Cicada Moving

Chapter 260: Loss move

Chapter 260: Damage

ah? What a loss.

Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi were stunned. Who didn't know that Xu Enzeng was a famous living Cao Cao? To say that he had a good relationship with Mr. Yuan's wife was to put a dark green hat on Mr. Yuan's head.

  Commander Yuan has a high position. Once he found out that this was a rumor created by the Secret Service, he led his troops to sweep away the Secret Service in a rage. This is very possible. This Huangpu clique is famous for being lawless.

Zuo Zhong was a little unhappy when they saw him, and said sternly: "I am here for work. Even if I capture the target outside the camp, I have to consider the reaction of the 88th Division and Commander Yuan, so I must divert my attention.

As long as this matter spreads, Master Yuan will definitely deal with the matter in the backyard first, and we will seize the time to interrogate him. By then, the deal will be done, even if he reacts too late, do you understand? "

That said, it sounds very reasonable, but why is it so strange? In ancient times, Sun Bin surrounded Wei to save Zhao, but now there is a section chief who surrounds his wife to arrest people? Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang felt dizzy after hearing this.

"There are some things I can't say, but this matter is not my opinion alone. It should be implemented immediately. I want the whole Jinling to know the news early tomorrow morning, and our listening room must be used."

Zuo Zhongxunxun taught: "Use a confidential line to hang up all middle and low-level officials and disclose the matter. Pay attention to the method. You can pretend to have made the wrong call. In short, you must do it as soon as possible."

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang understood. It seemed that Dai Chunfeng had agreed to the matter. In that case, let's do it. The two went to the listening room to summon people to issue orders. Jinling City was now lively.

  Section Chief Yang of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Bai Wenzhi argued with each other all night, and finally agreed on helping each other to run for office. They also made some money on the way, and lay down on the bed exhausted and fell asleep.

 “Ding-a-ling! Ding-a-ling!”

Suddenly the phone rang. Section Chief Yang, who was sleeping, got out of bed and picked up the phone. He was about to ask who the other party was, but the person on the other end of the phone spoke first, and what he said shocked him.

"Hello? Is this Deputy Director Zhao? Have you heard that Xu Enzeng and the wife of Commander Yuan of the 88th Division are having trouble. I will only tell you about this matter. You must never tell others."

 Bang, the phone was hung up.

Section Chief Yang put down the microphone and stood on the floor with bare feet, eyes blinking, Xu Enzeng? Commander of the 88th Division? Xu Enzeng and Mrs. Yuan? Hiss, Xu Enzeng is so brave.

At the next moment, he thought of something and quickly turned the phone and made several calls to find out whether the matter was true or not. As a result, everyone's answers were very vague, as if they were secretive.

 Who in the officialdom is willing to admit that he is not well-informed.

Section Chief Yang felt that this was probably true and immediately made a phone call.

Zuo Zhong was checking intelligence in the office. The phone on the table rang. He picked it up and listened. Then his expression became more and more weird. He felt that there was no need to wait until dawn, the whole Jinling would know about it.

"Hello? Chief Zuo, did you hear that? Xu Enzeng is in trouble. This old boy dares to have an affair with Mrs. Yuan. Director Chen can't protect him this time."

"I heard it, Lao Yang, don't spread this kind of thing randomly. You must save some face for Master Yuan. After all, you should be kind if you don't slap someone in the face."

When Section Chief Yang heard this, he thought that he had really misunderstood Section Chief Zuo before. He didn’t expect the other party to be so particular. He hung up the phone out of shame.

 Then, he shook the phone again, waited until the call was connected, and once again talked about the secret between Xu Enzeng and Mrs. Yuan with excitement and jealousy.

 Early the next morning.

Xu Enzeng, who had been praised several times by Director Chen for busting an underground party organization, walked into a place refreshed, but soon felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

 The subordinates looked at him with very complicated expressions. What had happened? Xu Enzeng immediately increased his vigilance and immediately called Liu Gui, the intelligence section chief.

Not long after, everyone in the whole place heard Director Xu’s roar, which scared the agents into silence. However, they all had gossip in their eyes and winked at each other to communicate.

Not only Xu Enzeng, but also Commander Yuan also received the news. He was furious and fired directly. If the guards hadn't stopped her, poor Mrs. Yuan might have perished.

Jinling City was in chaos that day, and even the bald men in the southwest called the Secret Service, asking Dai Chunfeng to pay close attention to the ideological trends of military and political officials.

Amid the chaos, Zuo Zhong took Wu Chunyang to the surveillance point in the 88th Division camp early in the morning, waiting for Zhu Jisheng to leave the camp again. According to Zuo Zhong's judgment, it would be time for him to leave the camp before the weekend.

Today is Friday, and something happened at the home of Commander Yuan. The 88th Division is in panic. All the officers have gone to the city. Zhu Jisheng is likely to leave the camp again. Then it will be a good opportunity to take action.

Wu Chunyang looked outside cautiously and asked: "Section Chief, the Japanese ambush on you was not successful. Will Zhu Jisheng sink temporarily?"

Zuo Zhong smiled: "I don't know, but it's not important. As long as we keep an eye on Zhu Jisheng, we will definitely gain something. I don't think this is easy."

Wu Chunyang did not answer after hearing this, and quickly adjusted the magnification of the telescope with his right hand. Zuo Zhong knew that he had made a discovery, so he also walked to the surveillance gate and set his sights on the gate of the barracks of the 523rd Regiment.

A man in casual clothes greeted the guards at the gate, walked out of the gate briskly, got on a rickshaw, and headed towards Jinling City. This man was Zhu Jisheng.

Although he looked a little different from the military uniform on the file, Zuo Zhong recognized him at a glance. This guy had a smile on his face and was a little fatter. It seemed that the food in the army was good. He was holding a small leather bag in his hand, and after getting in the car, he hugged it tightly in his arms, as if it was a treasure. I don’t know what was in it, and whether it had anything to do with the Japanese, so I had to keep an eye on him.

 “Go, keep up.”

Zuo Zhong said something and walked out of the surveillance point first. Wu Chunyang hurriedly followed. The two drove their cars and followed along the road. Their task was to command, so they were not too close to the target.

In addition to them, other special agents of the Intelligence Section followed Zhu Jisheng by pulling rickshaws, driving cars, riding bicycles, etc., and followed Zhu Jisheng closely through alternating cover.

Seeing that the tracking was going smoothly, Wu Chunyang said: "Section Chief, the target feels a bit strange to me. It doesn't feel like going to an intelligence joint, but like going home. Is he really a Japanese spy?"

Looking at Zhu Jisheng who did not change cars or routes, Zuo Zhong did not answer. The other party did not take any anti-tracking actions. It did not look like he had received professional intelligence training, which was contradictory.

On the day of the explosion, he speculated that Zhu Jisheng found Chaotian Palace by tracking Gu Qi's car, and then launched an ambush plan. However, the other party's current behavior did not look like a professional agent.

Maybe he and Gu Qi were careless. Zuo Zhong only thought of this possibility. At that time, he was only thinking about Zhang Anren and the explosion, and he really didn't care about whether he was clean after death.

Zhu Jisheng's rickshaw traveled a long way until it stopped in a residential area an hour later and handed the driver a banknote. Without waiting for change, Zhu Jisheng walked into the alley with the driver's gratitude.

Along the way, Zhu Jisheng smiled and greeted people, and seemed to be in a good mood. Finally, he walked outside a single-family courtyard, knocked on the door first, and then took out the key.

At the entrance of the alley, a car stopped. Zuo Zhong, who was in the car, saw this scene and thought of what Wu Chunyang had just said. The goal was to go home, but the goal was to settle down in Jinling City.

And it is expensive. It is not far from Meiyuan New Village and has complete facilities. Although it is not a new-style residence, it is not cheap to buy or rent. With the military salary of a second lieutenant, it is definitely unaffordable.

Zuo Zhong looked around and said to Wu Chunyang: "Check the owner of the house, set up surveillance points nearby, and follow up and investigate all people entering and leaving. You and I will keep an eye on it here."

Wu Chunyang's execution ability was very strong. Three hours later, Zuo Zhong was standing at the surveillance point. This was the home of a sergeant in the nearby police station. He had a good observation line and could directly see the main entrance of the target.

Wu Chunyang Lizhenghui reported: "Section Chief, the perimeter control arrangements have been made, and mobile sentries have been set up near the target backyard. The owner's information has been verified. Zhu Jisheng bought this yard last year."


Zuo Zhong revealed that he looked at the target through the observation port and said: "Let everyone be careful. We are all new faces and are very conspicuous in residential areas. There is no need to expose ourselves and wait patiently."

Wu Chunyang nodded. It was very troublesome to perform tasks in this old-fashioned residential area. These residents knew the names of the nearby neighbors, how many people there were in the family, and their financial status better than the police station.

 Very easily exposed.

After receiving the order, the intelligence department agents either sat at the surveillance point and waited for the order, or huddled in the car and monitored silently. The alley seemed to be the same as usual, except that there were many more pairs of eyes.

 Time passed little by little, and the street lights on the roadside turned on. Zuo Zhong moved his eyes away from the target gate, stood up and moved around, pinched his sore neck, and glanced at the clock on the wall.

 It’s almost seven o’clock in the evening, and the whole day has passed like this.

There was no movement after Zhu Jisheng entered the yard. He never came out, and no one came to see him. Why did this guy spend so much money to buy this house, and what was its purpose?

Zuo Zhong glanced at the target again, then frowned, picked up the telescope and observed it carefully again. His expression changed. The situation in the yard was not quite right, and he was afraid that something had happened.

 He called Wu Chunyang and said with a gloomy face: "Arrest him immediately."

Wu Chunyang was stunned: "Section Chief, are you arresting me now? Are you not following the clues?"

He did not explain, waved his hand, and rushed to the target yard with the agents. Wu Chunyang kicked open the door first, and the fragile door bolt snapped, but there was still no response in the room.

Zuo Zhong said with a dark face: "Search!"

“Yes.” The agents rushed in with weapons in hand and kicked open the doors of each room.

 Wu Chunyang saw something was wrong and asked, "Section Chief, how did you know there was a problem?"

Zuo Zhong had an expressionless face: "If the light is not on, he is just a pig. He should wake up after sleeping all day."

 “Section Chief, the body was found!”

At this time, the searching agent shouted, Wu Chunyang was shocked, something really happened.

 (End of this chapter)

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