Cicada Moving

Chapter 365: bathroom

Chapter 365 Toilet

  361 reviewed it, but I have no choice but to take a look during the day.

Luo Zhixi smoothed his hair, regained the dignity and reserve of the Central Committee, and said with a smile: "Thank you so much, Section Chief Zuo, for today. Don't worry, Mr. Luo will keep his word. If you need anything in the future, just ask."

He used to look down on spies, but after today's incident, he understood a truth. When it comes to guns, no matter how high his education or status is, it is useless. He has to have a good relationship with these guns.

Zuo Zhong saw with his own eyes that the other party pushed a solid piece of hair from his forehead to the back of his head, and almost vomited it out. At this time, the Central Committee Master was still pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

He stepped back again and said with a dry smile: "It doesn't matter, this is what we should do. Alas, if the people from the secret service headquarters could eliminate the assassins earlier, how could Principal Luo have suffered such a disaster?"

 “The Secret Service Headquarters, haha.”

A cold light flashed in Luo Zhixi's eyes. The security of the National Government was handled by the Secret Service Headquarters. Now that something like this has happened and made him so embarrassed, the other party must give him an explanation.

Zuo Zhong noticed his reaction and knew that the blame was finally thrown out, so he started chatting with Luo Zhixi more enthusiastically until a strong smell came from behind the two of them.

"Section Chief, Principal Luo's party card and red silk cloth have been found and have been cleaned." Gui Youguang had a lifeless look on his face, his body was also yellow and green, and he held Luo Zhixi's ID card with two fingers.

Zuo Zhong quickly shook his head. He really had no vision. The clothes he wore today were high-end goods. How could he come into contact with such dirty things? It would be a pity if he accidentally got it.

Gui Youguang had no choice but to hand the thing over with a dark face, and Luo Zhixi took it with a smile. Looking at his dirty look, he felt particularly friendly. They were both from the same place, so he was one of his own.

"Luo will leave first. Section Chief Zuo and this little brother will keep in touch if we have anything to do in the future." Luo Zhixi left immediately after seeing this. Staying here for one more second would be a nightmare for him.

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded: "Commissioner Luo, please walk slowly. Do you want me to send someone to take you home?"

 One thing does not bother two people. Anyway, Gui Youguang drove the car today, so it is better for a good person to do it to the end.

"Haha, no need." Luo Zhixi said with a smile on his face: "Luo has his own car, so he won't bother Section Chief Zuo. That's it. If you have time, go to the Central University and sit down. Luo will be there to greet you."

This was said very humbly. As a member of the Central Committee, he could be called a close subordinate, but who let his handle be caught by the Secret Service? For this old face, he could only make these secret agents happy.

Zuo Zhong politely walked the big man to the door, watched him leave, and suddenly asked Gui Youguang: "You can talk about it now that you're gone. Did you find anything in the cesspool that is related to the assassin?"

Gui Youguang grinned: "I can't hide anything from the section chief. I did find some physical evidence in the toilet pit, a smashed glass bottle and a pair of gloves, which should be the tools used by the assassin to handle bullets.

 But Section Chief, how do you know there is something there? Did Central Committee Committee Luo tell you something? These things are not far from the party membership card. Unexpectedly, the principal is quite vigilant. "

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "There are not many places near the auditorium that meet the requirements for privacy and security. The most suitable place is the toilet. There are daily security patrols, and male guards will not enter the women's toilet for inspection."

Wu Chunyang, who had just disappeared, appeared out of nowhere, as if he suddenly realized: "No wonder you have been gone for so long. Did you take any residue from the toilet pit for testing?"


Gui Youguang felt a little disgusted and said angrily: "You are not very loyal enough. You just ran away when something happened. Section Chief, I suggest that this guy give the residue to Dr. Ling."

Wu Chunyang’s face turned dark when he heard this.

“Okay, okay.” Zuo Zhong stopped the two people who were about to quarrel: “There is no rush about the test. The focus is on this women’s toilet. What can be determined from this? You two can talk about your views on this.

 “I’ll say it first.”

Gui Youguang said first: "The person who responded to the assassin should be a woman, otherwise it would be too conspicuous for a man to enter the women's restroom. The poison and gloves should also be hidden in the restroom and operated by a female assassin."

"That's right." Wu Chunyang agreed with him, and then changed the topic: "But we can't rule out the involvement of toilet cleaners. According to Lao Song's intelligence, these people are basically men."

The two have some minor differences, but the general idea is the same, that is, entering the women's restroom will not arouse suspicion. Starting from these two points, more things can be connected.

Wu Chunyang continued: “At the same time, the auditorium is often open to other party and government agencies. Whether someone will borrow the toilet, our attention cannot be focused on the staff of the auditorium.

 So, I think we need to investigate from two routes next. One is to screen the background of the cleaning staff, and the other is to check the women who work in the auditorium or have recently come to the auditorium for errands. "

"I think so."

 Gui Youguang had an annoyed look on his face, and he didn’t know whether it was true or not. Anyway, every time someone else spoke first, he always had this expression, which was very deceptive. People who didn’t know better would have thought he was a master at solving crimes.

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to pay attention to him, and finally said: "Let's go and take a look together. First, make sure that the other party really hid the poison in the toilet. Only then can we decide on the next detection route."

After saying that, he walked to the toilet, but as soon as he entered, he regretted it. He was first disturbed by Luo Zhixi, and then by Gui Youguang for a long time, and now all the smell came out. Coupled with the fact that there was a moving source of odor around him, Section Chief Zuo, who had even seen the Giant Watch, almost couldn't bear it, so he immediately raised his hand and pointed, and the bald man had to take a few steps back in humiliation.

Zuo Zhong then covered his mouth and nose and looked at the toilet. This was a newly built building during the renovation of the auditorium. There was a row of squatting pits on the right wall, and a small wooden door was opened in the corner of the left hand corner.

There are no windows on all sides. There are only seven or eight very small transom windows on the top of the wall directly opposite the door. Their effect is basically zero, otherwise the smoke bomb and the stench should have dissipated long ago.

 Other than that, there is nothing left to see.

“Where is this place?” Zuo Zhong pointed to the wooden door on the left.

“This is the storage room where the cleaning staff stores tools. We checked and found that there are only some mops, shovels, and wooden barrels. If necessary, they can be broken down. If there are hidden compartments, they can be easily found.”

The answer was Gui Youguang. The search was quite careful, but there was no need to demolish it. The assassin's coordinator was not in a position to build a permanent hidden compartment in the toilet, and the others were not blind.

Zuo Zhong walked slowly to the door of the storage room and opened the door with his hand. There was no sign of a lock on the door. It was obvious that no one could steal those tools. They were dirty and difficult to take out.


There seemed to be something wrong with this door. There was a hole near the ground. It would be difficult to spot it if you didn't look carefully. He thought for a while and looked up at the inside of the storage room.

The storage room is not large, with an area of ​​five or six square meters. It is not even equipped with electric lights. It can only be illuminated by the light from the toilet. It is very dark. It may take some time for the assassin to find poison here.

He thought for a moment and kicked the mop and bucket on the ground: "Take them all out and check if there are any layers. The place where the poison is hidden must be easy to find and retrieve. These tools are suitable."

 “Yes, section chief.”

Wu Chunyang shouted to the little agent at the door: "Come here a few people, take out the tools and check them carefully. Make sure to find a more private place, make less noise, and don't be discovered by others."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong walked out of the storage room, stood in the center of the toilet and looked around. At the end of the pit, there was a large water tank on the wall near the door. When the water level reached a certain level, it would automatically flush.


At this time, the water was pouring down, and the smell in the toilet was finally better. Of course, it might also be a psychological effect. He walked to the wall on the right and reached out to try to open the water tank cover.

 It’s a pity that it failed.

Zuo Chong is 1.8 meters tall, which is considered tall in this era. If even he can't open the water tank lid, it will be even harder for others to do it. It shows that the water tank is not a good place to hide things.

Then where will the things be hidden?

He pushed open the barriers of the squatting pit one by one. It was called a barrier, but it was actually a thin wooden board, about two or three centimeters thick, with a light layer of paint painted on the surface. It certainly couldn't hide items.

The squatting pit was empty except for some wastebaskets made of barbed wire. The walls were covered with cement and were very smooth with no signs of damage. Obviously, nothing could be hidden here.

Zuo Zhong looked solemn and walked around the toilet several times. Suddenly something occurred to him. He tilted his head and looked at the last row of squatting seats. That was the perfect place to hide items because it was safe enough.

If the assassins were crouching in the first few rows to handle bullets, and then threw the poisoned tools into the sewer after finishing, and then the water would carry them through the toilet and into the pit, they would be easily discovered.

At that time, as long as someone was squatting in other pits, they could see these things as soon as they lowered their heads, which greatly increased the risk of exposure. The assassins and connectors were not fools and would never take such a risk.

So if you take the poisoning tool to the last pit and then throw it away, there is also the possibility of being hit by someone, so disposing of the bullets in the last pit is the most reasonable choice.

Zuo Zhong quickly walked to the last squatting pit and asked someone to bring a flashlight to observe carefully. It only took a few seconds for him to discover that there was a reflective material on the wire of the wastebasket.

He carefully picked up the reflective object with a handkerchief and held it under the light of a flashlight to identify it. The object was crystal clear and had very sharp edges. It was a small piece of broken glass.

Zuo Zhong frowned slowly, glanced at the wastebasket, then lifted it up and turned it over. Several winding wires were clearly visible. It turned out that the other party had hidden the poison here.

With a smile on his face, the assassin's handler fixed the poison-applying tool to the bottom of the wastebasket with a wire. Yes, who would care about a dirty wastebasket, let alone touch it.

Wu Chunyang on the side saw this and clapped his hands: "It's really hidden here. It seems that our idea is correct. The suspected targets are among the cleaning staff, auditorium staff and people who borrowed the toilet."

You can go and take a look, it’s pretty good.



 (End of this chapter)

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