Cicada Moving

Chapter 249: Interrogation point (asking for monthly ticket)

Chapter 249 Interrogation Point (please vote for me)

Zuo Zhong stood in front of the office window, looking at the quiet compound of the Secret Service with some irritation. Two days had passed since the bombing, and there was still no clue as to where the interrogation location of the Secret Service headquarters was.

In addition, Fu Ling has already taken people to Shanghai to stand by. Choosing an opportunity to go to the Japanese mainland is not an easy task. It is easy for people to leave, but the transportation of so many weapons and equipment will be troublesome.

These two things took up all Zuo Zhong's energy. He didn't even have the heart to play with the souvenirs sent by Director Bai. He thought for a while in front of the window and walked back to his desk to make a phone call.

“Chief Yang, how’s the matter I asked you yesterday? Is there any place in Jinling City where the power is relatively stable? The place where I live now keeps having power outages, which is really inconvenient.”

“Oh, Jinling has recently renovated its circuits? In addition to a few important institutions, even your Ministry of the Interior is going to have a temporary power outage? So that’s it, okay, thank you very much. Okay, let’s get together when we get the chance.”

Zuo Zhong hung up the phone and knew one thing for sure. The interrogation location at the secret service headquarters must have an independent power supply system, because the fragile municipal power supply could not support the interrogation work at all.

Since the introduction of the electric chair, all intelligence agencies have seemed to have found a panacea for interrogation. They go to the electric chair without opening their mouths and go to the electric chair with uncertainty. Would Xu Enzeng not take such a shortcut?

 No, he will definitely use it.

An interrogation location needs sufficient and stable power supply. Otherwise, if the interrogation encounters a power outage at a critical moment, do we still have to wait for electricity? By then the day lilies are cold, and one spot is not that stupid.

 An independent power supply system is nothing more than an independently guaranteed line. There are two types of generators to generate electricity. The former is mostly for important institutions, such as the Military Commission, and the latter is usually for the private residences of officials and ordinary institutions.

  Xu Enzeng is afraid that he doesn't have such a big face to borrow a place for an important institution. It can't be that the chief here is discussing national affairs, while the agents from the next door are interrogating Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan.

The private residence of an officer is also out of the question. Unless Chief Chen is willing to donate his private residence, it is unthinkable for any party or state official to deal with spies and use their homes to interrogate prisoners.

Then only ordinary agencies are left, like the First Branch and the Secret Service Headquarters, which use generators to ensure power, so that important official work will not be delayed, but the gas money burned every day is not a small amount.

The Guodang people all talk about being righteous and Bo Yuntian, but once interests are involved, even if my mother and I come, Xu Enzeng can borrow the place, and the relationship between the two parties should be very good.

Of course, there is another situation where the interrogation location is borrowed and the generator and fuel are purchased by oneself. However, considering the high cost and time, this possibility can basically be ruled out.

Zuo Zhong speculated in his mind, what organizations are related to Xu Enzeng or even Director Chen? There seems to be quite a few. Party agencies, organizational departments and education systems in various places are all considered to be the other party's sphere of influence.

 Party headquarters? Some are too conspicuous, organizational department? I'm afraid someone with a high position will not interfere with the education system? They cannot interrogate underground members in the classroom, and progressive students are not allowed to cause trouble.

As he was thinking about it, Zuo Zhong's eyes lit up. He seemed to have forgotten a kind of place. Although there were many people there, the space was very large. It was more than enough to hide an interrogation room, and it had independent power supply.

He hurriedly walked to the map of Jinling, sliding his fingers over it, mumbling something in his mouth, looking for something. Not long after, a place came into his sight. This place was a bit interesting.

 Being able to use one place as an interrogation point, in addition to the power constraints, it must also meet the three requirements of concealment, safety and convenient transportation. There are not many places like Jinling City.

Needless to say, concealment. After encountering the prisoner robbery incident, Xu Enzeng could not help but guard against the underground party to rescue people. There must be sufficient security around the interrogation room, and it cannot be far away.

If you encounter a large group of enemies attacking and need support and retreat, convenient transportation is very important. Among Zuo Zhong's suspected locations, there is only one place that meets these three conditions.

 Central Political School!

 In the 16th year of the Republic of China, in order to maintain his autocratic rule, Baldhead implemented the one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang Party and prevented the infiltration of the underground party, and was very concerned about the theoretical and organizational construction of the Kuomintang Party.

In order to combat other intra-party forces such as President Wang, we try to centralize party power, make the organization more sophisticated, tighten discipline, and unite our beliefs. In short, we must strengthen the ideological control of party cadres at all levels.

Director Chen and his brother actively advise Baldhead. The Chen brothers believe that in order to implement the one-party autocratic politics of the Kuomintang, it is necessary to cultivate high-level party affairs talents and direct party affairs talents.

  It was suggested that the Central Political School should be established on the basis of the Party and Government Training Institute, and that the Central Political School and the Whampoa Military Academy should become two specialized schools, one civil and one military. Baldhead appreciated this very much and ordered it to be put into practice as soon as possible.

The Central Political School was established. As the first initiators, the influence of the Director Chen brothers in the school was self-evident. Later, they took turns serving as the chief of education, and the two men jointly controlled the school.

Just now, Zuo Zhong felt that the interrogation room could not be in a school because it would be easy to be discovered, but he soon realized why not. As long as it was hidden enough and the school was reliable enough. The Central Political School is less than 3 kilometers away in a straight line, surrounded by a regiment of the 88th Division. In Bald's capital plan, the nearby new cement roads are the most densely populated.

  Most of the students in the school are followers of the Communist Party of China. The background screening when entering the school is very strict, and the ideological dynamics are included in the daily management. Who allows them to have a spy chief education chief.

Zuo Zhong walked to his filing cabinet and found intelligence information about the Central Political School among a pile of documents. He took it back to his desk and looked through it carefully, trying to find some clues.

Since it involves party affairs and Director Chen, the Secret Service collected intelligence about the Central Political School in a very broad way. It simply recorded the size of the school, the information and background of the main personnel.

 But when he saw this, he was still very fruitful. First of all, Director Chen and his brother got the bald Shang Fang Sword, and they built a lot of construction in the school and built many large but useless buildings.

For example, there are super auditoriums that can accommodate several times the number of teachers and students, libraries without books, etc. Many buildings have not been put into actual use, and they are far away from the teaching and living areas and are very secretive.

These places are all cement buildings with strong sound insulation and complex structures. It is easy to set up a small interrogation room. If the perimeter security is good, there is no need to worry about being discovered by students.

Secondly, in order to provide a good living environment for future public servants of the party and state, the Central Political School has a large diesel generator that can generate its own electricity as long as the municipal power supply is stopped.

As the Political Whampoa Military School, fuel that other institutions are hard-pressed to find is not a scarce resource for the Central Political School. The Executive Yuan allocates a fixed share every month.

With all this combined, it seemed that the location of the interrogation could be determined. Zuo Zhong was silent for a while, smoothed the creases of the documents and put them back in the filing cabinet. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

How to confirm your guess? The Central Political School is Director Chen’s territory. Going there publicly by yourself will cause unnecessary trouble and even arouse suspicion from others. This is not an option.

 It's not possible to do it openly, but it's a secret. It's a pity that Tongsuo and Shen Dongxin are not here. Otherwise, we can find an excuse for them to explore the bottom. Now we can only think of other ways to sneak in and take a look.

Zuo Zhong sat there until dark, until Gu Qi, who came to ask for work instructions, knocked on the door. As soon as Gu Qi came in, he handed over the roster of the Intelligence Department.

“Section Chief, you have to hand in the report on personnel replenishment as soon as possible. Without Fu Ling and thirty old brothers, I’m afraid we won’t have enough manpower when we encounter a big case, and we can’t delay this matter.”

Zuo Zhong said absently: "Well, after the special training class in Hangzhou is completed, some new people will come to the office to report. In addition to Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo, you can pick another thirty or forty people. Be careful not to pick too many.

 We are already the largest department, and we must leave some water for other departments. Otherwise, we will kill the first bird. When selecting people, we have one principle: it is better to have a shortage than to overfill. The Intelligence Department only needs elite soldiers and strong generals. "

 Gu Qi nodded and talked about something: "Section Chief, have you heard about what happened in Division 1? Some family members of the sacrificed agents went to the bureau to sit in for a sit-in. That's what happened just now. I heard that Director Chen was furious."

"Oh?" Hearing that something happened again in one department, Zuo Zhong immediately became energetic: "Tell me in detail, what happened to our Director Xu again? Director Chen is really unlucky to have such a cousin. "

Gu Qi put down the roster and said with the same smile: "Xu Enzeng set up a sorority and appointed himself as the president. All the members were members, and part of their salary was forcibly withheld when they received their monthly salary.

This money is used as a business fund. The secret service headquarters must pay it from top to bottom. The salary will be deducted more if it is higher. Ten percent of the highest monthly salary will be deducted. The money is used to support the orphans and widows in one place. "

Zuo Zhong was shocked. Xu Enzeng's brain was very active and his consciousness was very advanced. This thing sounded good. It would allow the families of orphans and widowers to have food to eat, and it would also take care of the interests of the low-level secret agents.

But with Director Xu’s character, he must be like a crooked monk who chants sutras blindly. With such a large amount of money in his hands, he would not be Xu Enzeng if he didn’t do some fancy work, but he is not afraid of getting burned?

Zuo Zhong said firmly: "Is there something wrong with the money? There are a lot of people in this department. Even if you pay 5% every month, it is a big sum. Could it be that Xu Enzeng is embezzling?"

Gu Qi nodded and shook his head: "Many people were killed in one operation in the past few days. Their families went to the association to get back the career funds paid by the dead agents, but they were all gone."

 “It’s gone??” Zuo Zhong didn’t understand.

Gu Qi frowned: "I heard that Xu Enzeng used all the business funds for investment, and there was not a cent in the account. This incident made the orphans and widowed mothers so angry that they ran to the bureau to sit in."

 Oh, that’s it, Zuo Zhong suddenly realized.

 (End of this chapter)

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