Cicada Moving

Chapter 248: Sacrifice yourself (asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 248 Sacrifice (asking for monthly votes)

Following Xu Enzeng's order, the secret agents brought in a young man with a deer-headed head and a rat-like eyes. As soon as the man came in, he nodded and bowed and said hello to Xu Enzeng, with his eyes rolling around.

Xu Enzeng ignored him and pointed to Xie Jiuwen on the electric chair: "See if this person is an officer placed in your home by the underground party. If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful about your life."

"Okay, don't worry." The young man promised hurriedly, turned around, and confirmed in just a few seconds: "Director Xu, this person is Xie Jiuwen, an underground party member who is recovering at my home."

Xie Jiuwen came in from the other side, knowing that today was dangerous, because this person was indeed the second son of the Gao family who was recovering from his injuries. He had seen him more than once, but how did he know about the underground party?

He is recuperating at Gao's house. Logically speaking, only Gao Caizhan knows his identity. Xu Enzeng previously said that he persisted for a month. This matter is a secret that even Gao Caizhan does not know.

But on the surface, he looked confused: "Young Master Gao, Mr. Xie is recuperating at your home. It was Mrs. Gao who secretly hid me in the house to protect me because of the kindness of the party and the country. Why do you want to frame me."

The second-year high school student bared his teeth after hearing this: "Captain Xie, you don't have to pretend. The political commissar Liu who sent you to my Gao house has his head hanging on the city gate now, along with his whole family of more than a dozen people, old and young."

As soon as these words came out, Xie Jiuwen's head exploded. He was not afraid, but completely angry. He thought of the humorous middle-aged man and those cute children.

"Battle Commander Xie, we are not acquainted without fighting. According to the rules in Huangpu, you have to call me senior. We were classmates before, but from now on we are comrades, revolutionary comrades."

“This is my eldest son. He has joined the youth league. What do you think? In a few years, he will probably be taller than me. Then let him join our team and fight the reactionaries to the end.”

“This is my youngest girl. She has just entered elementary school and is very smart. I think she will be a qualified doctor or teacher in the future. With these children, we have hope for our career.”

 Xie Jiuwen felt a roar in his ears and his head was dizzy. The other person was not only his guide to the revolution and his introducer to join the party, but also a rare close friend and his big brother.

The scene of farewell is still vivid in my mind. The two agreed to wait until victory, and then Xie Jiuwen would visit the other party's home. Unexpectedly, the world was separated forever, and even the other party's family members could not escape the murderous hand.

 The interrogation room fell into silence.

Xu Enzeng looked at Xie Jiuwen and felt extremely proud. If he wanted to defeat these underground parties, he must use a powerful psychological offensive to destroy the opponent's psychological defense and make them fearful.

However, Xie Jiuwen quickly spoke: "Young Master, second grade of high school, who are you talking about? Xie doesn't remember anyone sending me to the Gao family. I don't know where Xie offended you and made you insist on killing me."

His tone was helpless, his voice a little hoarse than before, and he attributed the accusations made by the sophomore to personal grudges. At the same time, he showed some weakness appropriately, and his reaction to the cross-examination should not be too strong.

All this was noticed by Xu Enzeng. He thought about it in his mind and thought that he could let Gao Er and Xie Jiuwen stand in a stalemate for a while to see the situation before making the next move. Then it would be time to general.

The sophomore in high school jumped up and said: "Battle Commander Xie, don't be fooled by those red heads. They want to wipe out all of us. Thousands of acres of fertile land in my Gao family will be taken away by the mud-legged people!"

That old guy also said that if the landowners are born, they will not be brought to death. It is better to use these to benefit the country. The Gao family only needs to leave a study room. Bah, I think he is old and confused. "

He cursed and spoke rudely to his father. Not to mention Xie Jiuwen, even the secret agents showed disdain. For such an unfaithful and unfilial bastard, calling him a beast would be an exaggeration.

Xie Jiuwen sneered and said: "When I was in the Gao family, I heard that you were not good at literature or martial arts, but were proficient in gambling, drinking, gambling, etc. Mr. Gao had long been ready to expel you from the house, but your elder brother dissuaded you.

I would like to ask, what are the benefits of reporting on your biological parents? Is it because of the Gao family's property that you are here to frame Xie with clever words and tricks? What a good plan! "

He knew that Gao Er was a standard rural scoundrel. Seeing that the Gao family's wealth had nothing to do with him, he probably hated his father and brother for a long time. It was just when the situation in the southwest changed drastically that he came out to report it.

When someone poked a secret in my sophomore year of high school, I was really furious and said, "Xie, don't talk nonsense here. My heart is for the party and the country, and I don't want to associate with rebels like you."

Xie Jiuwen chuckled lightly and looked at Xu Enzeng: "Director Xu, are you a bit unconscionable in finding such a person to testify against me? Please forgive me for saying that Xie is not a wandering ghost without a foothold."

Xu Enzeng nodded: "Yes, you used to follow Minister He. If it weren't for this relationship, where do you think you would be? You know, Minister He hates the underground party the most.

 Come here, show Battalion Commander Xie the reply message from Minister He. No one can save you now except yourself. For the sake of your life and your wife's life, please cooperate honestly. ” ˆ ˆ The secret agent showed a message addressed to the Peking Military Commission. Minister He sternly asked Xie Jiuwen to cooperate with the investigation. As long as he turned back in time, then bygones were bygones.

"Let's take a look. Minister He took the time to reply to this message during his busy schedule. You should know the good intentions in it. I also promise you that as long as you tell the truth, I will not follow the past."

Xie Jiuwen read the telegram and sighed: "How do you want Xie to cooperate? Do you have to admit that I have to admit the frame-up of this villain in the second grade of high school? Why don't you just write the testimony and let me sign it?"

Xu Enzeng smiled and said nothing, clapped his hands, and someone took the sophomore out, and then brought in a person with his head lowered. Xie Jiuwen took a glance and thought this person looked familiar. Who could he be?

Xu Enzeng stood up, walked to Xie Jiuwen and said seriously: "After reading this witness, I will give Battalion Commander Xie another chance. This is the last chance. Please cherish it."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said: "Come to meet your comrades. It has been a few years since we were separated in the southwest. Now that we meet old friends, why don't we catch up with each other quickly? Maybe it will be the last time."

Comrade? Meeting old friends?

Xie Jiuwen naturally turned his head, and the man who had always lowered his head just raised his head. Xie Jiuwen's pupils shrank, and his heart was shocked. The other party should be in the southwest, why did he appear here.

 Was he captured or mutinied?

Looking at the other party's neatly dressed and rosy face, Xie Jiuwen instantly made a judgment. It was very likely that he was a traitor, but the other party was an old underground party like Political Commissar Liu, so how could he rebel.

The next moment, he calmly turned his head: "Director Xu, who is this person? Xie has never seen this person before. I don't know where the comrades and old friends you mentioned come from. Are you mistaken?"

“Battle Commander Xie, I am Lao Wang, please stop hiding it. All your materials are already in the hands of Director Xu, including your confession and leaked information at the time. Everything is over.

Lao Liu is so stubborn that his whole family was shot by the government. I really don’t want you to take this road. There is no end to the sea of ​​suffering and there is no hope of recovery. Just tell Director Xu honestly. "

The man who called himself Lao Wang looked at Xie Jiuwen with a complicated expression. At first, he interrogated and educated this national army officer, and now he had to persuade him to surrender. It was really a twist of fate.

There is no way. One side has a butcher's knife and the other side has a high official and a generous salary. Smart people know how to choose. This is also a good minister who chooses his master. You can't lose your life in vain. That is not what a wise person does.

Materials, confessions, and intelligence were obtained by the enemy. Xie Jiuwen closed his eyes. As an underground intelligence worker, of course he understood how important these evidences were. His identity was completely exposed.

“Hahaha, Battalion Commander Xie, in order to get Comrade Lao Wang to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, we spent a lot of money, including the position of the Camp Investigation Section, and fifty large yellow croakers, so he was willing to hand over your information.

As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes. You were born in the revolutionary army and participated in the Northern Expedition. As a hero, you have made meritorious service and received awards. You must seize the last opportunity and return from the lost path. You must not be stubborn. "

Xu Enzeng was very proud as he watched himself reveal Xie Jiuwen's identity step by step. Xie Jiuwen had been lurking in the national army for so long, so he must know a lot of secrets and members of the underground party.

Through this line, we can organize a large-scale arrest in Jinling City and eliminate all the dissidents lurking in the capital. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he looked at Xie Jiuwen expectantly.

Xie Jiuwen did not answer, but looked at Lao Wang: "Lao Wang, it was you and Political Commissar Liu who taught me the principles of revolution. You said that as long as you strengthen your faith, you will definitely see the day of victory.

But is what you are doing now worthy of the martyrs who fell under the enemy's butcher's knife, and of Political Commissar Liu's family? Do you feel so at ease with your official hat dyed red with the blood of comrades? "

 After saying that, he ignored the blushing Lao Wang and looked at Xu Enzeng who was watching the show: "No need to waste time, just do it. I won't say anything. This is my final answer."

Xu Enzeng looked at him with regret on his face: "Battle Commander Xie, Xu didn't want to be violent at first, but you really made it difficult for me. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about Mrs. Xie."

Xie Jiuwen was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said to Gu Lan next to him: "I'm sorry."

Gu Lan understood what Xie Jiuwen meant, but this was their mission. Being able to die happily with their revolutionary partner was not a kind of romance. She nodded to him with the same smile.

Xu Enzeng was too lazy to pretend anymore. He tore off the mask of hypocrisy and waved his hand: "Come here, use the electric chair to loosen your muscles and bones first. Remember to take good care of Mrs. Xie and don't be reluctant to give up the ice cubes."

 (End of this chapter)

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