Cicada Moving

Chapter 369: comminicate

Chapter 369 Communication

Wu Chunyang listened secretly and took notes in a small notebook.

These questioning techniques were his first contact with them. The training at the Hangzhou Police Academy did not include these contents. He may have experienced them in previous actual work, but they were not as systematic as Zuo Zhong's performance.

 Zuo Zhong’s method of opening the topic is also very special.

When encountering a target with a bad attitude, Zuo Zhong did not get angry, but took the initiative to talk about himself, the hard work and the unhappiness in life, and the other person would often continue chatting with him.

Wu Chunyang vaguely realized the key, that is, this is a kind of display, showing one's personal information to the other party, eliminating the other party's alertness, and thus starting an in-depth conversation.

This kind of conversation is sincere. People without professional training will unconsciously follow the conversation and unintentionally reveal their personal information and privacy. This is the purpose of Zuo Zhong.

 In short, chatting about topics that the other party is interested in can create a sense of identity; chatting about the current situation can build a common social understanding; chatting about gossip can shorten the distance between each other.

He was remembering outside that Zuo Zhong welcomed a middle-aged man into the room. As before, he politely asked the man to sit down, asked his name, and chatted about things unrelated to the case.

“Reporting to this officer, my name is Yue Dawu. I am a distant relative of Vice President Zhang of the Legislative Yuan. My usual job is to clean the auditorium.” The other party honestly told his identity and the relationship behind it.

“Haha, it’s okay, don’t be impatient.” Zuo Zhong smiled, waved his hand, and handed the other person a cigarette: “Mr. Yue, please speak slowly, today we are just chatting casually, and we will never wrong anyone casually.”

 “Thank you, sir.”

Yue Dawu took the cigarette without lighting it, but held it tightly in his hand. They searched him before they came in, and all dangerous goods and kindling materials were taken away. He obviously did not have the courage to borrow a fire from the people from the Secret Service.

Zuo Zhong looked at the other person's middle finger. The cigarette stains on it showed that this guy was a heavy smoker. He immediately lit a match and brought it to the other person's face. He smiled and signaled Yue Dawu to do whatever he wanted.

Yue Dawu swallowed his saliva, nodded and stood up, holding the fire with both hands, lighting the cigarette, and took another deep breath. As a result, he choked on the cigarette out of nervousness and coughed out tears.

 “Cough, cough, cough.”

 “Haha, Mr. Yue, slow down.”

Zuo Zhong patted his back gently, his tone was very kind, but he was feeling the other person's physical condition with his hands. If ordinary people in the Republic of China were used as a reference, this person's health was surprisingly good.

 To say he has a thick back and waist is an exaggeration, but the thick backbone shows that he has sufficient nutritional intake. However, considering that the other party works in the National Government, it is not unimaginable to eat well.

 “Thank you, sir, cough~”

Yue Dawu finally recovered. After thanking him, he tilted his head and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm onto the ground. Then he took another puff of cigarette happily, leaning forward with his hands and feet in a relaxed posture.

Zuo Zhong knew that the other party's mentality was now beginning to relax and he had developed a certain amount of trust in himself. At the same time, he would only make such an action when he felt safe and comfortable.

On the contrary, if people feel unsafe and uncomfortable, or if there is an intruder in a safe environment, then people's bodies will naturally tighten up and subconsciously act defensively.

Thinking of this, he handed over half of the pack of Hardmen and said with a smile: "I don't usually smoke much. If Mr. Yue likes it, just take it. It's a good use of everything. Don't be polite."

Zuo Zhong is very experienced in dealing with such little people in the market. A little profit is enough. Giving too much is not good, and he may ask for more benefits from you.


Yue Dawu hesitated for a few seconds, but finally couldn't resist the temptation and put it in his pocket with a smile: "Sir, you are so polite. You can ask whatever you want. I know everything about the National Government.

This is not a boast. I know which officer likes whom, and who is behind which female staff member. Don’t look at some of them, they are all naughty and do scandalous things behind their backs. Hehe. "

He looked a little proud, and raised his eyebrows at Zuo Zhong obscenely. It seemed that he usually listened to Qiang Gen, but he was a good young man from the secret service headquarters. Those **** from Qiang Gen were the professionals.

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded. Now is not the time for him to speak. Some people like to ramble when talking, as if the whole world has been talking about it, but they haven't gotten to the topic yet.

Most of them have a strong sense of inferiority and anxiety, and do not have the necessary respect for other people. They always want others to surround them and hope that they are the most visible person.

They also have a strong desire to control and possessiveness. When talking to others, they will always unconsciously talk about areas they are familiar with, or they will only talk about topics and things that interest them.

 Obviously Yue Dawu is such a person.

 Such people are often clever, clever, and pushy. Their talk actually conveys a message to everyone, that is, I know a lot.

 So Zuo Zhong didn’t need to say anything. As long as he kept listening, the other party would tell them everything. When encountering such an interrogation target, it was a rare break for intelligence personnel.

"Just like those young ladies in the auditorium. They look very beautiful, like the seven fairies in the sky, but there are people behind them. Sir, tell me what they can give those sires." Yue Dawu grinned with his mouth full. Huang Ya, who was mysterious and mysterious, seemed to be talking about some secret. He got excited and talked about all kinds of tidbits by name, including Dai Chunfeng's.

“If you don’t talk about other people, let’s talk about you, Director Dai. Didn’t you also raise a child in the National Government? Every time we meet, he is sneaky, just like the elaborate joints in the play.

Those little girls are really pretty, and they are considered to be at the top of the list in the National Government. You, the officers, are comfortable. You are getting your military pay, drinking some wine, and just having fun. "

Yue Dawu seemed to recall something when he said this, and a flush appeared on his dark face. This person is really a coward. He dares to arrange Lao Dai in the Secret Service. He really doesn't know how to live or die.

But if you say this, then I won’t be sleepy, I have to elaborate.

Zuo Zhong didn’t expect that the cheap teacher was old-minded and imitated Xu Enzeng. Could it be that the legendary taste of Boss Dai was true? He couldn’t say for sure. Many things may not be groundless.

 But thinking about it carefully, he felt something was wrong. Dai Chunfeng didn't have a wife now, so he didn't need to be so careful even if he found an outside room. Could it be that he was playing Cosprey? He had to find a chance to take a look.

However, I don’t know what the people in the Nationalist government thought about arranging people like Yue Dawu to clean toilets. Zuo Zhong was sure that this person must have done some dirty things in his job.

This can be seen from what he just said. Since Dai Chunfeng saw that woman very mysteriously, how did Yue Dawu find out and follow her? Only by following her could she discover this matter.

 And certainly more than once.

Zuo Zhong pretended to be complimentary and said: "Mr. Yue is indeed well-informed, but do you remember how many people entered the toilet in the auditorium this morning? This matter is related to the assassin case. Once the case is solved, there will be a heavy reward.

 Let me tell you the truth Zuo, as long as the clues you provide are useful, not only can you get thousands of yuan in bonuses, but even if you want to become an official in the National Government, it is not impossible. "

Even though this person is scolding officials, he is just jealous in his heart. The reason why he scolds these people is not because they harm the country and the people, but because he cannot harm the country and the people. This is human nature.

Yue Dawu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he opened his mouth to say something, but then he smacked his lips, with a look of embarrassment on his face, as if he had something to hide, and he hesitated to speak.

"Mr. Yue, please feel free to say that no matter who or anything is involved in this matter, our Secret Service will not pursue it and will keep it confidential for you." Zuo Zhong knew that this guy had concerns.


Yue Dawu thought about it again and again, and finally said hesitantly: "I am over forty and I am not a woman, so sometimes I am more concerned about the toilet, but I really just take a peek."

 “It’s okay, just tell the truth.”

Zuo Zhong sneered in his heart, and nodded with understanding on the surface. After all, scum also needs to be recognized. He must first deceive the clues into his hands, and then he can do whatever he wants to deal with them. This is justice for God.

The small hole on the door of the storage room of the women's restroom in the auditorium was probably used by this guy to peek in. No wonder it was so low and hidden. He might have seen something this morning.

Yue Dawu licked his lips: "When the auditorium opened in the morning, I went in and cleaned it. Those who have been to the women's restroom were all brought here by you. I will tell you everything the sir wants to know."

 “Don’t be nervous.”

Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes: "I just want to know one thing. Who went to the last place today? Mr. Yue wants to tell them all. Please note that I said none."

Yue Dawu was a little puzzled: "The last position? Not many people have been there. I remember only three people, Luo Ailing from the general affairs, Zhuang Meiyun in charge of the auditorium supplies, and Min Ping from the accounting office.

  Oh, yes, there is also a reporter who has never been to the National Government before. You have to check this yourself, sir. The woman was wearing brown Shanghai-style clothes and looked very fashionable. "

 A stylish female reporter?

In the file Gu Qi gave him, there was a person who met the conditions and entered the scene as a reporter from the Central Daily News. It has been sifted. It is obvious that she is the assassin who handled the bullets in the toilet.

 Luo Ailing, Zhuang Meiyun, Min Ping.

Zuo Zhong recited it in his mind, and the culprit should be among these three people. Their information has been reviewed by new people, which means that there is no problem in the files, and it seems that the other party has hidden it very deeply.

I'm afraid it's unrealistic to use ordinary methods to find someone. He can only talk face to face with gongs and drums. He doesn't believe that he can do such a big thing. This spy can really make his mind calm.

He thought for a long time, then turned around and shouted outside: "Chunyang, go and bring Luo Ailing, Zhuang Meiyun, and Min Ping over. Remember to call them separately so that no one thinks they are being questioned together.

By the way, let the brothers in other interrogation rooms work harder and ask No. 1 and Liu Gui's gang of **** to shout louder. When the people arrive, you and Gui Youguang will also come in to listen to the interrogation and cooperate with my actions. "


Wu Chunyang put down his pen and hurried out. While executing the order, he was thinking. The section chief called three people at once to ask if there were any clues. The internal agent was among these three people?

 (End of this chapter)

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