Cicada Moving

Chapter 364: Minion

 Chapter 364 Minion

 “Come out! Otherwise we’ll shoot!”

 “Your accomplices are all dead.”

At the door of the toilet of the National Government Auditorium, several secret agents held Thompson submachine guns and shouted loudly from both sides of the door. The safety of the submachine guns had been opened and they were ready to fire at any time.

At this time, Zuo Zhong, Wu Chunyang, and Gui Youguang ran along the corridor. The three of them clung to the wall, using the door frame as a cover, and moved forward little by little, and quickly approached the toilet.

"What's going on?" Wu Chunyang raised his gun and asked in a low voice, "Where is he hiding?"

The agent holding Thomson replied: "We searched once before and found no one. When we searched the second time, we heard someone coughing quietly. This **** should be hiding deep in the pit."

 Speaking of this, the agent looked helpless.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and waved his hand: "Throw a smoke bomb and smoke out this rat for me. Pay attention to leaving one alive. The other party has not fired. No one is allowed to fire back. Do you hear me?"


The agents responded in a low voice. One of them took a smoke bomb from his waist, opened the safety catch and counted for a few seconds before throwing it into the toilet. Then he closed the door of the toilet firmly under the cover of his teammates.


The smoke bomb made several circles on the smooth tile floor, making a crisp sound, and then a plume of white smoke came out from the tail, instantly filling the entire toilet, and the visibility was drastically reduced.

Then the smoke slowly seeped out from the cracks in the door, forming a light mist in the corridor. Zuo Zhong stood at the door of the toilet and covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves, looking at the watch on his wrist.

 The smoke-generating agent of smoke bombs is generally made of yellow phosphorus, tin tetrachloride, sulfur trioxide and other substances, which will cause certain damage to the human respiratory tract and eyes, and the people inside will not be able to last long.

 According to the special training records of the Intelligence Division, agents who have undergone strict training can stay in such a confined space and smoke environment for up to five minutes. Any longer time will easily cause fainting.

five minutes later.

Gui Youguang quickly leaned against the door panel and listened for a while, then shook his head and whispered.

 “Section Chief, there’s no movement.”

Zuo Zhong was a little surprised. Could it be that the other party had a gas mask and was fully prepared? This guy couldn't make a sound inside and couldn't come out. This was a bit difficult to deal with, and flash bombs were useless.

 The environment of the toilet is complex, and various partitions can effectively block the strong light. Moreover, according to the existing intelligence, the opponent is probably hiding in the toilet pit, and there is no other way except to capture him at close range.

Are you going to take human lives to fill it? This is not his style, and he can't catch anyone alive.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, blinked at everyone, pointed to the toilet and said loudly: "Thirty seconds to prepare, prepare grenades, no need to live alive, damn, the corpse can still receive the reward."

Wu Chunyang and others understood, and also shouted towards the toilet: "Yes."

 After speaking, everyone made deliberate noises. For example, Gui Youguang took out a grenade and threw the iron cover holding the match rope on the ground. A crisp impact sound was transmitted along the thin door panel into the toilet.

This kind of sound can be heard by anyone with certain military experience. Zuo Zhong wanted the other party to know that they were not joking. As long as he did not open the door, only death was waiting for him.

 Sure enough, there was a response immediately.

"Ahem, don't throw it away. I surrender. I am Luo Zhixi, the president of Central University. I am useful to you. Please don't kill me." There was fear in his hoarse voice as he explained his origin.

 Luo Zhixi?

Zuo Zhong was stunned. He knew this person. He was a famous cultural figure in the Republic of China. He was the president of the Central University and a member of the Kuomintang Party. He was quite famous in the political and educational circles of the Republic of China. Who was he?

This is possible. It is natural for the other party to participate in the meeting as a committee member. However, how could he, a weak scholar, persist in the smoke for so long? He must be cheating.

Furthermore, it’s hard to believe that such a big shot would hide in the women’s restroom, let alone hide in a toilet pit. Don’t they always talk about how only women and villains are difficult to raise?

Zuo Zhong hesitated for a moment, then pressed his hand to tell everyone not to act rashly. If it was really Luo Zhixi, if the other party died in the hands of the Secret Service, not even Lao Dai would be able to withstand it, let alone himself.

He cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "We are from the Secret Service. The assassins have been killed. If you are really Principal Luo, please wait patiently for the smoke to dissipate and then walk out slowly."

"Okay, Luo doesn't move, don't move." The person who called himself Luo Zhixi cried with joy.

Left Point nodded. Gui Youguang took two steps back slightly, turned around and kicked the door open with his heel, and then hid outside the shooting range. If there was an assassin inside, he would probably take the opportunity to shoot.


The wooden door hit the wall hard, and a burst of thick smoke poured out of the toilet. Zuo Zhong and the agents silently retreated to a safe distance to prevent the other party from using grenades or dangerous goods to sneak attack.

After waiting for a while and the smoke gradually dissipating, there was first the sound of splashing water in the toilet, and then the sound of footsteps, which sounded like someone walking with wet shoes. "Don't shoot, I am really Luo Zhixi. My party ID number is..., Director Dai Chunfeng of your office is very familiar with Luo." Following the footsteps, a embarrassed figure walked out with his hands raised.

Zuo Zhong hid in the corner and looked at the other person's face, but after looking at it for a long time, he couldn't recognize whether it was Luo Zhixi. He had indeed seen Luo Zhixi's photo, but the person's face was not there at that time.

 Yellow, yellow, green, and green things.

Let’s talk about the minions. When they saw the stunned agents, they felt as if they were seeing their relatives. They cried out in a tearful voice: "Why did you come here? Luo was almost killed by an assassin."

 As he said that, he wanted to come over.

“Wait a minute, don’t come here!” Zuo Zhong raised the gun with one hand and held his nose with the other: “Principal Luo, this is a very important matter. Please wipe your face clean so that we can identify him, otherwise we will have no choice but to shoot.”

Hearing this, the Minion was stunned. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, and said with great sadness and anger: "What did you ask me to use to wipe my face? Look, is there a clean spot on Luo's body?"


Zuo Zhong had a depressed look on his face. He turned around and looked around, then stopped at Gui Youguang: "Gui Youguang, take off your coat and throw it to Principal Luo. Go back and report the accounts to the General Affairs Bureau yourself, and make a higher report."

"These are the new clothes I just bought. I'll take them off. No need to worry."

 Gui Youguang muttered softly, and under Zuo Zhong's murderous eyes, he took off his tunic suit, took away the bits and pieces from his pocket, and finally threw them to the minion reluctantly.

The Minion quickly picked up his clothes and wiped his face vigorously, which made the agents' throats feel a little itchy. After wiping for a while, although there was still some dirt on their faces, they could finally see their faces clearly.

 “Oh my God.”

Zuo Zhong exclaimed after reading it: "It's really Principal Luo. Put down the gun. Who is that? Quickly find some clean water and clothes and give Commissioner Luo a good wash. How unbecoming is this?"

Immediately, several spies ran out with relief on their faces. The smell of the committee member was so strong that it hurt my eyes. I don’t know how many things were stained in the toilet pit.

“Principal Luo, what are you doing?”

Zuo Zhong walked to Luo Zhixi's side, five meters away to be precise. He held his breath and asked curiously. He made a movement with his hands, and several agents quietly walked into the toilet with guns raised to conduct a search.

"Of course it's because of those **** assassins." Luo Zhixi's eyes turned red and he stamped his feet and said, "Luo was beside Dean Wang at the time, and Luo was just a little bit away from dying."

Zuo Zhong looked sad: "So Principal Luo ran to the toilet? I forgot to introduce myself. My humble position is Zuo Zhong, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service. I'm really sorry for the smoke bomb just now. Please understand."

He said a polite word casually. It was best not to offend such a well-off old scholar, although the other party did not dare to be dissatisfied. After all, so many people had seen the ugly appearance of the university principal.

If the other party is a smart person, he should keep his mouth shut and keep this matter in his heart forever. Otherwise, if the story of the dignified Central University president struggling to survive becomes known, his political life will be over.

Luo Zhixi is certainly a smart man. He waved his hand magnanimously: "It doesn't matter, you are also here to catch the assassin. Fortunately, Luo covered his mouth and nose with a wet cloth at the time and did not suffer much irritation."

 Zo Dian nodded, huh? Where did the wet cloth come from in the toilet? He seemed to have thought of something, and he took a step back again. This Principal Luo is such a cruel person, he actually thought of such a method.

Luo Zhixi hesitated for a moment, clasped his hands and begged: "Can you trouble Chief Zuo and send someone to fish out the red silk ribbon and certificate Luo wore at the meeting? I will thank you greatly afterwards, please."

Zuo Zhong almost laughed out loud. As expected of an official of the Guo Party, he did everything he could to survive, even throwing away his ID. Not to mention that doing so could indeed hide his identity.

He held back his ridicule and said seriously: "What did Principal Luo say? You accidentally lost your ID. Naturally, we, as subordinates, will help you find it. How can we thank you so much? Please wait."

Then he looked at Gui Youguang who was sneaking away, and shouted sternly: "Don't leave, tell me about you Gui Youguang, go and find Principal Luo's things. If there is one missing, you should be prepared to spend the night here."


The sneaky Gui Youguang turned his head and looked at Wu Chunyang who was as if nothing had happened, and then at the expressionless Zuo Zhong. After thinking of countless excuses, he finally walked into the toilet with his head hanging down.

Zuo Zhong was relieved when he saw the big bald man obediently obeying his orders. Damn it, you can't let yourself go into the pit to find something yourself. Can you still get your feet and hands? What's the dignity of the officer?

The next second, he smiled and said: "Commissioner Luo, don't worry, today's incident will never be spread. I am not a talkative person, and I like to make friends with big shots like you."

Luo Zhixi laughed twice and saw that the little agent who had left before brought water and clothes. He quickly ran over and washed and rubbed the clothes. Finally, it changed from dark yellow to light yellow, and put on clean clothes.

(The chapter was swallowed and revised. I don’t know if it will pass.)

I feel like it was written by a trumpet, please support me.



 (End of this chapter)

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