Cicada Moving

Chapter 257: Zhu Jisheng (asking for votes)

Chapter 257 Zhu Jisheng (please vote)

There was no doubt that Dai Chunfeng agreed. When he received Zuo Zhong's management plan for the intelligence department personnel, he even immediately performed a tap dance in the office and kept walking back and forth.

“Okay, very good, Shen Zhi, you and I are on the same page! These days I am thinking about how to ensure the purity of personnel. I have thought about your method, but I gave it up due to financial constraints.”

Dai Chunfeng's face glowed brightly: "It's because of your flexibility that you can arrange the school and arrange for the staff and their families to be accommodated there in batches. The office will fund the internal renovations and water and electricity reconstruction."

Great, Zuo Zhong was overjoyed. It was certainly a good thing to have money coming from somewhere. That school was enough to arrange hundreds of personnel for the Secret Service. It would be even better if the entire school could be put into a state of combat readiness.

He considered and said: "Teacher, the intelligence skills training of personnel needs to be strengthened to the greatest extent. They sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war. The Japanese will become more and more brutal in the future. This is for everyone's consideration."

Dai Chunfeng has attended a military academy, so he naturally knows the importance of training. The on-the-job training of the Secret Service has not stopped for a day, but is only strengthened to the maximum extent. Can the personnel's bodies bear it?

Special agents have to perform tasks every day. If they return from the mission to participate in training, the effect will be half the result with twice the result, and it will easily cause conflicts. As the director of the division, he must consider these things, and he is a little hesitant.

Zuo Zhong was well aware of his worries, so he explained: "Teacher, the intensity and frequency of training can be gradually increased. If the shift system is consistent with the task, the brothers can persevere."

Dai Chunfeng nodded, that's fine in this case. If there are still people crying bitterly and tired, they are bad elements with weak will. They must be resolutely removed from the team and the secret service can be purified.

He made a final decision: "Let's do it, but let the Intelligence Section try it out first. I want to see the specific results. By the way, Shen Zhong, you must pay attention to the strategy for the 88th Division's suspected spy work."

Zo Jian nodded and said: "Yes, Corey is conducting a peripheral investigation on him and will not conflict with the military. If necessary, please introduce Commander Yuan to the students. After all, he is his subordinate."

"Well." Lao Dai hesitated for a moment: "It's best not to get too close to that person. He has a very good relationship with Xu Enzeng. The two of them often hang out in dance halls and nightclubs in Shanghai and Jinling."

Well, it turns out that this is the reason why the Secret Service Headquarters can mobilize the 88th Division. No wonder Xu Enzeng has been so tough recently. Professional soldiers must be much more capable than the first division.

The relationship between the two must be destroyed as soon as possible. It would not be a good thing for the Secret Service and the underground party if they were to be mixed together for a long time. Zuo Zhong thought for a while and suddenly thought of a harmful move.

He leaned close to Dai Chunfeng's ear and whispered. Dai Chunfeng smiled as he listened, but hesitated: "Shen Zhi, is this plan a bit sinister? Will things get serious?"

Zuo Zhong said seductively: "A man does not stick to trivial matters. This is a plan to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. As long as the plan succeeds, Commander Yuan will probably not have the heart to care about his junior deputy company commander."

Dai Chunfeng was silent for a long time, and finally replied shyly: "Well, you can just arrange it. If it weren't for the party and the country, oh, how could I use such methods on Senior Yuan to get it done quickly?"

Zuo Zhong expressed admiration for the cheap teacher's act of being both responsible and upright: "Teacher, you are so righteous. It will be a good thing for the student union to get it done as soon as possible and end the matter as soon as possible."

The two ended their conversation. Zuo Chong returned to the office and called Wu Chunyang: "Chunyang, I asked you to check Zhu Jisheng's whereabouts and information. What was the result? Did the two Japanese confess?"

“We have confirmed that the other party has not escaped, but our people cannot enter the military camp and can only wait for him to come out. The two Japanese are very harsh, and Gui Youguang is ready to wait until they are better injured before punishing them.”

 After saying this, Wu Chunyang introduced Zhu Jisheng's information: "According to the archives, Zhu Jisheng was from the northwest. He joined the Central Guard Division in the 19th year of the Republic of China and was reorganized into the 523rd Regiment of the 88th Division.

Performed many meritorious services in the Northern Expedition and the battle against the Communist Party. He served successively as squad leader of the Central Guard Division, deputy platoon leader, acting platoon leader, platoon leader of the 88th Division, and deputy company commander. He was injured several times, but not too seriously.

In the 128th Battle of Shanghai, he fought very bravely, killing and wounding more than a dozen Japanese soldiers, and was promoted to deputy company commander with meritorious service. Former Commander Yu of the 88th Division recommended him to enter the Central Military Academy, but he declined. "

Zuo Zhong didn’t expect that the other party had actually participated in 128: “Reject? What’s the reason?”

Wu Chunyang replied: "He was uneducated and went to the Central Military Academy to embarrass his superiors. This kind of thing has happened before, so Commander Yu did not force him and instead rewarded him with five hundred yuan."

He fought bravely, killed and wounded Japanese troops, and refused to enter the Central Military Academy. He was a simple-minded grassroots officer. It seemed normal. No wonder the 88th Division Political Department did not find any problems in the screening.

In addition to being in charge of propaganda and ideological education, the Political Department of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China is also responsible for part of the intelligence work. Specifically, it is to screen military personnel to prevent those with ulterior motives from sneaking in.

At this stage, it is mainly targeting the underground party, but this shows that Zhu Jisheng's information is OK, otherwise no matter how stupid the 88th Division Political Department is, it will not be able to let in a person with an unclear background.

Not to mention the Central Guard Division known as the Yulin Army that Zhu Jisheng joined at that time. A clean background is the most basic requirement. The military skills of the officers and soldiers of the 88th Division may not be good, but they must be reliable.

Zuo Zhong asked: "Specific information."

Wu Chunyang held the file in his hand and read: "Zhu Jisheng, male, 29 years old, from Yincheng in the northwest, with an education level of elementary school. The brothers who conducted peripheral investigations found his classmates and confirmed the matter. There are parents and three brothers and sisters in the family. The Zhu family's hometown is in the countryside of Yincheng. Neighbors and relatives can prove that the Zhu family has lived in Yincheng for generations and opened a daily necessities station in Lancheng many years ago to make a living.

 After graduating from elementary school, Zhu Jisheng helped in the cargo depot, and there was no sudden disappearance or reappearance. Business was too poor in the 19th year of the Republic of China, and his goal was to go out to make a living and go to Jinling to join the army.

 According to the report from the Northwest Station, the Zhujia Cargo Station is currently operating normally. The whereabouts of the Zhu family’s parents are normal. The surrounding neighbors have a good impression of the Zhu family, and there are no abnormalities among the brothers and sisters.

We have found photos of Zhu Jisheng in his hometown. They are being transported through military channels and will arrive in Jinling this afternoon. However, according to the telegram's oral identification, it does not look like an imposter. "

It's really a ghost. A suspected Japanese spy has such a clean background, with parents and brothers, and a clear network of connections. Unless everyone in the Zhu family's network is a Japanese spy, this is unrealistic.

 The northwest is not the northeast. The terrain there is very complicated, the clan power is very strong, and the folk customs are very sturdy. Even if the Japanese want to wipe out the entire village and replace it, it is not that easy.

Then he became a spy in Jinling!

Zuo Zhong frowned and said: "Identify the photo immediately when it arrives. If there is nothing wrong with the photo, then investigate his network in Jinling. The other party cannot become a spy for no reason."

Wu Chunyang agrees that everyone has a reason for doing anything. From a qualified soldier to a Japanese spy, this change is very big. What are the incentives? This needs to be clarified.

 In the afternoon.

The photo of Zhu Jisheng when he was a child was placed on Zuo Zhong’s desk. There was no problem with the identification and the target was not impersonated by a Japanese spy. The Intelligence Section immediately changed the direction of the investigation.

  One task is to continue to stay in the area, with the purpose of detecting suspiciousness through tracking, and the other task is to investigate the target’s activities in Jinling.

The 88th Division has very strict military discipline. Ordinary soldiers have half a day out of camp every week, officers above the platoon leader have one day out of camp, officers above the regiment leader can go home every day, and others are not allowed to sleep outside.

If Zhu Jisheng was instigated to rebel, he would most likely be targeted when he left the camp. By analyzing the time and trajectory of his departure from the camp, clues may be found, but this task is difficult.

The record of leaving the camp is only available within the 88th Division, but once it is inquired through public channels, Zhu Jisheng is likely to get wind of it. Do not overestimate the confidentiality awareness of the national army, and the 88th Division may not cooperate.

Zuo Zhong thought about it and called Bai Wenzhi: "Old Bai, you should have old friends in the 88th Division. Find connections immediately to find out the 88th Division's camp record. This is related to your innocence."

 Bai Wenzhi wanted to curse, had his ten souvenirs been fed to the dogs? He suppressed his anger and said, "Do you know how many people there are in the 88th Division and how many camp records are there in a year? You can at least give a range."

Zuo Zhong chuckled and said, "If it was easy, I wouldn't ask you, brother. Since the 19th year of the Republic of China, I will send a car to collect the camp records of all officers and soldiers of the Central Guard Division and the 88th Division."

Bai Wenzhi stopped talking. He was offended by Zuo Zhong's understatement. Why didn't the man named Zuo ask for the camp records starting in the 19th year of the Republic of China when the guard division was first established in the 16th year of the Republic of China?

At this time, Zuo Zhong sighed: "Old Bai, you are just too upright. Are you satisfied if you can escape unscathed? I heard that Director Wen Jiangang is not in good health, don't you want to go further?"

Knowing that Zuo was full of nonsense, Bai Wenzhi's heart still jumped when he heard this. There was only one word difference between the director of Jinling Police Department and the deputy director, but the corresponding treatment and status were worlds apart.

He hesitated for a while: "Well, I'm going to ask my old brother. This matter can only be said to be the best we can. The rules in the army are very strict. What did you mean by just saying that I should go further?"

Zuo Zhong started to fight at this time: "Let's wait until the end of this case. In short, it will be good for you to be guilty and meritorious. The record must be complete and the speed must be fast. I am waiting for your good news."

 After saying that, he hung up the phone directly regardless of Bai Wenzhi's anxious and excited inquiry. He looked at the photo of Zhu Jisheng and pondered why the Japanese would focus on this ordinary young officer.

  Oh, no, in the 19th year of the Republic of China, Zhu Jisheng was not even an officer, just a big-headed soldier. Even if the Japanese wanted to break into the Central Guard Division, they would not be so hungry.

 What information they can obtain from soldiers and junior officers, the configuration of weapons, infantry drills, and information about ministers and officials are not important targets for Japanese intelligence agencies.

It seems that Zhu Jisheng must have something that the other party is interested in. As a young Japanese, he is smart and will not do useless things. Perhaps he can find out after checking the camp records. This is another clue.

 (End of this chapter)

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