Cicada Moving

Chapter 352: Xu Enzeng’s nephew

Chapter 352 Xu Enzeng’s Nephew

 Here comes the magical metaphor. He is indeed a master of metaphors.

Zuo Zhong said with a subtle expression: "Well, what Lao Wu said is right. The Japanese naturally need to be prepared if they want to take action. If you encounter this type of case in the future, you should think more from the enemy's perspective."


Everyone present responded. As for whether they have remembered it or not, only they themselves know.

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he announced the disbandment, which made many agents of the Investigation Department heave a sigh of relief. If they had time to solve the case, it would be better to go out for a walk. Nanchang is not as interesting as the colorful world like Jinling.

Looking at these secret agents who couldn't wait to leave, Zuo Zhong sighed in his heart. If all these people stayed, the secret service would become another secret service headquarters in less than a month.

Seeing that he looked ugly, Gu Qi walked up to him and whispered: "Section Chief, I have written down everything you asked me to observe. There are not many people around the Camp Investigation Section, and there are many people like this hanging around."

 “Well, let’s go, go back and give me the list.”

Left Point nodded and walked out of the interrogation room. At this time, the personnel of the Intelligence Section were automatically dismissed. The gap in discipline between the two sides was clear at a glance. All this was seen by a few smart people.

Wu Jingzhong was a little blushing at the performance of the Investigation Section. After all, it was the largest intelligence unit in the Republic of China. It also fought on the front line with the underground party all year round. How could it be so free and unorganized?

 A bunch of embarrassing things.

But when he followed Zuo Zhong outside, an even more speechless scene appeared. Many cadres from the Investigation Section were walking toward the gate arm in arm, looking like they were going to go to the city to enjoy themselves.

Zuo Zhong walked over without squinting, and he made up his mind. One rat droppings can spoil a pot of porridge. If that pot of rat droppings, wouldn't the Secret Service become a big cesspool of dirt and evil?

Just as he was thinking about it, his eyes stopped on a car in the parking lot. This model and license plate seemed to be Xu Enzeng's special car, but it was really time for this guy to come to the Secret Service.

He paused and said to Gu Qi and others: "You guys take Lao Wu and the others back to Corey to familiarize themselves with the situation. I will report the case to the director. If you have anything important, you can come to me there."

While talking, everyone walked into the office building. Zuo Zhong went straight to the top floor. As soon as he arrived at the door of Dai Chunfeng's office, he saw Li Wei, who was sitting there chatting with Secretary Xu Enzeng.

 “Oh, Section Chief Zuo.”

Li Wei felt as if he had seen a savior when he saw him, and quickly stood up to greet him.

The relationship with the immediate boss is not harmonious. In fact, they, the subordinates, have nothing to talk about, let alone get too close. It would be too unfair to take the blame for this reason.

Zuo Zhong knew what he was thinking, so he pulled him aside and asked quietly: "What's going on? How long has Xu Enzeng been here? Is there any quarrel inside? Virgo didn't do anything, right?"

Li Wei glanced in the direction of the office: "About half an hour. Director Xu was very polite when he came and brought some dried fruit preserves. It seemed that he had something to ask of our Secret Service and the director."

it is as expected.

Zuo Zhong knew that the other party was here to get someone. His nephew was arrested by the Secret Service. Xu Enzeng couldn't possibly not know that. After all, he was also an old man in the intelligence industry, so he still had some connections.

If it were another case, he might come directly to mention the case, but now it involves Japanese espionage, and the secret service headquarters has no jurisdiction. Director Xu Da can only pinch his nose and come over to submit. It is difficult to be an uncle.

Zuo Zhong was thinking about this matter in his mind, and said seriously: "This man named Xu is sinister and cunning. I will go in and take a look, lest the teacher is not aware of it and is deceived by him. Keep an eye on this guy's secretary."

 After saying that, he knocked gently on the door of Dai Chunfeng's office.


"come in."

Lao Dai's voice sounded in the room, and he sounded in a good mood.

With a smile on his face, Zuo Zhong opened the door and walked in. He saw Dai Chunfeng and Xu Enzeng sitting on the sofa, each holding a teacup in their hands, chatting with relaxed expressions.

He reported with a respectful face: "I am reporting to you, the new comrades have finished observing, and I asked them to go for a walk in the city. After all, it is the first time for many of them to come to Jinling, so they can get familiar with the terrain."

 Dai Chunfeng smiled and nodded on the surface, but he was a little confused in his heart. He asked the people from the Investigation Department to go to the Intelligence Department, not to observe, but to learn business skills. What was Shen Zhong's intention in saying this?

However, there were irrelevant people present, so it was difficult to ask some questions directly, so he just replied in a nonchalant manner: "Oh, the arrangement is good, come and sit down, I happen to have something to ask you."


Zuo Zhong walked to the side in an orderly manner and sat upright with only half his buttocks.

Dai Chunfeng put his hands on both sides of the sofa and asked in a calm tone: "Shen Zhong, Director Xu just told me something. His nephew was detained by our Secret Service. Do you know about this?" Students really don’t know about this kind of thing. The Intelligence Department has arrested many people, all of whom were involved in cases of Japanese espionage. It happened that the department had a lot of official business, so the students were left to the people below. "

Zuo Zhong was shocked when he heard this, and then immediately looked at Xu Enzeng: "I don't know the name of Director Xu's nephew. I'll go back and ask. If the wrong person is arrested, I will personally come to apologize."

Xu Enzeng next to him was smiling broadly, and he was cursing the old and cunning master and apprentice in his heart. Do you know what this means? What does it mean to come to the door to apologize for arresting the wrong person? You really made yourself a fool.

We are all veteran Chinese medicine practitioners. No one knows how to give folk remedies. How can the intelligence department not conduct background checks before arresting people? Without the nods of you two division chiefs and section chiefs, no special agent would dare to arrest people.

But thinking that his sister was almost going blind from crying, Xu Enzeng had no choice but to suppress the discomfort in his heart, cleared his throat and prepared to act with these two people, as long as they let his nephew go.

As a result, before he could speak, Dai Chunfeng interrupted.

"While I'm in Nanchang, you're temporarily handling the affairs. It's inevitable that you'll miss something due to the busy schedule. Director Xu won't be the same as you." At this point, he turned to Xu Enzeng and asked, "right?"

What Xu Enzeng could say, he could only say yes and tell his nephew's name. As for his fiancée, forget it, this kind of woman is not worthy of his nephew.

 In fact, he was a little lucky. If the Secret Service hadn't arrested Wu Xinyue and waited until his nephew got married to the other party, and the crime would have happened at that time, he wouldn't be able to explain it clearly even if he was full of words.

When Zuo Zhong heard the name he said, he recalled it for a few seconds, and then slapped his thigh: "It turns out that Wu Xinyue's fiancé is Director Xu's nephew. This is really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple.

From the investigation point of view, he was not involved in the case. He was just confused by Wu Xinyue and revealed a few minor secrets. Teacher, you decide how to handle this matter. The students will listen to you. "

Dai Chunfeng really didn't understand this matter. After all, when he returned from Nanchang yesterday, he and everyone else were so busy that they had no time to care about what Xu Enzeng's eldest nephew had done.

But Shen Zhong said this, thinking that the other party's problem is not big, since holding on to him won't do much, it's better to just be accommodating, that's fine. Who knows that he is a hard-spoken and soft-hearted person.

He pretended to be embarrassed and thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "Hey, espionage-related cases are very sensitive. Many people are staring at the Secret Service and want to see us make mistakes. This matter is really embarrassing."

How could Xu Enzeng not understand the profound meaning of his words? He immediately promised: "Brother Dai, please rest assured. God knows this matter and you know it and I know it. I will never let a fourth person know about it. I guarantee it with my personality."

“Haha, Brother Xu’s words are serious, his true words are serious.” Dai Chunfeng maximized his acting skills and hesitated for a moment: “Well, if Brother Xu hadn’t spoken in person, Dai would never have agreed.”

Xu Enzeng was overjoyed and quickly clasped his hands in thanks and said, "Thank you Brother Dai for your noble hand. If you have any instructions in the future, Xu will definitely do it. I will educate the boy well when he gets back. Don't worry."

"It's understandable that young people have made mistakes. All they need to do is correct them. No one can make mistakes without being a sage." Dai Chunfeng said two beautiful words and waved his hand coolly: "Be careful and let him go immediately."

 “Okay, teacher.”

Zuo Dian nodded, smiled at Xu Enzeng and said: "Director Xu, I will make arrangements right away, but I have to trouble you about something. As usual, we have to make some records in your nephew's file.

But we don’t have his files. He probably works at the General Staff Headquarters. All the files there have been taken away by your office. You can send the files over and as long as he finishes recording, he can go home with you. "

What he said is reasonable and reasonable. Even if it is a relationship, there can be no mistakes in the procedures. Otherwise, who is responsible if something happens? This matter is related to a spy case and must be reflected in the files.

Xu Enzeng doesn’t think there is a problem here. If the file is ugly, just make it uglier. Anyway, it will not affect the official career. With his uncle here, it doesn’t matter even if the file is full of black spots, it’s just a small matter.

 He said nonchalantly: "Okay, I'll give in now... um."

He suddenly stopped mid-sentence and started sweating crazily on his head. He just remembered that the batch of archives transferred from various agencies had been burned by a fire at the Qunye Conference.

This naturally includes the information about his nephew. Now the problem is serious. What would someone think if they knew that their nephew was involved in the Japanese espionage case, and the files happened to be burned.

He lowered his head and took a sip of water. He rolled his eyes and had an idea. He pretended to be calm and said, "Section Chief Zuo, do you really have no personnel files in your two departments? I wonder how the Secret Service found Wu Xinyue."

Zuo Zhong shook his head hurriedly: "We found her upline, followed the clues we found, and detained your nephew as usual. When we called the file, we found that he had been taken away."


Xu Enzeng felt a bit toothache, thought quickly for a while, and said with a smile to Dai Chunfeng: "I guess it will take a while to find the file. Why don't Xu say goodbye today and come back with the file after he finds it."

Dai Chunfeng didn't care when he came, as long as there were no problems with the procedures, he readily agreed. The two chatted for a while, Xu Enzeng said goodbye again, got up and disappeared into the office.

 After he left, Dai Chunfeng rubbed his chin, his eyes uncertain.

 (End of this chapter)

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