Cicada Moving

Chapter 300: Newcomers have arrived (please vote for me, thank you)

Chapter 300 The arrival of new people (please vote for me, thank you)

On this day, the compound of the Secret Service was very lively. Young soldiers wearing military uniforms and backpacks jumped out of the trucks one by one and lined up quickly in order of height. They looked very capable.

Dai Chunfeng and the section chiefs of each department looked at these newcomers who were moving neatly and stood aside with smiles on their faces. Finally, there were newcomers. Each department had long been eager to see them, and they were too short of manpower.

Not to mention that the Intelligence Department, which has more than 30 people left, is in urgent need of replenishment. Even the General Affairs Department lacks a group of staff who can write and do calculations. The family business is getting bigger and bigger, and the profits everywhere cannot go wrong.

The newcomers lined up and started counting in turn, shouting loudly. With so many senior officials present, if they can leave a good impression, they might be able to save decades of struggle.

"one two three"

After counting to 153 people, a person walked out of the team, saluted, and reported to Dai Chunfeng: "Reporting to the office, 153 students from the fourth phase of the Hangzhou Special Training Class have arrived, please review."

Dai Chunfeng smiled and nodded: "Okay."

 After saying that, he walked in front of the array of students, stopping from time to time to straighten their clothes and pat their shoulders. The students he met were so excited that their eyes filled with tears, and they wished they could die for him.

Zuo Zhong watched from the sidelines the Cheap Teacher's method of winning people's hearts, covered his mouth and yawned. This old-fashioned method was used to deceive newcomers.

The old youtiao only care about whether they can get full military pay, whether there are rewards, and they can't be eaten by being patted on the shoulder by the director. These newcomers will soon understand.

However, Shen Dongxin is doing well and can report on behalf of the students. Presumably the title will not be too low this time, and he will take advantage of the reorganization to arrange a good position.

Zuo Zhong thought about it and felt that he could be appointed as the deputy chief of the training section. First, he would be familiar with the intensity of training in the intelligence section, and second, he would be able to practice with Gu Qi.

As for Tongsuo, Zuo Zhong glanced at the little guy who was winking at him, his face darkened, and he had to let Wu Chunyang take care of this kid.

You can go to the Political Intelligence Section to curb your temper all day long. Most of the members of the Political Intelligence Section have mature and prudent tempers, so they can just restrain them.

As he was thinking about it, Dai Chunfeng walked back to the team and said: "Li Wei, read the distribution list. The heads of each section will pick up people according to the list. They will arrange their residence first and then carry out business training and ideological education."


Li Wei held the documents in his hand and shouted out their names one by one, assigning the nervous newcomers to specific departments. Surprisingly, there were not many people assigned to the Intelligence Department.

Including Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo, there are less than forty people in total. Counting the thirty people Fu Ling took away, the Intelligence Department actually only allocated less than ten people this time, and other departments were very satisfied.

Zuo Zhong is also very satisfied. Newcomers represent high plasticity, and the special training classes in Hangzhou are becoming more and more professional, and the training newcomers receive is becoming more and more rigorous.

For example, in surveillance, it is said that the trainees have all practiced on the streets of Hangzhou and have some practical experience. After several high-intensity special trainings, it is not too difficult to keep up with the average level of the intelligence department.

 “Section Chief, long time no see.”

Shen Dongxin walked up to Zuo Zhong carrying his luggage and said with a smile that compared to when he just returned to China, he behaved much more steadily, like a spy.

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded: "That's right, how about it? What military rank will I give you? I've reserved a deputy unit chief position for you here."

He didn't pay too much attention to the situation of the police academy. What the future holds depends on them. If Shen Dongxin performs poorly, he would rather give the deputy chief to an outstanding talent than show favoritism.

Shen Dongxin replied calmly: "Is there something wrong with the rank of sergeant and deputy unit chief? If other students find out, I'm afraid they will disobey. Just start from the grassroots level."

"It's okay, I have the final say in the Intelligence Department." Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "The fact that you can obtain the rank of sergeant means that you have done well in the special training class. This is enough."

 “Hello, Section Chief, where’s Brother Wu?”

At this moment, Tongsuo walked up and asked with a backpack half as big as his, he seemed to have made up his mind to hang out with Wu Chunyang, what a naughty boy.

"He has important business to do." Zuo Zhong rubbed the little guy's head, looked at his watch, and said to everyone: "Everyone assigned to the Intelligence Section will follow me. Let's go take a look at the dormitory first."

After saying that, he got into the car of the Intelligence Department with the newcomers who were confused and excited at the same time. They looked at Zuo Zhong and talked in low voices. They had heard a lot about Zuo Zhong's magical stories.

He became an instructor of the special training class as soon as he graduated from the police academy. He entered the Secret Service with the rank of second lieutenant. He was promoted to captain and section chief in just over a year. He captured countless spies and turned the Intelligence Section into the most powerful intelligence section.

Some of the cases he handled have become cases in the special training class, and the students are amazed by the wonderful ideas in them. How can they not be excited to work under such a boss?

It would be even more unbelievable if they knew that Zuo Zhong became the section chief of a major and received a medal. In the eyes of these newcomers, the major was already an unattainable figure.

The car drove into Area C, and Zuo Zhong introduced to the newcomers: "This is the family area of ​​our Intelligence Section and even the entire Secret Service. It was originally a school.

From now on, you can call this place C. You are not allowed to disclose the address here to anyone. Letters and private telegrams must be inspected before they can be sent out. "

  The newcomers are silent and understand that this place is different from school. When they arrive here, they become soldiers and abide by military laws. The consequences of making mistakes are very serious.

While passing by the playground, I happened to see a group of secret agents training. A bald man was holding a stick. He would hit someone with a stick if he didn't hold the gun in a standard manner.

"You bastard! How can you shoot accurately if you can't even hold a gun? The intelligence department wants elites. If you want to get by, go to the secret service headquarters. There are a lot of **** in that place."

 The big bald man roared, making the newcomers tremble in fear. Is this the intelligence department? No wonder he is the ace, but this kind of training is too strict.

Especially Tongsuo, looking at the stick as thick as his forearm in Gui Youguang's hand, he swallowed his saliva. If he was given a stick by him, wouldn't he be killed? Well, the performance was good. Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction. Knowing that there were new people coming today, he specially asked Gui Youguang to lead the action team to practice. It was a show of force. Now it is time to give Tianzao the stick.

After assigning dormitories, Zuo Zhong glanced at the newcomers and said slowly: "Hurry up and pack up. Corey has arranged a welcome banquet for you. The best chef in Jinling will be invited. We will not wait until the meal is over."

When the newcomers heard the news, they rushed into the dormitory with cheers. They quickly cleaned up, packed their luggage, and some of them combed their hair. Apparently they had heard that there were many female agents in the intelligence department.

Zuo Zhong didn't stop him. These newcomers didn't look good, but they thought they were pretty. The female agents of the Intelligence Division were poisonous roses with thorns. It was estimated that several newcomers wouldn't be able to get close to them.

The temptation of delicious food or beautiful women is huge. In less than ten minutes, the newcomers started to go out and form a team. Zuo Zhong silently led the way at the front, and the group walked into the Bingdi canteen.

Except for the personnel on duty this time, most of the personnel in the Intelligence Section were waiting in the cafeteria. When they saw Zuo Zhong walking in, everyone stood up to greet him, straightened their waists, and shouted respectfully.

 “Hello, section chief.”

The neat and loud voice startled the newlyweds, and then a sense of pride arose in their hearts as if they were a man.

 “You guys sit down first.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand, and when he saw the newcomers finding a place to stand, he said, "Some new brothers have come to Corey today. I only have two requirements for you, work seriously and obey orders."

 “Yes!” The newcomers held their heads high.

“Okay, everyone, sit down.”

Zuo Zhong pressed his hand: "But you only have one task now, and that is to have a good meal. Special training will start tomorrow. Unlike the police academy, the training here is daily practical skills.

Only those who have passed the special training will be considered a member of the Intelligence Section. At that time, an old man will lead you to perform some simple tasks. If the old man thinks you are qualified, you will officially join the job. "

The newcomers were a little uneasy when they heard this. They were assigned to the intelligence department, which was envied by many people. If they were kicked out before joining the job, they would be in great disgrace.

 “Okay, let’s eat.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand, and the master chefs in the back kitchen began to serve the food. Only the Information Department had this treatment. Other departments had to queue up if they wanted to eat.

Because he didn’t drink, the welcome banquet ended quickly. The newcomers probably got to know the senior officials in Core, and Gucci and others also took a rough look at the newcomers’ appearance.

After dinner, Zuo Zhong called Gu Qi and took a walk on the playground. Although his room was checked every day, some things were better said outside.

Seeing how cautious Zuo Zhong was, Gu Qi knew in his heart that there was another case. He asked in a low voice: "Section Chief, is there a new case? What is it related to?"

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and said, "Who else could it be? Of course it's the Japanese who are always evil. According to reliable information, our old friends have another group besides Butterfly in Jinling."

 Old friend, Doihara?

 Gu Qi frowned: "Dofeihara is good at layout. It's not surprising that there are other groups in Jinling. Did the intelligence say the specific situation of that group? Otherwise, it would be difficult to find people.

 The world is unstable. More and more people are coming to Jinling from other places. They are all floating and unregistered people. The security situation has been deteriorating. There are not many people in the police department, so they have to work hard. "

 The two of them passed by a team of agents being trained, bringing up a cloud of dust.

The others ran away, and Zuo Zhong slapped the people in front of him: "The intelligence only said that the puppet Manchu traitors have been rigorously trained by the Kwantung Army. The specific number is unknown. They have been lurking for a long time. There will be big operations in the near future."

Gu Qi smiled bitterly, is this intelligence?

The Manchu traitors are no different from them in appearance, language and living habits. They are more difficult to identify than Japanese spies and have very stubborn ideas.

 Because they have what they consider to be correct ideological guidance, such as "loyalty to the emperor and patriotism", some of them are as hard-core as Japanese spies, which he experienced deeply when he was in the Camp Investigation Division.

However, some things are confidential. The section chief does not take the initiative to ask, and it is inconvenient for him to take the initiative to introduce them. After all, the business work is related to the underground party and is very sensitive.

After hesitating for a long time, he advised: "Why don't you let it go first, and then hit it when the head is exposed? If you can't find anyone, it will be easy to scare the snake."

Without detailed information, Gu Qi felt that these traitors were difficult to find. They were among the millions of people in Jinling. How could he identify them?

Zuo Zhong didn't say anything. He walked under the horizontal bar and did pull-ups. Gu Qi said that he had also thought about it, but the longer these traitors were allowed to operate in Jinling, the greater the harm they would cause.

Different from Japanese spies, the traitors in Manchukuo have enough details to conceal themselves from the public, such as relatives affiliated with the customs, forged social traces that can withstand investigation, and can infiltrate the party, military and government agencies.

Miyamoto Hideaki said before leaving that even as the deputy consul general, he only found out about this incident by chance. Only Suma Yoshiro in the entire consulate had specific information.

 This shows the importance of this group.

After finishing twenty pull-ups, he jumped off the horizontal bar and said to Gucci: "Check it out first. I think this group is not simple. It may be more important than butterflies. There will be a meeting tomorrow."

Gucci nodded: "Okay."

 (End of this chapter)

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