Cicada Moving

Chapter 353: Tianshu and Tianfu

Chapter 353 Tianshu and Tianfu

He said thoughtfully: "Shenzhu, do you think there is something going on here? Why did the man named Xu run away as soon as you mentioned the file? It's just a file. Does he need to be so nervous?"

Zuo Zhong thought about it seriously, his eyes full of doubts: "Maybe he doesn't want his nephew's file to be stained. Once there is a record of espionage, the other person's future in the military will be over."

 It can only be this reason.

Dai Chunfeng stopped caring about this matter and asked about another matter: "Shen Zhong, earlier you said that people from the Investigation Department would go observe. Why, did they tell you that I asked them to observe, these bastards?"

He has come to his senses now. Bald Tou handed over the Investigation Division to him not only because he valued the Secret Service, but also to weaken the strength of the Secret Service. There were too many people in the Investigation Division dawdling around.

Zuo Zhong shook his head, glanced in the direction of the door and secretly leaned into Lao Dai's ear, whispering something. Dai Chunfeng nodded while listening, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he seemed very satisfied.

 “Just do as you say.”

Hearing the last word, he smiled and said: "We need to pay close attention to the case at hand. During the National Government meeting, you will cooperate with the security guards to protect the safety of the leader. This is what the chairman personally ordered."

Zuo Zhong's eyesight went dark. He went to protect the bald head. Wouldn't it be like facing the Japanese spy's gun? Bullets don't have long eyes. If the other party didn't like him and shot him, it would be terrible.

 But it is difficult to disobey military orders, so we can only take one step at a time.

He remembered the purpose of his trip and quickly reported on the follow-up of the Puppet Manchukuo team, such as Xiao Qingmin's false surrender, Vanessa and Wang Deyong's incident, and the situation of MI2 and the two intelligence teams.

 Lao Dai’s reaction was somewhat complicated.

When he heard that the Japanese were pretending to surrender and using a trick to break into the secret service, Dai Chunfeng looked angry. When he heard that the British were fanning the flames behind his back to allow the Japanese to assassinate him, he was terrified.

  Finally, he learned that two Japanese intelligence teams had targeted Bald Head, and he stood up with a pale face. He did not expect that so many things would happen not long after he went to Nanchang.

Dai Chunfeng thought for a while and said in a solemn tone: "Now that the investigation is almost complete, let's go all out to find the two Japanese intelligence teams. The British affairs must be considered in the long run and must not act rashly.

Now the government needs the British to check and balance the Japanese. I will report this matter to the leader, but it is nothing more than communicating with the British government through diplomatic channels, and our Secret Service should not get involved. "


Zuo Zhong did not refute. Lao Dai had set the tone. No matter how much he said, it was useless for a big official like himself. This is the tragedy of a weak country. When someone rides on the head and shit, it has to be pretended to be a misunderstanding.

There must be instructions from high-level British officials behind this incident. Otherwise, even if MI2 was given 10,000 courages, they would not dare to provoke a war between two countries without authorization. The intelligence agency is just a knife.

 The final result is estimated to be the resignation of an unknown British intelligence officer.

 No wonder it is said that intelligence agencies are like chamber pots to their superiors. They value them when they are in use and discard them when they are not in use. It seems that they have to work hard, at least to make a chamber pot that no one can ignore.

Zuo Zhong quickly resigned from Dai Chunfeng and returned to the office to pick up the phone: "Dongxin, the codebook has been confirmed. It is the 9th Republic of China edition of "Shen Yan" and "Zhuan Xilu" of the Commercial Office. Decipher it immediately.

 After the decryption is completed, send all the decoded messages to me and keep them confidential. The newcomers will be prohibited from going out or communicating immediately. You should explain the seriousness of this matter to them clearly. Violators will be dealt with according to military law. "

Had he not planned to rely on newcomers to compare and decipher the messages, he would have preferred to let the Telecommunications Department or He Yijun interpret the messages. Now he can only strengthen confidentiality to avoid the spread of relevant information.

Shen Dongxin moved very quickly. Before dinner time, he personally escorted the original and translator of the secret code to the office, accompanied by several elite armed agents from the action team.

The number of telegrams was quite large, and it was a large wooden box. Shen Dongxin was escorted by armed agents. In addition to safety and self-proven innocence, the more important reason was that he could not deliver the things by himself.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with his caution and asked him to sit down for a while while he began to translate the telegrams one by one. The time span of the telegrams was very large, from the time Wang Deyong and others arrived in Jinling until the two were arrested.

There is a secret telegram sent by Xiao Qingmin to the "Kwantung Army Intelligence Department", as well as a record of the reply. Zuo Zhong looked at it carefully and found that the content was basically consistent with Xiao Qingmin's confession. This woman was deceived so miserably.

The recipients of her instructions in the telegram were all Dofeihara, and Wang Deyong's reply also deliberately imitated Dofeihara's tone. She also sent a telegram congratulating the other party on regaining control of the Shenyang secret service.

  The wording is a little flattering, which is understandable. A spy is not a fairy who likes to eat wine and drink dew. It is normal to flatter him. No wonder he looks so ashamed and angry after hearing that he has been deceived. After reading the messages from the Butterfly Group, Zuo Zhong focused on the messages between the Beidou and Nandou groups and Wang Deyong, and quickly determined the specific code names of the leaders of these two groups.

The Beidou team leader is codenamed Tianshu, and the Nandou team leader is codenamed Tianfu. They are the same as in ancient Chinese mythology. What does this mean? Could it be that there are seven people in the Beidou team and six people in the Nandou team?

Zuo Zhong did not make random guesses. He read the telegram word for word. The information reported by Tianshu in the telegram was very mixed, including documents issued by party and government agencies, as well as various news from the market.

Some of them are true and some are false. For example, when he reported on the Jishi Pharmacy explosion, he quoted an outrageously wrong intelligence source. He even got Zhang Anren’s name wrong and wrote it as Zhang Anren.

There is also a description of the Secret Service. Tianshu explains that Hong Gong Temple is the only residence of the Secret Service. This is obviously wrong. Jigo Lane still undertakes some of the work, but it is very secret.

Zuo Zhong frowned. The accuracy of the Beidou team's intelligence was not high. It didn't even reach the level of Song Minghao's spy. You must know that the boiler burner was just an ordinary person.

And the Japanese intelligence team, as professional intelligence personnel, had been lurking in Jinling for several years and obtained this level of intelligence? Could it be that this is another elite group that defrauds activity funds.

 Don’t rush to conclusions, let’s take a look at the depth of this information.

Zuo Zhong picked up the cables involving party and government agency documents and read them. The result was even more interesting. None of the documents in the cables were top secret documents, not even ordinary secret documents.

They are all miscellaneous documents, the kind of cliche officialdom stereotypes that no one even uses to wipe their butts - they are too hard and their only use is to sell scrap paper. Where did Tianshu get it?

Zuo Zhong was afraid of omissions, so he read it from beginning to end again, but it was still the same. The reporters from the top-notch tabloids in Jinling were all more professional than this Beidou team. Could it be that Wang Deyong was lying to himself?

 He ​​touched the original telegram document. The oldest telegram in it, the paper was already a little yellow and brittle. There was no smell of tea or other smell, so it didn't look like it was old.

Wang Deyong will not predict the future, let alone record fake secret messages a few years ago. These messages are authentic and have reference significance, and the basic situation of the Beidou team can be inferred from them.

It seems that the Beidou team's cover status is not high in society, and a lot of the information they have access to comes from hearsay. Although the information obtained through formal channels is available, the level is too low.

An image flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind. He was a street sweeper, listening to the conversations of people on the street with his ears raised, and then writing down the so-called important information in a dark corner.

Thinking of this, he looked at the thick message and shook his head. He had to say that the Beidou team was very hard-working. The quality of the information was poor and the quantity was high. It seemed that they were following the path of replacing quality with quantity.

In addition, the wording of these telegrams is very blunt, but the wording is relatively accurate, indicating that Tianshu has received a good education, but his daily life is monotonous and rigid, and he lacks imagination.

 Who could he be?

 Soldier? police?

Zuo Zhong is unknown. This is just his speculation. His psychological level is not enough for him to conduct psychological profiling, let alone that psychological profiling is based on crime scenes and evidence.

Now that the other party has not started to act, there is no way to talk about the crime scene and evidence. If a person can be profiled based on a few telegrams, then there will be no crime in the world. This is unrealistic.

Putting down the telegram from the Beidou team, he picked up a telegram sent by Tianfu, the leader of the Nandou team. After just one glance, Zuo Zhong became nervous. The content was highly confidential.

“The Nationalist Government has decided to resolve disputes with Southwest China first and adopt the policy of avoiding military conflicts in North China as much as possible. Minister He will be in charge of work in North China and needs to increase intelligence and reconnaissance efforts on Peiping.”

Top secret information!

Whether it is the attack on the southwest or the concession in North China, it is the top strategic intelligence of the National Government. What is strategic intelligence is a plan implemented by a national force.

 Having such information is equivalent to knowing the opponent's trump card when playing cards. No matter what the opponent says or does, as long as you master the trump card, you can easily deal with it and become invincible.

As for Minister He's information, it was also the most senior personnel appointment. Zuo Zhong looked at the time when the telegram was sent, and it was half a month before Minister He went to Peking. This was a far cry.

This is not about seeing through the cards, it is about seeing through the bottoms. People know exactly what you have in your crotch. No wonder the Japanese are still so tough even after the Six Nations Hotel case.

This is definitely not information that ordinary people can have access to, and the information must come from a high-profile meeting. With Zuo Zhong's current official rank, he is probably not qualified to stand guard at the door of the meeting venue.

The last person who served tea and water for a meeting of this level had to be a lieutenant colonel. Section Chief Zuo would have to work hard for another two years if he wanted to be a waiter, so how did the Nandou team obtain this information.

 Steal secrets directly? Mole? tapping?

Zuo Zhong put down this information for the time being and looked at other cables from the Nandou team. Fortunately, the information in the remaining cables was mostly general merchandise, and there was no such level of top-secret information anymore.

Think about it, for a spy who can obtain the top intelligence of the National Government for a long time, how could the old devil in Doihara leave it to Vanessa to manage? He has already caught it in his hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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