Cicada Moving

Chapter 270: flight

Chapter 270 Flying

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang were full of doubts and followed them from the sky. What should they do? Song Minghao opened his mouth wide and felt that the section chief was dizzy.

Zuo Zhong pointed to the sky: "Once we realize that Jiang Jincai is covered by his accomplices, we will use the advantage of the aircraft to conduct long-distance reconnaissance and avoid surveillance."

Everyone was stunned. Although airplanes can be used for reconnaissance, they are reconnaissance artillery, large-scale marches, and fortresses. Can they be used for intelligence reconnaissance?

Wu Chunyang frowned: "Section Chief, those planes are making too much noise. Will the Japanese notice anything if they find planes circling nearby?"

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "The Air Force is training every day, making the entire Jinling City uneasy. The Japanese should have been used to it long ago and will not be suspicious."

Song Minghao also raised a question: "Can Japanese spies be seen clearly on a plane? I'm afraid I can't see very far through a telescope. How can we solve this problem?"

“The best telescopes we usually use are the German-made 6x24 telescopes, and there is also an 8x24 telescope, which is enough for reconnaissance at about 800 meters.

 Furthermore, the Air Force should have professional aerial cameras① that can take pictures. The specific performance needs to be learned from the Air Force. This is not a problem. "

One person is responsible for the shortcomings, and two people are responsible for the longcomings. Intelligence work needs to be considered from all aspects. Zuo Zhong is very satisfied with the current working atmosphere of the Intelligence Section. If you have any opinions, it is better to raise them than regret later when you encounter problems.

Wu Chunyang and Song Minghao thought that if it was as the section chief said, aircraft reconnaissance might be a good method, and the Japanese would definitely not have thought of it.

Gui Youguang raised his hand: "But how do planes indicate their position and direction to us, and how do we direct their actions? The Air Force knows nothing about intelligence, so it just knows how to hang out in dance halls all day long."

Everyone nodded after hearing this. This is a problem. You can't let the plane land and then take off for reconnaissance. Then the day lilies will be cold by then.

Zuo Zhong looked helpless and asked: "Don't you think of a question, how does the Air Force direct operations? Of course they have ways to communicate with each other, but they don't understand intelligence."

He glanced at someone and smiled very happily. Since the Air Force doesn't understand intelligence operations, then just send someone who knows how to do it. It's such a simple thing.

 Six o'clock the next morning.

Zuo Zhong, who was supposed to be commanding at the support point, appeared on the control tower of the Ming Palace Airport, accompanied by a lieutenant colonel, and looked at the three reconnaissance aircraft on the runway that were being refueled and inspected.

“Captain Zuo, had it not been for Mr. Zhu’s intercession, Director Dai alone would not have been able to mobilize three aircraft to cooperate with your operations. However, this is the first time I have encountered the use of aircraft for intelligence reconnaissance.”

The lieutenant colonel said unceremoniously, as if he didn't care about the Secret Service, which everyone feared like a tiger. When he talked about Dai Chunfeng, he was full of ridicule and showed no fear at all.

However, considering that the other party has already become the captain of the Air Force in his twenties, it is understandable that he dares to speak like this. After all, he is the Four King Kong of the future.

Zuo Chong said with a smile: "Your team is very famous in Jinling City these days. Zuo was woken up by you in the morning and fell asleep listening to the roar at noon. Whenever he encountered difficulties, he thought of you.

Captain Gao, forgive me for saying something redundant. Some officers say that you are wasting precious fuel. Please try to take off as late as possible in the future. Sometimes it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain. "

The high school colonel looked at the young captain next to him and knew that what he was telling the truth was wrong. After all, it was not right to disturb people's dreams, but there was no other way. Pilots could only rely on training to control the sky.

 But the Central Military Commission allocates very little fuel to the Air Force. The pilots can only conduct flight training near the airport. Once they fly far, they are likely to crash due to exhaustion of fuel. What should he do?

Of course, he would not explain this to a secret agent, so he nodded: "You must not break your promise on the fuel promised by your secret service, otherwise I will move the training ground above the Hong Gong Temple."

Zuo Zhong patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, it's just a little fuel, it's nothing." He thought to himself that if a plane hovered over Dai Chunfeng's head every day, wouldn't it be equivalent to lowering its head?

"Jingle Bell."

A phone on the command tower rang, and Zuo Zhong picked it up directly: "Hey, has the target already set off? Okay, this dedicated phone can be connected at any time. If there is any situation, report to me immediately."

On the other end of the phone was Song Minghao, who was responsible for staying at the support point. The on-site command was handed over to Wu Chunyang, and he went to the airport to be responsible for communication between the two parties.

 Originally I thought Jiang Jincai would act later, but I didn't expect it to be so early.

But it makes sense to think about it. At six o'clock, there is less traffic, so it is easier to determine whether there is someone following you. When it gets later, when the traffic increases, it is easier to get rid of the stalker, and the other party is probably about to meet.

Zuo Zhong hung up the phone and said to Captain Gao: "High school, your subordinates can prepare. This matter is very important. It may be related to the safety of the chairman, so please be careful."

"Gao Mou knows the seriousness of the matter. In addition to these three pluggable reconnaissance planes performing missions, the other two Douglas reconnaissance planes can serve as substitutes at any time." The high school colonel nodded.

Zuo Zhong looked at the biplanes that were ready for flight, with a trace of worry in his eyes. These old antiques must not get angry here. The success or failure of the tracking mission depends on them.

The senior high school student seemed to have seen something and said confidently: "Don't worry, Captain Zuo, every plane here is the same as Gao's child. I specially selected the best planes and pilots.

 The flight was carried out by a US-made pluggable improved reconnaissance aircraft. At the lowest cruising speed and without carrying any weapons, it can stay in the air for at least six hours after being filled with fuel.

The pilot is also a veteran after several years of flying. Today's flight altitude is only one thousand meters. Let alone tracking, even if you want to see the expressions on the Japanese faces clearly, my people can do it. ”      Zuo Zhong glanced at the high school colonel and regarded the airplane as a child. Only true love can say such things. It is regrettable to think of what happened to this high-spirited lieutenant colonel a few years later.

He said pointedly: “I don’t know what the clouds and weather conditions are like today. If you encounter danger, your pilots can parachute at any time. ②

For cutting-edge weapons like airplanes, if the airplanes are gone, we can buy and remanufacture them. If the skilled pilots are gone, everything will stop, right? "

The high school student was quite surprised that this captain from the Secret Service actually knew a little bit about flying. He at least knew that suitable weather conditions were needed for flying, unlike some officials who believed that the plane could just refuel and fly away.

He walked to the tower window, looked at the sky with a telescope, discussed with several officers in a low voice for a while, and said to Zuo Zhong: "The clouds and weather conditions are satisfactory. Today is very suitable for flying."

As for the retreat, the high school colonel said with a bit of arrogance: "My pilots will never deserter. Besides, Japanese spies will never carry anti-aircraft artillery joints. Captain Zuo, you are worrying too much."

The relationship between a pilot and an airplane is like the relationship between a cavalryman and a war horse. They are partners in life and death. If you can even abandon your own partners, how can you be called a warrior?

Hearing what he said, Zuo Zhong only said: "To protect yourself is to attack the enemy. By the way, Senior High School, the ground command personnel you sent to us will be fine, right? We can continue to communicate between space and ground."

 To protect yourself is to attack the enemy?

The high school student thought about it for a moment, and then explained in detail: "It is their daily job to use flags and ground markings to direct flights, and there are enough pens, pens and cans on board for communication."

 In this era, the only way to communicate between the aircraft and the ground is through the primitive method of throwing notes. Fortunately, today's task is to track, and we only need to ensure that the target does not leave the aircraft's line of sight.

  Neither Zuo Zhong nor Senior High School spoke after that. Zuo Zhong was thinking about the mission, while Senior High School was thinking about what Zuo Zhong had just said. The two stood quietly in the tower, waiting for the action to begin.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, it was the usual training time of the Air Force. The high school senior looked at his watch and nodded to the signal soldier next to him. The signal soldier waved the colorful flag, and the ground crew began to start the aircraft.

 “Dela..Dela boom boom boom.”

The plane started smoothly with a few roars, and then flew unsteadily into the sky along the gravel runway. Only one plane was released this time, and the other two planes were temporarily on standby and did not take off.

The moment the plane flew over the tower, Zuo Zhong seemed to hear a scream, so he took out his binoculars and looked at the plane flying in the air. He saw a person dancing in the back seat of the reconnaissance plane.

 “Help! Section Chief!”

 “Haha, enjoy it.” Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction.

 Gui Youguang burst into tears on the plane. The section chief must be taking revenge on himself for breaking his nose, but he didn't have to do it so cruelly.

At this time, I don’t know whether the pilot did it on purpose or not. The plane made a sharp turn, which frightened him so much that he screamed again and almost fainted.

The high school senior put down the telescope and smiled: "Captain Zuo's subordinates are very talented in flying. Ordinary people don't even dare to move on the plane."

Zuo Zhong glanced at him and didn't realize that such a serious guy could tell cold jokes. Then he burst into laughter and turned to look at the sky.

 “Buzz buzz.”

After all, he was here to perform a mission. The pilot teased Gui Youguang a few times and quickly slowed down the speed, and the plane circled smoothly over Jinling.

 Gui Youguang panted heavily and looked at the back of his head fiercely in front of him. He resisted the urge to punch the opponent and raised the 8×24 telescope around his neck.

This is a valuable thing. Only the navy and air force in the entire Republic of China purchased a batch. When the people from the air force lent it to him, they repeatedly told him not to damage it.

The pilot didn't know that he was almost beaten in the air. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the lower right. Gui Youguang lowered his head and looked, feeling his eyes dizzy.

The houses underneath were like match boxes, and the pedestrians were like little ants. The feeling of not being able to get up or down made Gui Youguang's throat itchy and he almost vomited.

Fortunately, he resisted the strong feeling of vomiting and looked down with his binoculars. A black car stood out and he found the starting point of the mission.

 “Buzz buzz.”

Wu Chunyang in the car looked at the sky with a wry smile on his face. He finally arrived. The section chief’s idea was so unreasonable. Not to mention the Japanese, even he didn’t think that he could use an airplane to track him.

①In 1915, British aircraft began to be equipped with practical aerial cameras. Kodak also developed a variety of aerial cameras for the U.S. Navy. Three years later, it launched the first fully automatic aerial camera, the K-1 model. The shutter can be controlled by a time interval controller. Automatic exposure according to the specified time, you can take pictures of footprints in the mud from an altitude of 4,500 meters.

②In 1934, the Republic of China already had its own parachute manufacturing factory, which was completely domestically produced. Foreign air forces had distributed parachutes on a large scale to their bombers at the end of World War I.



 (End of this chapter)

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