Cicada Moving

Chapter 372: defensive lies

Chapter 372 Defensive Lies

Zuo Zhong glanced at the people present and suddenly asked: "Mr. Yue, you said that Min Ping's trip to the toilet this morning was no different from usual, and the time was about the same. Can you elaborate on it?"


Yue Dawu smiled awkwardly: "Miss Min goes to the toilet very quickly and very quickly. Every time she goes to the toilet, she is always in the last row, which is inconvenient for observation, so I rarely peek at her."

 “Very good, Mr. Yue, you are very good.”

Zuo Zhong smiled happily after hearing this, tapped his fingers on his leg, and looked up at Min Ping: "Miss Min, please explain why you go to the same location and at the same time every time.

Forgive Zuo for speaking directly. Is it possible that you always check your watch when you go to the toilet? Regardless of the size, you come out at a fixed time. Is there anything in the last place worth visiting frequently? "

When Yue Dawu spoke, Min Ping lowered her head with a blush on her face. She seemed to be shy. She had been very low-key since she came in and had no sense of presence, even worse than the fainted Zhuang Meiyun.

She was following Luo Ailing. Except for one-on-one conversations, Luo Ailing took part in all other exchanges. From this look, it seemed that this wealthy lady was very moral and her words and deeds were very confusing.

When Zuo Zhong asked, she stammered and replied: "There are often people at other seats. I didn't want to wait any longer, so I went to the last seat. Over time, I developed this habit."

When she said these words, Zuo Zhong moved and leaned forward. While listening to the other party's words, he kept nodding his head, showing a very interested look.

However, Min Ping seemed unmoved and continued to answer the question: "The toilet is very dirty. I won't stay longer. A few minutes is the limit. Isn't it normal that the time is short and the time it takes is about the same?"

 She is lying.

Zuo Zhong immediately made a judgment. The difference between lies and truth lies in continuity. If the truth is interrupted, it can be easily continued. This is because it is supported by the internal logic of real existence.

Once the lie is interrupted and there is a problem with the fabricated logic, the liar will either speak without hesitation or use various methods to think and try to find a reasonable excuse.

In order not to be interrupted, Min Ping chose to finish the matter in one breath, without any shyness, and even a little aggressive. This was different from her previous performance, and it was another flaw.

  She has a problem, and it’s a big one.

Zuo Zhong looked at the harmless appearance of the other party and knew that this was a professionally trained liar, because she not only did not pause nor make any unnecessary movements when she spoke.

This is not an easy thing. People will unconsciously make certain actions when lying. This is not as mysterious as in criminal investigation dramas, but some are unavoidable physiological reactions.

For example, when a person lies, a chemical called catecholamines is released, causing itching in the nasal cavity. People can only frequently rub their nose with their hands to relieve the itching symptoms.

This has nothing to do with the culture, race and experience of the person being asked. As long as he is an individual, he will have such a reaction without training, unless long-term training is used to overcome this nature.

 “Section chief, section chief?”

Zuo Zhong came back from his thoughts and realized that it was Wu Chunyang who was reminding him. He looked at the three suspects in front of him. They were looking at him curiously, obviously guessing what he was thinking.

 The next second he straightened his legs, bent down and rested his elbows on his legs, crossed his hands in front of his mouth, glanced around with sharp eyes, suddenly smiled on his face, and started talking about something off-topic.

“Do you all here know what a lie is? Lies, according to the Oxford Dictionary, can be called the language of lying. They come in many forms, but their essence is deception.

 The speaker, for the purpose of deception, pretends that something he does not understand or believe is true, or deliberately creates some false or misleading information. Does Ms. Min think it is right? "

“I don’t know.” Min Ping shook her head nervously when she heard this.

 “Okay, let’s continue.”

Zuo Zhong didn’t mind either and continued: “Based on this definition, we can know that lies have two basic characteristics. First, the content of lies is false, and second, the purpose of lying is to deceive.

 In terms of expression, there are pathological lies motivated by self-destruction, meaningless social lies, immoral and malicious lies, and altruistic lies that satisfy the needs of the listener.

There are also defensive lies to protect yourself or others. Let me test you. If what Miss Min just said is a lie, then everyone can tell which type of lie this lie belongs to. "

 “Defensive lies.”

The first one to speak was Gui Youguang. After saying this, he stared at Min Ping, trying to find evidence of lying from the other party's reaction. He seemed to have determined that Min Ping was the spy.

 “Defensive lies.”

 “Defensive lies.”

  Next, except for Min Ping who did not answer, everyone else gave their own answers. This question is not difficult to answer. Lying in front of the Secret Service is naturally to protect yourself. Luo Ailing and Zhuang Meiyun quietly moved their chairs after answering. They were not fools, so they naturally knew the meaning of this question. Min Ping was probably related to today's assassin.

Zuo Zhong ignored the intrigue between the three women and said with a smile: "Very good, since everyone agrees with this, let me talk more about the characteristics of defensive lies.

  1. Defensive liars will try their best to shirk responsibility. This is for the purpose of protecting themselves and others. No matter what kind of lies they fabricate, this will not change. This is one of them.

 Second, defensive liars' statements often appear in the form of negation, such as the person did not kill me, I did not do it, I did not do this voluntarily, I was only forced to do so, etc. "

 At this point, he looked at Min Ping with a smile on his face and asked another question.

“Ms. Min, if Zuo remembers correctly, when you just answered my question, you said that you went to the same location because there were often people at other locations, and it became a habit for you not to wait any longer.

  The explanation is that the length of time you go to the toilet is the same, and you use the reason that the toilet is too dirty and you won’t stay longer. What I said is correct, haha. Looking at it this way, it does look like a defensive lie. "

This is not a resemblance at all, but exactly the same.

The two sentences "There are people in other places and the toilet is too dirty" are, in a sense, shirking responsibility, indicating that the matter was not decided by her, but was done as a last resort due to the actual situation.

As for not willing to wait any longer and not willing to wait any longer, it is easier to understand. They are standard negative sentence patterns. These two sentences also imply that something has nothing to do with you, so a problem arises.

 There is nothing to hide when going to the toilet.

Wu Chunyang secretly held the gun, and Gui Youguang moved with tacit understanding and stood behind Min Ping. The two of them worked in tandem, restricting each other's movements and preparing to arrest him at any time.

Zuo Zhong straightened up and said with a smile: "Should I call you Miss Min, or someone from the Nandou team, Tianfu? No, you are too young and are not suitable to be the team leader based on your experience.

Tianliang star? Tianliang was called the longevity star in ancient times. Your age is not suitable. Well, so to speak, you are not the Tiantongxing, Tianxiangxing or Qixuixing. The meanings of these astrological signs are more in line with male characteristics.

 Tianji? You are the secret star of the Nandou team. You leak secrets. Haha, in your position, you have the opportunity to obtain important information, such as Minister He's specific itinerary to North China. "

As soon as these words came out, Min Ping, who had been keeping her head down, suddenly trembled.

“Why don’t you say anything? We know more things than you think. For example, the team that carried out the assassination mission is called Beidou. Their leader Tianshu is next door right now. Do you want to meet him?

His situation is not good. With the tiger bench and the branding iron, and having to undergo counter-torture methods, he may not be able to hold on for long. It is a blessing for him to see you, a fellow countryman, before he dies. "

Zuo Zhong smiled happily, stood up and walked to Min Ping: "So, Miss Tianji, let's not waste time. You have been lurking for so long, you should know the capabilities of the Secret Service.

 Whether you speak or not, you will eventually speak when faced with those punishments, so why not skip the uncomfortable parts and go straight to the point. This will be a good thing for you and me. "

Min Ping fell into silence, obviously not knowing how to deal with it. From this point of view, she was not as good as Xiao Qingmin and Vanessa. Her mental quality was too poor, which also had something to do with the tasks she performed.

If she usually performs action tasks, she may be able to hold on for a while longer. After all, confrontation during action can exercise a person's mental endurance and will, which is an added bonus.

Long-term lurking is a kind of torture for spies. No one with a big heart can do this job, and the longer the time, the greater the pressure the lurker needs to bear, which is a subtraction.

 Lawkers must have a strong psychological defense line. What to do, there is no other way but to compete with themselves and constantly adjust their psychology to make themselves last longer.

 Otherwise, in the face of sudden danger, she will be at a loss like Min Ping. This does not mean that she is unprofessional. Long-term lurking requires not only professional skills, but also a firm belief.

With faith, the latent pressure becomes a whetstone. The longer time passes, the sharper the latent person will be, hiding in the most inconspicuous place, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

For example, underground parties.

Does the Japanese have faith? Yes, their respect for locusts and the so-called Bushido are a kind of faith. However, this brainwashing type of mental control is very fragile and requires continuous indoctrination.

But after Min Ping stayed in the Republic of China for such a long time, she still had some spirit of devotion to the Locusts left in her heart, but maybe not much. Her silence proved this, and she had to seize this opportunity.

Zuo Zhong said sincerely: "Miss Min must not make mistakes. You have done enough for your motherland. Think more about yourself. Wouldn't it be better to leave your precious life and enjoy life?"

He immediately turned his head and winked. Wu Chunyang asked people to take Yue Dawu and others out. He stood guard at the door. Only Zuo Zhong, Min Ping and Gui Youguang, who was responsible for security, were left in the interrogation room.

 (End of this chapter)

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