Cicada Moving

Chapter 345: meet

Chapter 345 Welcome

Time flies. Two days have passed since Zuo Zhong gave Xiao Qingmin the order. There is only less than half a day left in the 72-hour deadline, and Vanessa still shows no sign of speaking.

But Zuo Zhong had no time to pay attention to her at the moment. Not only him, except Song Minghao who was monitoring Dean Wang and his cronies, and Gui Youguang in the interrogation room, other section chiefs and section chiefs, large and small, were also free.

 Because Dai Chunfeng came back, he brought more than a thousand special agents from the Camp Investigation Section with him. In order to welcome his new colleagues, he telegraphed Zuo Zhong and led a group of special agents to greet them at the dock.

 What the **** is this?

Zuo Zhong always felt that the cheap teacher had been demoted by Xu Enzeng, and his work was becoming more and more out of tune. What should he do if so many front-line agents appeared in public and were photographed by the Japanese or other parties.

Having no other choice, he had no choice but to have the pier temporarily cleared to minimize the risk of leakage. He himself bought the largest sunglasses and put them on his face, hiding in the corner of the pier.

Zuo Zhong stared furtively at the river in the distance, surrounded by section chiefs and section chiefs from several departments. They also didn't understand Dai Chunfeng's order and were afraid of being photographed by others.

The chief of the general affairs section said with a grimace: "There are more than a thousand, nearly two thousand people. If this continues, even if I are sold, I won't be able to pay my military salary. Chief Zuo, can you please respond to me?"

“Yes, yes, why should we tolerate those Nanchang guys? It’s so frustrating.”

“You guys are lucky. I was originally the deputy section chief, and now I have another deputy section chief. Alas.”

Other section chiefs were also helping. No one could deal with a group of people who came to grab food, let alone these vicious agents, who were probably ready to do something dirty.

But if you let yourself come out to offend others, you are probably just dreaming.

 Zuo Zhong had a humble smile on his face: "Zuo Zhong is so virtuous and capable. You are all my seniors. If you have any questions, you can directly ask Virgo. I think Virgo will definitely consider it seriously."

 Several section chiefs: Little slippers!

 Zuo Zhong: Old fox!

On the surface, a few people were talking and laughing, but they cursed each other inwardly, and then continued to play the intrigue game, talking about the impact of the merger of the Camp Investigation Section into the Secret Service.

The deputy chief of the Operations Section said mysteriously: "I heard that there are many intelligence experts in the Investigation Section, and one of them is from the underground party. He once studied at Sun Yat-sen University with the eldest son."

 Everyone is interested, this man is not simple.

Although the eldest son scolded the chairman, it was only a temporary measure. This person came from the underground party and was able to enter the investigation department. With the help of the eldest son, his future is limitless.

The head of the telecommunications section asked: "I just heard you show off how powerful the other party is here. Who is that person's name, where is he from, and what position does he hold in the investigation department? You can't make this up, right?"

 “Hey, don’t provoke me yet.”

The Deputy Chief of Operations looked like I’ve seen through you: “This person’s name is Wu Jingzhong, a native of Jiangcheng, Hubei Province. He went to Sun Yat-sen University in the north in the 11th year of the Republic of China. His experience after returning in the 13th year is unknown.”

Wu Jingzhong? ?

Zuo Zhong opened his mouth wide. This person was the prototype of the webmaster who often made famous quotes. He had previously looked for this person in the list of the Secret Service, but the result was that there was no such person. It turned out that he was in the Investigation Department.

However, this further shows that this person is extraordinary. Regardless of what Dai Chunfeng said, treating the investigation department personnel equally is just to win people's hearts. He will never believe these things easily.

But what does it mean that Wu Jingzhong became the major general stationmaster more than ten years later? It shows that he has a high degree of trust from Dai Chunfeng. Sure enough, every successful person is not simple, so be careful.

The more he thought about it, the more interesting he found it. Wu Jingzhong was engaged in intelligence. After arriving at the Secret Service, he would probably work under him. He wondered if he would be able to hear those shocking quotes with his own ears.



The whistle sounded from the river above, and the white smoke column stretched out a long line, indicating that people were coming.

Zuo Zhong straightened his collar and said to everyone: "Let's go, everyone must put a smile on your face, be energetic, let your new colleagues see the style of our secret service, and don't embarrass the director."


Many secret agents responded in unison and arranged their appearance. Section Chief Zuo made sense. They had to let those bumpkins know that Jinling was not Nanchang. When they arrived at the Secret Service, they were coiled up and tigers were lying down.

Five minutes later, a passenger ship slowly approached the dock. Agents from the Secret Service replaced the dock staff and quickly blocked all the ramps for getting on and off the ship to ensure the safety of the dock.

Zuo Zhong led the cadres to the bow of the ship, which was farthest from the chimney and had the least noise and smoke. High-end private rooms were usually set up here, and Dai Chunfeng should disembark from here.

Sure enough, just as Zuo Zhong and others stood still, Dai Chunfeng's secretary Li Wei took the lead to step off the ship and greeted with a smile on his face: "Chief Zuo, the chief is getting ready to come down. Let me take a look first."

This guy's face is red. It seems that he has made a lot of money in Nanchang. It's normal to think about it. Who would neglect the new boss's confidant? I'm afraid Li Wei has been soft on the local specialties these days. I had known that I would go there too, Ginseng.

On the surface, Zuo Zhong smiled and replied: "Secretary Li is going on a business trip with Virgo this time. It must be very hard. In two days, Zuo will set up a table at Dehe Tower. Secretary Li must be proud of it."

 “Natural, natural.”

Li Wei agreed while thinking about how much profit he should give to Smiling Tiger. There were no secrets in the intelligence agency, so it was better to give up some money, lest this guy find an opportunity to stab himself.

The two of them were chatting calmly. Dai Chunfeng, who was wearing a navy blue Chinese tunic suit, stepped off the ship surrounded by a group of people. To describe Dai Chunfeng at this time is an understatement.

 It should be said that he is arrogant.

"thanks for your work teacher."

Zuo Zhong hurriedly took a few steps closer: "All the staff of the Student Representative Secret Service welcome you back victoriously. Once you come back, we subordinates will have a backbone and walk with strength."

 “Haha, Shen Zhi, you.”

Dai Chunfeng rarely smiled in public and patted Zuo Zhong on the shoulder affectionately. This shocked the cadres of the Investigation Section behind him. It turned out that Director Dai could also smile.

  Since Dai Chunfeng arrived in Nanchang, he has always had a dark face, and he was even more decisive when dealing with Chief Wen's cronies. They always felt like they would lose their heads at the next moment when they were next to each other.

Now it seems that it is not Director Dai who is not amiable, but people like me who are not qualified to enjoy it. They say that children without mothers are the most pitiful. The cadres of the Investigation Department finally understand this sentence.

Zuo Zhong was keenly aware of the depressed mood of these people, and asked Teacher Yi in a low voice: "Teacher, would you like to ask Secretary Li to introduce me to you? In the future, we will all be brothers who stir the pot."

 “Look at my memory.”

Dai Chunfeng tapped his forehead, turned around and pulled over a middle-aged man to introduce himself: "This is Zhang Yifu, deputy section chief of the Lieutenant Colonel of Nanchang Xingying Investigation Section. He is a graduate of the first batch of Huangpu and is my old senior."

"Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service, Major Zuo Zhong has met Chief Zhang." Zuo Zhong gave a military salute, then smiled and stretched out his hands: "Welcome to Jinling, if you need anything, just tell me."

These people can't go up or down now. It's the most sensitive time, so they have to be stabilized. When the matter is over, they can be killed and chopped. Lao Dai probably thinks so too.

Zhang Yifu's face was a little strange. His nose was crooked. He seemed a little lost since he got off the boat. Facing Zuo Zhong's outstretched hands, he didn't react for a long time.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit awkward, with different expressions on both sides. The people from the Investigation Section looked anxious, for fear of offending Dai Chunfeng, while the people from the Secret Service frowned, and the Nanchang guy went a little too far.

Dai Chunfeng still had a smile on his face and didn't care in his heart. He was a die-hard fan of Wen Yi, and he was half as good as Wen Yi in the Investigation Department. Now that he has experienced a sudden change, it is understandable that he is devastated.

At this time, a young man with a Chinese character face quietly touched Zhang Yifu, waking him up from his wandering state. When he looked up, he saw Zuo Zhong with a smile on his face and his outstretched hands.

Zhang Yifu came to his senses and quickly bent down to hold Zuo Zhong's hand: "I'm really sorry. I've heard for a long time that you have an intelligence expert under your command. It's a great honor to meet him today. Please take good care of him in the future."

A lieutenant colonel bent down to show his kindness to the major. This scene shocked everyone. The people in the investigation department were red-faced and thought to themselves that deputy section chief Zhang was also a man of his word. How could he be so embarrassed?

“Chief Zhang has been on the ship for so long, so he is inevitably a little out of his mind. Besides, I have left an impression on you.” Zuo Chong replied with a smile, as if he was not the one who had just stretched out his hand for a long time.

 “It’s the extreme, it’s the extreme.”


The platform was filled with a happy atmosphere, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If the partnership broke up on the first day, it would not be a good thing for both parties, especially the investigation department couldn't stand the trouble.

 Dai Chunfeng's eyes were full of satisfaction. His good student made him proud, but Zhang Yifu, an old intelligence officer, was so weak in the face of the younger generation that he was afraid that he would lose his prestige in the future.

Zuo Zhong was also smiling, but he was more wary of Zhang Yifu in his heart. Others could not see clearly, but he could see clearly. Zhang Yifu's eyes were clear from beginning to end, and he did not look like a person in a daze.

All of this is just acting.

Deliberately embarrassing himself in front of so many people to dispel Dai Chunfeng's fear of him. Does Dai Chunfeng know? He must know and be happy to see the results, because Zhang Yifu is the last pillar of the investigation department.

Now that this pillar collapsed in front of everyone, the agents of the Investigation Division had no choice but to follow Dai Chunfeng wholeheartedly. This man sacrificed himself to help his subordinates.

While Zuo Zhong was vigilant, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration. If it were him, he really wouldn't have the courage to use half his life's reputation to pave the way for others. This man is a good leader and a smart man.

 (End of this chapter)

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