Cicada Moving

Chapter 344: Dense power bottom gear

Chapter 344: Secret Telegram

Wang Deyong was sitting in front of the table with handcuffs and shackles, with four fully armed agents standing behind him. Opposite him was a kind-looking Gu Qi, who was holding a pistol and talking to Wang Deyong.

"Wang Deyong, you know your sins yourself. If you want to survive, you must perform meritorious deeds. I will give you a clear path. Write down all the secret messages you send and receive. The more you write, the greater your hope of survival."

Wang Deyong looked embarrassed: "According to the requirements of the Japanese, I destroyed all the bottom files after sending and receiving messages. The secret messages are all irregular numbers. Even a **** can't remember them."


  Gu Qi loaded the pistol and pointed it at him: "Don't be mean, I know your telegraph operators have very good memories. You need to remember at least 3,000 Morse codes alone, right?

 A qualified operator should send at least 60 to 70 codes per minute for 10 minutes. An excellent operator should send 80 to 90 codes per minute, and a master should send more than 120 codes per minute.

You can be selected by the Japanese as Vanessa's telegraph operator. Your teleportation ability is definitely not too bad, and the same is true for your memory. If you tell me now that you can't remember anything, do you think I'm a fool? "

 After receiving Zuo Zhong's order, he went to the Telecommunications Department to inquire. In the original words of a telecom expert, a telegraph code is a number in the eyes of laymen, but a piece of text in their eyes.

  Because all telegraph operators in the Republic of China learned Morse code, this has formed a fixed mindset. No matter what code they use, they will subconsciously convert it into the Chinese characters corresponding to Morse code.

It is difficult to memorize irregular numbers, but it is much easier to memorize irregular Chinese characters. Coupled with the short and concise nature of the message itself, the operator must have a general impression of the message he handles.

 “Sir, calm down, calm down.”

Wang Deyong raised his hands in fright and explained: "But that was not a secret communication. I received telegrams very quickly every time, and I was worried that someone would break in, so I had no time to remember the contents."

These words sounded reasonable, but Gu Qi knew that this boy was talking nonsense. The other party often returned to Jinling from Shanghai with secret messages. For safety, he definitely kept the secret messages in his mind.

So saying that he didn’t have time to memorize the content is pure nonsense, but he had already confessed Vanessa, so why did he still hide this information? Could he be another die-hard traitor?

 Gu Qi's eyes towards Wang Deyong gradually became unkind. These traitors who regarded thieves as their fathers did not give him any color. They really regarded themselves as sick cats, so they nodded to the spies on the side.

"stand up!"

The armed agents got the hint and dragged Wang Deyong directly to the electric chair, preparing to refresh him. It happened that the guy had shaved his hair before, so it was quite convenient for them to do it now.

Wang Deyong suddenly panicked and struggled to shout: "If you have something to say, please tell me. You haven't said anything good. What can I say? As long as you promise to let me go, I will tell you all the secrets I know."

Veins were popping out on Gu Qi's forehead. It was already at this time. This **** was still having sweet dreams. He immediately asked someone to turn off the electric switch. If he didn't tell the truth today, he would never get off the electric chair.

Wang Deyong watched the switch slowly come down, and he didn't care about any benefits at the moment: "Sir, wait, I have secretly written down the secret messages of the Beidou and Nandou intelligence teams, really."

 Obviously, this is the second escape route he left for himself.

The Japanese asked Wang Deyong to be a telegraph operator, probably because he had a clean background and would not be easily targeted by intelligence agencies. As a result, Wang Deyong was not only discovered by the concession police, but also left a trail.

This is really a waste of money, but using people who are instigated as intelligence agents, especially foreigners, is a risky thing in itself, and the cooperation between the Secret Service and Ryosuke Hase is the same.

Gu Qi stepped forward and kicked him: "I wasted so much time, where is the secret message hidden? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you directly. As long as the secret message is true, we will give you preferential treatment."

"I rented a house in Jinling and hid some money and documents in it." Wang Deyong replied dejectedly. This guy is so cunning, he even has a safe house for hiding.

 Gu Qi sneered and asked him to tell him the address. He immediately arranged a team of people to collect evidence and notified Zuo Zhong of the news.

Zuo Zhong was not too surprised when he heard the news. Which agent would not leave a few escape routes for himself? There are too many enemies in this business. If he is not careful, he may die without knowing how.

But Wang Deyong's reserve is good news for the Intelligence Department. With these bottom files of the secret message, combined with the time when the message was sent, and comparing the major events that happened at the same time, the secret message can be deciphered.

The only thing to worry about is that the operations of the two intelligence teams are secret. Without the necessary reference objects, it is impossible to judge the meaning of the code, and it is useless to have the bottom file of the code.

It all depends on the person, you can’t just expect Vanessa to speak.


 “Please come in.”

Zuo Zhong was just thinking when he heard someone knocking on the door of the office. He immediately sat up straight and then opened his mouth to let the person in. He was currently in charge of the Secret Service, and maybe a superior would come.

However, it was not the chief who came in, but his hair officer Shen Dongxin. Shen Dongxin held documents in his hand and saluted after coming in: "Report to Section Chief, Deputy Chief of the Training Unit Shen Dongxin."          Okay, OK   ”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to interrupt his greeting, and threw a cigarette casually: "There is no need to be so formal if there are no outsiders. Why do you have time to come to me today? Have you got the results of the information screening?"

Shen Dongxin and the others screened the personnel involved in the Guo Party meeting. This is how Wu Xinyue found them. Although Ye Jinzhong had already explained, the personnel screening work was not over.

No one can be sure that there are no omissions in Ye Jinzhong's explanation.

Shen Dongxin took the cigarette and put it in his pocket, and replied seriously: "The personnel information has been reviewed, and a total of six suspicious persons have been found, all of whom are related to the puppet Manchukuo side. Here is the list."

 After speaking, he put the documents on the table, looking businesslike.

Zuo Zhong smiled and ignored him. He picked up the document and read it. It contained the information of six suspicious persons. Some of these people were staff of the National Government and some were relatives of the staff.

He thought for a while and made a call to the Military Intelligence Unit. These people needed to be temporarily detained. The meeting was about to start in about ten days. It was better to kill the wrong person than let go, and the danger must be nipped in the bud.

After arranging this matter, Zuo Zhong leaned back in his chair and asked: "How is it? After staying in the office for a while, what do you think? Is it different from the intelligence work you imagined?"

Shen Dongxin thought for a while and replied: "It's more fragmented and more real. For example, Mopai is only two words in the book, but in reality, it requires dozens of people working day and night for several months."

“Well, Dongxin, you are right. Intelligence work is a struggle between people.” Zuo Zhong smiled and said, “Because people are complicated, we must consider various possibilities when working.”

Shen Dongxin nodded and asked: "Does Corey have any other tasks? All the newcomers can do now is to check the information. I'm afraid they are not qualified enough to actually perform the task, so we cannot leave them idle."

 Well, that’s the truth.

Zuo Zhong immediately had an idea. Someone needs to compare the secret code files. If the meaning of the code can be found, people will also be needed whether it is hard deciphering or screening books on the market.

There is no one more suitable than a newcomer to do these jobs. Doing some writing work is also a training. Intelligence work is most taboo with being impatient. Now I can't sit still while arranging information, and it will be even harder to sit still in the future.

He gave a general introduction to the situation, and then said: "I will send people to Jinling and Shanghai to purchase as many books as possible. Even if they are not needed this time, they will always be needed to decipher the messages in the future."

Zuo Zhong had no choice. After Lao Dai's troubles, the general affairs department's warehouse was now starving to death. Buying books required a lot of money, so he could only pay for it from the intelligence department's own small treasury.

 It's better to use it, so as not to take advantage of those **** in the Investigation Department.

After listening, Shen Dongxin asked two questions: "Would the codebook used by Vanessa be a Japanese book, or a non-public book written by the Japanese military itself? If so, it would be troublesome."

Zuo Zhong shook his head after hearing this: "The first possibility is possible. I asked people to go to Shanghai to collect Japanese books. There are a large number of Japanese immigrants there, and common books can be purchased.

As for using undisclosed books, it is basically impossible. In addition to keeping secrets, the code book also needs to have a certain degree of circulation, especially for latent spies, otherwise it will be troublesome to not be able to buy it when needed.

For example, if something happens to Vanessa, her successor will be safe if he travels a long distance with a code book, or if he buys a code book after arriving at Jinling, the Japanese have very good calculations, so don't worry. "

He has thought about these two issues for a long time. If it were not for insurance, he would not even buy Japanese books. With Doihara's behavior, Vanessa's code book is definitely a Chinese book.

Since buying and keeping Chinese books does not arouse suspicion, a Japanese sleeper agent keeping Japanese books in his home is simply telling everyone that there is something wrong with me and come and get me.

Shen Dongxin figured it out: "Okay, I'll go back and leave the arrangement."

 “Well, I’ll give it to you.”

Zuo Zhong sent Shen Dongxin to the door. When he came back, he tore off a page from the calendar. There was still half a month before the meeting started. He had to decipher the Japanese secret messages in fifteen days. There was not much hope.

 He stood in front of the window with his arms folded, going through all the information in his mind. This case started with the Butterfly Team. There were many cases and people involved, like a complicated mess.

Now the key figure to solve the problem is Vanessa, who is in his own hands. Unfortunately, this woman's mouth is too harsh. Faced with torture that can melt an iron man, she still refuses to admit her identity as a spy.

  It seemed that she had decided to kill her without speaking. In that case, let's kill her. A spy who doesn't speak has no value. Zuo Zhong's expression gradually became cold, and he turned around to make a phone call.

"Ms. Xiao, I now grant you the highest authority. If Vanessa doesn't speak up by the deadline, I allow you to use any method. Yes, don't have any scruples. I just want to confess!"

 (End of this chapter)

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