Cicada Moving

Chapter 308: Herd mentality

Chapter 308 Herd Psychology

 “Human nature?” Everyone was puzzled.

“Have you ever seen a queue? When the first person or the first group of people line up, most of the people behind will line up. If the first person or the first group of people don’t line up, the people behind will also not line up.”

Zuo Zhong stood up and walked to the blackboard in the conference room. He picked up the chalk and wrote:

“When people are influenced by the behavior of outside groups, they will behave and speak in line with public opinion or the majority of people in terms of their own judgment and understanding. I call it herd mentality.”

 When he said the last four words, four words also appeared on the blackboard: public opinion and influence.

 Everyone in the Intelligence Section seemed to understand, but they didn't seem to understand completely, so they had no choice but to look at him.

Zuo Zhong threw away the chalk, put his hands on the table, stared at everyone and ordered: "Immediately contact all newspapers and periodicals in Jinling through various channels to urge them to publish news reports about the Tiankuang Festival.

 Let everyone pay attention to this, and the need to wash clothes and dry them on Tiankuang Festival coincides with the Chairman's New Life Movement. Don't worry about being too abrupt and arousing suspicion. "

When the time is right, let a small number of newspapers and periodicals introduce the Insect King Festival from the perspective of the republic of the five ethnic groups and call on Jinling Banner people to celebrate the festival. Other newspapers will subsequently intervene to build momentum. "

Wu Chunyang had a flash of inspiration: "This is the role of public opinion, and it is also the herd mentality you mentioned, section chief. Compared with strictly trained Puppet Manchukuo intelligence officers, the people are more easily controlled by public opinion.

Facing the overwhelming news about the Insect King Festival, as long as some banner people start to celebrate the festival, the rest will follow blindly, and our people can even pretend to be banner people, causing the first wave. "

 “Yes, next is the impact.”

Zuo Zhong straightened up: "This gang of traitors must have been under tremendous psychological pressure as they lurk in Jinling. When they see the Jinling bannermen celebrating the Insect King Festival, how do you think they will react?"


 “Think of the Northeast.”

Now everyone understands that the section chief wants to influence the other party step by step, using the Insect King's Day as an introduction to make the puppet Manchukuo agents feel homesick. The possibility of this happening is very high.

 Because from a certain point of view, these second-generation puppet Manchus chose to come to Jinling because they were also "patriots". They were full of fanaticism about restoring the so-called ancestral system.

In this case, if you encounter the Puppet Manchukuo Festival and see the celebrating behavior of the banner people, even if these people have received strict training, they will definitely have psychological fluctuations.

At this time, the herd mentality mentioned by the section chief reappeared, causing them to act inconsistently with their cover status, and the Intelligence Section could use this to discover the Manchukuo agents.

 Success is also "patriotic", failure is also "patriotic".

Zuo Zhong sighed: "I admit that this move is a bit despicable, but everyone has their own masters and they don't care too much. When you operate in enemy-occupied areas in the future, you must be careful not to let public opinion affect your judgment."

Song Minghao immediately objected: "Whatever the section chief said, these traitors will be punished by everyone. The puppet Manchukuo colluded with the Japanese invaders to split the country. How can we talk about patriotism?"

"Yeah yeah."

Everyone present agreed, and Gu Qi pointedly pointed out: "A puppet country gained through betrayal is not worthy of talking about patriotism. Chief, you are worrying too much."

Zuo Zhong smiled: "Okay, let's not discuss this issue today. Do you have any questions? If you don't have any, just follow the plan and blow some air on a small amount of newspapers first.


Wu Chunyang frowned and said: "There is just one problem that needs to be solved. Some reporters have always looked down on us spies. I think some special methods must be used, otherwise they will not cooperate honestly."

Everyone's smiles suddenly faded. In this world, if we don't criticize the corrupt and incompetent National Government, if we don't criticize the stupid and unscrupulous bald heads, and if we don't criticize the insidious and cunning secret agents, how can we call them conscientious literati of the Republic of China?

This group of people are standard trolls, and they are poor and violent. They will not accept money from them, and they are not afraid of threats. If things get too big and cause a public uproar, this plan will be even more difficult to implement.

 This is going to be difficult.

Song Minghao said carelessly: "If I kidnap their children, of course I can't actually hurt them. I just want to scare the elderly and children, and let them go in the end regardless of whether things work out or not."

He thinks his idea is a good one. He can cut through the mess quickly. Even if reporters don't take care of themselves, they should take care of their parents, wives and children. At worst, they will pay more compensation when the time comes.

 “It’s a bad idea.”

Zuo Zhong glared at this guy. He didn't dare to do such a thing as giving birth to a son without a penis. A scholar's pen is a murderer's knife. If you can't offend him, don't offend him. Otherwise, the high official Ximen will be an example.

Making things out of thin air and defiling people's innocence is the opponent's specialty. If this matter is exposed, there may be some jokes about Zuo Chong, which will make Zuo Chong have no face to face his ancestors.

He patted the table: "Money can bring magic. If you can't bribe some literary journalists, then go and bribe their bosses. As long as you make money, these businessmen won't care who we are or what we want to do." Speaking of this, he added He said: "Also, don't always talk about bribery in the future. How can the affairs of literati be related to bribery? It is just the cost of polishing their pens."

 “Yes, section chief.”

Everyone ignored who was the one who said the bribe first. They thought to themselves that the section chief's family was from a scholarly family, and he had enough money to polish his writing. Look at how fresh and elegant these words were, without the slightest smell of copper.

Zuo Zhong didn't know that his subordinates were lamenting his family tradition, so he waved his hand: "Okay, you go ahead and do your work. You have to be cautious and patient. Old Song, please stay here. I have something else to ask you."

 “Hey, good section chief.”

Song Minghao knew the reason why Zuo Chong kept him alive, and he was very excited. After that incident, he encountered multiple cases in a row, otherwise he would have taken action long ago, and he couldn't wait for revenge.

Shave your own hair, pull out your nails, and make yourself bite the framed section chief. Thinking about it, he bites his back teeth tightly. This time, if Liu Gui is not tortured to death, he will take Song Minghao's surname.

Zuo Zhong looked at Song Minghao, whose expression was changing unpredictably, and frowned: "Why are you acting like a face changer here? What news has come from the secret service headquarters recently? It must be accurate.

Your boy has reimbursed hundreds of dollars in expenses. Don't use Xu Enzeng's gossipy news all day long to make up for it. I'm not interested in what women he slept with. I just want to know if they have made any big moves recently. "

Song Minghao's heart skipped a beat. He was used to living a hard life. Although he had made money from the arms business, the party-state's advantages were always taken advantage of, and the reimbursement expenses of several hundred yuan could not withstand careful inspection.

He calmed down and quickly told the news he got from the informant: "Xu Enzeng is like a tortoise now, staying at the secret service headquarters and not going out. It is said that he practices some kind of silent chant with others.

The number of people eating in the canteen is consistent, there is no large amount of food taken away, there are few records of fleet maintenance, there are no abnormal records of receiving guns, and no one even collects salary on behalf of others. Everything is normal. "

 Hush your words? everything is normal?

Zuo Zhong didn't believe it. If his guess was correct and there was a traitor in his hands, Xu Enzeng was like a dog that saw a bone. He must be preparing for a big operation. How could there be no movement in one place.

It's just that there is no abnormality in the personnel transfer, and there is no abnormality in the logistics support. Where will the first branch start from, and will it be through the military relationship? No, Commander Yuan wants to kill Xu Enzeng.

Is that Director Chen’s direct descendant the Party Headquarters Investigation Office? But since what happened to Zhou Wenshan and Liu Juan, the party investigation room has become a lost cause, and they don't have enough ability to act.

It's strange that Xu Enzeng has become a master. He actually learned to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, hide his reconnaissance operations under the water, and use himself to attract other people's attention. This matter becomes more and more interesting.

Did he cooperate with an outside agency?

Zuo Zhong slowly tapped the table and found an excuse to continue asking: "Does this department have any contact with other departments, such as the police department and city defense? It is impossible for them to not respond to our power grab."

“Let me think about it.” Song Minghao recalled every word said by the insider, and finally shook his head: “At least my people didn’t find out, or they kept it strictly confidential. You can just ask if you can.

Yiyi wants to fight back, and the Jinling Police Department is a link they cannot avoid. Director Bai owes a huge favor, so he said that Miyamoto is missing and you are not able to find him, so he will be in big trouble. "

Zuo Zhong thought about it and felt that Song Minghao was right. He picked up the phone and was about to answer Bai Wenzhi's call. However, the operator kept saying that the line was occupied and waited for more than ten minutes before he was connected.

 “I’m asking for nothing, who are you?”

A deep and deep voice came from the microphone, causing Zuo Zhong to look at the microphone subconsciously. Is this Lao Bai's voice? Those who didn’t know thought it was an announcer from the Central News Agency.

Is it possible that getting promoted can not only improve physiological indicators, but also turn the Shandong accent into standard Mandarin? It is really amazing. No wonder everyone is holding back their energy to get promoted.

Zuo Zhong smiled and said, "Haha, I'm Zuo Zhong. I haven't seen you for a few days. Lao Bai, why are you like this? I almost thought I got the wrong number just now. Why don't you speak your hometown dialect?"

In the office on the top floor of the Police Department, Bai Wenzhi's original serious expression changed. It turned out to be this despicable guy named Zuo. On the surface, he said he didn't care about Miyamoto's life or death, but he secretly went to find someone by himself.

 Aren’t you just afraid of taking credit? Bah!

"Ahem~" Bai Wenzhi cleared his throat and continued to speak in Mandarin: "It turns out to be Section Chief Zuo. I wonder if he has any official business with me today. Don't worry. If Bai can handle it, I won't refuse."

Zuo Zhong was not a fool, and he heard the implication. He asked Bai Zhi if he had any official business with him, which meant that he would only talk about official business. He also said that he would never refuse if he could do it, and he would refuse if he couldn't.

Bai Wenzhi must be mentally ill. He really thought that as a useless police chief, he would be able to yell at him. Not to mention a mere district director, even the chief secretary of police would not dare to speak to him in this tone.

Zuo Zhong sneered: "Director Bai has such great authority. It's okay. My principal, Zhu Jiahua, may be transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wanted to contact you to build a relationship, so let's forget it."

He said some random nonsense and hung up the phone with a snap.

 (End of this chapter)

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