Cicada Moving

Chapter 262: On-site restoration (seeking votes)

Chapter 262 On-site restoration (asking for votes)

Wu Chunyang got up and touched the back of his head, then looked at Hei Liu's head and frowned. He was really a master of action and could kill people neatly.

Hei Liu and his gang are weapons dealers. It is impossible for them not to have weapons on them. Moreover, judging from their position, they seem to have surrounded the opponent, so they should be prepared.

But they still couldn't escape, which showed that the speed and cruelty of the other party's shooting was far beyond their imagination. What kind of person this would be.

He said seriously: "Section Chief, with such a dangerous action master operating in Jinling, we all need to pay attention to safety, especially you, Chief.

The last ambush was unsuccessful. He might choose to do it himself and use the opponent's marksmanship and mobility to assassinate him. I'm afraid it would be impossible to prevent him. "

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "I won't act alone these days, but I want to ask, apart from the opponent's movement skills, what else can you tell."

Wu Chunyang thought for a while and shook his head: "We can only see so much for the time being. The rest needs to be analyzed based on evidence and inquiries from nearby neighbors. Section Chief, have you discovered anything?"

Zuo Zhong pointed to the chopsticks on the corpse: "Go and take a look. You can also find someone to cooperate. I'll give you ten minutes. It doesn't matter if you can't finish it. Just go and help Gui Youguang wash a month's worth of socks."

Wu Chunyang's face turned dark. He squatted on the ground and observed the chopsticks for a while. He seemed to have discovered something, so he quickly found a few agents to recreate the scene several times.

Until the fifth time, he said in confusion: "The opponent seems to be very short? The trajectory of corpse A's bullet tends to be vertical, but the trajectory of the wounds on corpses B and C are from bottom to top."

However, it cannot be ruled out that the impact of tactical rolling movements is caused. After all, on-site restoration relies on inference and lacks decisive evidence and cannot be used as an effective clue to guide the investigation. "

Zuo Zhong was satisfied: "Well, it's impossible for the other party to carry four corpses and parade through the city. The crime scene is probably here. Someone may have heard the gunfire. Do you know what to do?"

Wu Chunyang's eyes lit up: "I understand."

Ten minutes later, the agents responsible for the on-site search lined up in a horizontal line, each with a flashlight, and pulled a net to look for possible blood stains and bullet casing marks.

At the same time, good news came from nearby inquiries. Someone heard something like gunshots a few days ago, but it was not loud.

The other party couldn't remember the exact date. He only remembered that it was late at night and that it rang several times in succession. When he wanted to listen carefully, there was no sound at all.


When Wu Chunyang received the news, his tone was very positive. The Intelligence Department also had such equipment, but few were willing to use it. It was not very practical.

The function of a silencer is to reduce the deafening sound of gunfire by 20 to 30%, but the remaining sound is still loud and can still be heard clearly at a close distance.

Even if they sneak in secretly, agents would rather use cold weapons than carry them. The battlefield is full of variables. Once a firefight occurs, as long as the other party fights back, the sneak attack becomes a strong attack.

 At this time, the sound of gunfire is deafening. The silencer has no benefit except increasing the load of the gun and reducing the shooting efficiency. It is only suitable in certain situations, such as killing people and silencing them.

Zhu Jisheng's yard is independent, more than ten meters away from the nearest neighbor. After using a silencer, the sound of gunfire will not be so noticeable.

Zuo Zhong nodded after listening: "Well, a professional agent with complete logistics. This kind of professional equipment is not easy to buy in China, nor is it cheap."

The special agent who came to report the news added: "We also asked about some situations. After Zhu Jisheng moved in last year, he would only come to stay for two or three days on Fridays.

Although he would nod and say hello when he met his neighbors, he didn't say much to them. The neighbors didn't know his background and only knew his surname: Zhu.

The house is usually vacant, but some people say they have heard a woman's voice, but no one has seen it with their own eyes, so they can't be sure. "

 The woman, the smell of perfume in the room, and the hair in Zhu Jisheng's military ID card matched each other. Zhu Jisheng had a trick, and he actually played the role of "hidden beauty in the golden house".

 But the on-site inspection of the house just now found that there was nothing belonging to a woman, not even a hair. There was something fishy about this.

 “Blood stains were found!”

At this time, a secret agent shouted in a low voice, with a very excited tone.

 “Let’s go and have a look.”

Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang walked over and found the blood stain in the kitchen. An agent found a touch of red in the cracks in the bricks on the wall.

The place is more than one meter above the ground. Even if you kill chickens and ducks, the blood will not be sprayed so high. It is very likely that this is the scene where the other party kills people and silences them.

At the same time, there were many large holes densely dug into the wall. The mottled walls formed a strong contrast with the clean and tidy kitchen, which was very abrupt.

Zuo Zhong took a flashlight and shined it on the wall from various angles. The blood stains seemed to have been cleaned deliberately, and the color was very light, making it difficult to detect.

Had the searching agents not been careful, they might have been ignored, but it was precisely because of the light color that the other party left such a sparse detail.

Zuo Zhong stood in front of the blood stain and thought, if this was the scene, whose blood stain belonged to Hei Liu who was shot in the chest, or B who was shot in the heart of the corpse.

 At a height of more than one meter, only the wounds of Hei Liu and B are consistent. A was shot in the abdomen, and C was shot in the head. The height of their wounds is wrong.

From a psychological point of view, Hei Liu can be ruled out. He brought three of his men to find the other party. There is no reason for the boss to be forced to talk to the wall. Then it could only be Corpse B. Zuo Zhong looked at the kitchen thoughtfully. There was a table in the middle and a brick stove on the opposite wall.

If it was what he thought, Hei Liu was talking to the other party at the table, Corpse A was blocking the door on the right, Corpse B was behind Hei Liu, then Corpse C was standing by the wall next to the stove.

Zuo Zhong walked to the stove, turned on the flashlight and observed the wall carefully. It was really interesting. It stands to reason that there should be oil stains on the wall here near the stove, but he didn't see anything.

 He ​​leaned close to the wall and smelled it with his nose. There was no smell. Could it be that the stove had not been used? But looking at the oil stains on the chimney, he ruled out this possibility. The wall had been cleaned!

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and walked back to the door. He didn't bother with the wall, but closed the door and looked for something behind the door. After a while, he stretched out his finger and poked the door, and the door was actually pierced!

Wu Chunyang's eyes almost dropped. When did the section chief become a martial arts master? This door is made of old elm wood and is very strong. It can't be broken even with a knife, let alone poke it with your hands.

Zuo Zhong had a smile on his face and looked outside through the punctured holes. He happened to see a row of flower pots, but they looked a bit strange. There were four on the left and only three on the right.

 He straightened up, clapped his hands, and walked back to Yantai. The thing was exactly as he thought, except that this opponent was very cunning and destroyed all the evidence, but why was this wall so clean?

The bullet that killed the armor passed through the wooden door and hit the flower pot. The enemy found and recovered it, and filled the bullet hole with sawdust.

  The warheads fired at Black Six and B penetrated into the wall and were recovered by the other side, smashing the wall and destroying the crater.

Only the wall behind B was clean. Zuo Zhong suddenly shined his flashlight on the top of the wall. There was a transom there, and the big tree outside was swaying its branches, which looked very strange under the light.

Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes: "Chunyang, let people look for bullet holes in the trees outside. There must be a warhead there. This is called the sky net."


 After receiving the order, the agents climbed up the big tree, used flashlights, and searched carefully on the side facing the kitchen.

Not long after, an agent discovered a crater in the treetop and easily pulled out the warhead.

When Zuo Zhong looked at the somewhat deformed warhead, he weighed it with his hands. It was not heavy, and the caliber was not very large. It was a bit like another caliber of the PPK, a 6.35mm bullet used by the Secret Service.

It would be interesting if it were really a 6.35mm bullet. There are not many pistols using this caliber. They are basically German products. In addition to PPK, there are also pocket pistols produced by Mauser.

For example, the Mauser M1910 pocket pistol is very reliable and has unusually high shooting accuracy. It is also very small and easy to carry concealed. It is very popular among women.

 The woman who disappeared was a very short action expert, suspected to be a lady's pocket pistol. Zuo Zhong held the bullet in his hand and had some ideas. He raised his head and shouted: "Take the body back to the hospital."

Late in the middle of the night, a group of cars drove into Renxin Hospital and carried out many corpses. After hearing the news, Ling Sanping came with students from the forensic training class.

These are the best teaching materials. The Intelligence Section has not been busy recently, and many fewer Japanese spies have been killed. The training classes are even running out of fresh teaching materials.

While instructing the students to put the teaching materials in place, he chatted quietly with Zuo Zhong, and the two discussed the plastic surgery part of the canned plan.

Ling Sanping said angrily: "Do you know how complicated plastic surgery is? It requires the assistance of other doctors. I definitely can't complete it alone."

Zuo Zhong looked surprised: "Are there not enough doctors in Renxin Hospital for you? Don't worry, the employees here have all had their background checked.

Not only are they fine, but their relatives are also under our control. Whatever medicines and equipment are needed, just ask for it, and it will be on public account. "

 “Oh, that’ll be no problem.”

Ling Sanping instantly thought of the many surgical instruments he had coveted for a long time. Since he is not paying for them, he should buy them all at once.

Zuo Zhong didn't know what he was thinking. He pointed at Zhu Jisheng's corpse and said, "Hurry up and get someone to dissect corpse No. 1. He may have consumed toxic substances. I want to know the clear cause of his death."

Ling Sanping said nothing more and ran away with the students. It was a bit tight to complete the autopsy and poison identification in such a short period of time.

Wu Chunyang said from the side: "Section Chief, the condition of the two Japanese is stable and their physical condition meets the interrogation standards. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Zuo Zhong put his hands on his hips and said with murderous intent: "Just interrogate them in the hospital and make sure they are alive. I will let them live and die."

 After speaking, he and Wu Chunyang walked to the top floor of the hospital building. The original office area of ​​Liang Yuandong was changed into the suspect's ward. The corridors were guarded by multiple guards, and iron bars were installed on the doors and windows.

Zuo Zhong took the opportunity to check the safety work in the ward. Gui Youguang did a good job, especially the Czech style in the corridor, which made him feel safe.

However, when he saw He Yijun passing by casually, he was a little bit dumbfounded, but he had to say that she was indeed very suitable for wearing a nurse uniform.

  Gui Youguang is responsible for the protection in the open, and she is checking for leaks in secret. The division of labor between the two is good. I hope that the two Japanese will have enough interrogation value.

For example, whether the person they contacted was Zhu Jisheng, whether there was anyone else behind Zhu Jisheng, and whether they had seen the action master.

Zuo Zhong became more and more convinced that the identity of the woman living with Zhu Jisheng was not simple, but he had to find evidence to prove his suspicion.

 (End of this chapter)

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