Cicada Moving

Chapter 265: mark

Chapter 265 Marks

Can the Intelligence Section achieve such a fast speed of action? Yes, but they can be counted on one hand. Including Gui Youguang, there are only a few people.

Zuo Zhong can do the same after more than a year of training. Because he can do it, he knows how difficult it is, let alone more than that.

This is the exclusive hospital of the Secret Service. Surrounded by a group of secret agents, the other party's psychological quality is also top-notch and he is a master.

After Zuo Zhong spoke to them, he called the surveillance agent: "What names and credentials did those three people use, and who went upstairs to perform the task."

The agent replied: "Reporting to the section chief, the other party used the staff ID of the Second Hall of the Military Commission, one lieutenant colonel and two lieutenants. The IDs look authentic.

It was in the name of treating injuries, and the leader of the attack was a man in civilian clothes. His movements were so quick and subtle that our surveillance personnel almost didn't notice. "

Zuo Zhong did not believe that Japanese spies dared to use their cover identities to come to the hospital to silence them. With the technical strength of the Japanese, it was easy to forge documents.

Even their appearance may have been simply disguised. They chose to do it late at night. In addition to facilitating movement, they may also have this consideration.

Gui Youguang complained from the side: "Section Chief, why did you stop the action suddenly? Our people are ready outside and can follow you at any time."

Zuo Zhong covered the Japanese agent's face with a white sheet and turned around: "The success rate of tracking at night is low and it is easy to be discovered. Besides, there are already marks on the other party, so it is not difficult to find him."


Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang were confused. The mark was on each other's body. How would they find the person? Wouldn't it be a desperate task to find a sword?

Zuo Zhong did not explain, but looked at Jinling City under the night with a smile. He just had to wait two to three days. This was a good time to make some preparations.

While the Intelligence Section was investigating the scene, a black car stopped by the river. Three people got out of the car and pushed the car into the river.

"Everyone's clothes, documents, and disguises will be destroyed, and then we will leave separately." The man in civilian clothes who was at Renxin Hospital whispered the order.


 Two men in military uniforms took out their IDs, took off their clothes, and threw them to the ground together with the men's belongings in civilian clothes. One of them quickly lit it with a lighter.

 Under the firelight, the three of them took something out of their mouths and threw it into the water. Their appearance changed a little from before. The color of their skin became lighter, and the shape of their eyebrows and face also changed a lot.

After confirming that all items were burned, the man in civilian clothes stirred up the ashes with a wooden stick and said, "You sneak into the city from other directions and don't reveal your whereabouts."

 At this point, he scratched his wound: "Without my order, no communication with each other is allowed. This is an order from the team leader."

The other two people looked serious, and one of them nodded: "Yes, but the wound on your leg really doesn't matter. It would be bad if there is inflammation."

The man in casual clothes shook his head: "The woman handled it very professionally. She probably pushed the cart just now and caused some discomfort in the wound. It doesn't matter. Let's go."

The next moment, the three of them walked into the night separately. After a long time, the man in civilian clothes appeared at the burning scene again, with a dark figure beside him.

“Team leader, I used the drainage channel to get to the ward without alerting the guards. I also took anti-tracking measures before arriving at the meeting point. Please don’t worry.”

“Well done, no stalker was found behind you. The other party’s performance was not as professional as the legend said. It took half an hour to find out.”

“Team leader, please forgive me, why do we have to kill those two idiots? If it was a trap by the Secret Service, today will be very dangerous.”

The man in casual clothes talked to the black shadow, and then scratched the wound unconsciously. He always felt a little itchy and decided to go back and bandage it again.

The shadow glanced at the men who were acting inelegantly, and turned his gaze to Jiang Mian: "Those characteristic information are very strange. How can the Chinese know information about height, age and hair?

Those two fools must be eliminated regardless of whether they are traitors or not. The general has just returned to the Shenyang Agency and has been busy dealing with internal affairs. Maybe someone is dissatisfied and has leaked something to them. "

The man in casual clothes thought for a while: "Could it be that person's neighbor who saw it?"

The shadow only said: "Maybe, but they shouldn't know about hair."

Both of them were silent. If there was a problem within the Shenyang Agency, then their situation would be dangerous. How much did the two people confess?

 Fortunately, we handled it properly and eliminated the possible source of the leak in time. At the same time, the operation was not discovered by the Secret Service. It was really the blessing of Amaterasu.

Heiying said: "Go back and keep a low profile during this period. If there is an emergency, we will contact you through the old method. I will tell you the new contact method then.

Be careful in the future. According to reliable intelligence, the Secret Service has established a phone monitoring network. Do not mention important matters during calls. "

The man in casual clothes nodded and left the riverside again. After he had walked for a long time, the man in black disappeared into the darkness and walked towards Jinling.

 Early the next morning, the conference room of the Information Department was full. Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi sat at the top to preside over the meeting. They first talked about the collective move.

To their surprise, everyone basically had no objections to this matter. It can protect relatives and make money. How can such good things be found?

  In the next part of the intensive training, except for some violent maniacs, most people showed bitterness on their faces. It is not easy for intelligence officers to work now.

“Okay, that’s it for Corey’s daily work schedule, let’s take a look at the envelope on the table.” Zuo Zhong knocked on the table. Wu Chunyang heard this and picked up the envelope in front of him. After tearing it open, there was a piece of paper with the name of a hospital written on it. What does this mean?

Not only him, but Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Gui Youguang and even Zuo Zhong himself had the name of a hospital or small clinic in the envelope in front of him.

Seeing that everyone was confused, Zuo Zhong looked at He Yijun with a smile: "Yijun, please tell me, what mark did you give the other party, and how to find him."

He Yijun stood up calmly: "I wiped some rust from the cart and pus from the used gauze into the other party's wound."


Everyone shivered, rust and pus, the Japanese was miserable enough, it was not necessarily a case of tetanus, but wound inflammation was unavoidable, and the disease would occur quickly.

He Yijun continued: "The wound will become red, swollen and inflamed, which usually occurs after 48 hours. By the time he realizes something is wrong, the inflammation must have been severe.

 Even if he had some simple medicines, he could not treat a wound of this level, so the other party could only choose to go to a hospital or clinic for treatment. "

Wu Chunyang’s eyes lit up. Compared with going to Renxin Hospital to silence them, Japanese people are not as vigilant when they go to the hospital for treatment and are more suitable for tracking.

No wonder the section chief had to stop the operation. They just need to wait in a place capable of treating serious trauma wounds and wait for the other party to come to the door.

Zuo Zhong ordered: "From now on, some people will follow orders to monitor hospitals and clinics, while others will keep an eye on pharmacies and visiting doctors.

 It cannot be ruled out that the other party knows some medical knowledge or can handle it at his residence, but he must buy medicine, and he can use the information in the medicine record. "

Everyone laughed. The Intelligence Section had just found out all the pharmacies in Jinling City. It was very clear which drug stores sold which drugs. The surveillance work was much easier.

 “Buzz buzz.”

At this time, there was a huge noise outside. Zuo Zhong said a few words in the conference room. He found that his subordinates couldn't hear what he was saying and walked out angrily.

 Then he saw a few black spots flying around in the sky, sometimes diving, sometimes accelerating. It turned out to be those young men from the Air Force training.

Perhaps having had enough fun, the plane slowly flew towards the Ming Palace Airport. Zuo Zhong came back with a dark face: "It's okay, the air force is training, everyone, continue."

 Gu Qi made a suggestion: "Continue to increase the reward, which can not only confuse the other party, but also show our attitude towards the murder of witnesses, what do you think, section chief."

Zo Jian nodded: "That's it, but it's too small. I'll reward you with two thousand for providing valid clues, and five thousand for leading us to catch the person! Execute immediately!"

This news was like dropping a depth charge in Jinling City, which made many people dizzy. Some people secretly laughed at it, thinking that Zuo Zhong had stumbled, and they were furious.

For example, the man in casual clothes just lay on the bed, grinned, and scratched the wound again. He treated the wound again, but he was still itching for the past two days.

But as he continued to hold on, he felt something was wrong. Why was there liquid? When he put his hand in front of his eyes, he was so frightened that he got up.

  Why are his hands covered with pus and blood? When he looked at the wound on his leg, the man in plain clothes suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, it was inflamed!

Having been on the battlefield, he understood that wound inflammation was not a trivial matter and could easily be life-threatening. But it had been bandaged at the time, so why did it become inflamed?

He thought about it with a dark face and thought that the dagger used to create the wound was not clean, or that dirty water penetrated the gauze when he climbed up the drainage channel.


The man in plain clothes cursed in a low voice. They were those two **** traitors. If he hadn't killed them to silence them, how could his wounds have become inflamed?

 There was no need to delay the injury, so he immediately found salt water to clean the wound, and finally pressed cotton soaked in alcohol on the wound to disinfect it.

This is the best solution, and the rest will be left to time and fate. The man in casual clothes lay on the bed again, waiting anxiously.

But early the next morning, when he felt his hot forehead and bleeding calves, he knew he could wait no longer and had to go to the hospital for treatment.

 After cleaning up the traces in the house, he endured the pain and hurriedly walked far away from his residence, hailing a rickshaw and heading to the state-of-the-art Central Hospital.

In the past, I didn’t think so, but now the man in civilian clothes feels that the rickshaw is too slow, but his cover status is not suitable for taking an expensive taxi.

 “Hurry, hurry up.”

He urged loudly, and the sweaty rickshaw driver rolled his eyes. He secretly said that if he had money, he would go by car and continued to pull the rickshaw leisurely.

After finally arriving at the Central Hospital and seeing the huge crowds of patients, the man in plain clothes changed his mind again: "Go to the medical clinic in the third district."

The coachman naturally didn't care where he was going, since he wouldn't waste money anyway, so he lazily said: "Then sit tight, it will take a while to go to the third area."

The man in casual clothes leaned back in the car seat. The personnel situation in the Central Hospital was too complicated. There might be Chinese intelligence agents, so it was better to be more careful.

Those who were fighting outside finally caught up. . .

"History and Progress of the Development of Tetanus Toxoid", the paper can be found, and the tetanus shot was available in 1934.



 (End of this chapter)

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