Cicada Moving

Chapter 268: track

Chapter 268 Tracking

Zuo Zhong thought a lot for a moment, and then said impassionedly: "Teacher, please rest assured that the students will strengthen their intelligence reconnaissance in the city to ensure the safety of the leader and never let the Japanese take advantage of it."

Dai Chunfeng was satisfied: "Very good, this is also an opportunity for you to train your troops. If instability is found, no matter who is involved, it will be eradicated immediately. This matter is not negotiable."

 Lao Dai also made a downward gesture, emphasizing that he could kill. This shows that he attaches great importance to the safety of bald heads, which may also be related to his competition with Wen Yi for favor.

After Zuo Zhong finished chatting with Teacher Jianyi, he returned to the office and called Gu Qi and others.

Given the party's level of secrecy, even the street sweepers would know about Baldhead's return to Jinling in less than two days.

The Japanese will definitely know it. With the style of that intelligence team, they will definitely look for opportunities to conduct investigations or do other things. This is the opportunity Zuo Zhong has been waiting for. The other party is about to take action.

When the others arrived, Zuo Zhong did not tell the bald man's itinerary, but just announced that the intelligence department had entered the first level of alert, all personnel had entered combat readiness, and the surveillance of Jiang Jincai had been raised to the highest level.

Gu Qi was a little confused: "Section Chief, isn't there still no movement over there? If the surveillance is raised to the highest level, will the other party find out if there are too many people? Do you want to see the situation before talking about it?"

Zuo Zhong did not explain, and said: "Lao Gu, you will be in charge of Corey's work for the time being. Supervise all the brothers who come back from their shifts. Anyone who dares to act recklessly will be punished by military law."

Gu Qi closed his mouth. The section chief said it so solemnly. Something must have happened that he didn't know about. At the same time, it was inconvenient to reveal it, so he thought about how to keep it confidential.

Seeing that Gu Qi understood, Zuo Zhong turned to look at Gui Youguang and Song Minghao: "You two will go with me to monitor the scene. You may be busy at work next, and you need to arrange things at home."


 “Go back and disguise, and everyone disperses into the support point.”

At Zuo Zhong's order, the Intelligence Section agents gathered in various capacities at the support point near Jiang Jincai's residence, ready for action at any time. Wu Chunyang also introduced the target's situation to Zuo Zhong.

“Section Chief, the target’s behavior is no different from before. He went out for a walk and then returned to his residence. There is nothing suspicious about the people who had verbal and physical contact with him.”

Song Minghao on the side sighed with emotion: "This is much more concealed than the previous Japanese spies. They don't communicate with each other, don't steal secrets, and don't pry around. If he hadn't been caught when he went to treat his injuries, it would be really difficult to find him."

Gui Youguang rarely said anything unclear: "But there is no point in hiding like this. He will definitely move when needed, and when he moves, it means there is something important to do. I think this is a good thing."

Listening to the discussion between the three of them, Zuo Zhong raised the telescope in his hand. There was no commanding height around the target, so the Intelligence Section could only set up a support point on a hillside several hundred meters away from Jiang Jincai's home.

There is a family here, and most of the streets near the target are within their visual range, so they were requisitioned by the agents at a high price. Unfortunately, it is a little far away, otherwise it would be a good surveillance location.

Through the telescope, he quickly saw his agents, some pretending to be hotel clerks, and some setting up stalls on the street. They were all identities that could stay for a long time without arousing suspicion.

For example, there is a young agent disguised as a hairdresser, and a customer comes to the stall. The agent skillfully pours water on his face and oils the razor. At first glance, he is a veteran, and it is impossible to tell that he is pretending.

Seeing that everything was normal at the fixed surveillance point, Zuo Zhong turned around and asked Wu Chunyang: "The disguise is not bad. Let him give the brothers more haircuts in the future. It will be of great use after practicing the skills. Have you tested it with the target?"

Wu Chunyang nodded: "Jiang Jincai was very vigilant. He went to test the fruit stall at his door a few times, but as time went by, he stopped paying attention. After all, there are many good and bad people in the civilian area."

"Yeah." Zuo Zhong found a place to sit down in the room: "Just wait patiently, the other party won't make any movement until tomorrow or tomorrow. In addition to the people he comes into contact with, pay more attention to the places he has been."

Being on call was very boring. He could not speak or move. The only thing he could do was rest. Except for the personnel on duty and alert, Zuo Zhong sat or leaned against his subordinates, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

 The streets outside slowly turned from quiet to noisy. As the sun went down, a few special agents came in, pretending to be late-night snack and book sellers, and monitored the target residence among the lively crowd.

At about nine o'clock, Wu Chunyang woke up Zuo Zhong: "Section Chief, Jiang Jincai has just gone out. He comes out at this time every day to observe the surrounding situation."

Zuo Zhong rubbed his eyes, got up, put on his clothes and walked to the observation port. Using the telescope in the dim light, he could barely see the target wandering around.

I saw him find a small stall to eat something, bought a newspaper, and then retreated into his residence. This way he was really confirming his safety.

Zuo Zhong saw the newspaper in his hand and frowned: "I saw in your report that he bought a newspaper every day. Did the newspaper seller and the newspaper check it?"

Wu Chunyang took out a record: "The newspaper seller has a very clean background. He has been selling newspapers nearby for more than ten years. The newspapers he bought are all common Jinling Evening News."

After listening to this, Zuo Zhong yawned: "It's impossible for him to go to the joint at night. That would be too eye-catching and have people on duty for you. There are a lot of things to do during the day tomorrow, and you are very busy as a commander." Wu Chunyang didn't speak anymore. , arranged for the person on duty, and found a place to lie down. The conditions were pretty good, at least it was not in the wilderness, and at least there was a tile above the head to cover the body.

When the moon rose high and there were no pedestrians in the streets, a beggar staggered to the leeward side. This was when the new surveillance staff began to work.

This night, Jiang Jincai did not make any move. When the sun rose again and the noise outside resumed, he carried a baggage, opened the door and walked out, ready to go out.

Zuo Zhong was eating fried dough sticks while watching Jiang Jincai walk towards the street. Wu Chunyang immediately arranged for mobile personnel to follow him. He had been doing this every day in the past and they were already familiar with him.

After drinking the last sip of soy milk, Zuo Zhong patted the crumbs on his hands and asked: "According to your experience, where will he go to sell goods today? Let's follow him."

Wu Chunyang sent the pursuer away, turned around and said with a wry smile: "His activities are irregular. He just goes wherever he wants to go. He can only follow him."

Zuo Zhong thought about it for a moment: "Old Song will stay here to take command. Chunyang and Youguang will follow him and see if he will join with others today."

 After saying that, he walked out of the support point, got on his bicycles with Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang and rode away. The nearby roads were narrow, so riding a bicycle was more suitable than driving.

Relying on the guidance of the secret agents along the way, the three of them quickly caught up with Jiang Jincai who was walking. Zuo Zhong lowered his head and stepped on the pedals a few times, surpassing the target.

Jiang Jincai glanced at him and saw that he didn't stop at all, so he continued walking towards the planned destination. He also glanced at Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang who passed by later and concentrated on his way.

Outside the residential area is the downtown area. An intersection leads to three directions. Jiang Jincai stood there and smoked a cigarette, then turned to the right and followed the endless flow of people onto the road.

It was the peak time for work. He walked left and right among the pedestrians, using some tall and fat people to cover his body. He was in a hurry and was not conspicuous among the people who were rushing to work.

No one would be curious about a middle-aged man with ordinary clothes and ordinary appearance. After walking for a while, Jiang Jincai suddenly slowed down, stopped to sort out his baggage, and quietly observed behind him.

 The crowded crowd was full of ordinary people with expressionless or anxious faces. No one slowed down because he stopped, and some who were blocked even glared at him.

With a calm expression, Jiang Jincai threw the bag behind him and continued to blend in with the crowd. But before he went far, he saw a bicycle on the side of the road. The color and broken taillight were very familiar.

 For a professional agent, quick memory is only a basic skill. Jiang Jincai immediately connected the bicycle with the young man who passed by him before.

 He ​​naturally slowed down, recalling the young man's clothes in his mind. He scanned the roadside and the shops on the roadside with his eyes, and soon found that the other person was devouring food in the wonton shop.

The other person was in a hurry just now, perhaps because he wanted to eat breakfast. Judging from the clothes on his body, he must be late for school. Jiang Jincai once again carefully remembered the young man and his car.

  Then he changed into a rickshaw and drove around in several downtown areas. It wasn't until he got on the third rickshaw that he saw no familiar figures around him. Jiang Jin finally felt relieved.

That young man is just an ordinary person, not a stalker.

While observing the situation behind him, he thought about the latest contact signal. They had been dormant for a month, and the Secret Service was still searching for the female spy and the three killers who had silenced her.

It seemed that the other party would not give up easily, so the team leader asked them to gather now. Would it be risky? Jiang Jincai was a little worried and decided to chat with the team leader and put forward his own opinions.

The rickshaw finally stopped at the door of a leather goods shop. Jiang Jincai negotiated the price with the rickshaw driver, glanced around to make sure it was safe, and finally gave the money to the driver and walked in.

In an alleyway in the distance, Zuo Zhong and three others were sitting in the car and saw this scene.

Wu Chunyang showed surprise and doubt on his face: "Section Chief, this is the first time the target has been to this kind of place. He used to just walk around the streets selling leather goods. Is he here to purchase goods or make connections? Do you want to send someone in?"

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "No, no matter it's incoming goods or joints, close contact in a small space is very dangerous. If we let the brothers follow us a little further, the other party may make a move."

He is thinking about one thing now. If it is a joint, there are two possibilities. One is that Jiang Jin came at the planned time, and the other is that he received the news.

 The first one is difficult to say, but the second case requires investigation. The scene of Jiang Jincai buying a newspaper in the dark last night kept appearing in his mind.

"Chunyang, go back and find all the Jinling Evening News within the past year and collect them separately. Don't go through the newspaper's relationship." After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he felt that things were going too smoothly. Could it be that simple?

 (End of this chapter)

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