Cicada Moving

Chapter 259: clarify

Chapter 259 Clarification

Zuo Zhong smiled and asked: "Okay, Ding Long, don't be afraid. Why are there rumors outside that you have military forces behind you? Is this true?"

Ding Long quickly explained: "It was my eldest brother who spread the word about it in order to become famous. However, the boss may be a soldier, and the goods he brings occasionally have steel stamps."

Steel seal?

Only military and police weapons will be used. Once stamped with steel, the weapon will be recorded in the military committee. There are strict rules for use and scrapping. That boss is so bold.

Song Minghao’s gang has a lot of connections behind them, and they only dare to float the weapons before they are put into the warehouse. If the weapons are stamped into the warehouse, once the weapons are seized, the loss process can be easily traced.

Zuo Zhong asked curiously: "What model is the gun with the steel seal? How did you handle the steel seal? This thing cannot be worn away. It will be exposed once it is pickled."

Ding Long said with a grimace: "We have all kinds of models. The short guns include Browning, new and old models of Zilaide, and Sanjiang Iron. The long guns include Hanyang and Shuilianzhu."

 Sir, you are an expert. Unless the barrel of the gun is ground off, the steel stamp cannot be removed at all. We only polish the outside and sell it to those who trade in red goods. "

Looking at the shivering Ding Long, Zuo Zhong felt that the boss was either brave or poor, or that he was poor and crazy for doing this. But where did he get these junk things from?

There is also Hei Liu, who is indeed the same as the other party, poor and tyrannical. Their standard weapons are sold to robbers who specialize in robbery. These people throw away the weapons after finishing their work. No wonder they are not afraid of being traced.

Then Zuo Zhong asked about the most critical thing: "You said your boss wanted to use a gun. Did you hear Hei Liu tell you about this? What did he say at the time?"

“Yes, yes, the boss came back in a hurry and asked me to find two Brownings from the inventory. He asked me not to have a steel seal, and that the quality should not be too new or too old.

I searched for a long time, and the only suitable one was a Browning that had been processed for precision. The boss said that this is what the boss wants to use, and asked me to clean it up to make sure it doesn't get stuck. "

Zuo Zhong's heart suddenly moved. Was it Hei Liu's own decision to use the treated pistol? Then his chances of survival are even lower. Japanese spies are not easy to deal with.

He glanced at Ding Long: "You know there was an explosion in a drugstore in Jinling. Did the gun-taking incident happen before or after this incident? Is there anything unusual about Hei Liu and the boss?"

Ding Long nodded desperately: "I know, the day after the explosion, our boss disappeared for a whole day. He picked up the gun six or seven days later, and he took the people away the next day.

Except for me, he took away three people. Those people are his real confidants. I am just a watchdog. I have never done anything harmful to nature.

 Sir, what I said is true. I am willing to take you to catch the boss. No, Hei Liu, I know where he usually goes, and I will definitely catch him. "

Zuo Zhong became a little more interested: "Where does Hei Liu usually go?"

 “Jiyuan, casino, Black Six loves to push Pai Gow and roll dice.”

These are of little value. If Hei Liu had not been silenced, Hei Liu must have left Jinling and would not have stayed to seek death. The interrogation can be concluded.

Song Minghao asked secretly: "Section Chief, do you want to give this guy the electric chair to confirm his confession? These gangsters are very cunning and cannot be trusted easily."

Left key nodded. This kind of person is indeed telling lies. It’s good to confirm them. If you can stand it, go to Tiger Bridge. If you can’t stand it, this is your fate.

He walked out of the interrogation room, and in his mind he pictured the image of the boss Ding Long had confessed. He was suspected of being a soldier, with a low status, very courageous, and very short of money.

 Is Zhu Ji better than Qiong?

 This was Zuo Zhong’s first reaction. Except for the unknown economic situation, Zhu Jisheng perfectly matched the characteristics of this boss. This must be clarified.

  The second lieutenant's military salary is 40 yuan, which is logically enough. After all, food and accommodation are in the military camp, and the 88th Division is a unit of the Jinling Garrison, so there is no military salary arrears.

While he was thinking, he heard a burst of cheers from the conference room, and hurriedly walked over. It seemed that Zhu Jisheng's camp records and statistics were completed.

Zuo Zhong pushed open the door of the conference room. The agents were packing up the original records. Records were densely written on the blackboard. Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi were proofreading each other's records.

Seeing Zuo Zhong coming, Gu Qi pointed to the blackboard: "Section Chief, Chunyang and I will compare it to prevent mistakes in copying and memorizing. There is something really wrong with this Zhu Jisheng. You will know after taking a look."

Left key nodded and did not disturb their work. He walked to the blackboard and started looking at it. The blackboard was based on time, starting from the end of the 19th year of the Republic of China. On the left was written the eighth month when Zhu enlisted in the army.

 Simple and clear, this was the first time Zhu Jisheng left the camp after joining the army and completing recruit training. There was a note on the blackboard, which read: Leaving the camp at 1pm and returning at 5pm, both empty-handed.

 Young people from the northwest naturally wanted to go out and see the colorful world of Jinling. They only spent four hours. Maybe they were short of money, or maybe they were timid and didn't dare to go far. It seemed normal.

 Zhu Jisheng will go out of the camp every two or three months, empty-handed, and come back with some daily necessities, as well as fresh fruits and snacks, no different from other soldiers who go out. But what happened next was a bit strange. In May of the 20th year of the Republic of China, the first month after he became the squad leader, he almost missed the time to return to camp, and he didn't bring anything back and forth. This was only the first time.

 By June, Zhu Jisheng went out to the camp every week, and as his military rank increased, he went out to the camp for longer periods of time. Then, at the end of the 22nd year of the Republic of China, his record of leaving the camp disappeared.

Whether he stopped leaving the camp or left the camp without keeping records needs to be verified. Zuo Zhong felt that the latter was more likely. After working in the army for so many years and being the deputy company commander, he always had some privileges.

However, this kind of privilege comes with favors. The officers at all levels of the battalion and company must be filial, the guards at the door must be well guarded, the leading officers must negotiate well, and the Military Justice Department inspectors who conduct roll calls must not be forgotten.

Given the frequency with which he went out to camp, the military salary was simply not enough. It was understandable that he would slip out once in a while, but why did he never leave the camp through normal channels after twenty-two years?

 The blank record of leaving the camp is hiding the movement track?

 But abnormal behavior is easier to expose, wouldn’t he know?

This is what Gu Qi said was wrong, but this kind of wrongness made Zuo Zhong feel that Zhu Jisheng's suspicion was alleviated, because a Japanese spy could not be so stupid, let alone reveal so many flaws.

 Leaving the camp, recording, returning to the camp, recording, a complete set of procedures.

Zuo Zhong stood in front of the blackboard and wrote down the four steps. Then he folded his arms and fell into deep thought. There must be a reason why Zhu Jisheng did not leave the camp through formal channels. The answer lies in these eight words.

The agents collected the information and waited quietly aside. No one could leave without orders. The only sound left in the conference room was the quiet discussion between Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang, and the clock was ticking.

 Zuo Zhong was thinking about it, and suddenly he picked up the chalk and drew a big circle, enclosing all the steps. He seemed to know why the target no longer went out at the normal time.

Here, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang just finished comparing their records. Seeing Zuo Zhong's movement, the two walked over together. Gu Qi asked: "Have you seen the section chief? Zhu Jisheng's records are very strange."

Wu Chunyang glanced at the four steps Zuo Zhong wrote on the blackboard: "Deputy Section Chief Gu and I can't figure out why he stopped leaving the camp through formal channels since last year, not even once."

Leo Dian nodded without answering, raised his hand and wrote two words on the blackboard: time.

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang looked very puzzled as to what time had to do with the camp record.

 “You have overlooked something.”

Zuo Zhong threw the chalk aside and said with a smile: "Zhu Jisheng has his own purpose for leaving the camp. To accomplish this purpose, he must leave the camp at abnormal times, such as nights or non-weekends."

This is easy to understand. The only time to go out of the military camp is on weekends and during the day. Zhu Jisheng did not go out of the camp through regular channels because even if he went out of the camp on the weekend, he would not be able to accomplish a certain purpose.

However, Gu Qi quickly raised questions: "Then why didn't he pretend to leave the camp on weekends and return to the camp once, so as to cover up his abnormal trajectory. It is too suspicious that the record is blank."

Zuo Zhong laughed: "Who said he didn't want to cover up his whereabouts? It's just that he couldn't do it. Don't be so rigid. Sometimes the problem is very simple, but you think it's complicated."

The first person to react was Wu Chunyang. He clapped his hands: "Zhu Jisheng not only left the camp, but also stayed up all night. He would even stay outside for several days. He was not in the military camp during weekends."

Gu Qi slapped his thigh and said regretfully: "I never thought that this guy is so brave. If a soldier is found out by the Military Justice Department for leaving his post without permission, he will be shot. What on earth is he doing out there?"

Yeah, what important thing does Zhu Jisheng have? It's not enough to leave the camp on the weekend. He has to spend money and energy to go out for so long. Could it be related to a spy?

 Zuo Zhong turned around fiercely and asked, "How are you sure that Zhu Jisheng did not escape?"

Wu Chunyang quickly replied: "The call was in the name of military inspection. All the officers and soldiers of the 523rd Regiment and below were in the camp that day. I was afraid that this would be unsafe, so I also found a relationship to confirm."

Zuo Zhong was a little surprised and said: "What is your connection in the military? Will you be discovered?"

Wu Chunyang explained: "Section chief, you remember the hot spring sanatorium case, the second lieutenant on duty at the door. I had dinner with him several times after the case was over, and he served as the lieutenant company commander of the 88th Division."

Oh, that's right. It seems that everyone is building their own connections. Since they have confirmed it through internal connections, Wu Chunyang is very reliable.

 Zhu Jisheng must have fed some people if he can stay outside for so long. It is not safe to just ask on the phone. Since this can start the next step.

 “You go out and keep it secret.”

Zuo Zhong drove the little spies out and whispered to Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang: "Lao Gu, Chunyang, immediately let the public know that Xu Enzeng has a good relationship with the wife of Commander Yuan of the 88th Division."

 (End of this chapter)

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