Cicada Moving

Chapter 299: End

Chapter 299 Ends



The Chinese people present spoke out to refute Sumaya Yoshiro's words. At this time, the other party is still trying to put the **** basin on the head of the National Government. It is really determined not to give up until the Yellow River.

Tani Jichang and Bai Wenzhi were overjoyed. No matter who did this, Miyamoto Hideaki must have been found. The Japanese should not be able to defeat them. Their Wusha was saved.

Bai Longdu only felt his hands shaking and his heart beating. The Chinese had really found the missing Japanese diplomat. The war should not break out in the near future. Then those stocks in Shanghai would make a lot of money.

Sumaya Yoshiro has been engaged in diplomatic work for many years. He knows that now he must bite the bullet. It is related to the face of the empire. If he makes a fool of himself in front of so many Chinese and foreign reporters, his future will be over.

 Let alone going to Tokyo, it is impossible to stay in the position of consul general. That loser Miyamoto Hideaki would never dare to betray the empire. The Chinese must have forced him to say these words.

He shouted crazily: "This is a conspiracy of the National Government, let Miyamoto come out to confront me! Our Empire of Japan will never do such a thing."

 Everyone also reacted, and the sound rang for a long time, but Miyamoto and others looked around, only to see a tape recorder placed on the rostrum, and no one was seen.

 Seeing this situation, Sumayakichiro became more certain of his guess. The Chinese did not dare to let Miyamoto come forward, and Miyamoto did not have the courage to face himself. The advantage was with him, and there was still hope for the empire's plan.

He said boldly: "As long as Miyamoto is willing to come out and confirm what he said, I will kill myself on the spot. If he doesn't come out, I have reason to believe that this matter is a conspiracy of the National Government."

 After saying this, he glanced around with sinister eyes, from Shen Jing Ding to Bai Wen Zhi, but no one dared to look at him, which made Sumaya Yoshiro proud.

 “Okay, what you said.”

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was pushed open violently, and a short middle-aged man walked in. This man had dark skin, long steps, and quick walking. He walked like clockwork.

A long face with two sword-shaped eyebrows, and a sharp and threatening gaze that makes people shudder. Some people present knew who this person was, Dai Chunfeng, the special agent director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission.

Behind him, there were many secret agents in black Chinese tunic suits, all protecting one person. It was Hideaki Miyamoto, the deputy consul general of the Japanese Consulate in Jinling. It seemed that the secret service had really found him.

Dai Chunfeng walked up to the panicked Suma Yoshiro and said jokingly: "Consul Suma, didn't you just say you wanted to confront Miyamoto? I brought him here so you can talk."


Sumaya Yoshiro was dumbfounded. Could it be that Miyamoto really dared to betray the empire? Did he not think about his wife, children, and his old mother in Japan when he did so?

 “Why don’t you say it? Say it!”

Dai Chunfeng was not angry, he stared at the opponent, and his heart was extremely happy. Shen finally found Miyamoto before everyone else and instigated Miyamoto's rebellion.

 This is a great achievement, saving the party-state and the chairman of the committee from the fire. Otherwise, once the Japanese naval guns are fired, the rule of the party-state will be in danger.

What satisfied him the most was that after Zuo Zhong found the person, he did not announce it, but immediately informed himself. He was capable and loyal. He was really a good student of his.

Sumaya Yoshiro swallowed his saliva and argued forcefully: "You discovered Miyamoto, why didn't you let the consulate officials come to the scene? You must be forcing him to make a statement."


Dai Chunfeng said gloomily: "You forced Miyamoto to commit suicide, but I didn't expect that he tried several times to commit suicide. He could only linger in Purple Mountain for a few days. When he went down the mountain to look for food, he was captured by an elite agent of our Secret Service.

 Now that we have his confession, photos of his temporary residence, water collection site, and suicide attempt site, with all the personal and material evidence, what else do you have to say, Consul General Yakichiro Suma. "

Lao Dai knew that Zuo Zhong probably expected that the Japanese would confuse black and white, so he made preparations in advance. Now it seems that this evidence is necessary.

Suma Yakichiro was very embarrassed by Dai Chunfeng's questioning, so he had to act rogue: "Miyamoto-kun must have been exhausted physically and mentally after being in the wild for several days. His words lacked calmness and his statements were not clear.

Why don't we put it aside for today and let Miyamoto and I go back to the consulate to meet with my wife and children first, rest and do a detailed investigation. The truth will be revealed by then. Please understand Dai Sang. "

Dai Chunfeng had finally seen what shamelessness meant. What was certain became confusing when he said it. He asked Miyamoto to go back first, fearing that he would "accidentally die" in less than half a day.

He sneered twice: "That's no need. We have sent people to fetch Consul Miyamoto's family. We will investigate the case clearly in front of all reporters today to see who is behind the conspiracy."

"What, Baga, you have no right to do this. They are the family members of our country's diplomats and should be protected by law. You must let them go immediately."

Sumaya Yoshiro was anxious. His card to check Miyamoto was his wife and children. With his trump card gone, there was no guarantee that Miyamoto would not say something he shouldn't have said.

"No, I asked Director Dai to rescue them. Sumamijiro, don't use them to threaten me again. I want to announce everything."

The speaker was Hideaki Miyamoto. Under the protection of the surrounding agents, he personally told the story of the threats he had received, which confirmed the authenticity of the previous recording.

After speaking, he walked out of the crowd and angrily shouted: "You asked me to commit suicide just to frame the National Government for the purpose of launching a war.

I was unwilling to say this at first, for fear that my family would suffer. It was all because my Chinese friends tried to persuade me with sincerity, and I was moved by it, so I came with them.

Sumaya Yoshiro, you and I have worked together for many years. Even if we have prejudices against each other, you should not threaten me with Kiyoko and my children, you despicable person. "     Everyone looked at Suma Yayoshiro. There was no doubt that the Japanese had implemented a cruel trick and attempted to start a war. What was even more disgraceful was that the consul of a country actually threatened the other country with women and children to force the other party to commit suicide.

 “Click, click.”

The camera shutters kept ringing, and reporters took pictures of the righteous Dai Chunfeng, the furious Miyamoto Hideaki, and the red-faced Suma Yajiro.

Miyamoto’s family members were then brought into the conference hall. Miyamoto and his wife hugged each other and cried. The child didn’t know what happened and also cried loudly.

This scene made everyone feel sad. A happy family almost fell apart because of the ambitions of the Japanese government. How cruel it is.

 “Stop filming! No filming allowed!”

Sumaya Yoshiro was speechless. After shouting a few times, he covered his face and ran away. He must inform Tokyo about this matter as soon as possible and wait for orders from higher levels.

At this point, the truth about the Miyamoto incident has been revealed, and the lies fabricated by the Japanese side have been exposed. This has put the Japanese government in a very embarrassing situation, and the locusts are furious.

To cover up its unprecedented humiliation, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement claiming:

 Miyamoto was too late for promotion due to his family and job, and because he lost a certain official document and was questioned by his superiors, he was embarrassed and had the idea of ​​​​suicide.

However, after Miyamoto Hideaki disappeared, Sumaya Yoshiro once insisted that he would never commit suicide. Now that people have found him, they say that he ran away to commit suicide.

 Japanese media also said that Miyamoto has been found. Although the problem has improved, why he disappeared and why he suddenly appeared in Purple Mountain two days later are still suspicious.

In short, he refused to admit his debt, and even asked the Republic of China government to return Miyamoto Hideaki. Such unreasonable demands were flatly rejected by the bald man, who was rarely strong-willed.

Failed to succeed, Suma Yayoshiro brought out the diagnosis of Japanese doctors. They stated that Miyamoto was usually a little nervous. He disappeared that day due to a nervous attack and mental abnormality.

Japanese doctors also announced the diagnosis in a serious manner. Miyamoto suffers from neurasthenia. When fully attacked, he will feel world-weary. At present, his nerves are still not calm, and his words cannot be trusted.

But everyone knows that when Miyamoto Hideaki spoke at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was organized, articulate, had a good memory, and showed no signs of nervousness at all.

Out of righteous indignation, the public opinion circles of the Republic of China exposed Japan's attempts to cover up the truth. The whole world was shocked by the Japanese's absurdity and shamelessness.

 Perhaps due to public uproar or public anger, the Japanese warships withdrew from the Jinling River, and the clouds of war between China and Japan finally temporarily dissipated.

In the Miyamoto incident, there were two people who stood out the most and were highly praised by the public. One was Dai Chunfeng, the director of the Secret Service who successfully found Miyamoto, and the other was Bai Longdu, the British Minister who spoke uprightly.

Especially Bai Longdu, as the minister of the world's most powerful country, who is not interested in money or profit, but stands up to refute Japan's ridiculous words and deeds for the sake of justice. He is indeed an old friend of the people of the Republic of China.

 Him was given a nickname with the characteristics of the Republic of China - the slanderous minister.

As for Dai Chunfeng, the overjoyed Bald Head called him to Qilu, and personally gave him the rank of Major General. This was beyond everyone's expectations, but if you think about it carefully, Bald Head's move was quite appropriate.

If the Secret Service hadn't turned the tide and faced the Japanese attack, would Jinling have been able to hold on? Everyone from the bald to the lowest level knew it was impossible. The Secret Service saved many people this time.

However, the biggest contributor to the incident, who found Miyamoto's Zuo Zhong, did not receive any reward. This made the people in the Intelligence Department complain a lot, thinking that Shangfeng's handling of things was unfair and that he was trying to burn bridges.

But Zuo Zhong didn't care, no one could erase his contribution, but after all, it was not war time now, and he could not be promoted to major at his age, so it was better to accumulate more qualifications.

On this day, he quietly left the secret service alone. After walking around the city for a few times, he arrived at a pier to see off the Miyamoto family who were about to leave Jinling.

Seeing Zuo Zhong again, Miyamoto burst into tears: "Thank you, Mr. Zuo, for saving me and my family. If you have any instructions in the future, Miyamoto will be there without hesitation."

Zuo Zhong patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "We have arranged a new identity for you, a small industry, but it is enough for you to support your family. Your old mother is waiting for you there."

Miyamoto burst into tears again and kowtowed to Zuo Zhong respectfully.

Zuo Zhong accepted this tribute. If the masked man had not spoken to Bai Longdu on the phone and used the British diplomatic channel in Japan, Miyamoto's mother would never have been able to leave.

For this phone call, the masked man promised an old friend of the people of the Republic of China that he would not blackmail him with recordings in the future. This was a huge favor.

Zuo Zhong helped Miyamoto up and said, "Let's live a good life in the future. Let's set sail."

Miyamoto stood up and wiped his eyes, whispered a few words into Zuo Zhong's ear, then turned around and left, boarding a small steamer with his wife and children.

 Zuo Zhong stood expressionlessly on the riverside, watching the ship go up the river to an unknown town. Finally, Miyamoto Hideaki was relieved.

 But was it true what he just said?

Zuo Zhong smiled casually, put on his sunglasses, walked back to the car, and drove back to Jinling.

   If you come across any blocked words, please tell me and I will try my best to replace them.



 (End of this chapter)

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