Cicada Moving

Chapter 266: Patience (please vote, thank you)

Chapter 266 Patience (please vote, thank you)

 Shi Clinic, the full name of which is Strong Clinic, was first opened by German Shi Strong. After more than ten years of operation, it has become the most famous trauma clinic in Jinling.

After all, after the baptism of that war, the Germans are very experienced in dealing with trauma and wound inflammation, and they also have many specific drugs for treatment.

 So not only men in plain clothes thought of coming here for treatment, Zuo Zhong also thought of it, and made this place a key surveillance target, deploying a lot of manpower.

  Pretending to be injured patients, family members accompanying treatment, vendors selling goods at the door, agents used various identities to strictly screen all medical seekers.

The people in charge here are Wu Chunyang and He Yijun. He Yijun has seen each other and can lock on to the target faster, reducing the possibility of the agents being discovered.

However, after two days of surveillance, she found no suspicious object until a rickshaw stopped at the door of the clinic and a familiar figure appeared.

He Yijun put down the telescope in his hand: "Chief Wu, the person who just got off the car looks like the target, but his skin is paler than that day, and his cheeks are a little thinner.

However, the color of the skin can be changed using cosmetics, and the change in face shape can be solved by biting something in the mouth. He was a man in casual clothes that day. "

 Her tone was very certain.

Wu Chunyang turned the telescope and saw a limping man walking into the clinic. It seemed that his right leg was injured, and the injury was not serious.

 You can't tell more about it. After all, the opponent spent three minutes climbing, silencing, and retreating. He is definitely not a novice, and he will not reveal his identity so easily.

 He thought for a while and opened the window of the surveillance point. This was a signal to the surveillance personnel, telling them that the medical patient who had just entered was suspicious and needed to be alert.

 Besides, the man in plain clothes walked into the clinic. He first observed the people nearby, including the patients and their family members who were bandaged with gauze. The situation seemed normal.

 He found a bench and sat down, quietly watching the nurses' work, confirming the authenticity of the patients' injuries, and observing the passers-by calmly.

 An hour later, a new batch of patients appeared, and there were no duplicate faces among pedestrians. The man in civilian clothes confirmed that there were no spies from the Chinese intelligence agency in the clinic.

He laughed at himself, thinking that he was too nervous. Chinese people are not gods. How could they know the inflammation of their wounds and set up an ambush?

 Unless the Chinese woman was up to something, in that case, they would not be able to successfully complete the mission, let alone leave Renxin Hospital so easily.

The man in casual clothes relaxed slightly and went to the nurse to tell him about his condition. However, even though it was confirmed that it was safe, he still did not forget to observe the other person's expression.

The nurse looked at his wounds and helped him find a doctor step by step. She was not interested in his identity or the cause of the injury, and her attitude was indifferent.

The man in casual clothes was completely relieved. After receiving the doctor's treatment, he walked out of the clinic with a relaxed expression, called a rickshaw and started driving around Jinling.

 No matter whether there is danger or not, you must make sure your behind is clean on Chinese territory. The man in plain clothes endured the pain in his legs and changed the means of transportation over and over again.

Finally, after confirming for the third time that he was safe, he emerged from an alley and limped toward his residence. He could not let anyone know his real address, and had to walk the last part of the way.

Looking at the man walking hard in the distance, Zuo Zhong sighed: "The dedication of Japanese intelligence personnel is worth learning from, and the tracking distance should be further extended.

 He must have started walking not far from his residence. He must have been very vigilant and could not miss a success. He could choose to disconnect when necessary, but he could not be exposed. "

 After receiving Wu Chunyang's report, he immediately rushed over from other surveillance points. After so many days of hard work, he finally caught the other party's tail.

“Don’t worry, section chief. The people who are tracking this time are all veterans. They will act according to the circumstances in an emergency. What should we do after we find his lair?” asked Wu Chunyang, who was sitting in the same car.

Zuo Zhong lowered his body: "Of course I followed the clues. I judge that there is a complete intelligence team behind him, including but not limited to the two young men in military uniforms.

The three of them should be operational personnel. In addition to operational personnel, such an intelligence team should also at least have intelligence officers, logistics personnel, and support personnel. "

Wu Chunyang understood what he meant. Unlike the former spies who acted alone and communicated on a single line, the operation mode of this intelligence team tended to be more cooperative.

 So their mission is not just to lurk, but to execute orders and carry out assassinations, theft of secrets, etc. in accordance with the requirements of Japanese intelligence agencies.

He thought for a while: "Section chief, the Japanese spy who was silenced confessed that the person who led the ambush plan and the Jinling intelligence network was Dohihara, the head of the Shenyang secret service.

 According to intelligence, this person is known as a China expert. He once served as a Japanese investigator in the Temple Street incident and single-handedly planned the establishment of the puppet Manchukuo.

Promoted to major general in the 21st year of the Republic of China, he was good at instigating rebellion and lobbying. Since he was from the army, he was not lacking in aggressiveness and was a very difficult opponent.

For example, this intelligence team is more like a pure intelligence combat force. Hiding is not their purpose, but only a means to complete the set tasks. "

Zuo Zhong applauded and smiled: "This intelligence team is indeed different from previous enemies. Their purpose is clear and destructive. They do more damage than steal secrets.

 But since you have to carry out a task, you must plan and discuss. As long as you catch a mouse, you can quickly find their mouse nest. "

Wu Chunyang suddenly realized, yes, the price of greater destructive power is reduced concealment. The other party must have personnel communication, which is a weakness.

“Wait patiently. After the silencing operation, the other party will enter a dormant period to avoid capture. It is likely that they will meet again before their next action.”

 Zuo Zhong watched the man in plain clothes disappear into the crowd, and his tone was affirmative. Intelligence operations are a relatively patient game. The Japanese have it, and the Intelligence Department also has it.

Wu Chunyang suddenly mentioned something: "Section Chief, according to the information from the Cao Gang, someone saw Du Laizi in Shanghai the day after you were ambushed. He was at the dock at the time, and he was wearing tight clothes. It looks like he is going to the Northeast. Isn’t he from the special work class? Why would he go to the Northeast?”

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and said, "Maybe he doesn't trust the people in the special work class in Shanghai. It's a pity that he was allowed to run away, otherwise many things would be clear."

Speaking of this, he thought of the **** Hase Ryosuke. After he was ambushed, he started to contact him and wanted to ask for information about Du Laizi.

But there has been no response from the dead mailbox. The money was collected very quickly and I couldn't be contacted at the critical moment. Isn't this guy already liquidated?

 “Buzz buzz.” The huge roar of the plane sounded again in the sky.

“MD, the Air Force guys are crazy. They train above Jinling City all day long and they are not afraid of hitting the mountain.” Zuo Zhong looked above his head and cursed angrily.

At the same time, thousands of miles away in Shenyang, in a huge Russian-style building, Japanese soldiers with serious faces walked by under the dim lights in the corridor from time to time.

These people were holding lead-sealed document bags, walking in a hurry, and not smiling. From time to time, radio communication sounds rang rapidly in the small rooms on both sides of the corridor.

"Da da da."

A young man wearing a cashmere coat and beautiful calfskin boots was walking on the old floor. The diamonds on his tie clip were particularly eye-catching.

 The Japanese officers on both sides knew that this was a special messenger when they saw the white handcuffs on the man's left wrist and the briefcase on the other end of the handcuffs.

The man didn't look sideways and continued to walk towards the deepest part of the building in a orderly manner. The briefcase was pressed tightly against his body, so that he could feel it at all times.

He walked to an office. After checking his documents, two armed guards turned around and opened the door for him. A melodious Japanese tune could be heard in the room.

The man held his chest high and walked in at a standard pace. He said in a deep voice: "The head of the special section of the Intelligence Department of the Shanghai Consulate, Hase Ryosuke, has met His Excellency the General."

In front of him, a major general with a Rendan beard stood up with a smile: "I didn't expect you to come so quickly, and your consul is still so vigorous and resolute."

“Hai, the Shanghai Consulate’s leak investigation into the special work class has been completed. Kato Nobuo is not suspected of treason. Here are all the files.”

 Hase Ryosuke opened the handcuffs and handed the briefcase to the major general with both hands.

The major general smiled, took the briefcase and looked at the documents inside. When he saw that Kato Nobuo was indeed innocent, the wrinkles on his forehead slowly deepened.

He sat there and thought for a while, then said: "According to our intelligence, the three intelligence teams of the special working class in Jinling were all destroyed by the Chinese.

Only he and Iwai-kun have the information on these three groups, but your special high school class is progressing smoothly, so the only suspect is Kato Nobuo. "

"Hai." Ryosuke Hase lowered his head and said, "So we closely monitored him and found nothing suspicious except for the misuse of funds."

The major general was silent for a long time: "Well, maybe I'm overthinking it. Your intelligence activities on the Chinese are too sloppy in Shanghai. Do we need our Kwantung Army to take over? It's all for the sake of the empire."

Hase Ryosuke shook his head: "General, this is not something that I, a small super high school section chief, can make the decision, but I will convey your words to the consul.

Hearing his modest words, the major general asked with a smile: "Canggu, you have been here before, how do you feel about visiting your old place again? I'm really sorry about what happened last time."

Hase Ryosuke quickly shook his head: "General, you are serious. Being censored by the Kwantung Army is indeed not a pleasant thing, but for the sake of the empire, I have no complaints."

"Yoshi, it's rare to see someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs be so patriotic. Please have a few more drinks with me tonight, Section Chief Hase." The major general seemed to be praising him.

Hase Ryosuke said respectfully: "It's a great honor to have dinner with General Doihara. Can Hase arrange it? I will definitely satisfy the general."

Doihara laughed loudly: "Although Shanghai is the largest city in East Asia, it is not bad here. Okay, then you will arrange dinner today."


 Hase Ryosuke looked at the seemingly amiable Doihara, feeling uneasy in his heart. In front of such an experienced intelligence officer, he would be exposed if he was not careful, so he had to be more careful.

Du Zizi ran back to the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department from Shanghai and accused Nobuo Kato, the leader of the special work squad, of treason. This incident caused a panic in the consulate, and the contact with the Chinese could only be temporarily suspended.

Damn Du Laizi, if I sell this guy to the Chinese, I don't know how much they are willing to spend. However, now I still think about how to coax this old guy Doihara.

This is when a major came in and was a little surprised to see Chang Gu in the office. At the same time, he was a little embarrassed. After all, what he wanted to report was top secret.

Hase Ryosuke was very knowledgeable: "General, Hase will make arrangements first, and I will visit you after dinner time."

Doihara smiled and nodded: "Hasgu is the best at holding banquets in the Shanghai Consulate. I am very curious whether he is worthy of his reputation."

Hase Ryosuke felt nervous, knowing that this old **** knew so many things. With an awkward smile on his face, he politely said goodbye and walked out of the office.

At the moment the door closed, he vaguely heard the Major saying half a sentence to Doihara: "The butterfly sent a secret message, everything is going according to plan."

 (End of this chapter)

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