Cicada Moving

Chapter 258: black six

Chapter 258 Black Six

 Bai Wenzhi didn't let Zuo Zhong wait any longer. He got a call on the third day. This old boy was ruthless for the position of Jinling Police Director. He had mobilized many years of connections and was so fast.

“Section Chief Zuo, my old brother happens to be working in the Military Law Office of the 88th Division. He found a reason why the records were incomplete and needed to be copied, and he has already transported the things out of the division headquarters. Please send someone to take care of him quickly.”

Hearing his proud and distressed tone, Zuo Zhong guessed that the old brother had done a lot of asking for nothing. This was quite reasonable. Camp records were military secrets anyway, and taking them privately was a serious crime.

Then he smiled and comforted: "Okay, let me tell you the truth. Lao Wen is about to die. Shangfeng intends to choose one of you deputy directors. Please talk to Section Chief Yang about this matter." "

The Ministry of Internal Affairs can speak on this matter. Chief Yang has a wide network of contacts and may be able to help him find connections. If not, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have Zuo Zhong. It's because he doesn't have that kind of fate.

Bai Wenzhi finally thanked him and hung up the phone. Zuo Zhong asked someone to drag the records back, which filled a large truck. These were all the records of the 88th Division's camp in five or six years, and there were naturally a lot of them.

The large conference room of the Intelligence Section was cleared. There were piles of records taller than a person on the wall, with a huge blackboard in the middle. There were heavily armed guards outside the door. The place was under martial law.

Zuo Zhong looked at Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang and the little agent behind them, and said loudly: "From now on, you will eat and drink in this room, you will be accompanied by guards when you go to the toilet, and there will be a quilt here when you are sleepy.

Your task is to check the target's activities according to the time track. Every time you find an item, record it on the blackboard. Wu Chunyang is responsible for the inventory, and Deputy Section Chief Gu is responsible for recording and verification.

I need to know which year, month and how long he was out, what was his reason for going out, whether anyone else left the camp with him that day, his goals, and a record of the items these people brought back. "

Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang stood at attention: "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

Zuo Zhong looked at his watch: "Let's get started, hurry up and finish it as soon as possible."

 The agents began to get busy, and the door was immediately closed. Guards holding Thomson guns stood at the door. This was an operational discipline that would be implemented during war.

From now on, the Intelligence Section must be watertight in its work against the enemy, and no more opportunities will be given to the Japanese to exploit loopholes.

Zuo Zhong walked back to the office and met Song Minghao who came to report. He brought back a piece of good news, and this news was related to the existing intelligence.

“Section Chief, I have inquired through my friends. There are not many arms traders in Jinling City who are willing to do business with gangsters, because the risks involved are too great, and people in the underworld often take advantage of others.”

When Song Minghao said this, he thought about the incident where they were robbed, and gritted his teeth and said: "However, there are also a few small gangs who are crazy and poor, who specialize in getting some broken weapons, repair and modify them, and sell them to people in the world.

There is only one Browning seller, and the leader is Heiliu. He has four people under his command. It is said that there are people from the military behind him, and they act arrogantly. You disappeared after your accident. "

 In the army, could it be Zhu Jisheng?

Zuo Zhong's expression remained normal after hearing this: "You are responsible for communicating with the police station and the Cao Gang to find this person for me, and so will his subordinates. If you let it out, say that our Secret Service wants these bastards."

Song Minghao asked: "Don't we need to keep it secret?"

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "Let's find Hei Liu first. I suspect that he has been silenced. Using such a distinctive gun to act has made it clear that he is not afraid of being traced. Let's treat the dead horse first as a living horse doctor."

Song Minghao thought about it, and immediately left to contact the police station and the Cao Gang. Zuo Zhong's seven-day limit almost drove the gang crazy. The deadline was approaching, and even the boss Ma Tianchang personally took action.

As the largest Jianghu gang in Jinling, the Cao Gang's strength when fully mobilized is amazing. Within two days, they got information about Hei Liu and set up an ambush in the place where the other party often hangs out.

Song Minghao was quite surprised when he heard the news. Dragons and dragons are like snakes, and the efficiency of the Cao Gang in finding out information should not be underestimated, so he directly found Ma Tianchang, who was watching the scene.

Ma Tianchang has really experienced the benefits of cooperating with Zuo Zhong. If he encounters any problem, he only needs to use the name of the Secret Service, and it will be smooth.

For example, his subordinate was arrested by the police station and was quickly sent out by the police. The eyes of other people in Jinling City were red with envy, but they had no backing.

Of course, he didn't dare to do those excessive things. Zuo Zhong's **** warnings were still in his ears. Now Caogang's focus is gradually on business.

 Making money is much better than fighting and killing. At the same time, the Caobang needs Zuo Zhong's support even more, so when he heard that Chief Song was coming, Ma Tianchang hurriedly came out to greet him.

"Chief Song, I'm sorry to hear you coming from afar. Ma originally wanted to catch the person and send him to the police station, but why did you come in person?" Ma Tianchang had a smile on his old face.

Song Minghao waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense. Are you sure that Black Six will appear? How many people have you arranged nearby and whether they are armed."

Ma Tianchang put away his smile: "Hei Liu is a well-known black man, but he is a filial son. He will not leave me alone. I have brought fifty old brothers, all of whom have weapons and have served in the army."

Song Minghao took out the pocket telescope from his pocket and looked at it. He spotted the Caogang people at a glance. These people were either standing on the street chatting or looking around. They were very conspicuous. He frowned, turned around and said to Ma Tianchang: "You retreat immediately and leave this place to the people I brought. After you go back, you can find people to go around the city and ask if there are any unidentified corpses recently."

Ma Tianchang nodded, knowing that Song Minghao looked down on his group of men, so he walked out the door and made a gesture. The group of vicious and strong men quickly left the street, and the surroundings returned to calm.

The sky is slowly getting dark, and the alley without street lights is very dark. A beggar is sitting at the entrance of the alley begging for money from passers-by. The passers-by flexibly avoid it. This is a slum area, and the residents are no better than beggars.

Time passed by, and the night got darker. There were fewer and fewer people outside, and it became quieter and quieter. The only sound left was the snores of beggars sleeping in their clothes.

 “Sand, sand.”

When the moon was high in the sky, there was a faint sound of footsteps. The beggar turned over in his sleep, muttered a few words in his mouth, and continued to sleep deeply, as if he didn't care about the visitor.

A dark shadow appeared at the entrance of the alley. He walked up to the beggar, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes. However, when the moonlight shone on the man's dirty face, the dark shadow let out a sigh of relief.

The black men in Jinling would not work so hard, let alone lying on the ground with a stinking smell in the middle of the night. Even if they were squatting outside, these people would go back to their homes immediately after get off work time.

The shadow walked into the alley, walked to the door of a house on his feet, squatted down and stuffed a package into the crack of the door, then got up and left without stopping, but when he reached the entrance of the alley, he was stunned.

The beggar just now disappeared, and the dark shadow couldn't help but put his hand into his arms, but before he could take out something, he was pushed to the ground by several strong men who jumped out, one of whom was the beggar.

The beggar plucked the black figure's hair, put his face under the flashlight to take a photo, and cursed: "What the hell, it's not Hei Liu, it should be that bastard's subordinate."

The shadow wanted to open his mouth to explain, but found that his chin was drooped and his hands and feet were unresponsive. This made him horrified as to who the other party was.

These people are definitely not policemen. The Jinling police are very dirty, but not so neat. I have been dealing with them for so many years and it is impossible to admit their mistakes.

The beggar stretched out his hand to examine the black figure, and quickly took out a Browning from his arms. He pulled the sleeve and a bullet jumped out of the ejection port.

“He is really a desperado, and he is not afraid of being shot to death. Go and personally take out the package he just stuffed into Hei Liu’s house. Be careful not to be discovered.

Take this kid back to the office, wash him, skin him and order some appetizers. I will ask the section chief for instructions before dealing with him. No one is allowed to act alone, you know? "

“Yes, Chief Song.”

The flashlight light came on, and the stinking beggar turned out to be Song Minghao. Before he could take off his disguise, he jumped in the car and drove directly to the secret service office.

The trip to the secret service headquarters made him understand that money cannot solve all problems, only power. If Huang Dahu confessed to Dai Chunfeng, would Yi Yi dare to take action? I'm afraid he wouldn't.

When he was young, Song Minghao was considered a fierce general in the intelligence department, but unfortunately no one appreciated him. After decades of hard work, he became a warrant officer. If Zuo Zhong hadn't helped him, he probably would have been able to continue his career as a warrant officer.

Being stimulated by this situation, Song Minghao actually had a second spring in his intelligence career. This time he not only pretended to conduct reconnaissance, but also arrested people himself. He was determined to make something famous.

When Zuo Zhong was woken up from his sleep and saw the beggar version of Song Minghao, he thought he was dreaming. It wasn't until he heard the other party's orderly report that he realized that the old youtiao had really changed.

With no time to think about the reason, Zuo Zhong and Song Minghao went downstairs to the interrogation room. Hei Liu's men were being warmly received at this time. As soon as they walked in, they heard the other party's high-pitched screams.

"Grandpas, I admit it. The boss gave me the gun, and I and others polished the accuracy. A few days ago, the boss suddenly wanted to use a gun, so he picked two from the inventory. What I said is true. .

Later, the boss said that something happened. He took people to meet the boss and asked me to send some money and food to his mother in a few days. I really don’t know where the boss has gone. I have been looking for him these two days. "

Hei Liu's men burst into tears and immediately told him about the gun. This man learned that the person who arrested him was the Secret Service, and he only received a few whips before completely selling out Hei Liu and the small gang.

Zuo Zhong frowned and asked, "What is the name of the boss you are talking about?"

Hei Liu's subordinates shook their heads repeatedly: "I don't know, only the boss has seen him."

"Your name."

 “Ding, Ding Long.”

 (End of this chapter)

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