Cicada Moving

Chapter 269: trap

Chapter 269 Trap

Wu Chunyang guessed Zuo Zhong's thoughts and nodded: "Yes, check the Jinling Evening News last night for any abnormalities. Maybe we can find new clues."

Gui Youguang blinked: "Section Chief, why can't I understand what you are talking about? What does his coming here have to do with the newspaper? Is there a code on it?"

Zuo Zhong glanced at him. This **** slept like a dead pig last night. He and Wu Chunyang talked loudly, but they couldn't wake him up.

Wu Chunyang suppressed a laugh and quickly whispered about last night's situation. Only then did Gui Youguang understand that this method was too troublesome and unsafe.

He cursed: "Take off your pants and fart. The Japanese are just smart. What if I didn't buy the newspaper at all and just took a look at the newsstand."

Wu Chunyang smiled: "Maybe it's because I'm afraid of being noticed by newspaper sellers. It's too conspicuous. A newspaper only costs a few cents, and the Japanese are willing to spend money on information."

Gui Youguang scratched his head after hearing this. If he didn't buy a newspaper but only read it, it would be too conspicuous. No wonder the section chief had to check the newspaper. The Japanese would be in trouble.

 But as Zuo Zhong listened, his expression suddenly became serious. Gui Youguang seemed to be talking nonsense just now, but it was indeed a bit strange for the Japanese to do this.

Given the action style of this group and Jiang Jincai’s cautious performance, they should not be so careless and leave an obvious clue to the information channel.

They can buy this newspaper and read the code in another newspaper. They can even hide the real channel by reading a few more newspapers.

 This is the only way to be foolproof.

Zuo Zhong thought for a moment and suddenly looked up at the nearby buildings. This is the central urban area of ​​Jinling. It is very prosperous and new cement buildings can be seen everywhere.

 MD, I almost fell into the trap! This is a trap!

He immediately shouted in a low voice: "Chunyang! Send a signal quickly for everyone to retreat to the periphery! This is a loophole left intentionally by the Japanese. Someone is watching nearby."

Wu Chunyang's scalp suddenly became numb. He immediately lit a cigarette and put his hand out of the window. There seemed to be no change in the pedestrians on the street and the passing vehicles.

But in Zuo Zhong's eyes, a disaster victim who was rummaging through the garbage slowly walked away, a postal truck repaired the mailbox and left quickly, and more people slowly disappeared nearby quietly.

 Fortunately, they parked the car into the alley subconsciously. This was the result of the intelligence department's training. If they had used the previous attitude to perform the task, they might have fallen into the Japanese trap.

ten minutes later.

In a tall building in the distance, in the staircase window on the top of the building, a slender hand cut off a woman's cigarette and threw the cigarette **** down the stairs. Then a woman with an enchanting posture twisted her waist and walked down the stairs.

 In the leather goods shop, Jiang Jincai was chatting with his boss, discussing the matter of transporting goods from Kouwai to Jinling, when the phone at the counter suddenly rang.

The store owner apologized, took the phone and introduced the goods to the other party. It sounded like there was business coming to the door, so Jiang Jincai said goodbye and left.

After leaving the door, Jiang Jin finally let go of his worries. It seemed that he was clean behind him, but why was the team leader's report slower than usual?

Maybe someone was using the phone. Jiang Jin thought that was the case. He raised his head and looked around, stopped a passing rickshaw and left quickly.

Wu Chunyang turned around and said, "Section Chief, the other party must still be watching. We will be discovered as soon as we go out. Now we can only count on the brothers who have withdrawn to the outside."

"Yeah." Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief: "I believe they can do it. The people who will carry out this mission are all old people. They will naturally adapt to the situation when they see the target."

Gui Youguang said bitterly: "How about I take people to surround these buildings and search them? The Japanese spy must be hiding inside, and I will definitely be able to catch him."

Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang ignored his nonsense. Maybe the Japanese spies had set up early warning measures in the building, and it was impossible for the other side not to be on guard against this.

After waiting for more than an hour, just when Gui Youguang almost fell asleep again, Wu Chunyang started the car and slowly drove out of the alley, heading in a certain direction.

Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang huddled in the back row to avoid possible surveillance. Wu Chunyang drove less than a kilometer when he saw the secret agent on the roadside, and the other party made a gesture.

He moved his lips slightly and said: "Section Chief, the brothers on the periphery have already caught up with the target. Should we continue to follow, or wait for the news from the front."

Zuo Zhong thought about it for a moment: "Waiting for the news, it is impossible for them to meet immediately after the test. This is too hasty and inconsistent with the style of this group."

Wu Chunyang drove for a while and stopped, waiting for news from the road ahead. He waited until night fell again, and finally a spy got into the car.

“Section Chief, two officers, the target has circled around the city since the fur goods left, and during this period, they visited several large stores and markets.

 The situation inside is too complicated to follow closely. We can only monitor nearby. During this period, he disappeared for a minute or two, and we were unable to determine whether he was connected.

 But the places where he stayed and the time he stayed were recorded in detail. Because we were afraid of being monitored by Japanese spies, we did not conduct searches in these places.

 The target had returned to his residence half an hour ago and was under close surveillance. "After the agent finished speaking, he looked at Zuo Zhong anxiously, for fear of being dealt with by military law.

Zuo Zhong was not angry, and would rather give up if there were no tracking conditions. This was his order, but what the target was doing in the market was not just anti-tracking.

He went back directly after visiting the market, which meant that his goal had been achieved and there were things he needed in those places, such as short contacts or dead mailboxes. After disappearing for a minute or two, there are only so many things that can be done. No matter what, as long as you keep an eye on Jia Jiang Jincai, you can follow the clues to find the others.

Zuo Zhong ordered: "Let's go back to the support point and continue to stand by. Except for the fixed surveillance point, all personnel who appeared today will be withdrawn to rest after the handover."

Jiang Jincai is very professional. This morning he remembered the characteristics of the bicycle after just one glance. He slowed down in front of the wonton stall to identify himself.

More than one agent has met with him today. Once he finds multiple familiar faces reappearing, Jiang Jincai will inevitably become suspicious.

 When they returned to the support point, Song Minghao brought several boxes of food, which were delivered from the canteen through reliable transportation routes. The dishes were rich and delicious.

While Zuo Zhong was eating, he chatted with Song Minghao, mainly asking if any suspicious characters had appeared nearby after they left today.

Song Minghao shook his head: "No, after you left, section chief, I monitored the observation port for a whole day, and no one came close to the target's house."

"It seems that today is a test by the Japanese, which also means that they are about to meet. Otherwise, there is no need to be so cautious. I judge that it will probably happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Zuo Zhong said, eating the food in three bites and taking a sip of tea: "Because the longer the interval, the greater the risk. After eating, we will have a small meeting to discuss the actions the day after tomorrow."

And Jiang Jincai, whom Zuo Zhong and others mentioned, was currently recalling the information in the dead mailbox, and the team leader actually wanted to assassinate that person, even though he was just giving it a try.

 But it would be too dangerous to even try. After all, the other party is the head of state, and the guards around them are all elite. If something goes wrong, they cannot escape. It is not worth dying like this.

They have received so much training and consumed so much of the empire's resources. They should not die in this kind of thing. The Republic of China has no shortage of people who are willing to be leaders.

Jiang Jincai was silent for a long time. He opened the wooden box under the bed, pried open a piece of floorboard, opened the hidden compartment, took out a pistol from inside, and took care of it carefully.

 As a latent agent, he should not carry a gun with him, but his long military career made Jiang Jincai insecure without weapons.

Moreover, in critical situations, this gun can not only be used to kill Chinese people, but also to commit suicide. He knows very well how ruthless the intelligence agency's methods are.

Rather than being captured and tortured, it is better to be prepared to fight to the death. He believed that other members of the team thought so too, all for the sake of the empire.

Jiang Jincai's eyes showed a hint of fanaticism as he pressed bullets into the magazine one by one and pulled the sleeve again and again to ensure that he could fire at any time.

 After doing all this, he closed his eyes and began to recall the rough map of Jinling, planning the route and method to use to meet the team leader and others.

Every time the group meets, everyone is risking their lives. Absolute safety must be achieved and the Chinese cannot be given the opportunity to catch them all.

He sketched the route in his head, and looked at his watch from time to time to calculate the approximate time. The more complete the plan, the greater the chance of escaping from danger.

Jiang Jincai planned five or six routes, but he himself rejected them all. Until the seventh route was released, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

 Then he lay on the bed. It would be a long day. He didn't know when this life would end, and he gradually thought of his hometown.

The meeting at the support point was going on quietly. Zuo Zhong asked everyone a question: how to ensure that the target is not lost. It must not be like today.

Everyone thought for a long time, and it was easy to be exposed when there was a third party monitoring the tracking. When the time comes, the enemy will be in the dark and the intelligence department will be in the light, and it will be difficult to determine the outcome.

Through the Zhu Jisheng murder case, the hospital silence case, and observations these days, the quality of Japanese intelligence personnel is very high, and they are all masters of intelligence operations.

They had to think of a foolproof strategy to ensure that Jiang Jincai was always in their sight and would not be discovered by the Japanese. Everyone racked their brains to think about it.


Gui Youguang thought he had come up with a clever plan: "Section Chief, why should we keep an eye on Jiang Jincai? Why don't we just keep an eye on the person following him?"

Zuo Zhong was startled by the sound of slamming on the table, and said angrily: "How do you find the other party? Even if you find the other party, you can confirm that there is no cover behind him?

 What will we do then? How many manpower do we have to waste? Think of some reliable method. Then pat the table, and I will let you pat it on the stone table. "

Gui Youguang retracted his bald head in despair. Wu Chunyang and Song Minghao laughed, but then their faces became bitter. They didn't think of any feasible solution.

Wu Chunyang thought for a while and expressed his thoughts: "Even if someone covers him, it probably won't be the whole way. At most, it will be at a key position or when he is approaching the joint point. This gives a rough idea of ​​the scope.

We can carry out large-scale surveillance on the periphery, look for the other two spies in the hospital murder case, and conduct close surveillance. When they next act, the three lines will follow them together. "

This method is very safe. If it doesn't work once, just do it twice. The Japanese will always show their flaws. They have been in a stalemate for such a long time and are not afraid to wait any longer.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong walked to the window, pointed to the night sky outside and said, "You guys, you have to use your brains. If you can't follow me on the ground, can't we go to heaven?"

 (End of this chapter)

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