Cicada Moving

Chapter 368: Asking skills

 Chapter 368 Questioning Skills

Amidst the commotion, it was evening.

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang returned, bringing with them a long list of suspects. They were either staff in the auditorium, had used the toilet, or were cleaning staff, most of whom were women.

These people were not afraid either. They talked in groups of three or two in low voices, and laughed from time to time, as if they were not coming to the notorious Secret Service, but to some interesting place.

It's no wonder that if you can get a job in the National Government, even if it's cleaning toilets, there are some connections behind it. The Secret Service, which makes ordinary people weak when they hear it, can't scare them.

"Keep quiet, no talking." Gui Youguang roared and took out his gun: "Be honest, MD. If you continue to whisper, I will put you all in jail."

 “This big bald head is so fierce.”

 “My uncle is a lieutenant general and counselor.”

He didn't say it was okay, but when he said it, the crowd exploded. A few fashionably dressed ladies looked disdainful and announced their background. Director Dai had to show junior courtesy in front of these people.

Wu Chunyang broke into a cold sweat and quickly pressed his hands and explained: "Everyone, everyone, I am asking you to come here today just to cooperate with the investigation. I am definitely not trying to arrest you. Once the investigation is clear, you can leave."

The crowd calmed down now, but they were still chatting and looking in the mirror. They didn't pay attention to the warning at all. Some people even looked at the Secret Service compound curiously.

“MD.” Gui Youguang was furious.

"Okay, these people have a good relationship. If one of them is not good, it will cause big trouble. Just bear with it, let them go after checking it as soon as possible, and don't cause trouble for our section chief." Wu Chunyang sighed.

When doing things in the party-state, the most important thing is to offend as few people as possible, especially those with great supernatural powers. Otherwise, no matter how great the merits are, the words from the superiors that still need to be tempered will be enough for them to drink from a pot.

Gui Youguang was stunned, but he was not stupid. He naturally knew the truth behind this. In order not to cause trouble to the section chief and the intelligence department, he could only hold back the anger in his heart and led the crowd towards the detention center.

Just like that, he walked at the front, followed by the chirping suspects. This strange scene caused the agents to stop and watch, and Zuo Zhong in the office building also stuck his head out of the window.

Hello guys, are you going on a day trip to the Secret Service? Gui Youguang just needs a small flag in his hand.

Zuo Zhong stood at the window and shouted below: "What are you two doing? What are you so noisy about? Take them to the detention center and separate them into separate cells, and let the guards load them with live ammunition."

 Anyone who disobeys will be treated as an assassin and will be punished without even looking at where this place is. When we get here, the dragon is coiled up and the tiger is lying down. I will arrive in a moment and immediately start the screening and review. "

 “Okay, section chief.”

Gui Youguang replied. He had already seen that this group of people was unhappy, and immediately raised his pistol: "You heard what our commander said, please leave quickly. If you dare to talk nonsense again, you will be shot directly."

Perhaps they were frightened by Zuo Zhong's words about "loading live ammunition," or they thought of the seriousness of the assassination case. The suspects wisely closed their mouths, walked a little faster, and quickly reached the detention center.

As soon as they arrived at the detention center, these people were startled by various screams. In the past, they had only heard about how terrifying the Secret Service was, but these were just rumors. Now that they heard it with their own ears, they were finally scared.

 “How is it, have you found anything?”

Zuo Zhong walked over quickly, looked at the suspect with a fearful face, and asked.

Wu Chunyang whispered back: "According to secret observation, no suspicious persons were found, and there were no signs of collusion. Either the culprit was not among these people, or the other party was well hidden."

 “That’s easy.”

Gui Youguang said fiercely: "If you ask me to go straight to the means, trained intelligence officers are different from ordinary people. They can easily tell that the assassination case is an important case, and their backends dare not come forward."

"Shut up."

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes at him, counted the number of people and frowned: "There are more than 40 people, and only part of them can be arranged in the holding room, and the rest can be arranged in the yard, keeping a certain distance from each other.

I will find an interrogation room later and start questioning. I will question one person in 15 minutes. I will try to finish all the questions before tomorrow morning. I will preside over the interrogation alone. You can listen outside and do not interfere with my questioning. "

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang were chewing their teeth. The workload was not small. Even if each of the more than 40 suspects talked for 15 minutes, it would take at least 10 hours. They couldn't sleep at night.

 Gui Youguang touched his bald head and said: "It's not safe to ask alone, so let Wu Chunyang listen outside. I will accompany you in the interrogation. If there is an emergency, I can ensure your safety, section chief."

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "Once there are more than two people during the inquiry, the anxiety level of the interviewee will increase, and the chance of forming empathy will also decrease. One-to-one conversation is the best choice.

Even if a specific suspect is identified, the suspect is likely to treat you as an audience and refuse to answer questions, or treat the answers as a performance, making it difficult to get the real situation.

There are only a few hours before the incident occurs, and the internal intelligence in the National Government has not yet completely relaxed. Facing questioning may reveal the truth. All interference must be eliminated and the other party can relax as much as possible. ” ˆ ˆ Wu Chunyang raised another question: “Isn’t 15 minutes too short? No effective information can be obtained in this time. Should we extend it to half an hour? First ensure the length of the exchange. "

“No, in normal communication, we only have this long time to listen carefully to what others are saying. 15 minutes is exactly the critical point when people can concentrate and listen carefully.”

Zuo Zhong lowered his head and looked at his watch, and continued: "And today's conversation does not necessarily have to be fruitful. The degree of honesty one person has with another person is directly proportional to the number of times the two meet.

  In other words, obtaining a piece of information cannot be solved through one meeting, and a person's trust in another stranger cannot be generated in the first meeting.

 Don't think that you can slowly get to know each other and get closer to each other through long and calm conversations. In comparison, multiple short meetings are more effective. "

 Multiple times for a short period of time?

Wu Chunyang recalled that this was indeed the case. In previous interviews, unless torture was used, the effective communication time between himself and the suspect was almost 15 minutes or even less.

It is unrealistic to gather all the information in the first conversation. If the communication time is too long, it will make it difficult for the other party to concentrate, and the effect of the conversation will be greatly weakened.

He said thoughtfully: "Section Chief, the content and method of questioning need to be changed to some extent. We will definitely not be able to talk about substantive content in 15 minutes. I think we can not ask about the case for now."

 “Of course.”

Zuo Zhong smiled: "Listen carefully later, you will need it later, and pay attention to summarizing my communication method. This method is used by foreign intelligence agencies more often, and it is different from our method."

After speaking, he led the two of them to find a free interrogation room and made some changes to the layout. First, he moved out all the torture instruments and tables, leaving only a few lonely chairs.

 This can put both parties in the conversation in a relatively fair communication environment, reduce the resistance of the person being questioned, and avoid misjudgment in the outcome of the inquiry due to emotional fluctuations.

After all, most of the people being questioned are ordinary people. If you use conventional methods to ask, I am afraid that these people will be frightened and have a nervous breakdown before Zuo Zhong opens his mouth, and the inquiry will be meaningless.

After everything was prepared, he waved to Wu Chunyang outside the house: "Take people, starting with the people in the yard. The people in the holding room are not in a hurry. You should pay attention to the reactions of these people."

 “Okay, Section Chief.”

Wu Chunyang responded and left. Not long after, he brought back a young woman. Her words and demeanor were quite calm. She looked like she had seen big events. She was not sure which officer's descendant she was.

Zuo Zhong stood up slowly and propped up the back of the chair in a gentlemanly manner: "Please sit down."

 “Thank you.” The other party was not polite and sat down on the stool happily.

Zuo Zhong glanced at her and asked with a smile on his face: "My surname is Zuo. I don't know the lady's surname. My men were a little rude today, but it is related to the safety of the chairman. Please forgive me."

His attitude was very gentle, without intimidation or threats. After asking for names, he did not ask about the case. He just talked about gossip about Jinling, such as which dance hall has the latest dance music.

The other person was already very relaxed. After hearing these questions, he gradually let down his guard and started communicating with him happily. The two laughed when they talked about interesting things, as if they had known each other for a long time.

 In the end, within 15 minutes, Zuo Zhong successfully pocketed the minister's daughter's phone number, and then politely sent her out of the interrogation room, and asked Wu Chunyang to send someone to **** her out.

This Gui Youguang outside the room was confused. This was not an interrogation at all, just an ordinary chat. What useful information could be obtained from this kind of conversation? Could the section chief be tricking him?

Wu Chunyang saw something. He knew that the section chief was using affinity, and the content of the conversation also started from the observation results of the target, and talked about something that the other party was interested in.

Just like this fashionable rich lady, she wears a pair of flat leather shoes, which is a symbol of the trendy women in the new era of Jinling. Talking about the dance hall will naturally arouse the desire of the other party to communicate.

It is also easy for the other party to feel relaxed and feel that today's inquiry is just a conversation between friends, so they can talk about the details of their own life without any worries and provide clues for screening.

 Next, Zuo Zhong asked several people in succession. In addition to the friendly opening lines, he also used story-like opening lines and threatening opening lines based on the personality characteristics of different inquiry targets.

 When the target shows a state of being at a loss, facing this situation, he will use storytelling to arouse the other party's emotions, attract the other party's attention, and give the other party a guide.

 For example, I have a sister who is about the same age as the other person. She once did something wrong, but finally turned around in time, and other short stories, and use empathy to obtain a confession from the other person.

For those inquiry targets who are inherently resistant, using a gentle communication method is obviously not feasible, so what he does is to put a certain amount of pressure on the other party first.

For example, intimidating the other party is the last chance to let these people know the consequences of non-cooperation, and gradually increase the sense of urgency and fear, so as to disrupt the other party's thinking logic and win in chaos.

My uncle gave me a dozen crabs and a little bit of rice wine, which was very good.



 (End of this chapter)

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