Cicada Moving

Chapter 254: Survey (ask for votes)

Chapter 254 Survey (asking for votes)

Everyone realized that the intelligence department's surveillance of the Japanese spy radio station was top-secret information. The scope of insiders was very small, but the other party actually knew it and used this to set up a death trap.

 There is no explanation other than the inner ghost.

Furthermore, if there is no insider, how did the Japanese know Zuo Zhong’s address and set up an ambush point between Chaotian Palace and the Secret Service? It cannot be just luck. Now the problem is serious.

Only Dai Chunfeng in the entire Secret Service has the right to view Zuo Zhong's archives. As for his residence, only a few close associates have been there. Could it be that the Intelligence Department has been infiltrated by Japanese spies.

 Wu Chunyang, Gu Qi and Gui Youguang had different expressions on their faces. Wu Chunyang was suspicious, Gu Qi didn't believe it, and only Gui Youguang was indignant, gnashing his teeth at the possible insider in the Intelligence Department.

 Now Zuo Zhong wants to confirm one thing. In addition to his address, the mole also knows something else. The worst case scenario is that this person is in a high position and has handed over all his identity information to the Japanese.

If that happens, the Zuo family will still be in Ningbo. In addition to ambushing Zuo Zhong in Jinling, the Japanese may also attack other members of the Zuo family in Ningbo to blackmail Zuo Zhong.

The best case scenario is that the mole's status is not high, and he knows his residence and surveillance operations on the spy radio suspects by chance, just like Song Minghao's inside line at the secret service headquarters.

Zuo Zhong said sternly: "From now on, you are not allowed to discuss official matters on the internal phone. Documents and orders will be delivered by special personnel. Lao Gu, you will take over the intelligence department immediately when you return to the office and screen the backgrounds of personnel one by one.

In addition, all inconspicuous employees such as cooks, cleaners, and workers in our department should also be investigated, and they and their immediate family members within three generations should be thoroughly investigated.

 Gui Youguang, you take people to find Dr. Ling. You must keep these two Japanese alive. You will be solely responsible for the security of the hospital. No one is allowed to touch them except under my orders.

Chunyang led a team to visit Du Zizi's house, but I guess this person may have run away a long time ago. By the way, I asked Bai Wenzhi to ask questions there. If you are polite, you can reveal part of the situation appropriately. "


 The agents quickly cleared the scene, and Zuo Zhong went directly to Jigo Alley.

It is no longer safe to use public channels to confirm the situation at home. A safer method must be used. Dai Chunfeng must have someone in Ningbo City who can use this line to investigate.

Every major event must be calm, and the Japanese can no longer take advantage of it. Zuo Zhong sat in the car and reflected on the incident of his ambush. This incident shows that the Japanese intelligence operations have begun to transform.

 From the past intelligence acquisition to the destruction of important people and institutions, it may be that as he had worried before, the Japanese military's intelligence forces have already intervened in this contest.

The car drove smoothly into the small courtyard of Ji'e Lane. Dai Chunfeng, who had already fallen asleep, received the news and met Zuo Zhong in the living room wearing pajamas. He was furious after hearing the news that Zuo Zhong had been assassinated by a Japanese spy.

“Arrogant! Insolent! What do the Japanese think of our secret service? They are so arrogant in assassinating party and state officials. Don’t worry, Shen Zhi. The teacher will arrange personnel to protect your home now.”

When Dai Chunfeng said this, he slapped the table hard, went to the study to make a brief phone call, and came back angrily. It was obvious that the Japanese actions angered the spy chief.

It’s no wonder, this is the capital of the Republic of China, and the Japanese have no scruples in assassinating and kidnapping officials of a country’s intelligence agency. If this is really going to happen, where will his face be placed, and what will the Chairman think?

He sat down and saw Zuo Zhong frowning and comforting him: "Shen Zhong, there is no need to worry. I have asked someone to contact Ningbo. The results will come soon. There is an elite action team there."

 Zuo Zhong, the elite of the Operations Section, breathed a sigh of relief. Under the guidance of Lao Dai, the Operations Section was quite strong. Ordinary spies were no match for them. They could just wait for a reply.

Dai Chunfeng was served two cups of strong tea. After taking a sip, he said: "The three measures you took to deal with the situation at the scene were very good. Alas, even if you took all precautions, you still turned out to be a thief. This person is so hateful."

When the stick didn't fall on him, he never knew how painful it was. In the past, it happened all over the place. He liked to hear these jokes the most, and now it was finally the turn of the Secret Service.

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and said, "Teacher, maybe this is a good thing."

 Dai Chunfeng put down the cup and frowned: "What a good thing."

“If this person continues to lurk and transmit information to the Japanese continuously, our losses will be great. Fortunately, the Japanese are anxious or the thieves themselves have exposed him.”

Zuo Zhong expressed his thoughts respectfully, and then added: "Teacher, you are thousands of times more important than students. Once the thieves figure out your behavior, then..."

Dai Chunfeng was a little scared after hearing this. Even if Zuo Zhong was ambushed, he could still fight back with his mobility. It was not certain who would win, but if he was ambushed, it would be dangerous.

This thief must be found. This is related to his life and safety. If he does not deal with this person, he will have trouble sleeping and eating. At the same time, Dai Chunfeng has made a decision - his whereabouts must be kept secret.

"Jingle Bell."

The two of them were chatting when the phone in Dai Chunfeng's study rang. He walked into the study and took the phone and whispered. Zuo Zhong stood up with some anxiety in his heart. Within two minutes, Dai Chunfeng walked out with a smile on his face: "It's okay, Ningbo City is peaceful today, and your home is also safe. I have ordered the Ningbo team to provide vigilance and protection nearby."

Zuo Zhong's heart dropped, and he said gratefully: "Thank you very much, teacher."

Dai Chunfeng waved his hand: "Now I will leave the task of finding the traitor to you. You must dig this person out in the shortest possible time. I want to see who is so bold and dares to steal the traitor."

"Yes!" After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he saw Dai Chunfeng yawning and said goodbye: "Teacher, please have a good rest. The student will go back to the office to arrange the investigation work now. I will report to you as soon as there is any news."

Dai Chunfeng raised his hand to cover his mouth: "It's this middle of the night, I'm really feeling a little weak. Please be safe on the way back. Don't go back to Chaotian Palace yet, prepare to move as soon as possible."

  Left key nodded. The residence of Chaotian Palace has been exposed. If the Japanese fail to kidnap him, they may choose to assassinate him. This is very easy. For example, a powerful dangerous object can blow him up into the sky.

He walked out of Dai Chunfeng's house, got in his car and drove to the Secret Service Office. At this time, many policemen and men in black appeared on the road. It seemed that people from the police station and the Cao Gang had been dispatched, and the gun seller must be found.

 Judging from the conversation and details, the two people who took action should have come to Ning from other places. It is impossible for them to easily obtain weapons. The person who bought the gun may be an insider. This clue is worth exploring.

At the Secret Service, all the personnel were called back. Song Minghao and He Yijun, who were re-establishing a new smuggling system, walked into Zuo Zhong's office to ask for a fight. They both wanted to do something.

Zuo Zhong still trusted them, so he gave a brief introduction to the matter. He also did not hide the traitor. In today's incident, a discerning person would know at a glance that someone was cooperating with the Japanese actions.

Song Minghao smiled flatteringly: "Section Chief, leave it to me to deal with the police station and the Cao Gang. This kind of job is suitable for me. Don't worry, I will definitely find that guy who breaks the rules."

Song Minghao found a professional counterpart when it came to finding gun sellers. The arms business was a small circle, and the military was the upstream channel for gun dealers to purchase goods. With his contacts, he might be able to find people faster.

Leo Key nodded: "Old Song, you must pay attention to your safety. If these people dare to sell illegal guns, they may openly resist arrest. Except for the leader, you should not show mercy to others and allow you to kill them."

 After speaking, he turned and looked at He Yijun: "Go to the hospital and cooperate with Gui Youguang's work. He is more experienced than you, so you must obey his orders and not let anything happen to the Japanese. Do you understand?"


Song Minghao saluted He Yijun and left. Other agents also carried out their work according to the specific division of labor. The bright lights of the Intelligence Section attracted the attention of many people, who started to inquire about the news.

  Intelligence agencies are supposed to be the most strict-mouthed units, but the reality is exactly the opposite. As long as they are not involved in a case, any gossip can be spread to everyone in less than an hour.

 “The Smiling Tiger was assassinated again.”

“The Japanese almost captured Section Chief Zuo.”

“Section Chief Zuo fought back the Japanese attack with one enemy against a hundred.”

Even Xu Enzeng, who was sleeping, received this good news. As an experienced old spy, he knew as soon as he heard that there was a traitor in the Secret Service, and he was so happy that he quickly woke up his sister-in-law.

By daybreak, everyone in Jinling knew that Section Chief Zuo had been tricked. Section Chief Yang and Xing Hanliang called, Ban Jun called, and even Mr. Zhu Jiahua himself called.

"Don't be afraid. The Japanese have done something like this to show that they are afraid. I will report to the Chairman immediately and ask the city defense to strengthen the security. No matter how we do it, anyone can be let in."

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Zhu sounded very angry. As long as he was not allowed to perform tasks with Zuo Zhong, he still admired the spy student. The Japanese did go too far.

Zuo Zhong said respectfully: "Thank you sir for your concern. The Secret Service has now carried out relevant work, and I believe there will be results soon. The students will never allow the Japanese to be so arrogant in Jinling."

"That's good. If you need help from other departments, just ask. Old man, I'm still a bit weak in these organs of the National Government."

“Thank you sir, students will definitely tell me if they need help.”

Just after chatting with Zhu Jiahua, Wu Chunyang knocked on the door and came in: "Section Chief, Du Zizi has indeed run away. Do you want to issue a wanted notice? Director Bai is unwilling to come back with his subordinates and is planning to commit suicide."

Zuo Chong was overjoyed. What was Lao Bai doing? He immediately put on his coat and said, "Issuing a wanted order immediately, but there is little hope. Let's go and see how our Deputy Director Bai commits suicide."

 (End of this chapter)

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