Cicada Moving

Chapter 357: Murphy

Chapter 357 Murphy

Just wandering around like this all day, Zuo Chong and Wu Jingzhong returned to the Secret Service Office in the evening.

Zuo Zhong took the towel handed over by He Yijun and wiped his face, and asked: "I have been watching it for a day, Lao Wu, do you have any suggestions? If you have any opinions, please mention them. You will not be missing from the report then."

Wu Jingzhong shook his head repeatedly: "No, the colleagues in the Intelligence Department are very professional. I learned a lot from them today. Whether it is disguise, contingency, or reconnaissance skills, Wu has benefited a lot."

This time he was telling the truth. Even an ordinary agent in the Intelligence Division could keep up with the elites of the Investigation Division, and there were many such people in the Intelligence Division, which shocked him greatly.

“Then go back and have a good rest. Thank you for your hard work today. Someone will notify you if there is any action over there in Chunyang. Just go directly.” Zuo Zhong sat down on the sofa with a tired face and issued an eviction order.


Wu Jingzhong stood at attention and walked out with standard goose steps.

Zuo Zhong rubbed his head, but unfortunately it was not time for rest yet. He picked up the phone and said, "I'm Zuo Zhong. I'm informing you that Chief Song will come to my office and tell him not to rush and complete the task first."

Song Minghao has been following Mr. Wang and his cronies for the past few days. It happens that these people are very energetic. They go to nightclubs or dance halls every day. In short, they are not honest even a day.

He finally knew how Jin Jiang felt in the East Asia Club case. They watched others drink and stood by others while picking up girls. However, the hard work was not in vain. He discovered a lot of things following the other party.

Song Minghao received the report from his subordinates and rushed back after arranging the work. The first thing he said after seeing Zuo Zhong was: "Section Chief, the target's new secretary met secretly with Suma Yajiro."

Japanese Consul General Suma Yakichiro, this guy has become extremely low-key after the Miyamoto incident. He should be afraid of becoming a scapegoat, but no matter what he does, his future will end here.

  Could it be that they are unwilling to give up and want to earn some political capital from the target?

Zuo Zhong asked curiously: "Tell me more specifically."

Song Minghao said seriously: "Our people didn't hear very clearly. It seemed like they were just chatting, such as discussing the recent situation in Jinling or the dispute between China and Japan. Could it be a secret conversation?"

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "It's normal for the target's secretary to have contact with the Japanese. If it were a secret contact, you wouldn't hear about it. Okay, besides that, have you found any other problems?"


Song Minghao mustered up the courage and said: "These people don't do human work. They sleep when they go to the office and crawl on women after get off work. This kind of virtue is definitely not fake. They can't be Japanese spies.

Furthermore, I have verified the files many times. The origin, background, and experience of the target’s cronies are very clear. There is no possibility of imposters. I feel there is no need to continue the investigation. "

Zuo Zhong thought about it, and it seemed that his guess was wrong. The Beidou and Nandou groups had nothing to do with the so-called Ziwei Star, or it was not what he thought. In short, there was no need to waste any more time.

He nodded: "You leave a few people to do the finishing work. All other personnel go to the National Government for internal security. Remember to contact Wu Chunyang. He is now specifically responsible for the outside."

 Song Minghao was overjoyed when he heard this: "Yes."

It was a good thing for him that he didn't have to accompany those fancy Taisui. As the meeting was about to begin, if he followed them around, it would be better to leave more of an impression on the superiors in the National Government.

Song Minghao left happily.

Zuo Zhong tore up a calendar again. There were still seven days left before the meeting. The Japanese must be found as soon as possible. He really didn't want to be a human shield.

It’s a pity that he forgot one thing. If something has the possibility of going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will eventually happen as planned.

 This is the famous Murphy's Law.

When the Intelligence Section continued its surveillance around the National Government for the sixth day, but still found nothing, Zuo Zhong knew that it was basically impossible to find the spy team through abnormal behavior.

The entire intelligence department also knew about this matter. The section chief actually had to personally protect the chairman of the committee on the day of the meeting. This was like dancing on the edge of a knife. If he were not careful when encountering an assassin, his life would be in danger.

 So at the last meeting before the start of the National Government meeting, everyone gave gifts one after another in the hope that they could help the section chief turn the crisis into good. However, some of the things were quite unreliable.

Zuo Zhong looked at the "body armor" on the table with a helpless expression. It was an Italian Farina body armor given to him by Song Minghao. It was made entirely of high-strength steel and was a product of that war.

I have to say that this thing looks quite safe. Tests have shown that the body armor can withstand shots from a 6.5 mm caliber rifle at a distance of 125 meters. It has no shortcomings except that it is useless.

 After all, he can't stand next to a bald head carrying a turtle shell.

  (picture on the easter egg)

"Section Chief, this is the bottom of the box that I specially reserved for myself. An ordinary hand rifle will never penetrate it, unless it is a large-caliber rifle or hits the head." Song Minghao introduced professionally.

MD, this is because you are afraid that you will not die. Why didn’t you mention the 105 howitzer when it came to a large-caliber machine gun or something that hit the head? The guard was not blind, so how could the assassin have a large-caliber weapon?

  . . . . .

  Probably not.

Zuo Zhong looked a little unkind: "Thank you, Old Song. No need. Wearing something like this on your body is not conducive to quick movement. You can wear it when you go on missions in the future. People have bad luck and good fortune." He did not wait for Song Minghao's answer, and then He said to everyone: "Starting from the scene, the Intelligence Section has entered the first level of alert. As per the old rules, all operational personnel are not allowed to go out, communicate or use the toilet alone.

 After the meeting, the personnel responsible for internal security were led by team leaders and section chiefs to enter the National Government in batches for duty. Peripheral monitoring personnel entered the surveillance points and support points covertly in pairs.

Let me emphasize again that anyone who has the intention to attack the National Government and its officers will be killed without mercy. This is our first defense mission and we must not make any mistakes.

Also, in case of an accident, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang, you two will immediately block traffic in the surrounding area. No one is allowed to leave until the martial law is lifted. Do you understand this? "


Everyone's face was full of murderous intent, even Wu Jingzhong and other agents of the Investigation Section were no exception. After these few days of cooperation and familiarity, they finally got rid of their twilight and gained some spies' vigor.

This time they will be responsible for peripheral security tasks under Wu Chunyang. This is a matter of course. Those who can go to the National Government to serve are reliable old people, and they are obviously not qualified.

"Set off."

Zuo Zhong gave an order, and everyone rushed out of the conference room. The noisy footsteps caused other departments to stick out their heads and watch secretly. Everyone knew that someone was going to be in bad luck again.


Song Minghao, with his military intelligence unit that could make public appearances, sounded the siren that was rarely used. The car and pedals were filled with heavily armed agents, who rushed out of the compound howling like ghosts.

Doing this can attract the attention of certain people and provide cover for Wu Chunyang, Gui Youguang and others who will go out later. At the same time, it can bring a huge psychological shock to the Japanese spies and force them to make mistakes.

 After seeing off his subordinates, Zuo Zhong went upstairs and walked into Dai Chunfeng's office. He would first accompany Teacher Jianyi to Qilu to meet someone, and then go from Qilu to the National Government to attend a meeting.

When he came in, Dai Chunfeng was arranging his major general uniform. It must be said that this high-end dress made of German cloth was much more beautiful than the major general uniform worn by Zuo Zhong.

 Lao Dai finished adjusting his collar, put on his military cap seriously, stood in front of the mirror holding his armed belt and asked, "Shen Zhong, how is your teacher's outfit? This is the first time I've worn it after the promotion ceremony."

As he spoke, he twisted around.

Zuo Zhong said sincerely: "The teacher is already very heroic, and he looks even more heroic when wearing this major general uniform. However, the student feels that if he can get two more general stars, it will be in line with the teacher's temperament."

Dai Chunfeng chuckled: "You, let's take a walk first. The Chairman of the Generalissimo should have just gotten up at this time. We need to arrive earlier, wait until the leader has finished breakfast, and then leave for the National Government immediately."

He knew the bald head's routine very well, and he had obviously studied it carefully. Zuo Zhong kept it in mind and decided to go back and report it to Old K. This kind of information would be of great use if used properly.

After Lao Dai finished packing, the two of them went downstairs and got in the car and drove towards the Central Military Academy. Patrolling military police could be seen everywhere along the way, which was a little less alert than when the Japanese naval guns arrived at the door.

Today there are many dignitaries gathered in Jinling City, and no one can think of a problem. It is said that even Bai Wenzhi, a corrupt official, is on duty in the streets, just because he is afraid that the people below him will not understand the seriousness and offend people who should not be offended.

Dai Chunfeng was silent after getting in the car. He didn't sigh until the car was halfway through: "If I knew that a Japanese intelligence team was coming to assassinate you, I would definitely report this job to the leader for you.

It's too dangerous. In addition to protecting the chairman of the committee today, you must also pay attention to your own safety and let the guards block the bullets. Don't show off. Those people are paying for their lives with military pay. "

 Acting? True feelings revealed?

 Zuo Zhong could not tell the true thoughts of the master performing artist, and said seriously: "Thank you for your concern, teacher. The students will do their best to protect the safety of the chairman and not embarrass you, teacher."

Dai Chunfeng patted him on the shoulder and said nothing. He didn't even ask about the arrangements for the scene.

Zuo Zhong looked at Teacher Jianyi, his heart moved, and then he looked ahead, arriving at Qilu.

Next, Zuo Zhong finally understood why everyone wanted to climb up. The moment someone appeared at the gate of Qilu, a team of more than a hundred people and dozens of cars only served one person.

The guards walked with dizzying steps, blocking all the surrounding shooting areas. Secretaries, clerks, and staff officers lined up in a long queue. Section Chief Zuo gritted his teeth when he saw this huge scene.

 “Chunfeng, be cautious, come.”

Someone who was also wearing a military uniform suddenly stopped, threw off his iconic cape, and waved with his white-gloved hand: "You are in the same car with me. I have something to tell you."


 Lao Dai and Zuo Zhong looked excited.

 In fact, Zuo Zhong even had the desire to curse. If the Japanese spies used mortars or grenade launchers to assassinate him, this black car would be the primary target. Damn it, there are always bad guys trying to harm me.

   If the easter egg cannot be seen, it is being reviewed and has nothing to do with me.



 (End of this chapter)

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