Cicada Moving

Chapter 358: Meeting

 Chapter 358 Meeting

But there was no point in cursing, Zuo Zhong trotted to the right side of the back seat of the car, opened the door respectfully and blocked the door edge with his hand, pressed his bald head on the military cap on his head, bent down and got in.

Then he walked to the left side of the car, made the same move, and asked Dai Chunfeng to get in. Dai Chunfeng sat in with a smile on his face, thinking that he, as a student, looked like a qualified secretary.

Zuo Zhong finished his service work, and sat in the passenger seat under the envious and jealous eyes of everyone. The driver stepped on the accelerator lightly as he closed the door, and the car slowly started to move forward.

At the same time, the vehicles occupied by other personnel also started up, forming a huge convoy and driving away from Qilu. The speed of the vehicles became faster and faster, and soon they drove out of the gate of the military academy.

The Army Officer School is not far from the National Government. The road has long been under martial law. Unrelated personnel cannot access the road at all. There are also a large number of guards standing on both sides of the road.

This allows Zuo Zhong to relax a little, and it would be nice to have more meat shields.

At this time, the bald man closed his eyes and said: "I have not announced the news about the Japanese assassination to the outside world. Chunfeng must kill all those Japanese spies to avoid future troubles."

His tone was full of murderous intent. He was not angry about being assassinated, but a national leader who was used as a tool in a legal battle between Britain and Japan. It was simply unreasonable, and he also wanted to save face.

"Yes, principal." Dai Chunfeng said cautiously: "Shen Zhong has already made preparations. Do you want him to introduce the specific arrangements to you? All work must be considered for your safety."

 “Well, tell me.”

 Baldhead still admired Zuo Zhong, a young fellow countryman, for his outstanding abilities, and after learning that he would be assassinated, he still accompanied him as a guard without hesitation. This is loyalty.

Such capable and loyal talents must be reused. Today's incident is also a test. If he passes the test, not to mention being a high-ranking official with a generous salary, I will protect his future.

If he can't pass, it's not a big deal. There are many talents from his hometown who are willing to serve him. Thinking of this, the bald head opened his eyes and looked at Zuo Zhong in the front row with a smile in his eyes.

Zuo Chong seemed to have sensed something. He tilted his head slightly and reported in a low voice: "Reporting to the leader, we have arranged many surveillance and countermeasures at key positions and commanding heights on the periphery of the National Government.

 The security work inside, especially the conference hall, started several months ago. The building itself and the surrounding environment have been carefully surveyed by our Secret Service and there are no problems. "

"very good."

The bald man said two words with precious words, and said to Dai Chunfeng: "Chunfeng, your work is effective, otherwise if the British conspiracy succeeds, how can I have the face to meet the former president.

My personal life is of no importance, and I am not afraid of death. During the Eastern and Northern Expeditions, I always fought bravely to be the first, fearing that a tragic war would break out with the Japanese, and the civilians would be so innocent. "

"Thank you for the compliment, principal." Dai Chunfeng was very modest: "All this is due to Shen Zhi. After he learned about the Puppet Manchukuo spy team, he immediately arranged for personnel to inspect the auditorium."

Zuo Zhong hurriedly said respectfully: "The director often teaches us to keep the words "defend the leader" in mind and put them into practice. Ten thousand slogans are not as good as doing one practical thing. We should keep them in mind even if we are humble."

The master and apprentice made the bald head very happy with their compliments. They also asked some questions about the whole story of the butterfly case. By the time Zuo Zhong finished introducing the situation, the motorcade had already arrived outside the gatehouse of the National Government.


At the checkpoint outside the gatehouse, Song Minghao and his men stood at attention and paid attention, watching the vehicles pass by one by one. When Zuo Zhong's vehicle passed by, he nodded slightly to Zuo Zhong.

  When they arrived here from the Secret Service, they took over the interrogation and search work. Ordinary soldiers were no match for professional spies, and professional issues had to be handled by professionals like them.

The results of the current search are all normal, and no dangerous goods have been found. He was just reporting the latest intelligence. If dangerous goods are found, Zuo Zhong will immediately turn the car around.

At this time, the square will be crowded with stars, and the big guys from various factions have gathered together. They have been waiting for the bald head for a long time. When they saw the car approaching, they all stopped chatting and tidied up their clothes to prepare for the reception.

The car stopped slowly on the stone-paved square, and then a young major got out of the car and opened the door for the bald man. This surprised many officials present as to who the other person was.

 In the past, this kind of work was done by Wen Yi. Some people jokingly called him He Shen of this dynasty. It was originally used to describe his high position and power. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a prophecy. Wen Chief Wen really followed in the footsteps of Lord He.

Looking at this person, he is younger than Wen Yi. Could it be that a Wen Yi was replaced and a new attendant came. However, this person's military rank is a bit low. You must know that the people standing guard at the entrance of the auditorium today are all lieutenant colonels.

Only some generals seemed to remember that when Miyamoto Hideaki disappeared, they had seen this clever young man in Qilu. Dai Chunfeng had brought him there. Could it be that Dai Chunfeng was also in the car.

Sure enough, after the bald man got out of the car and shook his cloak, Dai Chunfeng walked out from the other side of the car and stood beside him with the young man. The old and the young, one tall and one short, were quite eye-catching.

Liu Gui's eyes were red from a distance. He, the section chief responsible for the internal security of the National Government, was not even qualified to get close to the chairman of the committee one hundred meters away. How could Zuo Zhong be able to accompany him?

   God is so blind. He has performed meritorious services many times, and apart from military pay and favors, he does not accept any black money. As for Zuo, it is said that even the bed he sleeps on is made of gold. Is it true that the party-state cannot tolerate good people?

Liu Gui was indignant there, while Zuo Zhong tensed his body muscles and scanned the surrounding welcoming crowd with concentration, ready to run away with his bald head if he found any abnormality.

  Although these people have undergone strict screening before entering, and their belongings and persons have been carefully searched, the Japanese are pervasive and no one can guarantee 100% safety.

But fortunately, the Shanghai Bank, which was most likely to be used as a sniper position, was blocked, and the rooms and rooftops facing the National Government were guarded. At least there was no need to worry about long-range sniping.

Just as he was thinking about it, the bald man took off his gloves and began to meet and shake hands with people according to his official rank. From time to time, he patted someone on the shoulder, or held someone's hand cordially and faced the press group.

 “Click, click.”

  Reporters from the press corps began to take photos of bald heads, both Chinese and foreigners. These people deal with all kinds of religions every day, and their background and political beliefs are difficult to verify. They are a dangerous group of people.

Zuo Zhong took two slight steps and stood parallel to the press group, with his hands crossed on his waist. Firstly, it would be easier to stop someone from committing an assassination, and secondly, he would not leave any video record of himself.

As for whether someone could secretly take photos, there should not be such a stupid person. The camera viewing range in this era is very small. If the reporter wants to take a picture of him, he must deflect the lens. The agents around him are not blind.

Ten minutes later, the bald man put on white gloves again. Zuo Zhong winked at the guards. The soldiers immediately separated the crowd from the bald man to prevent assassins from getting too close and launching a sudden attack.

After arranging these, he walked to the bald head and reminded: "Chairman, it's time to go to the auditorium. It is dangerous for you to be outdoors for a long time. The people here are complex, and I am worried about Japanese spies sneaking in."

The bald man nodded slightly, waved to the welcoming crowd again, and walked ahead towards the auditorium. Zuo Zhong walked on his left, blocking the view of the open space on the west side of the square with his body.

Along the way, many National Government officials and guards stopped to salute. Zuo Chong even saw Liu Gui somewhere. This guy had red eyes and looked like he was gritting his teeth.

  MD, neurosis.

There is nothing to be envious about blocking someone's gun. Zuo Zhong's face turned a little darker, and he speeded up his pace quietly, wanting to leave this open area as soon as possible. This terrain was very unfavorable for security work.

Fortunately, until they arrived at the auditorium, everything was normal. There were no Japanese wearing menstrual tapes on their heads, carrying light machine guns to shoot at them, and no one was strapping dangerous objects to use as suicide bombs.

Zuo Zhong sent the bald man to the rostrum and stood not far away. Looking at the party and state officials filing in, he breathed a sigh of relief. These insects definitely didn't have the guts to do what Jing Ke did to assassinate Qin.

 So at least he was safe in the auditorium and he only had to keep an eye on the service staff.

The meeting went very smoothly. A lunatic was talking nonsense on the stage, about fighting chaos and saving the country, and about hundreds of thousands of athletes. If we had to sum it up, only the word "meeting" had real meaning.

The pillars of the party and state under the rostrum were sitting upright, seemingly comprehending the leader's spirit. In fact, their eyes were blank, their mouths were slightly open, and they occasionally clapped their hands mechanically. They were 100% in a state of fugue.

However, Zuo Zhong was paying attention to one person. He finally met Wang, a person who would become notorious in later generations. It must be said that this person was handsome, wearing a white suit, and had a bookish air.

 The standard gold and jade are on the outside, but the inside is ruined.

Perhaps feeling Zuo Zhong’s gaze, Wang raised his eyes and looked up, then a disgusting smile appeared on his face. Apparently he thought he was the new bald attendant and was trying to establish a good relationship in advance.

If he knew that Zuo Zhong was the spy who destroyed the East Asia Club, he would be afraid that his heart would be torn in this life. Because of this incident, the remnants of the defeated soldiers of the reorganization faction were wiped out by the bald heads.

Zuo Zhong turned his face as if nothing had happened, pretending not to see the other party's overtures. With the bald head backing him up, Caihai couldn't do anything to him, and he wanted this person to target him, which was a good thing.

From a bald point of view, anyone with the surname Wang is one of our own.

There was no response from someone Wang over there, and the smile on his face immediately faded, and a ball of anger arose in his heart. He couldn't help but sigh that this was really a dragon being tricked by a shrimp in the shallows, or a tiger being bullied by a dog in the sun.

If the former president was still here, how could he have reached this point? After thinking about it, he looked at the photo of the former president behind his bald head. His heart felt sour, his tears were inexplicably wet, and he almost cried on the spot.

It happened that at this moment the bald man was talking nonsense about the imminent complete victory. When he saw someone Wang’s teary-eyed reaction, he thought that the other person was feeling sad for Southwest, and his forehead lit up several degrees with anger.

  I wish everyone can realize their wishes in the last month of 2021, please come on.

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