Cicada Moving

Chapter 349: Wave after wave

Chapter 349 Wave after wave

“Yijun, pour me a cup of hot water.”

The next day, Zuo Zhong walked out of the office with dark circles under his eyes and shouted, then turned and went back to the room. This startled He Yijun who was sorting the documents, and he quickly poured a cup of strong tea and sent it in.

But as soon as she entered the office, she was almost smoked out by the smell of cigarette smoke. The room was almost dark, and the ashtray on the table was full of cigarette butts. It seemed that Zuo Zhong had not slept all night.

He Yijun put down the tea cup, walked to the window and opened it. A burst of fresh air blew in from the outside. The suffocating smell of smoke dispersed a little, and at least he could see clearly where Zuo Zhong was.

 “Section chief, take care of yourself.”

He Yijun put away the cigarette butts and ashes and whispered something.

 “Don’t worry, stay up all night occasionally,”

Zuo Zhong took a sip of hot tea, winked for a while and then said: "Prepare a clean suit for me and iron it without any wrinkles. I will go to see a very important guest later.

 In addition, let Deputy Section Chief Gu and others wait outside in forty minutes. Except for Lao Song who is performing the task, other department-level cadres must be present. That's all for now. Go out and prepare. Thank you. "

 Important guest? Deputy Chief Gu and the others?

He Yijun nodded in confusion and immediately went out to prepare. As for who Zuo Chongjian's important guest was, she did not ask. She had been in the Secret Service for so long, and she knew what to ask and what not to ask.

An hour later, Zuo Zhong, who washed his face and was full of energy, put on new clothes and walked out of the office. Gu Qi and other subordinates had been waiting for him, but besides them there were a few more people.

Seeing Zuo Zhong, one of them stepped out of the meeting to report: "Report, Lieutenant Wu Jingzhong has met Chief Zuo. We have been ordered to come to the Intelligence Section to study. Chief Zuo, please take care of me. Here is the order."

 After saying that, he handed over a document, and Zuo Zhong took it and looked at it. It was indeed an order signed by Mr. Jianyi personally. It should be that he wanted the people in the Investigation Department to adapt to the rhythm of the Secret Service's case handling as soon as possible.

 “Come with me, listen more and talk less.”

Zuo Zhong handed the order to Gu Qi and headed straight to the detention center with a group of captains, lieutenants, and second lieutenants. This confused everyone. Everyone who should be interrogated had already been interrogated. What was the section chief going to the detention center for?

However, good military discipline prevented them from asking immediately. It was not until they arrived at the detention center that Zuo Zhong asked someone to bring up one person. Gu Qi finally couldn't help but raised a question on behalf of everyone.

“Section Chief, Wang Deyong, I have interrogated him and seized a large number of telegram documents from the safe house he gave us. Now they are being handed over to new people for comparison. Is there anything new that I need to ask him about?”

 “Take your time and watch.”

Zuo Zhong did not explain. After waiting for a while, he went directly to the prepared interrogation room. Wang Deyong was already tied to the interrogation frame. He was a little panicked and didn't know why the Secret Service wanted to interrogate him.

Normally Vanessa is their focus. I am just a small person and I have already explained everything I can. I can’t take it out on myself just because Vanessa refuses to speak.

Amidst the anxiety, he saw Zuo Zhong, who was wearing a suit and smiling, walking in, and then some people came in one after another. All this gave Wang Deyong an ominous premonition.

Zuo Zhong did not sit in the interrogation seat, nor did he arrange for torturers. Instead, he walked up to Wang Deyong and looked at him carefully to see the person who had almost deceived him.

Wang Deyong felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, and smiled nervously: "Sir, I don't know what you want to ask me. I promise to tell you everything I know, and I will never hide anything."

After listening to this, everyone present felt that this was a frightened spy. Could it be that this person was dishonest and did not explain all the circumstances clearly? They wondered what method the section chief would use to get him to speak.

 “Papa pa pa pa.”

After listening to what he said, Zuo Zhong stretched out his hands and applauded: "King MR, you are really good at acting. Not only did you fool all of us, I'm afraid you can't even tell the truth from the lies."

Wang Deyong was stunned for a moment, and was so frightened that he quickly explained: "There must be a misunderstanding. I really don't dare to deceive the commander. I have honestly told the two intelligence teams and the bottom of the cable."

Wu Jingzhong was standing in the front row at this time, looking at Zuo Zhong, then at the prisoner, and narrowed his big double-lidded eyes. Although there was no concrete evidence, he always felt that something was wrong.

Jinju Wang didn’t understand, but Wu Chunyang grasped the key point. He found that the section chief had replaced Mr. Wang with Mr. Wang. One looked Chinese and the other English. Could it be that simple?

“King MR, don’t be nervous.” Zuo Zhong said with a smile on his face: “I was in a hurry last time, so allow me to introduce myself this time. Zuo Zhong, Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service, hello, sir from MI2.”


 Gu Qi and others who understood the case felt a little dizzy. Wasn't Wang Deyong a traitor who was instigated by the Intelligence Department of the Japanese Kwantung Army? How could he become a spy for the British? This didn't make sense at all.

In the investigation of the case, Kokte, who did not understand the case, was shocked in his heart. It was really knowledgeable. He casually involved the British in a case. This is the international spy case.

Wang Deyong almost cried: "Don't be joking. If I were a British spy, I would have spoken a long time ago. I wouldn't have been electrocuted to death, and even my mouth would have been burned. What am I trying to do?" These words are a bit heartbreaking. But it is a fact. In the face of British spies, the Nationalist Government is likely to release them directly. The Angsa people are old bandits. Most countries really don't dare to mess with these bullies.

Zuo Zhong ignored him and turned to look at the agents from the Investigation Division: "You used to mostly deal with the underground party, and your goals were very clear, but when you come to the Secret Service, your opponents may come from any country.

Do you know Mi2 and explain to your unknown brothers. Next, there will be corresponding professional training in the place. You must keep the professor's content in your mind. "

 It is a bit insulting to say that the people in the Investigation Department are rubes. After all, some of them are Huangpu graduates.

It would be more accurate to say that they have little knowledge. This is a reality caused by the single target of their work.

 The people in the Investigation Department are pushing each other, and no one wants to be the one who stands out.

Finally, Wu Jingzhong stood up and said loudly: "The full name of MI2 is the Second Division of the British Military Intelligence Department. It is affiliated to the Ministry of War. It was established in the 19th century and is the earliest professional intelligence agency.

The specific scope of work is classified as top secret, but according to inference, it is mainly responsible for intelligence collection in the Middle East, Far East, Scandinavia, the United States, Red Bear, and Central and South America. "

 “Very good, Lao Wu is good.”

Zuo Zhong nodded to Wu Jingzhong, and then added: "MI2's activities in the Republic of China are not secrets. The intelligence agencies have top secrets, but they can't keep it secret after the first round."


Everyone laughed. This happened no matter which intelligence unit it was in. It was said to be a key department or a top-secret agency. In fact, even the street sweepers around knew where the spy den was.

Zuo Zhong also smiled: "Their stronghold in the Republic of China was established in the Public Settlement. Its external name is the Special Department of the Public Settlement Police Department. The employees there should have received professional intelligence training."

Gu Qi asked: "Section Chief, the Special Department of the Concession Police Department is the department that provided Wang Deyong's electronic investigation information to East China District. If they are both MI2, why did the other party do this?"

Zuo Zhong glanced at Wang Deyong and said: "Before answering this question, I would like to ask you what you think of the relationship between Japan and Britain, and the role of the Republic of China in Japan-UK relations."

His question once again confused the people in the Investigation Section. In the past, what they were doing was arresting people, beating people, and killing people. There was no need to think about such complicated problems. Isn't this a matter for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

The first person to raise his hand this time was Gui Youguang. The sun was probably coming out in the west today. He said carelessly: "These two countries are collaborating and scheming, and sooner or later there will be a fight.

It is common knowledge that the Japanese are covetous of the British colonies, but they do not dare to rob them openly and can only use small means to secretly obtain benefits. This is what the newspapers say. "

Zuo Zhong gave a thumbs up, it’s amazing, he has learned how to read a newspaper. Gui Youguang proudly touched his bald head. He always felt like he was in trouble if he didn’t read something when he went to the toilet. This time he really caught up.

Wu Chunyang was the second to say: "For them, the Republic of China was a cake they shared together and a buffer zone. The British needed the Republic of China to attract the attention of the Japanese and reduce colonial pressure."

"So the answer to Deputy Section Chief Gu's question is that the British must need this person to provide us with certain information in order to reap the benefits." Wu Jingzhong made the final statement.

Zuo Zhong smiled even more happily and grabbed Wang Deyong's hand: "King MR, are my men right? If I guess correctly, you and Vanessa are both double agents for the British."

He was reading the newspaper yesterday and suddenly realized something, that is, there was a force that appeared frequently in this case from beginning to end but kept an unusually low profile. Who is it, the British!

 Ye Jinzhong entered the power plant through British Saluxun.

 The Special Department of the Police that provided evidence of Wang Deyong’s espionage involvement.

 Vanessa and Wang Deyong both have experience living in Europe.


There are no such coincidences in the world. If you want to understand this, the matter is very simple. Vanessa and Wang Deyong not only serve the Kwantung Army intelligence department, their real masters are the British.

"why are you not replying."

Zuo Zhong pinched Wang Deyong's wrist and asked with a smile. From the moment he said the words "double agent", the tauren who looked calm on the outside had his pulse beating like a drum. This guy's secret was revealed.

 “I am really a Japanese spy.”

Wang Deyong opened his mouth and squeezed out a few words dryly. Who could have predicted that in this situation, someone would desperately admit that he was a Japanese spy. This is the charm of intelligence work.

Zuo Zhong let go of his hand and waved to Gui Youguang: "Have the photos from yesterday been developed? Give Mr. Wang a good look. If he is not honest, you can take the photo and give it to him again."

 Gui Youguang bared his teeth and said: "I washed it out yesterday. The woman named Xiao is still a little behind in her craftsmanship. This time I guarantee that this guy will live longer than Vanessa. He won't even want to die."

 (End of this chapter)

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