Cicada Moving

Chapter 252: clown

Chapter 252 Clown

Looking at Xie Jiuwen's wounds, Zuo Zhong knew that everything the secret service headquarters did to him was not to extract a confession, but purely to vent his anger. Cutting off his nose and ears was humiliating, leaving his tongue to make him beg for mercy.

In front of pure revolutionaries, Xu Enzeng and his like thought that they could make them surrender through violence. When they found that they could not defeat them, they could only use brutal means to cover up their fear and guilt.

Zuo Zhong could imagine how fierce the enemy was at the beginning, how furious they became after being completely disappointed, and how hysterical they became in the end. These inhuman beasts.

 Xie Jiuwen murmured a few words and passed out again. At this time, footsteps came from behind.

Zuo Chong wiped his eyes secretly and said in a stern tone: "Battle Commander Xie, can you hear what I said."

He did not call out Xie Jiuwen's name. There was no direct contact between the two of them. More than a year had passed since the hot spring sanatorium case. He only remembered that the other party's general condition was normal.

"Chief Zuo, I forgot to mention that this guy's name is Xie Jiuwen. He is deaf. He probably won't be able to hear what you said. Why not go and see Gu Lan over there, maybe there will be something unexpected."

 The person outside the door was Liu Gui. He seemed to give a kind reminder. His words were full of gloating. He seemed to be very proud of wasting a few minutes. It seemed that he had really given up.

Zuo Zhong stood up slowly and did not respond to this guy's provocation. He put the **** handkerchief into his pocket, covered his mouth with his hand, turned around and walked out of Xie Jiuwen's cell.

As he passed by, he glanced at the smiling Liu Gui.

Walked to the last cell, Zuo Zhong looked through the hole in the iron door. Gu Lan was sitting on the floor of the cell with her eyes closed. She looked neat and tidy. From the outside, she looked like she had not been tortured.

 But this is impossible. Based on the behavior of the Secret Service Headquarters, it is very possible that Xie Jiuwen's life safety was used to threaten Gu Lan to speak, because women are emotional and easily swayed by emotions.

 Emotional instability gives the interrogator an opportunity to take advantage of him. Xu Enzeng is proficient in psychology and it is impossible not to understand this truth, and with his shamelessness and despicability, he is completely capable of doing such a thing.

 “Open the door.”

"Yes, sir."

Ignoring Liu Gui who was watching beside him, Zuo Zhong walked into the cell with a normal expression and heavy steps. Gu Lan opened her eyes after hearing the sound.

"Ms. Gu, remember Zuo. It's such a coincidence that we meet again. It seems that the last time we met was also in the interrogation room." Zuo Chong said with a smile.

How could Gu Lan not recognize Zuo Zhong, the dog agent of the Secret Service, who himself had suggested that the organization eliminate this person, but unfortunately it was not approved. The other party must have appeared here to obtain information.

It seemed that the Guo Party agent was not giving up. Seeing that the previous tactics did not work, she now asked the person named Zuo to interrogate him. She did not speak and glanced at Zuo Zhong coldly, her eyes full of hatred.

With familiar eyes, Zuo Zhong didn't know what she had experienced in the southwest. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking of Liu Gui who was eavesdropping outside and talking about the Kuomintang's clichés to persuade them to surrender.

“Ms. Gu, the ants are still alive. You and Mr. Xie have persisted for so long and have become worthy of the underground party. I think your comrades have received the message and those who should leave should retreat.

 So even if you do it anyway, it will not have any impact on your party. In the final analysis, Director Xu and the others just want to save face. In this way, as long as you surrender, I promise to treat Mr. Xie immediately.

This way you don’t have to die, and you don’t have to worry about hurting others. Why don’t you consider such a thing that has the best of both worlds? Alas, I feel bad when I see Battalion Commander Xie’s look. "

Liu Gui outside the door clenched his teeth when he heard this. What Zuo said made sense. After so many days of arrest, it didn’t make much sense to thank Gu for surrendering. It was really just a matter of face.

Director Xu of the dignified department personally took action and captured the underground party suspect. He tortured him for seven days and found nothing. If this news got out, those who were watching the fun would probably laugh out loud again.

As long as they surrender, the director will have face. Why didn't he think of this? His heart was raised. If the female underground gangster figured it out and agreed, the face of that department would be even greater.

Fortunately, Gu Lan in the cell closed her eyes again and turned a deaf ear to Zuo Zhong's words. Zuo Zhong was not angry and continued to talk nonsense while secretly making movements with his hands.

 Half an hour later, Zuo Zhong walked out of the cell with a helpless expression. Liu Gui had already yawned. Seeing that he had returned without success, a smile appeared on his face. If he could persuade him to surrender so easily, he would not be an underground party.

“Chief Zuo, don’t pay too much attention. The underground party is different from the Japanese spies. These people are just like the smelly and hard stones in the pit. If you encounter only a few who are willing to cooperate, you might as well kill them all.”

The two of them walked towards Dai Chunfeng and Xu Enzeng to prepare to return to their lives. Liu Gui said as he walked, his tone seemed to be regretful, but he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes and almost laughed out loud.

Zuo Zhong didn't pay attention to this clown. He walked up to Dai Chunfeng and shook his head at him. Lao Dai was not too disappointed. Just like Liu Gui said, the underground party is not so easy to instigate rebellion.

Xu Enzeng whispered a few words to Liu Gui, then raised his head and said: "Director Dai, I think it's almost time. The people of the 88th Division prepared food for the two prisoners on the road. They will be shot after they finish eating."

Dai Chunfeng naturally had no objection. Anyway, he had just received all the benefits at the prison gate. It had nothing to do with him when he would be shot. He just lamented that the people of the 88th Division were so kind that they even prepared a farewell meal.

Zuo Zhong sneered in his heart. With Xie Jiuwen's physical condition, let alone eating, he couldn't even drink water. Xu Enzeng was showing off to the people of the 88th Division, trying to prove that he was a humane person.

 The fact should be what he thought. The elite of the 88th Division must have assisted in the operation at that time. Otherwise, with Xie Jiuwen's strength and vigilance, he would not have been captured alive, at least not without resistance.

 The relationship between the secret service headquarters and the military cannot be too harmonious, especially for elite troops. The destructive power of intelligence agencies + elite troops is not as simple as 1+1, but increases exponentially.

Last time, the arms smuggling case was used to instigate the relationship between the two parties, but this was not enough. Something must be done to the 88th Division participating in the operation to completely destroy the cooperation between the two.

The prison guard walked in with the meal and walked out quickly. Obviously Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan didn't care about the so-called meal on the road. They are both atheists and are not afraid of death.

Xu Enzeng's face was very dark: "Humph, give them shameless things, carry them out, shoot them and put their heads away for me. I want some people to see it. This is the result of non-cooperation!"

Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan were brought out and tied to a wooden frame. A group of prison guards armed with rifles ran in formation and stood opposite the wooden frame, looking at the execution target expressionlessly.     “Prepare.”

The prison guards wrapped the gun rope around their wrists and quickly loaded their rifles.

 “Raise the gun.”

 The prison guards raised their guns and shot a group of people every month. They had long been accustomed to it.

 Under the bright sunshine, Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan did not have the fear of facing death. Xie Jiuwen suddenly raised his head and looked at them with only eye sockets remaining, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

Dai Chunfeng only felt his scalp numb. He hadn't seen it clearly just now, but now he realized that Gou Ri had tortured the other person to look like this. This was not torture at all, and torture had no purpose of gouging out.

As the instigator, Xu Enzeng also felt chilled and subconsciously took two steps back. How could this underground party know where they were standing when they had no eyes left? This was so weird.

After "looking" at the agents, Xie Jiuwen raised his head to look at the blue sky and hummed an indistinct song. Gu Lan quickly followed him and sang with a loud voice.

 “Arise, you hungry and cold slave.”

 “Arise, people of the world!”

 Dai Chunfeng and Xu Enzeng suddenly changed their expressions. This song was familiar to them. Six or seven years ago, a group of people singing the same song attacked heavily armed soldiers with various weapons.

Facing rifles and machine guns, these people did not hesitate. They died one by one, the blood on their chests bloomed like flowers, and the rainwater falling on the barrel of the gun was evaporated into a ball of water vapor in an instant.

 “My heart is already boiling.”

 “Fight for the truth!”

 “The old world is in ruins.”

 Gu Lan's voice became louder and louder, and the singing was carried to all directions by the wind. More and more responses came from the prison. Xu Enzeng turned pale with fright, and the agents were horrified.

 “No singing allowed! No singing allowed!”

The warden pulled out his pistol and roared at the top of his lungs at Gu Lan. His trembling legs showed the fear in his heart. Even though he had a weapon, he was still terrified.

The underground gang members in Laohuqiao Prison picked up all the items they could get their hands on and smashed them against the prison railings one after another, regardless of the threats and beatings from the prison guards, in time to the singing.

 “This is the final struggle,

 United until tomorrow,

 Inte must be realized! "

They knew that another comrade was about to be killed by the reactionaries. At this moment, everyone was tightly united, venting their anger to the enemy and stating their ideals.

Beads of sweat dripped from Dai Chunfeng's forehead. Xu Enzeng screamed for the prison guard to shoot immediately and kept wiping his neck with a handkerchief. Liu Gui held the pistol in his hand and looked around suspiciously.

Zuo Zhong wanted Xie Jiuwen to see this scene with his own eyes. They tried all kinds of torture and tried every means to make you fearful, but you only used one song to make them look ugly.

 “Shoot! Shoot immediately.”

The warden decided that he could not wait any longer. If there was a riot in Laohuqiao Prison, he would not have enough heads to chop off a hundred of them. The prison guards suppressed their fear and raised their rifles again.


 “Bang bang bang.”

Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan's singing stopped, but the underground gang members in the prison were full of tears and endured the beatings and obstructions from the prison guards around them. They continued to sing the song bravely and held their chests high.

"Hurry up and check it out." Xu Enzeng yelled at Liu Gui in anger.

Zuo Zhong glanced at Dai Chunfeng, and Dai Chunfeng nodded and told him to go take a look.

Zuo Zhong walked to Gu Lan first. She was hit by several bullets in the chest, but her head was held high. The look in her eyes slowly faded away. When she saw Zuo Zhong, her expression showed a trace of ridicule.

Zuo Zhong walked to her side, stretched out his right hand and put it under Gu Lan's nose, blocking the sight of Dai Chunfeng and others with his body, but he just said two words.

 “Autumn cicada.”

Autumn cicada? Autumn cicada!

Gu Lan's pale face suddenly burst into astonishing expression after hearing these two words, and then she closed her eyes completely with surprise and relief.

A heartbreaking pain surged through Zuo Zhong's heart. He bit his lip, turned around with a smile, and nodded to Dai Chunfeng.

 (End of this chapter)

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