Cicada Moving

Chapter 255: Speculation (please vote)

Chapter 255 Speculation (asking for votes)

"What an injustice! Let Zuo Chong come back! I am an acquaintance of your Section Chief Zuo for eight years, and that man named Du came to visit me at home. I asked him in vain that he was loyal to the leader, loyal to the party and the country, and had nothing to do with spies.

Mr. Bai is an official who is as pure as water and as clear as a mirror. Someone must have framed me. Don't come over here. If you come over, I will jump down. Even though my old officer is gone, you can't bully an honest person. "

Bai Wenzhi straddled the fence on the second floor, shouting at the top of his voice. Downstairs stood his wife and children, who were crying and screaming. The intelligence department agent raised his head helplessly and watched the hall manager misbehaving.

As soon as Zuo Zhong entered Bai's house, he saw such a ridiculous scene. He shouted that he was as clean as water in the large baroque-style villa. He asked Bai and he had the nerve to say it. It was really embarrassing.

“It’s a question for me! Come down here! Do you still look like a party-state official? You are crying here like a girl. If you have any questions, come down and tell me clearly. I will never wrong you!”

Zuo Zhong walked downstairs, pointed at Deputy Director Bai who was holding on to the railing for fear of falling, and cursed, "This guy has lost his tall and mighty figure. He is the director of the police department, and it's hard to be a patrolman."

Seeing Zuo Zhong coming, Bai Wenzhi's eyes lit up, and then Lihua said to the rain: "You swear to God that you will never wrong me! If you don't swear, I will jump down from here and splash your blood all over."

 Smelly scoundrel.

Zuo Zhong was so angry that he laughed back: "Old Bai, don't give me a toast or a fine drink. Come here, prepare a shot for me. Kill this Japanese spy suspect who resists arrest on the spot. I'll see who dares to avenge him."

The agents of the Intelligence Section understood clearly that the section chief called him Lao Bai. They must have had some friendship. How could they be stupid enough to actually shoot, so they pretended to raise the gun and faced Bai and asked him.

 Bai Wenzhi looked at the dark muzzle of the gun, swallowed his saliva, and secretly cursed Zuo for being so merciless. He had given away so many local products, so he wanted to remind Zuo Zhong not to lose everything.

 “Ready! Ready to shoot!

But before he could say anything, Zuo Zhong raised his right arm. Bai Wenzhi was frightened by this terrible situation, and concluded that the man named Zuo was going to kill someone. The dog agent's heart was dark, and he hurriedly begged for mercy.

 “Don’t shoot, I’m coming down, I’m coming down.”

"hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong put his hands on his hips and looked up at Bai Wenzhi. He saw that he was moving around on the fence but would not come down. He said impatiently: "Don't be dilly-dallying. The only way for you to surrender today is to surrender."

Bai Wenzhi rode on the fence and shouted with a sad face: "Don't get me wrong, my brother's leg is numb. Section Chief Zuo, please ask someone to save me. I can't hold on any longer. I promise to tell you the truth!"

Seeing his behavior, Zuo Zhong's nose was almost crooked with anger, but he had no choice but to wave his hands and let the agents go up and help him down. After all, he had a sense of local specialties, so he couldn't just die without saving him.

 “Haha, woo.”

Bai Wenzhi's son couldn't hold it back. Seeing his father burst into laughter like this, Bai Wenzhi's wife quickly covered his mouth and smiled awkwardly at Zuo Chong. What a strange family.

Four agents carried Deputy Director Bai down from the second floor, panting from exhaustion. Bai Wenzhi looked like a fat pig being sacrificed, especially his half-dead expression, which was particularly expressive.

“Chunyang, you all go out, Director Bai and I will have a chat alone.”

Zuo Zhong was sitting in the living room of the Bai family and said something to the secret agent. Soon he and Bai Wenzhi were the only two people left in the luxurious hall. Bai Wenzhi moved his buttocks on the sofa, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Honestly, when did Du Zizi meet you and where? Your home uses a new toilet, and you don't need a Yexianglang like him. Old Bai, don't lie."

Zuo Zhong sat there with his eyes closed and focused. He did not go around in circles and directly asked the key question: How did a deputy director of the police department and a Japanese spy who collected night fragrance get together.

If he can't explain it, the only thing waiting for Bai to ask is the cell of the Secret Service. For the sake of local specialties, Zuo Zhong might be able to give him some preferential treatment, such as turning the electric chair to the first gear.

Hearing this, Bai Wenzhi regretted and said: "This old-fashioned Du Laizi killed people. In the early years when I first entered the police station, my family lived in an old house. He came to collect incense every day, so I knew him."

However, I didn’t have much communication with this kind of servant until two years ago, when he came to deliver some local specialties and asked me to take care of his business and prevent others from going to certain places to collect incense.

This kind of thing is very simple, I arranged for the police station under my command to handle it, and we haven’t seen each other since. Some time ago, he called me and said he wanted to visit me, and we made an appointment last night. "

The visit was probably to give a gift, otherwise there would be no way to visit him in the middle of the night. Zuo Zhong didn't take this excuse seriously, but who was helping Du Laizi escape and covering him?

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and continued to ask: "As for the time of the phone call, I am talking about the specific time. Lao Bai will tell you that the case involving Du Zizi is very important. You must seize the opportunity."

Bai Wenzhi was sweating profusely after hearing this. He tried his best to recall the scene of that day. He quickly thought of something and jumped up: "It was less than eight o'clock the morning after we had dinner."

 The day after the Jishi Pharmacy explosion?

Zuo Zhong recalled that the surveillance record of Du Qizi clearly stated that the other party started collecting night incense in the early morning and ended before six in the morning.

 Then he went to a teahouse for dinner between 7:30 and 8:30, but there was no record of using the phone unless he knew the magic of clones.

Zuo Zhong frowned: "Old Bai, are you sure it's Du Laizi's voice?" "He said he was Du Laizi." Bai Wenzhi said it was a matter of course.

  . . . . .

I'm afraid someone pretended to be someone and asked Du Zizi to cooperate with last night's action, but Zuo Zhong didn't understand why he chose that day to make the call.

Is it because the traitor saw him eating with Lao Bai the night before, so the traitor made a plan to lure him out and took action immediately?

The traitor not only knew himself, but also knew Bai Wenzhi. He had already been in contact with Du Qiaizi, and he knew that Bai Wenzhi was among Du Qiaizi's connections. This was reasonable.

If the traitor is a member of the Secret Service, it is reasonable for him to know himself, but why would he know Bai Bai? Why didn't he act sooner? It has been a long time since I returned to Jinling from Zhejiang.

 What does this mean? Zuo Zhong was lost in thought, while Bai Wenzhi looked at him secretly with fear. This reminded him of the prisoners he interrogated, and it turned out that this feeling was so difficult.

Zuo Zhong had no time to deal with this guy. He logically figured out one thing. The traitor might only know him, but not his address, so he didn't have the conditions to take action until the day after the bombing.

As for the discovery that Du Qiaizi was under surveillance, it was probably discovered by the other party through observation. The Intelligence Department agents are not gods. There are many intelligence officers who are better than them. This is not unimaginable.

It seemed that there was no problem within the Secret Service. If there had been a traitor in the Secret Service, the Japanese's revenge and kidnapping would have come long ago. There was no need to wait until last night. This made Zuo Zhong relieved.

The key node is the bombing.

He opened his eyes and looked at Bai Wenzhi, recalling everything that happened that day. The waiter in the hotel could rule it out. He used the pseudonym of Secretary Shen, and his identity was not revealed in the conversation.

Then, while they were chatting at the door, an explosion occurred. He and Bai Wenzhi drove to the scene. There were no special circumstances along the way. Finally, they threatened Liu Gui and ended the matter.

"Chief Zuo must help me. As long as Bai can escape unharmed this time, if you give me any orders in the future, I have connections in the police station and the military," Bai Wenzhi begged.

 In the army?

Zuo Zhong was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly asked him a question: "By the way, we went to the scene of the explosion that day, and we were stopped by a second lieutenant on the way. How did you introduce me to him, Lao Bai?"

Bai Wenzhi didn't know what he meant by asking this. He frowned and recalled, "I thought you were from the Secret Service and asked him not to investigate. At that time, the other party waved him off and you said thank you."

 “It turns out it was you who brought the Japanese here!”

Zuo Zhong looked at Bai Wenzhi bitterly. This was the problem. This guy's casual words almost got him kidnapped. There was something wrong with the second lieutenant who was leading the team. He was a Japanese spy!

He quickly walked to the phone and turned the phone to answer the call: "Lao Gu, suspend the investigation of the personnel in the investigation department and immediately investigate the numbers of all the troops on duty on the day of the Jishi Pharmacy explosion."

Bai Wenzhi stared at Zuo Zhong with an anxious expression. Why did he feel that he had made a mistake again? He was an old policeman, so he could naturally tell that it was his fault that Zuo Zhong was exposed.

Zuo Zhong hung up the phone and his mind was racing. He took Gucci's car back on the night of the explosion. Gucci did some simple anti-tracking methods, but it seemed that he could not get rid of the stalker.

  Intelligence work is like this. Any small negligence will lead to big problems. This cannot be blamed on Gucci. He has done what he should do. He cannot stay out for several hours every day before going home.

That's not cautious, that's crazy. Besides, past experience tells them that Jinling is safe. Even if there is a shooting at a safe spot, it is an emergency, but they can't think like that in the future.

 Jinling must be regarded as enemy-occupied territory.

The Japanese are becoming more and more aggressive, and their style is completely different from the past. Maybe they should contact Hase Ryosuke. Zuo Shige feels that the opponent this time is a bit unusual. Who will he be?

“Chief Zuo, I really didn’t mean it. Who would have thought that a random person I met was a Japanese spy. I’ll give you a satisfactory compensation for asking. How about fifty souvenirs?”

Zuo Zhong came to his senses and realized that there was still a culprit who had not been dealt with. If the corrupt official hadn't said more words, the matter would not have developed to this point. He must be taught a profound lesson.

Then Shishida opened his mouth and said: "You don't need fifty, ten big ones are enough. Lao Bai, don't blame my brother for being ruthless. Logically speaking, you are an accomplice in this matter, and you are also a policeman. Do you understand?"

Bai Wenzhi really wanted to say, "I don't understand. Ten big ones cost three to four thousand yuan. The one with the surname Zuo is too dark. But who let me fall into his hands again? I could only close my eyes and nodded reluctantly." .

 “Okay, Mr. Bai is happy!”

Zuo Zhong stood up with a smile: "I won't bother you to send someone to deliver it this time. Brother, I will take it away myself. With your wealth, Lao Bai, you don't need to prepare this little money in advance. My wife went there last month."

 “No, I’m going to get it now!”

Bai Wenzhi was shocked. These dog spies were indeed spying on him!

 (End of this chapter)

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