Cicada Moving

Chapter 304: Data screening

Chapter 304 Data Screening

In the corner of Area C of the Secret Service Dormitory, a small auditorium was heavily guarded. Not only was the Intelligence Division action team standing at the door, but there were also guards patrolling nearby, completely surrounding the place.

In the auditorium, the newcomers stood in teams of ten in a row, and they were extremely excited. No one thought that they would be involved in a big case as soon as they came to the Intelligence Section. It was really a blessing from God.

Isn't that what the section chief was like back then? He solved the sanatorium espionage case when he joined the job, and then he rose to the top. Naturally, they didn't dare to compare with the section chief, but just in case, even if they were promoted to team leader, that would be fine.

Shen Dongxin looked at his classmates from the special training class with red faces and knew what they were thinking. He shook his head secretly. These guys just saw Zuo Zhong rising step by step, but they ignored the most important point.

 You don’t have a Virgo teacher.

 “Keep quiet, don’t forget where this is, assign specific tasks now.” He reminded the distracted newcomer and read out the document in his hand.

“There are 203 venue service personnel, 54 staff, 17 management staff, and a total of 1,167 family members, who will be screened by the first team.

There were 124 personnel of the 88th Division in charge of security work that day, 54 internal security agents, and a total of 548 family members, who were screened by the second team.

 There are 578 entourages of ministers, 66 reporters, 34 staff in the post-meeting banquet hall, and a total of 1,915 family members, who will be screened by the third team.

The remaining personnel formed a verification team to conduct random checks on the comparison results of the first, second and third groups. If any problems arise, they will be dealt with according to military law. Did you hear this? "

The newlyweds instantly shuddered. It turned out that this was a big case. They were being followed and monitored, so they lowered their heads to read the book. Even though bullets were raining down on them, they still lowered their heads to read the book. What kind of spies were they?

So they all said feebly: "Yes."

 Gu Qi watched quietly from the side without saying anything. As a newcomer, it is understandable that he always wants to reach the top in one step, but intelligence work is so boring.

All actions are based on a large amount of intelligence analysis, otherwise the target will not be found. No matter how capable you are, you can only work **** yourself.

For example, in this screening, as many as 4,000 people need to be investigated, and tens of thousands of files are used. Puppet Manchukuo spies are likely to be among them.

This is only temporary. As the session approaches, there will be an astonishing number of people from various ministries coming to help and journalists doing temporary interviews.

 Corrie definitely doesn’t have the extra manpower to do this, so we can only let the new people learn and work on it at the same time. We can’t just call the section chief and sit there and compare the information.

There are three advantages to placing the screening work in location C. First, there are dozens of desks next to each other, with an unobstructed view, and no one can make any small moves.

 Second, in the coming days, newcomers need to be screened during the day and trained at night. Staying at location C to work will save time and improve work efficiency.

Three, being closed makes it easier to keep secrets. Newcomers are housed and fed in the dormitory area. Even if someone with ulterior motives wants to leak information, there will be no opportunity to pass it on.

Over there, Shen Dongxin saw that everyone was not very interested, so he smiled and comforted: "Don't be so depressed, Corey asked us to check the information because he is responsible for everyone's lives.

 As you can see in the two days we have been here, the training we received is very basic. In terms of intensity and training volume, it is incomparable to Corey's training.

 I don’t dare to go to the front line now. It would be harmful to others and myself. I will stay here with everyone until the suspected Manchukuo agent is found.

The newcomers were speechless. Shen Dongxin was an overseas student who returned from Saint-Cyr. During the special training class, he had the best grades in all subjects and everyone present admired him.

Even he said that, what else could they say. They had to stand up straight and wait for orders. The originally scattered formation quickly returned to order.

Seeing that the situation was under control, Gu Qi smiled with satisfaction. As the deputy section chief, he had a mountain of work every day. Of course, he couldn't come to the training unit every day to keep an eye on him.

 So he completely handed over the work and only made up for it. So far, Shen Dongxin has done a good job and has not made any major mistakes.

Shen Dongxin maintained order, closed the document, turned around and saluted: "Report to Deputy Section Chief Gu, all personnel are here, tasks have been assigned, please give instructions."

Gu Qi nodded and said softly: "Let's get started and be more careful. The section chief said that if any of you find anything, you will be rewarded heavily after the case is concluded.

Our Intelligence Department has never engaged in the practice of ranking seniority. As long as you have made meritorious deeds, you don’t have to worry about being buried, and no one dares to take away your credit. "

The newcomers were refreshed and walked to their desks to sit down. On everyone's desk were materials more than half a meter high. This was only a half-day task, and there were more in the corners that needed to be sorted out little by little.

Had it not been for the concurrent errands, it would have been difficult to retrieve the information of so many party and government agency personnel. Of course, when Gu Qi contacted various agencies, he used routine background checks as an excuse.

 Originally, this was the work content of the Department, and personnel from sensitive agencies had to review it every year, but the review was so lonely that no one, whether it was the underground party or the Japanese, was found in the Department.

These spies are like microphones. As long as any secret leaves the conference room, it will become known to everyone in less than half a day, spreading faster than meeting documents. This is the source of the Chairman's dissatisfaction with one aspect. The National Government has become a public toilet, and all forces can come and leave as they please. This is why the Secret Service is allowed to intervene in the field of political intelligence.

This so-called routine background check, in the eyes of others, is a power struggle between the Secret Service and the First Division. This illusion can cover up reconnaissance operations and avoid alerting the other party.

As the newcomers lowered their heads to check the information, there was only the rustling sound of turning pages in the auditorium. Gucci turned around in a circle with his hands behind his back, stopping to check carefully from time to time, for fear that the newcomers would miss important information.

 In fact, the screening this time is not difficult. After all, there are fixed screening conditions. It can be said that you can do it if you are literate, otherwise Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi would not give them the task. The key is to be patient and meticulous.

The first step for the new people is to select those who joined the post after the 21st year of the Republic of China, that is, after the establishment of the Puppet Manchukuo, as a key target. Naturally, there are reasons for this.

 In the past, the Northeast was the territory of the Zhang family. Even if the old and the young were fed up, they would not dare to do anything under the eyes of the Zhang family, who was born in Huzi, unless they were not afraid of lighting sky lanterns.

Only when the Puppet Manchukuo is established, will the Puppet Manchukuo agents have external conditions for training; at the same time, with a certain little emperor, they will be so cooperative with the Japanese.

Subsequently, the personal information and life experiences of these key targets, the specific circumstances of their ancestors in the previous dynasty, and even whether their relatives had records of serving in the previous dynasty, must be verified through various channels.

  What is more important is to compare the list of puppet Manchukuo personnel provided by Tuozhi with the relationship network of key targets. If any overlap is found, investigate immediately.

As long as there is a suspect, the case is basically solved. No one can survive the interrogation of the Intelligence Section, not the Japanese, not even the puppet Manchu traitors.

As Gu Qi was thinking, Shen Dongxin came over and reported: "Deputy Section Chief Gu, there are less than forty people here, and the investigation will take at least half a month.

 If you still get nothing after doing this, then you have to go back to the first step and investigate the information of all people, which will be troublesome. "

Yeah, the background checks on thousands of people were overwhelming just thinking about it, and there was no time. Gucci was anxious in his heart, but he didn't show any signs of it on his face.

He smiled lightly and said: "If there is no result, there is a result. At least those who have checked have no problems. The screening of information is a process of elimination.

One thousand people investigated 900 people. Even if there is no evidence, the remaining 100 people can be detained directly. They will always be found. You have to be patient in your work. "

 At a critical moment, when the safety of so many officials is at stake, whether it is moving the venue or temporarily detaining suspicious people, it is necessary.

 After watching for a while, Gu Qi found that the newcomer had already entered the state, and the rest of the work was left to time. He patted Shen Dongxin on the shoulder, and the two of them walked out.

As he walked, he whispered: "The light in the auditorium is a bit dark. I will ask the General Affairs Department to send some lamps later. Be careful not to let them in."

 The people in the general affairs department deal with various religions and factions every day. The circle is too chaotic, and there may be people with unknown intentions. You need to be cautious when dealing with them.

 You should solve the circuit problems by yourself. Be sure to pay attention to fire prevention. There are only one copy of many materials. If you burn them and lose them, you will be in trouble. You should pay more attention to newcomers. "

Gu Qi's meaning is very clear. Except for Shen Dongxin, who has fought alongside them, he doesn't believe anyone here, especially the newcomers who have just arrived.

 It is one thing to have clear details, but it is another thing to be unreliable. Trust needs to be established slowly. There is no need to worry about time and place when employing people.

“I understand, Deputy Chief Gu.”

Shen Dongxin didn’t quite understand why there was only one copy of the information, so he nodded: “I will check the lamp first and then ask the brothers from the action team to send it in.

There is no problem with the wiring. I know some electrical knowledge and the water pipes have been prepared. In case of accidents, there are some emergency sandbags at the back.

This is a municipal pipe network. If someone wants to cause damage, a grenade can cut off the water here. I suggest building a backup water storage tower. "

 As expected of someone who came from a first-class military academy, he does things very steadily. With such a deputy, he can save some worry and don't have to spend too much time on the training unit.

Gu Qi nodded: "It makes sense. This can prevent the water source from being damaged. I will report it to the section chief. I estimate that it won't cost much, so I might as well build a few more.

It is also necessary to build the Hong Gong Temple to prevent the Japanese from poisoning the water. This must be prevented, so I will leave this place to you. I will go back to the place. "

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Shen Dongxin said made sense. After saying that, he got in the car and drove away. He wanted to discuss with the section chief to make up for this security loophole.

In addition, he had to go to Wu Chunyang to take a look. Compared with the simple tasks of the training unit, the tasks of the political intelligence unit were more important and more troublesome.

 (End of this chapter)

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