Cicada Moving

Chapter 305: ancestral system

Chapter 305: Ancestral System

But when he arrived at the political intelligence unit, he found that in addition to Wu Chunyang, there was also Tongsuo who was standing upright. Seeing this little guy, Gu Qi smiled.

"What, Chunyang, are you really going to accept him as your personal disciple? Then you have to watch out, don't let anyone inadvertently empty your house out again, haha."

He made a joke with Wu Chunyang, and then said seriously: "But let's make an agreement first. Tongsuo can be here during the day, but he still has to go back to train at night."

Hearing this, Tongsuo immediately puffed up his chest and replied loudly: "Yes."

Wu Chunyang shook his head: "Just take him out for a walk. After fixing the copper lock, don't be too nervous here. Just relax your expression and movements, like before.

Once you go out like this, even fools will know that there is something wrong with you. You should be the same as you were when you were in the world. Follow the disguise course taught in the special training class. "

Tongsuo felt like he was being amnesty, and he cursed in his mind as his shoulders relaxed. He didn't know how he survived that **** special training class. The guy with the surname Zuo was so deceptive. He said he was just learning some secret agent skills.

He was very comfortable with food and drink. However, the instructor said that he was too breathless and had to start from taking a break to stand at attention. If he made a wrong move, he would be punished by standing for an hour, so he might as well give him a beating.

If it weren't for a student who escaped and was beaten half to death by a guard with live ammunition and hung on the wall, I would have run away a long time ago. I have learned so many secret agent skills, and the world is so big that I have a place to stay.

Gu Qi glanced at Tongsuo, looked around and asked, "By the way, where is the section chief? What idea did he give you to make it so mysterious?"

 “The section chief has gone to Lao Song.”

Wu Chunyang did not answer him directly, but asked an unrelated question with a smile: "Lao Gu, do you know what day the sixth day of June is?"

 The sixth day of June? It will arrive in a few days.

Gu Qi was confused and frowned: "I really don't know what festival is being celebrated that day, but your sister-in-law will clean and dry the clothes that day."

“It’s the Tiankuang Festival, which mainly involves drying clothes and books. Women go back to their parents’ homes, and people and animals take baths and pray for sunny days.” Wu Chunyang explained in detail.

After hearing this, Gu Qi seemed to have thought of something: "Do the Puppet Manchukuo also celebrate Tiankuang Festival and have different customs? Do you want to use this method to identify the Puppet Manchukuo agents?"

Wu Chunyang nodded: "Yes and no, the day of the Puppet Manchukuo is the Insect King Festival. According to legend, there was a major insect infestation during the Jin Dynasty, but the insects were quickly eaten by mandarin birds flying from the sky.

From then on Yuanniao was established as the King of Insects. Every year on the sixth day of June, the people of the Jin Dynasty worshiped the King of Insects, hoping to control the insect pests through the King of Insects and pray for a good year. What did the previous dynasty call themselves before entering the customs? "


 Gu Qi understood that just like the founding emperor loved to recognize his ancestors, it was unclear whether Hou Jin had any relationship with the Jin Dynasty, but he inherited many Jin Dynasty customs.

 This is the so-called ancestral system of the previous dynasty. After the establishment of the Puppet Manchuria, in order to show the legitimacy of the regime, they have been engaged in activities to restore the ancestral system and set back the wheels of history.

So the Insect King Festival should be an important festival in the Puppet Manchukuo, but what does this have to do with catching the Puppet Manchukuo agents? The Insect King will not bring people in front of them.

 Gu Qi thought for a while and asked: "How does the Puppet Manchukuo celebrate the Insect King Festival? What is the difference between it and the Tiankuang Festival? Just tell me quickly and don't keep it secret."


Wu Chunyang smiled and said: "The Puppet Manchukuo has inherited the old system. On the Insect King's Day, most families will wrap sticky rice noodles with spinach leaves or forged leaves and place them in the crop fields to celebrate the birthday of the Insect King.

 At night, the candles used during the Chinese New Year are also placed in the ground, all lit and then kowtow to the ground to pray. Some farmers will also go to the fields to plant small flags to prevent the Insect King's troops from inadvertently intruding.

In Jinling, every household of the Jinling bannermen would send someone to the Chongwang Temple outside the city to slaughter livestock and place offerings to worship the Chongwang every time it was time for sacrifices. They prayed that the crops would be protected from pests and that the harvest would be abundant in the coming year. "

 Insect King Temple? Worship?

Gu Qi understood and shook his head: "The other party is a professional spy and will not be so careless. Moreover, there are many bannermen in Jinling. I am afraid it will be difficult to find the Manchukuo spies among the worshipers."

If he were to go to an enemy-occupied area, he would never do such a stupid thing to reveal his identity. He would worship the insect king even if his life was about to die. If he wanted to use this clue to find the suspect, I'm afraid there is not much hope.

“If you are not a supporter of the Puppet Manchukuo, you will not risk your life to come to Jinling. Even if you do not come voluntarily, just like we must have Lantern Festival and dumplings during the New Year, they have the habit of eating glutinous rice dumplings.

So the Chongwang Temple is only one aspect. I plan to focus on monitoring the rice and grain stores in the city. They will not go to the Chongwang Temple to worship. Sticky dumplings will always be used in sacrifices and festivals. "

As he spoke, Wu Chunyang loaded the gun, put it back into the holster, and continued: "You need to use yellow rice noodles to make glutinous rice cakes. There are very few people eating in Jinling, and there are even fewer shops selling rice grains, so it is easy to target suspicious targets.

Compare it with the possible occupations when you come to Jinling. You might be able to find something by taking a multi-pronged approach. Anyway, there are not many clues. It is better to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor than to wait in vain. "

"Yes, I will accompany you to have a look." Gu Qi thought this was the reason. He wanted to know more about the survivors of the previous dynasty in Jinling. Maybe it could be used in future work. The Puppet Manchukuo would definitely not send just one group of people to Jinling. Engage in intelligence.

Wu Chunyang didn't care. Gu Qi followed and there were still more cars available. After the two of them and Tongsuo made some disguises, they left the Secret Service in twos and threes with the special agents of the Political Intelligence Unit.

On the way, Wu Chunyang introduced it as he drove: "Yellow rice noodles are a northern food. Jinling sells them mostly in areas where survivors of the previous dynasty gathered, such as Crystal Terrace and Pingshi Street Monk's Bookstore.

Our task today is to check out the situation in nearby rice and grain stores and establish surveillance points. It is best to send people to sneak in. After all, when buying rice and grains, you use cloth bags and you can’t see what you are buying. "

Tongsuo rolled his eyes when he heard this and immediately volunteered: "Commander, how about I go? The store is willing to hire a boy. I promise to keep an eye on everyone who comes to buy yellow rice noodles, and there will be no problems."


Wu Chunyang Gu Qi sneered, knowing that this guy was planning to cheat again. A man who even thought he had two extra arms when he walked actually asked to perform the task. The sun came out from the west.

After thinking for a moment, they guessed Tongsuo's plan. This little **** wanted to avoid training. With the experience of Mount Putuo, this simple close reconnaissance mission was like a vacation for him.

Gu Qi winked at Wu Chunyang: "Tongsuo is indeed suitable, let him go. He has done a good job in Putuo Mountain and has some experience. If you train him, you don't need to go and concentrate on performing the task."

Tongsuo Mei smiled happily, his molars were sticking out from his back. It was God's will. He finally didn't need to train anymore. But before he was happy for a long time, Wu Chunyang, the good man in his mind, spoke.

"It's okay, his foundation is weak. When the mission is over, I'll let Gui Youguang give him a special training. That's it. Prepare the bronze locks and follow my orders later." Wu Chunyang gave a serious order.

 Let there be light! Big stick!

Tongsuo said righteously: "Commander, I think I should train with everyone. As an old man who has fought alongside everyone, I should not be special. Please approve it."

 “That’s fine too.”

Wu Chunyang smiled and said: "Don't worry, the guys in Jinling, in addition to eating and lodging in the store, some also go home every day. Are you happy that you are scouting at the rice grain store during the day and will not delay your training at night?"

 “Open, be happy.”

Tongsuo forced a smile, God, what evil has he done.

Wu Chunyang raised the corner of his lips and told Gu Qi about their destination: "Deputy Chief Gu, we are going to Shangshuli, where the people of the Crystal Terrace Banner who lost their houses set up shacks after the previous dynasty perished.

In the early years of the Republic of China, funded by several Shanghai philanthropists, more than 200 shelters for banner residents were built here. More than 250 households of banner residents from various banners moved in together, forming this gathering area. "

 As he spoke, the ground became uneven and the car slowly began to bump.

Wu Chunyang clenched the steering wheel hard and continued: "Because the banner people have no source of income, the security here is very poor, the police basically don't come, and there is a high possibility that puppet Manchukuo spies come to buy things.

There are three rice and grain stores nearby, and most of the customers are local residents. It is not difficult to monitor them. You only need to focus on unfamiliar faces, especially those who live in other places and come here specifically. "

 Gu Qi looked at the bleak streets outside the car window and nodded. Puppet Manchukuo spies would not choose to live in areas where bannermen gather. This would easily reveal their identity, so it is indeed easy to distinguish.

The premise is that they will really come here to buy the raw materials for sticky rice cakes.

At this time, the car drove into Shangshu Lane. Outside the low houses on the street, some people were lying on chairs and basking in the sun, some were eating cigarettes blatantly, and some were wandering on the roadside carrying birdcages without birds.

Gu Qi watched for a long time and didn't find many young people. They must have gone out. The only few were staring at their cars furtively, with a gleam in their eyes and yellow teeth exposed.

Children were chasing the cars and shouting, trying to beg for some property or food, while women were squatting by the river and washing clothes silently. The entire Shangshu exuded an aura of decadence and despair.

Gu Qi sighed: "Isn't there no one here to take care of it? At least we can't let these people eat smoke on the roadside. What kind of behavior is the emperor's feet? Let's go back and ask the police station to send people over to take care of public security."

 He has a good heart and cannot bear to see this.

Wu Chunyang snorted lightly, said nothing, and sped away from Shangshuli. It was impossible for them to get out of the car for reconnaissance. The car parked here would be dismantled into its skeleton in less than an hour.

Next to the police station in Shangshuli, Wu Chunyang finished checking the disguise, stuck his head out of the car window and looked around, then got out of the car with Gu Qi and Tongsuo. The three of them split up and quickly disappeared into the streets.

Not long after, a fortune teller, a beggar, and a cigarette seller came to Shangshu. The three of them wandered the streets and gradually became familiar with this most chaotic area of ​​​​Jinling City.

I caught a cold from my dad. I can’t stand it anymore. I’m going to bed. I’ll correct any typos tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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