Cicada Moving

Chapter 253: There is a ghost

Chapter 253 There is a ghost

 Back home in the evening, Zuo Zhong sat silently at his desk. On the table were the handkerchief stained with Xie Jiuwen's blood, and his mobile phone. The screen of the mobile phone was on, and it was a photo of Gu Lan.

 This is the last thing he can do for them. One day in the future, at the right time, he will tell the whole story of this incident so that everyone will remember them.

Putting the things into the space, Zuo Zhong thought about the next step, formally confirming Zhang Anren's identity, confirming the specific reasons for the arrest of Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan, and getting in touch with the underground party again.

The most important thing is to contact the organization. First, he has a lot of important information to report, and second, once contacted, the other two things should be clear. But where to find the underground party?

Zuo Zhong frowned and thought for a long time, but found that he could only take one step at a time, hoping to find the underground party in other cases, and waiting for the underground party to take the initiative to contact him through the radio.


He sighed. After this incident, Dai Chunfeng trusted him more. After all, in his opinion, his hands were stained with the blood of the underground party to some extent, and he was considered a fellow-traveler.

On the way back to Chuli, Dai Chunfeng even revealed some information about the southwest front, which had never happened before. Lao Dai's tone also became very cordial, which was very different from before.

Is this good news? Zuo Zhong smiled bitterly and lay down on the bed. But after a while, he was awakened by a rapid ringing of the phone. He suddenly got up from the bed and picked up the phone.


Zuo Zhong did not declare his family name. The Japanese were eager to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin. If they let the other party know his whereabouts, he would be prepared to be assassinated every day in the future.

"Section Chief, I am Gu Qi. The last target of the Japanese spy radio case, Du Zizi, has moved. The surveillance personnel found that the target went to the home of an important person."

 “What important person?”

“Deputy Director of the Police Department Bai Wenzhi said that this person controls the armed police. In addition to the city defense headquarters and the garrison, this is the largest armed force in Jinling City. If the two collude, it will be troublesome.”

“Lao Gu, the customers that the target has daily contact with are all party and state officials. Why do you think something is wrong this time? Is there any special move by the other party? Please tell me in detail.”

“Yes, section chief, the other party turned off the lights and rested tonight as usual, but our people found that the target left quietly after dark, and his whereabouts were very mysterious, and finally tracked him to the home of Bai Wenzhi of the Police Department.

More importantly, Du Zizi suddenly disappeared after coming out of Bai Wenzhi's home. The brother responsible for surveillance only saw a car passing by. It was most likely that Bai Wenzhi was covering his escape. "

Zuo Zhong rubbed his eyes. Lao Bai was really getting more and more successful. In the past, his subordinates were just unclear about the Japanese, but now he had to go into battle himself.

He thought for a few seconds and then ordered: "Let them continue to monitor and not act rashly. Bai Wenzhi is not a confused person. I will go back to the place now."

Zuo Zhong hung up the phone and hurriedly got in the car and drove to the Secret Service. He felt that the reason why the Japanese contacted Bai Wenzhi was not as simple as it seemed.

Although Bai Wenzhi controls the armed police, these are the armed forces of the National Government, not his personal private army. Even if he has a few cronies, will they follow him in mutiny? This is unlikely.

It is very possible that as soon as he gave the order, his followers tied him up and went to the peak to ask for rewards. The Japanese knew this, and Bai Wenzhi should also know this.

Then the purpose of the other party's contact with Bai Wenzhi was a bit interesting. It couldn't be that he took the initiative to come to Lao Bai's door to deliver souvenirs. There was a hint of weirdness in this matter.

In addition to this, Bai Wenzhi, what else is there that the Japanese can use, their talent? If cheating and taking bribes and bending the law can be considered a skill, Bai Wenzhi is indeed a first-rate talent.

 Contacts? His old boss had considerable influence in the military, and he was considered an elder of the Republic of China. Otherwise, Bai Wenzhi would not have been able to hold the position of deputy director. However, the old boss had passed away, and this network was useless unless the Japanese were prepared to go to the underworld to cultivate relations.

In addition, Bai Wenzhi's personal network is very simple, a group of middle-aged, middle- and low-level officer friends who are hanging around. Oh, by the way, strictly speaking, he and Lao Yang are also Lao Bai's connections.

Zuo Zhong chuckled. He had failed as an official at this stage. As the saying goes, Qin Hui still has three good friends, but when he smiled, his expression became serious.

The road in Jinling was very quiet in the early morning, without any pedestrians. The left-heavy vehicle was traveling very fast, rushing toward the Secret Service. However, when passing an intersection, the speed of the vehicle slowed down slightly.

No one can say for sure whether a daredevil will suddenly rush out. Every year, beggars and homeless people are killed in Jinling. If you are cautious, you will definitely pay attention to this kind of thing to avoid causing trouble.

He could avoid pedestrians by slowing down his speed, but could not avoid other cars. As soon as Zuo Zhong passed the intersection, he was hit by a truck and hit the trunk. The whole car spun around several times and flew out.

"Bang." The car spun and hit a copper lamppost on the side of the road. White smoke instantly appeared from the engine, and someone could be vaguely seen lying motionless on the steering wheel in the broken windshield.

 “Sir, are you okay?”

A man got out of the truck and approached cautiously. There might be something wrong with the wiring of the left-hand truck. The headlights flickered on and off, dazzling the man who was speaking.

“Fujita doesn’t need to test anymore, take the target away immediately. The pick-up ship is at Shuiximen. The British are very old-fashioned. They will leave once the time has passed. We have no time to waste.”

At this time, another man jumped out from the passenger seat of the truck. While talking, he quickly walked to Zuozhong's car, pulled open the door forcefully, and reached out to grab the target's head, but he missed the target.

The man looked at the wig in his hand and fell into confusion. The inside information did not show that the target was bald. What was going on? Could it be that they hit the wrong car and arrested the wrong person?

Before he could figure it out, Zuo Zhong, who was lying on the steering wheel, raised his head, showing his strong white teeth. He held a Zilai pistol with a twenty-round magazine in his hand and said something.

“You little Japanese from cnmd, how dare you ambush our section chief, please lie down.” After saying that, he twisted his big, shiny head and punched him.

The man holding the wig was very nimble. He jumped out of the target's attack range. He cursed secretly that he had fallen into the trap. He immediately pulled out a Browning from his waist and was about to shoot at the bald head.

 “Bang, bang.”

Two gunshots rang out, and the two people who jumped out of the truck fell to the ground, their right shoulders bare and spurting blood. Then the surrounding lights brightened, and heavily armed operational agents began to enter the scene.

Not far away, Gu Qi wiped the cold sweat on his head: "Chief, it's really dangerous. The Japanese actually used the fish in our net as bait. If you hadn't reacted in time, Chief, otherwise today"

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. If Zuo Zhong was attacked without realizing it, the best outcome would be to be killed. The worst outcome would be to be kidnapped by the Japanese, which would have a huge impact.

As the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service, Zuo Zhong had too much important information in his hands, such as Ryosuke Hase in Shanghai, Bunta Takikawa, and Ichiro Hayashi. These were all important moles.

 An intelligence officer of his level is like a gold mine. Once caught, the Japanese will definitely try their best to squeeze out all the use value, so death is the best result.

 Gu Qi could think of it, and Zuo Zhong could naturally think of it. He looked at the Japanese spy who had been controlled with a livid face. If he fell into the hands of the other party, his ending would not be better than Xie Jiuwen.

 Fortunately, he realized one thing before. Bai Wenzhi did have one thing that he could use - he knew himself, and at the same time, a spy under surveillance went to meet him. This seemed like a coincidence.

But there is no such thing as coincidence in intelligence work, only planning. Then the other party's purpose is ready to come out, so find a way to lure yourself out!

 In the middle of the night, a spy under surveillance sneaked away and went to the home of an important official. At the same time, the official also knew him. Zuo Zhong, as the head of the Intelligence Section, would definitely be there.

 At that time, there was one person and one car, and the streets were deserted. Is there any more perfect ambush scene than this? As for why they didn't kidnap him at home, maybe the Japanese were afraid that his home would have precautions.

In fact, they were not wrong. There were many traps in the small courtyard of Chaotian Palace. The consequences of entering rashly would not be very good. Zuo Zhong even installed booby traps in important places inside the room.

“Section Chief, he was caught without any documents. Two Browning 1900s were found. Suicide agents were found on his collar. The waterproof wax paper has been removed. It should be cyanide.

If they hadn't been wounded with dum bombs, they would probably have committed suicide. They were definitely Japanese professional intelligence officers. No support personnel have been found on the periphery. Should we conduct a large-scale manhunt? "

Wu Chunyang trotted over to ask for instructions. He also held two unloaded pistols and two pieces of cut collars. He didn't gain much.

Zuo Zhong took the Browning, looked at it, threw it back to him, and said firmly: "The quality is not very new, and the accuracy has been smoothed. This is a common method of gangsters. Immediately notify the police station and the Cao Gang.

I don’t care what method they use, they must hand over the person as soon as possible within seven days. If they dare to sell black guns to the Japanese in Jinling, I think some people think their lives are too long, so there is no need to arrest them.

The Japanese's action this time was a test. They sent two pawns crossing the river to try their luck. It would be good if they succeeded, but there would be no loss if they failed. They were the only ones doing the work, so there was no need to bring backup. "

Gui Youguang also came over, holding two arms in his hands. The power of the dum bomb was unexpectedly good, and he directly removed the target's arms and caused them to become comatose, without giving them a chance to commit suicide.

“Section Chief, these two Japanese said before that there was a British ship at Shuiximen to pick them up. Do you want to send someone there to see if there are any other clues?”

Zuo Zhong looked at the severed hand and frowned: "Keep these two things away. The Japanese want to divert trouble to the east. Don't worry about the British. Take the person to Renxin Hospital immediately. There is something evil inside us!"

 (End of this chapter)

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