Cicada Moving

Chapter 263: Veritaserum (please vote)

Chapter 263 Veritaserum (please vote)

Wu Chunyang opened the door to the ward, and Zuo Zhong walked in first, just in time to see Gui Youguang hammering the Japanese agent's ribs. The agent was sweating profusely in pain but didn't say a word. He was a diehard.

 “Section chief.”

Gui Youguang stopped quickly. The interrogation was subject to venue requirements. Strictly speaking, what he did was an abuse of lynching and violated the discipline of the Secret Service.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "Go on, the purpose of my coming today is for these two bastards, and I allow you to use any method to pry open their mouths."

He deliberately used these words in Japanese. The two Japanese spies did not react after hearing them. They must have been mentally prepared to be tortured.

Unfortunately, some things were not as simple as imagined. After breaking three ribs and they still remained silent, Zuo Zhong took action.

 “Bind them all and gagged them.”

  Then a group of agents sent them to an operating room. Zuo Zhong picked through the medicine cabinet and found a few vials, smiling with satisfaction.

 He ​​held the vial in his hand and explained to Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang: "Scopolamine can be used for anesthesia, analgesia, cough, and asthma. It is effective against motion sickness and does little harm to the human body.

However, Americans accidentally discovered that after injecting this drug, the human body will enter a special sedative state and can answer questions accurately in an unconscious state, which can be used for interrogation. "


Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang thought about it, how could they forget this thing? This medicine sounds very magical, but they don't know how effective it is. They prefer classical torture methods, which are direct.

The section chief attaches great importance to these new scientific and technological methods and has ordered a lot of journals. In addition, Ling Sanping has conducted some mysterious research. Today is a good time to see whether science works.

Zuo Zhong poked the syringe into the medicine bottle and randomly selected a Japanese agent: "Take the one next to him to the next door so as not to interfere with the interrogation later."

Several agents obeyed the order and took the other party out. The Japanese who stayed behind finally had a hint of fear, perhaps because they knew the power of scopolamine.

 Watching the prey struggle, Zuo Zhong showed his white teeth. After walking to the target and looking at it for a few times, he suddenly inserted the syringe into the target's neck.

 The external jugular vein, a relatively large vein in the human body, allows the truth serum to take effect as quickly as possible. He is not interested in beating around the bush.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the eyes of the Japanese spy who had been injected with veritaserum slowly became dull, his expression gradually became calmer, and his twisted head lowered.

Hit the flashlight on the left center of the person's eyes. The person's pupils changed very little in response to the light. He motioned to the agent to take away the gag cloth.

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang opened their eyes wide and watched how the section chief was going to interrogate them. If the truth serum was really useful, then their future work would be much easier.

Zuo Zhong moved a chair and sat across from the Japanese spy. After a moment of silence, he asked in a gentle voice: "Thank you for your hard work, are you thirsty?"

  The Japanese agent looked blank, and nodded after hesitating for a while: "Yes, please give me some water if you can. It's really troublesome."

Zuo Zhong nodded to the side, Wu Chunyang brought a glass of water, Gui Youguang helped the Japanese agent untie him, and the two of them stood back in the darkness.

The Japanese agent was probably really thirsty, so he picked up the water glass and drank it. After drinking a large glass of water, he was still not satisfied, so he licked his lips again.

 The request was met, which made his subconscious feel relaxed. He relaxed and said sheepishly: "It's really rude."

"It doesn't matter."

Zuo Zhong chuckled and suddenly said seriously in Japanese: "You are safe now. Zuo Zhong is under interrogation. Your mission has been completed very well. His Majesty Tianlu is very satisfied with this operation."

The Japanese spy stood up unsteadily, with a very enthusiastic expression: "Does His Majesty the Locust also know about this matter? This is really exciting."

As he spoke, he squeezed out a few drops of cat urine. His eyes were red, his nostrils were spraying hot air, and he looked like he wanted to die for the **** locusts.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop Wu Chunyang and the two, and said softly: "Yes, His Majesty is very happy and intends to meet you, but we need to talk first.

Please introduce the details of this mission. Our current conversation will be related to when His Majesty will receive you. Please be careful. "


The Japanese spy's eyes were confused, but after sitting down he still spoke: "Fengta-kun and I took the British merchant ship from Kanto Prefecture and entered Jinling City on the order of Chief Doihara."


Zuo Zhong knew clearly that it was this old spy, the chief of the Shenyang secret service. No wonder the Japanese have been so aggressive in their recent actions.

The secret service agencies in the three eastern provinces are directly under the Kwantung Army. Their personnel are all standard soldiers and have a very high degree of brainwashing.

Having cracked down on so many intelligence teams from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Staff Headquarters, the old devil finally couldn't bear it anymore and chose to attack him directly.

The Japanese spy here continued: "We found the safe point in Jinling and obtained the necessary operational funds, weapons, and vehicles there."

Zuo Zhong sounded dissatisfied and interrupted the Japanese spy who was narrating: "Who provided these supplies, I need to report to His Majesty Tianlocust."

The Japanese spy's eyes were wandering, he shook his head fiercely, and said with a painful look on his face: "Itota-kun and I just followed the order to go to a safe point." Seeing his reaction, Zuo Zhong decisively stopped these sensitive questions and turned to When asked about his family, the other person's mood returned to calm.

 Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang on the side were stunned. Veritaserum was really terrifying. Based on their experience, these two Japanese were not easy to deal with.

 But after only one injection of potion was used, the other party started to talk about everything, even the most secretive things about his family members. So is there any point in the torture?

Zuo Zhong looked at his watch. The effect of the medicine was almost gone. This guy was still very resistant to discussing certain issues in his heart and needed to increase his efforts.

He walked to the medicine cabinet, cut open two pill bottles, and skillfully used a syringe to inject the potion into the dizzy Japanese agent.

This person quickly slumped down on his seat, with a silly smile on his face, saying something vaguely, his body more relaxed, and his legs naturally straightened.

Zuo Zhong patted him on the shoulder: "I just asked Fujita, and I am very satisfied with his answer, or His Majesty Tianlu will choose to receive him."

The Japanese agent tried his best to raise his head, shook his head and cursed: "Baga, I am the commander of the operation, Fujita doesn't know anything.

 The safety supplies were prepared by agents stationed in Jinling by Chief Doihara. We did not meet each other, it was all planned. "

Zuo Zhong was not surprised. They were just two test pieces. He knew that the latent agent in Doihara was not normal. This old agent was indeed very cunning.

Since there was nothing more to ask, he asked about some information he currently had, hoping to see if he could find some connections from the Japanese.

 “Do you know Zhu Jisheng?”

"do not know."

 “Where is Du Laizi?”

 “Nani? Cripple?”

Zuo Zhong frowned. He really didn't know anything about it. Apart from providing Doihara as the culprit, these two people probably didn't know anything.

 He continued to ask: “What is the address of the Jinling safety point?”

"Ha ha."

The Japanese agent laughed strangely: "No. 5, Fuxing Road, District 6."

Then he said with a crazy expression: "We have successfully captured the Chinese intelligence officer. His Majesty the Locust is about to receive me. It will be a black card for half a year!"

Seeing this, Wu Chunyang quickly asked: "Section Chief, is it too much? I was fine just now, why am I unconscious now?"

Gui Youguang walked up to the Japanese spy and gave him a slap in the mouth. He did not dodge or even blink.

He turned around and reported: "This guy is probably not faking. His consciousness is indeed confused. Is it caused by the side effects of the Veritaserum? It's amazing!"

Zuo Zhong stood up and shook his head: "I asked him to answer various questions subconsciously in a calm state, but there is trouble. People have three levels: subjective consciousness, subconsciousness, and unconsciousness.

When the subjective consciousness is suppressed to the maximum extent by drugs, the subconscious mind will become the behavioral center of his actions, and many weird reactions will occur, such as actively fantasizing according to what I said.

However, in this state, the information he provides is not all the facts. There may be subconscious exaggerations or partial omissions, and the respondent is easily influenced by the inquirer's hints and influences. "

As he spoke, he patted the Japanese spy on the head like a watermelon:

“But in the end, there will be only unconsciousness in his mind without any thinking ability. Dr. Ling has already done experiments on other Japanese spies.”

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang suddenly realized it and felt relieved. It turned out that this thing was not very accurate and could easily make people temporarily stupid.

Their classical methods still have a place to be used, otherwise if they catch people and send them to the hospital in the future, there will always be something wrong with such intelligence work.

Gui Youguang thought of one thing: "Section Chief, these two people have never seen other spies. There should be no possibility of being silenced. Has the protection mission been cancelled?"

“Inject truth serum into another Japanese person and confirm his confession. If there are no problems, you can withdraw first. We just don’t have enough manpower.”

Zuo Zhong said a few words and then warned: "After confirming the confession, you take people to search the safe spot. Pay attention to safety, there may be traps."

With a high jumped high, he was crazy every day in the hospital. He grabbed a few bottles of vomiting and rushed out. It seems that Japanese agents are going to be unlucky.

Looking at his figure, Zuo Chongfu said to Wu Chunyang: "A wanted person has been issued, and the Secret Service is offering a reward to find a young woman who is about 160 centimeters tall and between the ages of 18 and 25.

Provide valid clues to reward 500 yuan, lead us to catch a thousand yuan, all of which are paid with cash, and will never be arrears. "

Wu Chunyang asked in confusion: "The mysterious woman in Zhu Jisheng's room? But the neighbors have never seen her with their own eyes. How do you know her height and age, section chief?"

Zuo Zhong smiled and did not answer: "What I want is that no one has seen her face. To let people know, let's say that there are arrested Japanese spies who admit that she is a Japanese spy."

Looking at the stupid Japanese spy, he smiled. Since he couldn't find any clues about the mysterious woman in these two people, he might as well create one.

 (End of this chapter)

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