Cicada Moving

Chapter 319: admiralty mole

Chapter 319 The Admiralty Mole

Wu Chunyang felt that his body had almost recovered, and he stood up with force: "Okay, let's go to work. Be careful about the target and don't let this kid get away."

No one can be sure whether Ye Jinzhong's performance was fake. If he ran away under their noses, their political intelligence unit would be in disgrace.

 “Yes.” The agents dispersed.

Only the two agents who were close to the investigation stayed and reported to Wu Chunyang what they saw at Juele Coffee Shop. They did find something.

One of the female agents said: "Commander, when we entered, Ye Jinzhong was already sitting in the booth, which is on the south wall of the coffee shop."

 “Yes, you see.”

The male agent felt that just talking about it was not accurate, so he simply took out a pen and paper and drew a schematic diagram: "The area of ​​Juele is about one hundred square meters, and the gate faces the west.

The east wall is the bar, on the left are some round tables, on the right is a row of east-west booths, six in total, with a small performing stand in the middle.

Ye Jinzhong was sitting in the third row of the booth, and there was another person sitting opposite him. There were only two of them in the booth, and the other person was a man. "

“You said there are six booths, which is not normal.”

Wu Chunyang found the key point. When people enter a public environment, they will subconsciously look for an open space. This is to subconsciously maintain a safe distance.

 This is especially true for intelligence personnel. All the training they receive will only make them more sensitive to safety and distance. This is a behavioral habit that is deeply ingrained in their bones.

 Besides, from the time he stopped and monitored on the other side of the road until the target walked into the coffee shop, no one entered the coffee shop for more than a minute.

What does this mean? It means that when Ye Jinzhong entered the coffee shop, the other person was already sitting there. Why did Ye Jinzhong come to others when he had nothing to do?

 “We thought so too.”

The male agent nodded: "We focused on observing that man. If I guess correctly, the man should be a soldier, and a navy man."

  “Tell me why.”

Wu Chunyang thought of the section chief's worries, but there were two military agencies nearby. Why did his subordinates think that the other party belonged to the Navy and not the Ministry of Military Affairs?

The male agent explained: "The other party is wearing white leather shoes issued by the Navy, while the staff of the Military and Political Department are wearing black leather shoes issued by the Army. Of course, this is just a guess."

 “Did you take the photo?”

Wu Chunyang rubbed his temples: "Besides the suspicious behavior, did Ye Jinzhong do anything else with the other party, such as talking and exchanging items."

 The female agent took off the Kun bag from her shoulder and took out a miniature camera: "I took pictures of the other party's appearance and the suspected joint.

At that time, the two people were sitting back to back, with no physical contact, but their lips were moving, and they took turns. They should be communicating in a low voice. "

 Alas, the Admiralty.

Wu Chunyang's head hurts a bit, and he was really molested by the other party. Now he is in trouble. The Navy has six departments: the General Affairs Department and the Military Scale, Military Affairs, Ship Administration, Military Science, Ordnance, and Maritime Affairs.

Each department involves a lot of secrets, especially military affairs and ordnance. The Japanese Navy has long been eyeing the intelligence inside, even though the tonnage of the Republic of China Navy is not even a fraction of them.

 “These little devils.”

Wu Chunyang cursed in a low voice, and then praised his subordinates: "You are right not to spy on each other. As long as you have photos, you will not worry about finding the person. You can let him go and keep an eye on the target first."

He is well aware that there are many factions within the Navy Department, involving many big bosses, and surveillance is carried out without concrete evidence. If he is discovered, it will be difficult to end, and the section chief may be implicated.

After thinking about it, Wu Chunyang asked again: "Apart from this man, did Ye Jinzhong have any abnormal communication with anyone else, including the waiters and the sales clerk?"

 The male and female agents looked at each other and shook their heads. They found nothing else.

Wu Chunyang thought, it seemed that Ye Jinzhong had only one purpose for going to Juele Coffee Shop, which was to connect with the mole from the Admiralty Department, which was a bit hard to imagine.

He was so upright, and he came to meet us as if he were going shopping. What's even more ridiculous is that everything was fine all the time. The person in charge of internal security was really blind.

He was going to go back and suggest to the section chief to conduct a strict review of the personnel of all important institutions to see how many insiders would be found.

"Okay, go back to location C and have a good rest. You have met the target, and then you will be responsible for peripheral surveillance. Don't appear alone near the third archway."

Wu Chunyang asked his men to leave Sanpailou first. Regardless of whether Ye Jinzhong is a real waste or a fake waste, the disciplines that should be observed during the mission must be strictly observed.

And he was going to go back to the office and report the latest situation to Zuo Zhong, especially the matter of the mole in the Navy Department. This matter required coordination between the section chief and the division chief.

 When he returned to the Intelligence Section, Zuo Zhong was reading the file on the Butterfly Case. Seeing him walking in a hurry, he thought something had happened to Ye Jinzhong.

 Fortunately, not really.

After listening to Wu Chunyang's report, his expression remained as usual. This incident had already been expected by him. It was impossible for the Japanese and the Puppet Manchukuo to keep Ye Jinzhong in vain.

 There is a saying that even a piece of toilet paper or a pair of underwear has its use. Whatever Ye Jinzhong is doing, it is much better than toilet paper.

As for the Admiralty, these **** who have never forgotten the factional fighting are not as influential as Wu Chunyang thought. It is not difficult to investigate them.

However, it cannot be checked now. Zuo Zhong put down the file: "I know about this matter. You find out the identity of this person. Don't worry about anything else. Let me communicate with the Navy Department."

Wu Chunyang continued to report: "In addition, Ye Jinzhong entered the Jinling Power Plant and it was run by a British man named Sha Luxun. There is no suspicion at the moment."


Zuo Zhong stood up and walked to the window, snorting coldly: "These British guys can be found in nine out of ten places. MI2 has been quite active in Asia recently.

You don’t know that this group of British MI2 spies have established a stronghold in Shanghai and are at loggerheads with the underground party’s international side.

 Forget it, don't worry about that Saluxun, I will ask my old friend in Peking to help if necessary. He has made a fortune, so he has to show his disapproval. "

Wu Chunyang knew who Zuo Zhong was talking about and asked doubtfully: "When you contacted Miyamoto Hideaki's mother last time, didn't you say, section chief, that you would not contact him again in the future?"

"You believe me when I tell you. How can this kind of wool be collected only once? So what if he is angry." Zuo Zhong said this without blushing or heartbeat.

Then he said even more confidently: "Bai Longdu, can he sue me? From the beginning of the Six Nations Hotel, we were just grasshoppers on a rope. He understands."

 Okay, Wu Chunyang nodded.

 The fact is that many people know the transaction behind it, but knowing it does not mean that it can be announced. The first unlucky person after the announcement was Bai Longdu.

Zuo Zhong patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "You are still too kind, the British are just troublemakers, no matter how hard you try, you can never go too far.

 Saluxun helps the Japanese, either for money, or he is incited to rebel, or he is MI2. In short, it is not a good thing, let the British deal with it. "

Wu Chunyang did not forget Zuo Zhong’s advice and talked about another thing: “King Vanessa has been at home the past two days as usual and has not gone out.

There are three phone records, one from her to the tailor shop, one from Ye Jinzhong, and the last one from her husband Wang Deyong. "

Oh, I didn’t see it. Zuo Zhong thought this woman would often go out to get her hair done, but now it seems that she is a decent person who never leaves home.

 But what did she see in Ye Jinzhong?

Zuo Zhong stared at the green plants on the window sill: "Okay, Vanessa will continue to monitor and ask Shanghai to find an outsider to transfer Wang Deyong. If nothing happens, let him go temporarily.

I still say the same thing, you must treat Jinling as an enemy-occupied area, all actions must be based on the highest requirements, and everything that appears in the target network must be checked. "

 “Okay, Section Chief.”

Wu Chunyang nodded without hesitation. He is a careful person by nature. Under his management, the political intelligence unit has a very rigorous work style.

The two chatted for a while. Wu Chunyang returned to Sanpailou and stared at the scene, while Zuo Zhong ran to Dai Chunfeng's office to find out more about Nanchang.

The Nanchang camp is an important node in the southwest battlefield. Any disturbance will have an impact on the frontline war, just like this airport fire.

 Because Nanchang Airport was burned down, the air support of the Guojun was much reduced, and the bomb load and endurance of aircraft taking off in other directions were greatly reduced.

 Without air support, the southwest can fight more calmly, at least without being followed by reconnaissance planes, which is crucial in battle.


Since Li Wei was not there, Zuo Zhong knocked on the office door directly.

"come in."

Dai Chunfeng's voice was neither sad nor happy, nothing could be heard.

Zuo Zhong opened the door and saw Dai Chunfeng writing at his desk. He whispered: "Teacher, I see Secretary Li is not here, so I came over to see if you need anything."

Dai Chunfeng closed the document, put aside the gold pen Zuo Zhong gave him, and waved his hand: "Li Wei has gone to the dock. I happen to have something to talk to you about."


Zuo Zhong was shocked. Could it be that Dai Chunfeng was going on a long journey? Where would he go? The last time he went to Shanghai, Yang Quan was killed. Could this be happening again?

 On the surface, he said respectfully: "What do you want students to do?"

Dai Chunfeng didn't say anything. He handed him a document with the name of the National Government on it. Zuo Zhong took it and looked at it. It was a commendation order from the Attendant's Office. It was a bunch of nonsense, but the protagonist was actually Wen Yi.

 Lao Dai saw that he had finished reading and asked unhurriedly: "What do you think?"

Zuo Zhong thought for a moment: "It seems that the Chairman still trusts Wen Yi, but students have heard a saying that trust that needs to be shown to everyone is often a sign of distrust."

 At this point, he gave a small slap on the horse: "True trust often does not need other proofs, just like the chairman of the committee to you, the student thinks that something is going to happen this time."

 “Well said.”

Dai Chunfeng smiled: "True trust does not need to be proven. I will go to Nanchang today to investigate the Nanchang Airport fire case. You have to take charge of the department. If you have any questions, call me."

Zuo Zhong was excited and nodded quickly: "Yes, the student understands."

But I thought in my heart, it seems that Wen is going to bid farewell to the officialdom of the Republic of China, at least for the time being. Even if he can come back, I'm afraid it won't be as good as now. Officialdom is so cruel and ruthless.

 (End of this chapter)

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