Cicada Moving

Chapter 350: MI2

Chapter 350 MI2

"Go get it immediately." Zuo Zhong showed a satisfied smile and turned around to explain to Wang Deyong: "Vanessa is dead. Mr. Wang will take a look at her remains later and maybe he can remember what he ordered."

 Vanessa is dead.

Wang Deyong's heart was beating fast. He had known that the woman would end up like this, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon. The Chinese intelligence agency was so ruthless. Could he really escape safely in the end?

 In his anxiety, Gui Youguang retrieved a stack of photos.

Zuo Zhong first picked up the photo and looked at it. The photo was very clear. Vanessa's final appearance was a bit scary. He smiled and picked out one photo and put it in front of Wang Deyong's face to show him the consequences of being stubborn.

Wang Deyong was frightened to death after just one glance. Why was Vanessa's skin gone? What on earth did the Chinese do to her? Thinking about it, his legs trembled unconsciously.

 “Mr. Wang, are you scared?”

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other person and asked in a teasing tone. He kept moving his hands and showed him one photo after another, of the face, hands, and legs. The pictures were indeed very cruel.

Wang Deyong began to sweat on his forehead. He was not an inexperienced person. He had also received professional training in torture and counter-torture. He understood that the ultimate goal of torture was intelligence and would rarely kill someone.

But what the photo shows is clearly a kind of torture. The Chinese people don’t care whether Vanessa will die or not. This is not torture at all, but punishment. There is only one word difference but the difference is huge.

He forced a smile: "Sir, you said I am MI2, I am MI2. I was indeed ordered by the British to lurk in the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, and so is Vanessa. Please show mercy, sir."

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows after hearing this: "Mr. Wang, are you implying that Zuo is going to beat him up? It seems that you are unwilling to give up if I don't explain the matter clearly, so let me guess your plan."

 Let’s assume that Vanessa instigated your rebellion, but she doesn’t know your identity as an agent of MI2. The British like to use China to control China, just like the Huayong Camp they established in Weihaiwei. "

People in the Intelligence Section and Investigation Section nodded when they heard this. During the previous dynasty, the British hired Chinese people from Weihaiwei to manage public security and even combat operations. This was also the case in other places.

These soldiers of the Huayong Battalion have extremely high military qualities, strong combat effectiveness, good physical fitness, bravery in combat, and repeated military exploits. They have made outstanding achievements in suppressing the anti-British operations and are highly valued by the British.

So it is not difficult to imagine MI2 absorbing Chinese people as intelligence agents, otherwise it would be difficult for them to lurk in the Republic of China with their white skin. Wang Deyong should not be the first Chinese MI2.

 “Then for some unknown reason, Vanessa chose to be loyal to the British with you.”

Zuo Zhong stood there with his pockets in his pockets: "On the surface, you serve the Kwantung Army, but in fact, you use this identity to collect intelligence on the Japanese for the British, such as Ye Jinzhong's Batulu Group.

I have never been able to figure out why Vanessa arranged Ye Jinzhong’s residence next door and had an affair with him. This situation is very abnormal and not what a latent spy should do.

 It wasn’t until I identified you as MI2 that I fully understood the matter. Although the Batulu group was the victim of Xiao Qingmin’s fake surrender, their direct contact person should not be you.

In order to obtain information about the Batulu Group, you can only take risks. Of course, I believe that you and the Kwantung Army will have a reasonable explanation, such as investigating the other party's ideological trends. "

Wu Chunyang secretly said that it is so. From the perspective of a Japanese spy, Vanessa's close contact with Ye Jinzhong is indeed difficult to understand, but from the perspective of a British spy, this matter is normal.

Hide identity, seduction, standard intelligence gathering methods. The Japanese are very strict about intelligence management. Even though Vanessa has a high status, she cannot directly understand the intelligence of the Batulu team.

Wang Deyong’s head was sweating even more.

 Zuo Zhong laughed and continued: "Am I right? You have obtained a lot of intelligence in the past few years. Doihara thought he had everything under control, but in fact it was all under the surveillance of the British.

 Recently, the Japanese and the British have been very unhappy over the issue of Southeast Asia. Are the tasks that the Nandou and Beidou teams are going to perform really the orders of the Kwantung Army, or do they come from MI2.

Some people want to use fake assassinations to lurk people, and some people prepare to fake it and then throw out the evidence. Those secret wires in your safe house are probably prepared for this. "

Everyone was excited. If the British wanted to provoke a conflict between China and Japan, the target of the assassination must be very important, because if a small person was killed, the National Government would at most protest, or protest strongly.

 There is no one who is more suitable than the Chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party of China. The assassination of a head of state, whether successful or not, will be an earth-shattering event. It is natural for the conflict between the two countries to occur.

The Great War in Europe started because of those gunshots in Sarajevo.

The eyes of the people in the Investigation Section were all bright. Catching underground spies could not be as credited as escorting them. No wonder the Secret Service has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats. It is easy to get promoted under the emperor's feet. They have finally caught up.

Wang Deyong's back gradually became wet with sweat as he listened to Zuo Zhong's speculation. Regardless of whether he was a Japanese spy or a British spy, if he was involved in assassinating the head of the National Government, the final result would be death.

He pulled his throat and explained: "I don't know if Vanessa is MI2, but Wang really didn't participate in the assassination. I'm just a radio operator. She won't tell me what she wants to do. You said the concession police The Special Branch has been monitoring me for several years. She must have revealed this, so those people would focus on me. Otherwise, why didn't they monitor Vanessa, sir?"

 “Mr. Wang, you are too modest.”

Zuo Zhong patted his shoulder: "If you weren't MI2, why are you still alive now? And was she really the one who instigated the rebellion? Haha, sometimes the process doesn't explain anything, but the result does.

I have asked people to investigate you in Shanghai. Did the Special Department give you a warning? You and Vanessa have an agreement. One of you will not let go, and the other will pretend to speak. You guys did a good job in this drama.

It's just that it was Vanessa who died, not you Wang Deyong. If she was the one who instigated your rebellion, she should be your superior. Shouldn't this kind of scapegoat task be carried out by subordinates? "

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was shocked.

The people present were all old informants, so they could naturally understand what Zuo Zhong meant. Vanessa was just a scapegoat, and the real man behind the scenes was Wang Deyong. This guy almost deceived everyone.

 Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang were terrified. If Wang Deyong succeeded, the responsibility of the Intelligence Section would be greater. If such a false information is sent to the top, it is likely to trigger a war.

 Intelligence work is really a double-edged sword. If used correctly, it will benefit the country and the people, but if used incorrectly, it will harm the country and the people. As part of this double-edged sword, they must remain vigilant at all times, otherwise it will be too late to regret it.

Wu Jingzhong looked at this scene with admiration in his eyes. He was worthy of being the most famous detective expert in the Secret Service. He could sort out a complex espionage case by analyzing the case alone.

At the same time, it is difficult to encounter such high-profile cases in the Investigation Bureau. The merger of the Investigation Bureau into the Secret Service is a bad thing for many people who are dawdling, but a good thing for those who really want to make a career.

 Let’s talk about Wang Deyong, when faced with Zuo Zhong’s sharp questioning, his expression changed again and again. Although the other party had no direct evidence, his logic was rigorous, and he didn’t know how to speak even if he wanted to defend himself.

He knew that he would never get out of the Secret Service alive. This matter was too serious for anyone to help him, and he would definitely be brutally punished before being executed.

 It is better to die quickly than to do this.

So after a painful mental struggle, he said bitterly: "If you can, please give me a break. No matter what you ask me to say or write, I promise to do my best to cooperate."

Zo Chong saw that this guy finally stopped talking nonsense, so he poured a glass of warm water, carefully fed him a few sips, helped him straighten his messy collar, and finally gave him some serious advice.

“Mr. Wang, don’t be too desperate. You are already dead. The British will not break up with the Nationalist Government over slaves, and the Nationalist Government will not let spies who assassinate important officials live.

But who makes me a kind-hearted person? I will give you a chance to survive. As long as you help us catch the Nandou and Beidou teams and bring the situation under control, your prison life will be very easy. "

 Prison life is easy.

Wang Deyong was moved. If the other party said that he would be released directly, that would be a lie. He knew very well how much of a crime he had committed, but it was still credible to turn the death penalty into long-term imprisonment.

 In fact, when countries capture spies, they kill some of them and imprison others for a long time, which can be used to exchange for their own captured personnel or as bargaining chips for certain cooperation.

He tested in a low voice: "Is what you said sir true? The more I say, the greater the benefits will be. Can you arrange for me to be sent to a prison in another place? I am afraid that the British will kill me and silence me."

"no problem."

Zuo Zhong patted his chest and promised: "The more high-value information you tell me, the better the treatment will be. Cells, food, clothes, time to relax, and even women are all negotiable, as long as I am satisfied."

Wang Deyong no longer hesitated and started talking about the matter from the beginning: "Vanessa and I did meet in Greece, but she was a Japanese spy and I was a member of MI2. She didn't know this.

 After a period of contact, she actually wanted to instigate me. I followed London's instructions and joined the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department. Everything was going normally until something happened. "

 “What’s the matter?” Zuo Zhong asked curiously.

“Vanessa’s family participated in the pioneering group of Xiaoliuqiu, but they were killed by the local natives. Even the body was not recovered. Vanessa asked the Kwantung Army for help, but the Kwantung Army refused.”

Wang Deyong looked sad: "The Japanese are really weird. This is a very reasonable request. I don't understand why they refused. In short, Vanessa's temperament changed drastically because of this incident.

I thought this was a good opportunity. After obtaining MI2’s consent, I explained my identity to her and told her that the British had helped her find the bodies of her family members through special channels. "

 (End of this chapter)

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