Cicada Moving

Chapter 267: Waiting (please vote, thank you)

Chapter 267 Waiting (please vote, thank you)

 Return to Jinling.

The man in civilian clothes still couldn't escape, and the Intelligence Division agent successfully followed him to his residence. It was in a residential area with complex terrain and many roads and lanes.

In order to prevent the enemy from being alerted, Zuo Zhong decisively withdrew most of his personnel, leaving only a few intelligence veterans to monitor the area for a long time in various capacities.

Personnel must slowly penetrate into the opponent's range of activities, like boiling frogs in warm water. As long as the number of people is small, men in plain clothes will not care too much no matter how vigilant they are.

In addition to the address, the identity of this person was also quickly found out. Jiang Jincai, 36 years old, was from Rehe. He lived in Jinling for 20 years during the Republic of China. He made a living by selling fur goods in the streets and alleys, and traveled all over Jinling.

Since no high-profile investigation is possible, other information such as his network of relationships, work and rest patterns, living habits, words and deeds are temporarily unknown. These can only be understood through later surveillance work.

“Chunyang, you will command the scene. In addition to the fixed surveillance personnel, a support point will be set up a little further away. It is best to see the situation near the target.

 Once the opponent moves or goes out, only the manpower at the support point can act. The fixed personnel will be exposed if they move. "Zuo Zhong reminded Wu Chunyang again.

Wu Chunyang nodded: "Yes, I will arrange this immediately."

Zuo Zhong said seriously: "In a word, I would rather disconnect than be exposed."

 After arranging work, he drove around the city several times and returned to the Secret Service. As soon as he processed a few documents in the office, he received an unexpected visitor, Lishan Company Manager Wei Daming.

Zuo Zhong stood up quickly and said with a smile: "Brother Daming, your radio school is in full swing. Why are you free to come to my place today? Please sit down."

Wei Daming laughed and said the purpose of his visit: "I don't come to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. I'm here to do business this time, and this matter is related to your Intelligence Department."

Zuo Zhong didn’t understand. Lishan Company was engaged in radio research and training and had no business dealings with the Intelligence Department. What did Wei Daming mean by this?

Seeing his confusion, Wei Daming told the whole story. It turned out that Lishan Company not only conducted research on communication technology, but also improved the electronic detection equipment to increase its accuracy.

In the past, electrical detection could only detect the direction of the radio station and relied entirely on the experience of electrical investigators. However, new equipment can test the signal strength and determine the location of the radio station in this way.

Wei Daming said proudly: "So even if the other party shuts down the radio station, we can still compare it based on the final data and delineate the suspicious area.

This technology is available in European and American countries, and the Japanese also put it into use a year or two ago. Now we have finally caught up, and we finally live up to our expectations. "

Zuo Chongting's brows jumped. This was important information. He had to contact the underground party immediately. If they used the old methods to deal with the new electronic detection equipment, they would definitely suffer big losses.

Wei Daming continued: “During a test some time ago, we accidentally detected a mysterious radio station in Jinling with no activity pattern.

 But I discovered something when I was checking the experiment records two days ago. The day before you encountered the ambush, the mysterious radio station was turned on for three minutes.

What's more coincidental is that the day before Renxin Hospital was infiltrated, the mysterious radio station was also turned on for about three minutes, and just now, it was turned on again. "

Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes. Could it be that what Wei Daming discovered was the radio station of the intelligence team? Turning it on again was probably to report the silencing operation to his superiors.

He said in a deep voice: "To tell you the truth, there is no clue to this case. Can your new electronic detection equipment determine the specific area? If so, it will be a great help to us."

 “That’s why I’m here.”

Wei Daming took out a piece of paper: "The new equipment is used for fixed testing and cannot perform mobile direction finding. The precise position of the radio station could not be measured originally.

But based on the signal strength of Jinling Commercial Radio as a reference, I roughly judged that the radio station is located in the hilly area of ​​​​Nancheng, and its basic location remains unchanged. "

Zuo Zhong took the piece of paper. It was a rough handwritten map. It was filled with various calculation figures and indicated the approximate location. It was of little use.

 He put the map away solemnly and said seriously: "Thank you, Brother Daming. I will definitely send someone to check this clue and let you know the result."

Wei Daming is a very smart man, otherwise he would not have become one of the top radio experts in the Republic of China. After listening to Zuo Zhong's words, he guessed that the map might be useless.

He puzzled and said: "Chief Zuo, is the scope too big? If not, wait for the equipment to be mobile tested in a few days, and I will personally lead a team to take a look."

Zuo Zhong smiled and shook his head: "No, it's a mountainous area. The other party should have hidden the radio in the mountains. If necessary, he would take out the radio for contact."

Wei Daming understood that searching for the other party in this way was like looking for a needle in a haystack. There was no point in going there if there were too few people, and it was easy to alarm the other party if there were too many people going.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Every line is like a mountain. If you laugh at Section Chief Zuo, I'll leave first. If you need anything in the future, please contact me. I'll take my leave now."

Seeing that Wei Daming was about to leave, Zuo Zhong also stood up and walked him to the door, and said: "If it is convenient, Brother Wei, can you give me a copy of the record of that radio station? I would like to take another look."

"No problem, I'll send it to you later." Wei Daming agreed happily and left the secret service in style. In less than an hour, he sent someone to send the test records. There were only a few records.

There is little content, but there are many things behind it. On the day of the drugstore bombing, the day before he was ambushed, the day before Zhu Jisheng was killed, and the day before he went to silence himself, this radio station was turned on.

Judging from the boot time, before the ambush, killing Zhu Jisheng and silencing him, he booted up to ask for instructions. On the day of the explosion, he booted up to temporarily ask how to deal with himself.

This is consistent with his judgment. Zhu Jisheng saw him that night and lost his life after some manipulations. Presumably the person behind him was a real Japanese spy.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and turned his attention to the other two records, one was two days after the ambush, and the other was just now. What was the purpose of turning on the phone twice?

Is the first boot message reporting on the killing of Hei Liu and others, or is it reporting on the failure of the ambush? Maybe, but what does it mean to just turn on the phone?

Zo Zhong thought about it for a moment, and it may be that he reported the success of the silence. It seems that the intelligence personnel of Doihara are very disciplined, and any situation needs to be reported in time.

He smiled sarcastically. This intelligence team was indeed a direct descendant of the Kwantung Army. Putting aside the level of intelligence operations, they were very skilled in killing people and setting fires.

Not knowing when their next action would be, Zuo Zhong put all the files in the safe, and he was ready to wait until the other party couldn't help it before taking action.

When the safe is opened again, it will be a showdown between the intelligence department and the opponent. To put it more informally, it will be a matter of life and death.

The time when I didn’t have to deal with cases passed quickly, and a month passed quickly.

In addition to caring about Wu Chunyang's surveillance of Jiang Jincai, Ling Sanping's research on plastic surgery, and Fu Ling's information from Japan, Zuo Zhong spent the rest of his time on daily management.

Dai Chunfeng found an auspicious day and quietly moved the families of the Secret Service personnel and the agents to another home. From now on, everyone will live together in the junior high school for easier management and training.

To keep it secret, Lao Dai personally named the family area B, and together with Ji'e Lane and Hong Gong Temple, they were called A, B, and C. He also moved in and said goodbye to the small building in Ji'e Lane.

 Seeing that all the cheap teachers had moved, Zuo Zhong checked out the house in Chaotian Palace, moved in happily, and started the training plan of the Information Department.

Whether it was the short man who killed Hei Liu and others at Zhu Jisheng's house, or the plainclothes man who went to the hospital to silence them, their operational skills were very good, and most of the people in the intelligence department were far behind them.

 Let’s not talk about others, just like Zuo Zhong. Although after more than a year of training, his skills are better than most of his men, but he is inferior to the climbing skills of men in civilian clothes and must train.

He personally took the field as the section chief. Even if his agents had objections, they could only follow the training hard. Those who performed the tasks could not escape. They participated in the training after rotation to ensure that they would not be delayed.

In addition to skill training, ideological unification is also an important part, such as improving vigilance in action and acumen in life. In Jinling, we must do everything with the attitude of being in enemy-occupied territory.

Of course, there is no shortage of nonsense about being loyal to the leader, but he did say something about national justice intentionally or unintentionally. Anyway, he used the clichés of a bareheaded article, so he is not afraid of checking.

 After a month of special training, not only did the personnel's intelligence skills improve, but their spirits were also much higher. For this reason, Zuo Zhong gave everyone a holiday to restore everyone's physical strength.

He plans to conduct this kind of special training for a month every year, because people have to be admitted every year. It is not the long board that determines how much water the bucket can hold, but the short board. The quality of the personnel must be balanced as much as possible.

Dai Chunfeng observed all this and specially called Zuo Zhong to the office. After asking Zuo Zhong to sit down first, Lao Dai stood in front of the table with his hands on his hips and a smile on his face.

He said in a brisk tone: "Shen Zhi, the training of the Intelligence Department is very good. Now we are definitely elite soldiers. I think other departments in the department can also learn from it. What do you think?"

Zuo Zhong’s face was tanned a bit, but he didn’t look stupid. He stood at attention and said, “The students just followed the teacher’s instructions and did a little work. Students don’t dare to discuss the work in the office.”

 “Hahaha, you.”

 Dai Chunfeng smiled from ear to ear and pointed at Zuo Zhong: "In the end, it's better to be careful. Your flattery sounds natural, unlike Li Wei, who is as blunt as if you put a knife on his neck, hahaha."

“Teacher, what you said is wrong.” Zuo Zhong shook his head: “Students compliment you out of kindness, and Secretary Li compliments you out of respect and love. Of course you will find students’ compliments more pleasing to your ears.”

After hearing this, Dai Chunfeng really thought about it for a while, and then sighed: "Shen Zhong is right, we must know how to be grateful when doing things, otherwise humans are different from animals, such as Xu Enzeng.

Master Yuan helped him catch the underground party, but he and Mrs. Yuan didn't know anything about it. Such an ungrateful person will definitely be despised by the world. By the way, what happened to the investigation of Jiang Jincai. "

Lao Dai went through the procedure, scolded Xu Enzeng and then asked about his work. He had been paying attention to this case. After all, the other party was different from his previous enemies, which explained too many problems.

Zuo Zhong smiled bitterly: "I didn't find it. This person walks the streets every day. He has never met the same strangers. He has no relatives or friends. We have to wait for the other party to take action before we can follow the clues."

Dai Chunfeng's expression was serious: "Shen Zhong, let me tell you something. Don't spread it outside. The Chairman of the Generalissimo will return to Jinling in the near future. Do you think the Japanese will do anything to the Chairman? Don't be careless."

 Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes, Huh?

The anti-theft picture was reported, sorry.



 (End of this chapter)

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