Cicada Moving

Chapter 261: corpse

Chapter 261 Corpse

Zuo Zhong walked into the room, and a small agent pointed to the bed: "Section Chief, the body is on the bed. We have not moved it. There is blood on the ground and bed."

Needless to say, Zuo Zhong also smelled a strong smell of blood, which seemed to be mixed with a faint smell of perfume. Has a woman lived in this house?

Look at the rose-red curtains on the side and the empty leather bag on the ground. Could it be that this is what Zhu Jisheng is protecting as a treasure? But even Mr. Rabbit wouldn't use such coquettish colors.

Zuo Zhong Xiangxiang walked to the bed, frowned at the scene in front of him, and lay on the bed in a prone position, with his upper body and head hanging naturally under the bed.

 There was a pool of bleeding from an unknown cause just below the head. The blood had completely coagulated. It seemed that at least ten minutes had passed since the bleeding.

 After human blood is separated from the body, it will be affected by room temperature and will coagulate within ten minutes at the earliest. This is a simple forensic common sense.

In addition to blood, there was a big jujube that had been bitten into under the bed. The damaged surface had been oxidized, and there was still a lot of it in the fruit plate on the desk.

At this time Wu Chunyang walked in and handed Zuo Zhong a set of protective equipment: "Section Chief, according to Dr. Ling's requirements, we must wear them when entering and leaving the scene."

 “Well, you come and take pictures.”

 Zuo Zhong said as he put on the mask, gloves, hat, shoe covers and white coat. Although it was made of linen, it was considered professional.

Wu Chunyang asked the others to leave first. He also wore protective equipment, held the camera himself, and photographed various scenes in the house from various angles.

The focus was on the person lying on the bed. He took dozens of photos in succession until he confirmed that all the original postures of the other person were recorded, and nodded to the left point.

Zuo Zhong approached the bed and touched the other person's neck, confirming that there was no pulse. The cold touch and stiff body showed that the other person was indeed dead.

And he had been dead for at least an hour, otherwise the coldness and rigor mortis wouldn't be so obvious. He grabbed the corpse's shoulders with both hands and pulled it back hard.

The corpse was lying on the bed in a strange posture. Zhu Jisheng, the second lieutenant officer of the 88th Division, had his eyes wide open, his mouth slightly open, and his eyes dull.

 “md, I was shocked.”

Zuo Zhong frowned. Zhu Jisheng, the suspected spy, died miserably, with traces of bleeding from his eyes, nose and mouth.

 The stiffness of the whole body pushed his death time forward by four hours, because rigor mortis usually appears 1-3 hours after death, spreads throughout the body at 4-6 hours, and reaches its peak at 12-16 hours.

 In other words, Zhu Jisheng died before three o'clock in the afternoon. The cause of death is unknown, but Zuo Zhong looked at the half-eaten green dates on the ground and made a guess.

 After Zhu Jisheng arrived here from the military camp, he probably took a nap directly. When he woke up, he was very thirsty and picked up the big green dates from the fruit plate.

With just one mouthful, this sweet fruit killed him. He couldn't even call for help. Of course, this was just Zuo Zhong's guess.

He put half of the green dates under the bed and the green dates on the table into the bag. The identification of poisons requires going to the laboratory, and relying on animal testing is fiction.

For example, if a dog eats bitter lentils, it will react in a few minutes and die in less than half an hour, but it will not be fatal to humans if they eat it.

Wu Chunyang approached the corpse and carefully took pictures of the expression on the other person's face, the clothes on his body, and the blood stains on his mouth and nose, and kept the evidence.

 “Take pictures of these places clearly.”

Zuo Zhong pointed to the conspicuous bright red spots on the surface of the corpse, the cherry-red auricles and earlobes, and the cyanosis on the face and lips.

The police academy taught some simple forensic science, and Yu Xingle also shared with him in the special training class the identification methods of various causes of death. These are all standard characteristics of cyanide poisoning.

However, he did not jump to conclusions. In intelligence work, preconceptions are the most taboo. Appearances cannot explain anything. Professional matters are left to professionals. It is Ling Sanping's job to confirm the cause of death.

 “Click, click.”

Wu Chunyang held the camera steadily and took pictures as required.

Zuo Zhong stretched out his hand and searched downwards from the other person's collar. He stopped when he touched the chest pocket of his shirt. There was something inside.

 He unbuttoned and took out a booklet from his pocket, which was Zhu Jisheng's military officer ID card. It recorded approximate personal information, military rank, unit and position, and achievements.

Zuo Zhong looked at it carefully and saw that the content was consistent with the intelligence they had collected, so he was about to put it down. However, when he held the cover with his hand, there seemed to be some slight bulges, as if there was something sandwiched in the middle.

He felt refreshed and touched it again, and there was indeed a bulging feeling, so he rubbed the corners of the back page. The thick back cover leaked out of the interlayer. He gently tore it open and saw that there were several slender objects.

Zuo Zhong carefully held these slender objects under the light to identify them. They were hair, women's long hair. He didn't realize that Zhu Jisheng was still a lover, and he actually started exchanging tokens.

 The ancient Chinese people paid attention to the relationship between body, hair and skin, so exchanging hair is a very prudent behavior, which represents loyalty. There is also a hair-tying ceremony at weddings. This is how the hair-tying ceremony comes about.

But after looking at it, Zuo Zhong felt that something was wrong. The hair fell out naturally, and there were hair follicles at the roots. They were of different lengths. Perhaps Zhu Jisheng had hidden them secretly without the other party knowing.

And hiding it so secretly, it should be because they are afraid that the other party will find out. The relationship between Zhu Jisheng and the other party is somewhat complicated and very secret. At least their early intelligence collection did not discover this matter.

 So who is this woman?

There are very few women in the military camp. They work as translators and secretaries. They are close to the commander. The target is just a second lieutenant and deputy company commander who wants to pursue them, but I am afraid they are not qualified.

Of course, if Zhu Jisheng looked on the same level as Ling Sanping, it would be a different story. Let alone a second lieutenant, even if he was a top soldier, these female officers would pounce on him. More importantly, according to military regulations, women in the military camp are only allowed to have short hair, but the few hairs in front of him are long, which means that the woman with whom he has made a lifelong commitment is that he met outside the military camp.

Zuo Zhong pulled both ends of the hair and tugged slightly. It was not broken and was very strong. It looked shiny and smooth to the touch. Its owner should be a well-nourished young woman.

Youth is a very broad concept, but it can still be roughly defined. In this era, there are very few single women over 25 years old. Being able to date Zhu Jisheng means that the other person is an adult.

  So 18 to 25 years old is reasonable.

 Zuo Zhong put his hair into a small cloth bag and continued to fumble around. He found a wallet and a bunch of keys in his pants pocket. There were some banknotes in the wallet, but there were no other items.

He took out the money and tapped it. It was almost two hundred yuan, which was a second lieutenant's several months' military pay. The other party just put it in his wallet carelessly.

Zhu Jisheng must have other sources of income, otherwise he would not be able to afford such a house, let alone carry so much cash with him. This is inconsistent with his income and background.

Zuo Zhong put the things into the cloth bag and groped around the body. When he felt under the pillow, his expression changed. Sure enough, there was something there.

 He ​​slowly took out something. It was a Browning 1900. This thing was considered an antique in the Republic of China. Now both black and white use Browning 1910, which has smaller recoil and is more accurate.

But this is the same model of gun used by the Japanese at the ambush scene. More importantly, the accuracy is gone. It seems that the boss of Black Six is ​​probably Zhu Jisheng. There is no such coincidence in the world.

No wonder he is so bold in selling broken weapons with steel seals. He looks extremely vicious. He buys this compound, bribes his military colleagues, and sleeps and flies with young women for free.

Zuo Zhong pulled the slide and the bullet fell onto the bed. How could a gun dealer be so virtuous? He slept with a loaded weapon on his pillow and was not afraid of misfire.

Wu Chunyang took several close-ups of the pistol and bullets. With this evidence, the Secret Service had sufficient reason to investigate Zhu Jisheng. No matter how protective the 88th Division was, it had to bow its head in the face of evidence.

Except for the corpse and the bed, all other items in the house were checked, but there were only some men's belongings. What about the mysterious woman's belongings?

Zuo Zhong was confused. Could it be that Zhu Jisheng only met the other party occasionally and that the woman did not live here. This needs to be investigated clearly.

Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang surveyed the scene, while some of the other agents began to search the yard thoroughly, while others started questioning nearby neighbors.

The search work first made progress. A small agent found traces of excavation and burial in the backyard. He did not dare to destroy the scene and directly found Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong, who was about to take off his protective equipment, rushed to the backyard after hearing the news. He looked at the disturbed soil with a thoughtful expression. Could it be another corpse?

 He immediately ordered: “dig!”

The agents dug with shovels, but only dug fifty centimeters, and a pale hand was exposed. This was just the beginning. As the digging deepened, four bodies were discovered.

 The corpses were all of adult males. The cause of death was gunshot wounds to the body and head. The one buried the deepest among them was Hei Liu, a gun dealer who had disappeared for a long time. The corpse had been slightly decomposed.

Looking at the corpses lined up, Zuo Zhong understood that the enemy this time was a cautious person, but also very cruel. He would not hesitate to kill five people, including Zhu Jisheng, in order to silence them.

He squatted down and used tweezers to poke the wound on Heiliu's chest. The wound was large, and there were radial burn marks on the clothes around the edge of the wound. This should have been caused by a pistol shot at close range.

 At such a close distance, and with another shot in a vital part, Hei Liu probably died on the spot. He pushed his head to the side, and a swelling suddenly appeared on the back of his head. Zuo Zhong was thoughtful.

The first person the opponent killed was Hei Liu. Perhaps taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he suddenly drew a gun, put it to his chest and fired quickly, and then killed three of Hei Liu's men in a very short period of time.

In order to confirm his suspicion, Zuo Zhong asked his men to find some chopsticks from the kitchen and insert them into the wound of the corpse to confirm the angle at which the bullet entered. Wu Chunyang also came out to help after finishing the work in the house.

 Soon, the three corpses except Hei Liu finished recording.

Corpse A was shot in the lower right abdomen. The bullet flew vertically from the waist behind him. The gun directly interrupted the main artery near the spine, causing massive bleeding and paralysis. A died on the spot.

Body B was shot in the heart. The bullet entered the chest from bottom to top. Finally, it caused a huge wound on the back and flew out. The organs were clearly visible. This injury was equally fatal.

Body C was shot between the eyes. The bullet also entered the body from bottom to top and exited from the back of the head. The man's eyes were still open, and it seemed he was killed without any reaction.

They are all fatal injuries, and they are all shot at close range, otherwise the bullets would not penetrate the human body so easily. After all, most bullets are not designed to penetrate, but to cause greater damage.

Zuo Zhong folded his arms and closed his eyes to think about something. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at the corpse on the ground. He called Wu Chunyang and three little spies to make arrangements.

"Chunyang, you stand in front of me. The other person stands on our right side. The other two people stand behind me and Chief Wu. Don't move now. Whoever I point my finger at will fall down."

Everyone was confused, but they still stood in position according to his request. Zuo Zhong walked up to Wu Chunyang and said, "Chunyang, you will fall down later. Don't make any unnecessary movements, as if you were really shot."

Wu Chunyang nodded and was about to answer, but then Zuo Zhong suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at his chest. Wu Chunyang reacted quickly and fell straight back to the ground, with the back of his head almost hitting the ground.

 At the same time, Zuo Zhong’s hand was already aimed at the lower abdomen of the agent on the right side of the two men;

Without waiting for the other party to react, he immediately pointed at the heart of the agent behind Wu Chunyang;

 Finally, he made a tactical roll, turned around and aimed at the head of the agent behind him.

These actions were completed in one go, and within a few seconds everyone fell down. The injured parts were consistent with the four corpses. At this time, the agents all understood that the section chief was restoring the scene of the crime.

After Zuo Zhong finished doing this, he stood up straight again and said word by word: "Action master!"

   Female soldiers in the Kuomintang army first appeared during the Northern Expedition. In the winter of 1926, the WH branch of Huangpu Military Academy recruited female soldiers for the first time, setting the precedent for the formation of female soldiers in the Chinese army. The school successively recruited 213 female soldiers. By wartime, it was commonplace for women to join the military.



 (End of this chapter)

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