Cicada Moving

Chapter 320: he

Chapter 320 Him

What happened next was as Zuo Zhong expected. Teacher Xianyang was indeed a wizard in special work. It only took three days to find out the truth about the fire and find conclusive evidence of arson.

This saying about "special work wizard" was not made by Zuo Zhong, but was the evaluation of many big figures in the party and state.

Dai Chunfeng immediately arrested the relevant criminals. Bald Tou was extremely angry and detained Xu Shicheng, the Director of Civil Affairs and Aviation, to prepare for a settlement. The secretary of the Major General's Attendant Office, who had all the power for a while, became a prisoner.

Before this, countless important officials from the party, government, and military met him, and they all treated him with respect and salutes. I wonder if Wen Yi could accept such a big gap indifferently, and Zuo Chong felt that it was probably quite embarrassing.

But this has nothing to do with him. He has been busy with the puppet Manchukuo espionage case these days, and is used to staying at the scene. Sitting in the rear really makes him a little anxious.

Standing in the church bell tower near Ye Jinzhong's house, Zuo Zhong held a telescope to observe the movement of the target. Ye Jinzhong, the boy, ran to Vanessa's house again.

“This guy knows his taste. He runs to other people’s houses in broad daylight. If Wang Deyong comes back, the scene will be lively.” Zuo Chong laughed.

Wu Chunyang next to him was just watching the excitement and did not mind the big deal: "Would you like to inform Wang Deyong, and then the target will be controlled in the name of disrupting social order."

This is indeed a good idea, provided that there are no problems with Wang Deyong and Vanessa, but this cannot be confirmed now and their suspicion cannot be ruled out.

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "Forget it, has the Telecommunications Department discovered in the past two days that their new electronic detection equipment is the latest technology and is quite difficult to manufacture.

Had it not been for the good relationship between me and Wei Daming, this experimental machine would not have been loaned out. The target was contacted by the Admiralty Mole, who would definitely pass on the information. "

 Wu Chunyang also agreed with this. The targets were under their surveillance these days, and he had no chance to send the intelligence away through letters, phone calls, and dead mailboxes.

 The only possibility is radio.

"But the strange thing is that the telecommunications department has not found anything. There are no unknown radio activities near the target's residence or the power plant." Wu Chunyang looked puzzled.

 Intelligence is valuable only when it reaches the place where it is supposed to go. Ye Jinzhong received the information but did not pass it on. This is very abnormal, and intelligence cannot be reproduced.

After Zuo Zhong heard what he said, he patted the fence of the Bell Tower: "There are two explanations for this. Either he hasn't passed it on yet, or he doesn't want to pass it on at all."

 “Don’t want to pass it on?”

Wu Chunyang thought about the target's performance and understood somewhat. With his lazy and slippery work attitude, he might have been fooled when facing the Kwantung Army.

He said helplessly: "I would rather encounter an opponent like the Butterfly Team than face this kind of lazy guy. It will be difficult for us to find effective clues."

  The agents of the Intelligence Division are very professional, but if the target does not contact other people, it will be useless even if they have great abilities. This is really the blessing of lazy people.

 “Haha, who said there are no clues?”

Zuo Zhong said slowly: "Chunyang, do you think the Kwantung Army is a good man and a believer in women? Why can they tolerate Ye Jinzhong's lazy behavior? Don't they have military regulations and discipline?"

Wu Chunyang frowned. The Kwantung Army was certainly not a good person. The military regulations were absolutely strict. The intelligence officers in front of them, who spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, would definitely be severely punished.

 This kind of punishment often has only one result, and that is death, because once the intelligence personnel develop a rebellious mentality and surrender to the enemy after being punished, the consequences will be very serious.

 So why didn’t the Japanese take action?

Wu Chunyang hesitated for a moment and said uncertainly: "Could it be that the value of the intelligence he sent back before was relatively high, so the Japanese can only tolerate him temporarily."

He thought about this possibility. In fact, there are many such intelligence agents. They look very ordinary at ordinary times, but they can always find important information at critical moments.

 “Is it because of his work attitude?”

Zuo Zhong shook his head and smiled: "Do you think this is possible? I even suspect that the Admiralty mole was not a downline for his development, but was given to him by the Japanese.

 He is like a human mailbox, a human mailbox with very good treatment. The Japanese don't mind at all when he passes the information back. "

Wu Chunyang was silent. After spending so much effort raising this waste, what on earth were the Japanese planning to do? Ye Jinzhong could not be from the puppet Manchukuo royal family.

But even if Ye Jinzhong is a relative of the puppet Manchu emperor, so what, he is just a slave. The Kwantung Army will never indulge him just because of this.

Zuo Zhong said again: "When I was tracking the target on the first day, I realized a problem. Ye Jinzhong's profession does not have direct access to intelligence, and the tasks he performed should be very safe.

It's just a chess piece that is destined to be sacrificed. To ensure his safety, it is enough to let him hibernate temporarily. Why arrange it to the Jinling Power Plant? There is no need to spend money or use insiders, right? "

Wu Chunyang nodded when he heard the question. It was indeed the case. It was illogical. It was not surprising to give such conditions to Japanese intelligence officers. Giving Ye Jinzhong something like this was a waste of resources.

 “If you add in his work attitude, it’s even more strange.”

Zuo Zhong turned around and looked at Ye Jinzhong's residence, and sneered: "You do so many things for a cannon fodder, and at the same time you don't care about his work attitude. When did the Japanese become so easy to talk to?"

Wu Chunyang felt that his head was getting more and more confusing. He had a cover identity that required a lot of effort, a low-risk intelligence mission, and a very unprofessional cannon fodder Manchukuo spy.

 This should not happen to the same person.

Seeing that his most admired subordinate was so confused, Zuo Zhong said slowly: "So, is it really a suicide mission for the Puppet Manchukuo agents to come to Jinling? Even if it is, are there any other secrets?"

Although Zuo Zhong was a doubt, Wu Chunyang knew in his heart that there was, otherwise he would not be able to explain these contradictory information. There are no coincidences in intelligence work. The question is what is the secret, and what role do the puppet Manchukuo agents play besides being scapegoats? It requires the Japanese to arrange all this so painstakingly.

He thought for a long time, and finally said with a wry smile: "Section Chief, I really can't figure it out. My mind is like a mess now, and I have no idea at all."

 “Haha, you.”

 Seeing him like this, Zuo Chong pointed at him with a smile and said: "If we encounter a problem and have no solution, then go back to the beginning and try to get out of the inherent rut."

 Inherent stereotypes?

Hearing this reminder, Wu Chunyang fell into deep thought again. It was Miyamoto who first revealed the information about the Puppet Manchukuo agents to the section chief. Will there be any problems with this matter?

Miyamoto was forced to commit suicide by Japanese officials. He should not cover up for the Japanese and mislead the secret service with false information, unless this was all a ploy.

 This is unlikely.

 Miyamoto’s disappearance was so big that it was not cost-effective to mislead the Secret Service. It was not cost-effective. It was a loss-making business.

Whether it is a war between countries or an intelligence war, the cost must be considered. Whether something can be done or not, in the final analysis, is it worth it?

Since what Miyamoto said is true, there is only one other possibility left. What would have happened if Miyamoto had not revealed the information about the puppet Manchukuo spies.

 Wu Chunyang caught a glimpse of inspiration.

If the Secret Service does not know that there are puppet Manchukuo agents, can the puppet Manchukuo agents cause trouble in the auditorium of the National Government? Maybe, but there is little hope.

From Ye Jinzhong's performance, we know that the training level of this group of people is just that. At best, they are low-level intelligence personnel who have undergone short-term training.

 Or rather an intelligence enthusiast.

If you want to use these people to attack the National Government, unless the guards at the door are blind, deaf, and idiots, this kind of suicide attack cannot even be called a suicide attack.

If you want to talk about a suicide attack, there must be an attack first. An attack refers to an attack on an important or large number of targets. Killing a few big soldiers is definitely not an attack.

 At least in intelligence warfare.

Moreover, apart from irritating the National Government, this will not do any good to the Japanese people. It is not worth it in terms of input and output.

Wu Chunyang frowned after thinking about it, so the final result was that the Japanese spent a lot of money to raise a group of worthless wastes that were destined to die.

 At most, he will die a miserable death.

 “Why, can’t you understand?”

At this moment, Zuo Zhong suddenly smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. It's not time to reveal the mystery yet. Since he wants to play, we can accompany him."


Wu Chunyang was even more confused. Who was he referring to in the section chief's mouth? Was it Dofeiyuan or someone else? What was the other person playing with them now?

 He was a little curious, but did not ask because the section chief said it was not the time yet. If you want to be a qualified subordinate, you must first keep your mouth shut.

 Be aware of what you should and should not ask, especially in the Secret Service, a department full of secrets. People who are too curious have no future.

So he calmly replied: "I know Section Chief, no matter what conspiracy the Japanese have, they must rely on Ye Jinzhong to implement it. Keep an eye on him and you won't go wrong."

 This is not necessarily the case.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him and said something else: "Apart from Ye Jinzhong, are there any other suspicious characters? Today is the fourth day of June."

"There are some people who look suspicious, but after investigation, the suspicions have been eliminated. Maybe other puppet Manchukuo agents don't care about this matter." Wu Chunyang said.

It's a pity that in order to convince newspapers like Jinling, the Intelligence Division spent a lot of money and bullets, and only caught one Ye Jinzhong. It was a waste.

Zuo Zhong felt that he could write an article praising Yiyi and let the famous journalists praise him, so as not to let Doihara catch him.

If he wants to kill, kidnap, or cause destruction, he can just go to one place. If necessary, the Secret Service will be happy to help.

 “Section chief, unit chief, the situation discovered by the crystal platform.”

“Report, Pingshi Street has also discovered the situation.”

While Zuo Zhong was thinking about how to give Xu En a thumbs up, two little spies climbed up to the bell tower one after another and reported the recent situation. Another person took the bait.

“Okay, three fish are enough for a banquet.”

Zuo Zhong looked at Wu Chunyang: "You really can come wherever you want. I'm here to watch. You should immediately lead people to investigate the new suspicious persons."


Wu Chunyang waved and rushed down with two young agents.

   Black children working **** their homework [picture], hard work!



 (End of this chapter)

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