Cicada Moving

Chapter 307: The human heart is not enough and the snake swallows the elephant (please vote and sub

Chapter 307: When the human heart is insufficient, the snake swallows the elephant (please vote and subscribe, thank you)

 “You bring people to be alert”

“Oh, isn’t this Section Chief Zuo? What kind of wind has brought you here? No wonder I heard the magpies chirping when I said we would come together tonight.”

Now that the inspection was completed, Zuo Zhong decided to leave first. Before leaving, he once again reminded Song Minghao a few words to prevent this guy from being careless and causing trouble, but he was interrupted as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zuo Zhong frowned and looked, and it turned out to be Liu Gui from the secret service headquarters. This **** was wearing a suit, and he looked like a human with a 28-inch hairdo. His right hand was a little itchy.

 I really want to give him a slap in the face.

This guy has a share of the blood debt between Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan. Not only is this guy thick-skinned, but he also has rich experience in fighting the underground party. He is a dangerous element and we must find a way to get rid of him as soon as possible.

More importantly, as the war situation in the southwest worsens, many unsteady elements have emerged. If the secret service headquarters is allowed to collude with these people, the situation of the Jinling underground party will only get worse and worse.

Zuo Zhong's thoughts changed rapidly, and he said with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be Section Chief Liu. Why are you dressing up like a groom today? You must not imitate some people and act like a groom every night.

I heard that your wife in your hometown has worked hard to raise three children. It is not easy for her. If you do anything to disgrace her, it will not only be against morality, but also not in line with the New Life Movement. "

As he spoke, he approached the other party and asked in a low voice: "But you haven't been home for many years. How come your sister-in-law is pregnant with the child? Could it be that she had a dream just like the great-great-grandmother? Tsk tsk, that's incredible."


Liu Gui's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately wanted to speak out, but thinking about where this place was, he had to suppress his anger and said with a cold face: "Liu also goes back often, so I don't need to worry about Section Chief Zuo.

But Chief Zuo, why did you come to the National Government? This is our responsible territory. Chief Zuo must not step over the boundary, otherwise Director Xu and Director Chen will be very unhappy. "

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Zuo Zhong and Song Minghao, as if he wanted to find out their purpose of coming here. He knew that Zuo Zhong would never come here without a special reason.

Everyone in the bureau knows that Section Chief Zuo, apart from collecting some souvenirs, has no bad habits and has few social activities. If he is not investigating a case, he stays in the Secret Service and rarely goes out.

Zuo Zhong sneered: "Stop trying to scare people with Director Chen, your territory? Is the whole world the land of the king, and the shore of the land is the king's ministers. What's the matter, your secret service headquarters is going to be designated as a country?"

No wonder some people say that during Miyamoto Hideaki’s disappearance, you were the only one who followed Dean Wang’s orders. Congratulations! With such a great contribution, you will be on your way to success! "

After speaking, he raised the corner of his mouth, turned to call Song Minghao, and walked away. Firstly, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with such a villain, and secondly, he wanted not to give the other party a chance to get entangled. There was no need to talk too much with a dead person.

But he and Song Minghao went out and made several anti-tracking actions. Why did the other party suddenly appear? Did he hear some rumors? When did the nose of the secret service headquarters become so sharp?

Zuo Chong left, but Liu Gui was so angry that his eyesight turned black. He didn't know who was shameless, but when Dean Wang mobilized the city defense troops without authorization, he pretended to be himself and spread the vicious rumor.

 That **** is only obeyed by Dean Wang’s orders! Is it allowed to say such nonsense? Because of this sentence, he was kicked by Xu Enzeng to the National Government and was responsible for internal security work.

"MD, there must be a reason for the person named Zuo to come here. Maybe he can cut off his beard." Liu Gui thoughtfully ordered the men around him: "Immediately ask what Zuo Chong and the person named Song are doing here."


Liu Gui was holding back his mischief, but Song Minghao, who had already left the National Government, asked for instructions: "Would you like to find a gunman to kill this guy quietly? I know a few new people who are very cruel and ruthless."

He was captured by Liu Gui last time. Not only was his hair shaved off, his son called him a monk when he saw him, but his nails were also pulled out. This grudge cannot be solved by putting a sack on him and giving him a beating.

Zuo Zhong didn't answer him, thinking about how to dig a hole for Liu Gui. It was obviously not possible to kill someone directly. There were some rules in the officialdom that had to be followed, otherwise harming others would eventually harm himself.

After thinking for a long time, he remembered another thing. According to his own speculation, Xie Jiuwen and his wife were arrested because of something wrong with the landlord's family where they were recovering from injuries, but there must be other reasons.

The case has been going on for so long, and the details of the case are still top secret. No news has leaked out no matter what channels. Xu Enzeng would never protect a rich man from the southwestern countryside so closely.

 What is it for?

Song Minghao finished his harsh words and felt a little disappointed when the section chief didn't answer. The two slowly walked back to the car. When Zuo Zhong, who was deep in thought, got into the car, Song Minghao stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away.

It was rush hour at this time. Cars, bicycles, and rickshaws were jammed on the road. After driving for half an hour, the cars still did not return to the Secret Service Office. In the end, they were forced to stop in the middle of the road due to the noise.

Zuo Zhong, who was wandering in his mind, was woken up. He frowned and looked out the window, but there were so many people around him that he couldn't see clearly what was going on. So he asked Song Minghao in the front row: "Why are you parking the car? What's going on outside."

"Two cars collided. One of the cars had a flat tire. One of them was screaming, and the other refused to pay. Section Chief, why don't we take a detour and go back?" Song Minghao turned around and asked.

Zuo Zhong said without hesitation: "Turn around and take other roads to prevent problems inside. Are all the people in the police station blind? Why didn't you send someone to provide guidance when such a big thing happened? What a waste."

Song Minghao nodded, honked the horn, slowly turned around and started to turn around. The crowd relaxed a bit, and the voices of the two people involved in the dispute finally reached the car, but Zuo Zhong was stunned when he heard it. “100 yuan, not even a cent less.”

“100! This worn-out tire is worn out. I’ll give you 10 yuan at most. Don’t be so impatient!”

 “Who said that the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant?”

 “It’s you!”

 After saying this, the two men started fighting, causing the onlookers to cheer loudly.

The human heart is full of shame, but Zuo Zhong was shocked when he heard these words, and a flash of light flashed across his body. He seemed to know why Xu Enzeng kept the case secret. This guy has such a big appetite.

He has always felt that Xie Jiuwen's arrest was not just a problem with the injured witness, because Xu Enzeng was too cautious in the follow-up handling of the case, as if he was protecting or preparing for something.

 But caution is just a means, why?

Xu Enzeng didn't get any information on Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan. The reason why he was so cautious could only be that the case was not over yet, and some of the people involved in the case had clues about the underground party!

 After excluding Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan, and excluding everyone from one place, there is only one possibility left, the witness! An important witness who has clues to the underground party, a rich man who helps Xie Jiuwen recover from his injuries?

 Obviously not. The organizational structure and discipline of the underground party determine that a rich man cannot know too much information about the underground party. The important witness is an insider of the underground party, and there is a traitor!

 It is true that the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

Everything made sense. Zuo Zhong took a deep breath and smiled on his face: "Old Song, I have thought about what you just said. I am afraid it is not appropriate to take action, but there is a way to deal with Liu Gui.

Go back and be more specific, as long as you do what I say, I guarantee that not only will Liu Gui be left with nothing to eat, but even Xu Enzeng, the culprit, will probably suffer a big fall, so don't worry. "

 “Okay, I’ll listen to the section chief!”

Song Minghao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, felt hot when he heard this. The section chief still cared about him. He ignored him just now because he was thinking of a solution. The section chief personally took action, Liu Gui, Liu Gui, let me see how you die now!

As for Xu Enzeng, to be honest, he didn't expect to do anything to the other party. After all, he was an officer, and he was like a dog-skin plaster that could not be torn off no matter what method he used.

The two of them returned to the Secret Service with their own thoughts. They happened to meet Gu Qi and three others who had returned from reconnaissance in Shangshu. Zuo Zhong convened a small meeting with everyone and asked about the implementation of the tasks of each unit.

On behalf of the training unit, Gu Qi reported on the information screening and also made a request that if the puppet Manchukuo agents were not found in the end, some relevant personnel might need to be temporarily detained.

Zuo Zhong cannot make the decision on this request. If it is a staff member of an ordinary agency, or a reporter or waiter, Gu Qi will arrest it. The problem is that the relevant personnel include more than just these.

There are also staff of the National Government and even the staff of the Military Commission. The current Secret Service is not the arrogant military commander later, and the Intelligence Section does not have the confidence to arrest the superiors of their superiors.

Even if you are a waiter in the auditorium, there may be several big Buddhas standing above or below. This matter must be handled carefully. It doesn't matter if you can't achieve success, just don't offend the important people who cannot be offended.

After thinking for a long time, he coughed: "Start with the personnel and relatives of important institutions. I don't care how big his background is, who his teachers and fellow villagers are, you all have to treat him equally.

This is also for better work. After all, there are people who have sneaked in. If you expose them early, you are responsible for the party-state. After identifying these people and ordinary people, I allow you to temporarily stay. "

Everyone praised Section Chief Zuo for his selflessness and lack of favoritism. After all, it was something that was beneficial to the party and the country. How could he be called sincere? Only by protecting yourself can you be more loyal to the party and the country.

Zuo Zhong also expressed satisfaction with the understanding of his subordinates, praised the sincere unity and unity of the Intelligence Section, and called on all members to continue to maintain and carry forward this spirit.

After everyone flattered each other for a while, Wu Chunyang said: "Section Chief, Crystal Terrace, and the shops selling yellow rice noodles in Monk's Book on Pingshi Street. There are a total of eighteen shops, and they are all in our sights.

  Next, the detectives, including Tong Suo, will lurk in the rice and grain store through official connections, mainly monitoring the sales and counter links to look for suspicious objects.

As long as someone comes to buy yellow rice noodles, there will be at least three groups of elderly people following him. There are no problems with transportation and surveillance locations. The only thing that worries me is that the other party won't move, which will be a bit troublesome. "


Zuo Zhong crossed his legs and nodded: "The situation you mentioned is possible, and it is very possible. We have nothing to do with the Puppet Manchukuo agents and can only use reasoning to find clues. This is a fact.

 There is uncertainty in reasoning without evidence. This is also a fact. So even if you get nothing in the end, I will not blame you. All the responsibility lies with me alone. "

Wu Chunyang wanted to speak when he heard this, but Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop him and continued: "As for why I insist on using this method, in fact, everyone has ignored one thing, and that is human nature."

I took medicine and fell asleep. I sent it regularly. If there are any typos, please remind me. I will correct them tomorrow. Thank you.



 (End of this chapter)

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