbed out from the back wall, and walked towards Xie Gu's house.

It was dinner time, and Jinling City was very lively. There were various food stalls on both sides of the street, and there were many pedestrians coming and going, so it was easy to cover his whereabouts. He walked leisurely through the streets and alleys.

As Zuo Zhong walked, he observed possible followers, so when he arrived near Xie Jiuwen's house, it was already around eight o'clock in the evening, and the number of pedestrians outside gradually became sparse.

He did not contact the other party rashly, but found the commanding height where Xie Jiuwen was monitored at that time and observed. This observation made Zuo Zhong's heart freeze. Xie Jiuwen might have been exposed.

The small courtyard was in a mess. The furniture and bedding in the house were thrown out and disemboweled. This was to check the mezzanine. This kind of meticulous method can only be used by intelligence agencies.

In addition to the Secret Service, Jinling City also has an intelligence agency called the Secret Service Headquarters. Will this be their masterpiece? Zuo Zhong remained calm and continued to observe using his mobile phone and the faint moonlight.

The gates to the yard and the main house were crooked against the wall. It was obvious at first glance that they had been violently pushed open. The other party moved very quickly and did not give Xie and Gu any time to react after breaking open the door.

Zuo Zhong seemed to see that one night, a group of people broke open the door. Without any light, they accurately found the main house and broke the door again, and rushed in decisively.

Xie Jiuwen, a professional soldier and agent, did not even have a chance to open the main door and was blocked in the room. Regardless of whether he had weapons or not, being surrounded in such a small space would not end well.

 Is there such action talent in one place? Zuo Zhong put down his phone and thought for a while. He had not received any information in this regard, but the facts were before his eyes. He couldn't help but not believe it. This matter had to be clarified.

For an action team of this level, even the Intelligence Division can only muster a dozen or twenty people. This not only requires the personnel to run fast, but also to have an indomitable spirit of fighting and not being afraid of sacrifice.

Zuo Zhong made a note of this in his mind and slowly raised his phone. He could not see the situation inside the house, but the items in the courtyard could explain some problems. For example, there were no mission clothes in the courtyard, which was worth noting.

Where did the clothes go? What the intelligence agency needs is information. There is no point in asking for clothes. If this was an operation at the secret service headquarters, would they let Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan pack their clothes? This is impossible.

Yiyiyi and the underground party are rivals, and there is a blood feud between the two parties. There is no humane relationship between the two parties. If it happens, you will die or I will die. Xu Enzeng's henchman will never be so kind.

There was more than one force behind this matter. Zuo Zhong made a judgment in his mind. The other party acted so resolutely and quickly. He also asked Xie and Gu to bring their clothes. Except for the elites in the army, he could not think of anyone else.

  The army's tactical attack is used to break down the door and arrest. It is a camaraderie to allow people to bring clothes. It makes sense both factually and logically. It must be a reliable elite unit that can perform this kind of task.

Zuo Zhong mentally reviewed the Jincheng City garrison. It seemed that only the 88th Division met the requirements. It was an elite division of the national-military army. From soldiers to officers, they were all firm believers of the Kuomintang.

As the core of the Jinling garrison, the 88th Division is very sensitive to personnel mobilization. Xu Enzeng probably spent a lot of effort to find help from the other side. This also shows that they are sure that there is a problem with Xie Jiuwen's identity. What is the problem? At that time, Xie Jiuwen was ruled out as a suspect because the witnesses arranged for him by the underground party corroborated his words. This time, the problem is likely to lie in this.

The successive wars in the southwest have allowed many unsettled people and speculators to see opportunities. It is not surprising that someone betrayed Xie Jiuwen, but the confidentiality work was done very well this time.

There was no news of the operation, and even the insiders installed by the Secret Service were not aware of it. Combined with what Song Minghao said, the number of people dining in a cafeteria has decreased, and the number of take-out foods has increased. I am afraid that the interrogation work is also being conducted outside. This is Learn well.

 In the past, secrets could not be kept in one place. This time Xu Enzeng simply gave up his old nest and started a new one elsewhere. This can not only confuse others, but also reduce the number of insiders, making it easier to keep secrets.

Zuo Zhong rubbed his eyes and thought about the situation of Xie Jiuwen's house again. He slowly exited the commanding heights and walked back to his residence in a large circle. He bought a lot of goods at small stalls on the way.

If someone comes looking for him at night, he must find a suitable reason to go out. Drinking is obviously not an option. It is easy to find witnesses. Stalls with a large flow of customers are very suitable for entertainment.

Putting these things in a conspicuous place, Zuo Zhong began to comprehensively analyze all the information obtained. First, he had to rank the Jishi Pharmacy explosion, the suspected arrest of Gu Xie and the disappearance of the radio station.

 Zuo Zhong wrote three notes, putting the Jishi Pharmacy explosion first, then Gu Xie's arrest and the disappearance of the radio station. But after looking at it for a while, he shook his head. This was a bit illogical.

If the explosion occurred first, Gu Xie might have escaped. It was impossible for one place to bear such a risk, or the two were carried out simultaneously, with one team arresting people and the other searching the pharmacy.

So he prioritized the disappearance of the radio station, but there was also the risk of the news leaking out. The radio station he gave to the underground party must be a resource that the other party cares about very much, and would not be placed at will.

Such an important agency will not lack personnel and countermeasures. If there is any omission, it will be a overwhelming situation. If he is given a choice, the radio station should be carried out last.

Zuo Zhong placed the note with the radio station at the end, Gu and Xie at the first, and the bombing in the middle. This sort of order seemed to make sense, and he fell into thinking.

The Secret Service Headquarters first discovered the doubts about Xie Jiuwen's identity, followed the clues to find Zhang Anren from Jishi Pharmacy, and then found the radio station? Zuo Zhong hesitated for a moment, could the underground party be so careless?

From past observations and intelligence, the underground party’s contacts and activities are very cautious. If these two key nodes are found in one place, they will not be discovered unless the people of the Jinling underground party are dizzy.

 It’s unlikely.

 Could it be that Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan rebelled after being arrested and handed over Jishi Pharmacy and the radio station? Even if the two people's faith is not taken into account, this situation is difficult to happen, because it is impossible for them to know so much important information under a single line of contact.

Zuo Zhong sat there in a daze for a while. He raised his right hand and slid the two notes together about the bombing and the missing radio station. The two things were the same thing. Only in this way was it logical. Zhang Anren was his contact person. The radio station is in Jishi Pharmacy!

Zuo Zhong stood up directly, recalling Zhang Anren's appearance in his mind. Is this person the partner he has been in contact with for more than a year? Is the explosion his last resort to protect himself?

 He ​​suppressed his shock, went over the matter, and gave the radio station to Xie Jiuwen himself, who handed it over to his superior Zhang Anren. Jishi Pharmacy was usually crowded with people, and the place was spacious to hide the radio station and personnel, so the radio station was located here.

Page 1 discovered that Xie Jiuwen was a member of the Communist Party and found Zhang Anren through various means. During the arrest process, Zhang Anren detonated dangerous materials and died together with the agents of Section 1. Perhaps those dangerous goods were the batch of smuggled arms he gave to the underground party.

So after the explosion, he never contacted the underground party again. Instead of keeping silent, they all sacrificed themselves. The potentially dangerous radio station had long been broken into pieces and buried deeply at the explosion site. This was Zhang Anren's last Task.

Zuo Zhong felt a little out of breath. In the confusion of his thoughts, he pulled open his collar, and tears burst out of his eyes. Zhang Anren and others sacrificed for their faith and to protect his safety, but he couldn't even cry loudly. arrive.

He regretted it very much. If he had confirmed Zhang Anren's identity earlier, would he have prevented this disaster from happening? Would Zhang Anren and the others have lived to see the day of victory? Of course, maybe he would have been discovered somewhere, and then was executed.

Zuo Zhong wiped away his tears and threw the three notes into his mouth. Now is not the time to be sad. He must find out what happened that day as soon as possible. The breakthrough point is still Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan. The external interrogation point of the secret service headquarters must be found. .

 (End of this chapter)

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