Cicada Moving

Chapter 373: trade

Chapter 373 Transaction

 Zuo Zhong sat down again and clapped his hands: "Okay, there are no more people now. Miss Min, if you have anything to say or need, please just ask and we will do our best to satisfy you."

His tone is full of temptation. Excluding the influence of faith, there is no one in this world who cannot be bribed. If you cannot be bribed, it is simply because the price is not enough, and the Secret Service can afford a large price.

 Money, rights, a passport from any country in the world.

As long as Min Ping is willing to surrender and confess, these are not problems. Exchanging money for information is the most cost-effective deal. Besides, contract execution will always encounter some force majeure situations.

In short, as long as the other party opens his mouth, she has no control over her. Even if she crosses the river and burns the bridge, what can Min Ping do? Is it possible to go to court to sue him? If you are in the intelligence business, you can't even think about being a good person.

For the sake of the country and the nation, Zuo Zhong doesn’t even mind cooperating with the devil. It’s not a big deal to deceive a Japanese intelligence officer. After all, his job is to deceive. This can only be said that he is professional enough.

Min Ping thought about it for a while and suddenly raised her head and asked expressionlessly: "The information you are talking about is not from Tianshu. Every intelligence team leader is the best warrior. He will never do this."

 “You are right.”

Seeing that she finally spoke, Zuo Zhong cheered up and said, "He is indeed a brave man. He did not speak even when faced with severe torture, so his outcome is destined to be shattered into pieces."

 When he mentioned the four words "shattered to pieces", his tone was full of murderous intent. The other party should understand what he meant. In this case, "broken to pieces" was not an adjective, but a verb.

If he didn't speak, Tianshu would really be cut into pieces, and even his body would be cut into pieces while he was still alive.

Min Ping's face turned paler, and she understood the deeper meaning. As a professional intelligence officer, she had heard of many cruel methods. Logically speaking, she shouldn't be afraid, but she was not facing it in person.

 There is great terror between life and death, and it is not something to be said casually.

Seeing her reaction, Zuo Zhong said seriously: "You are only 22 years old, you have a lot of youth to squander, you should not stay in a dark prison, and you should not die an ugly death.

They say that there are many opportunities in life, but only three are important. As long as you seize once, you can change your destiny. Now, this opportunity is in front of you, please cherish it, Miss Min. "

Min Ping closed her eyes after hearing this. She was indeed very young and had a long way to go. Do she really want to devote herself to the empire? What could she get, a postcard of a few yen?

Having been lurking in the Republic of China for these years, watching the rise and fall of dignitaries and the intrigues and political struggles, she understood that there is only two words for the rules of the world - interest.

 The empire wanted to invade the Republic of China for profit. The royal family, nobles, financial tycoons, and civilians who lost their jobs and land would benefit from the war, but what did these have to do with themselves?

Over the years, she has eaten and drank well, and earned a good salary every month. When she is happy, she will go to the bookstores on Taiping South Road or go to the Western clothing stores in Shanghai. She doesn't know how happy she is.

 So why should we be buried with irrelevant people and things? People who do not care for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth. This sentence is not only valid for the Chinese people. This is a wise maxim that applies to all countries.

After a long moment, she sighed: "My code name is Tianji, and I belong to the Nandou Intelligence Group of the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department. My direct superior is Tianfu. I was ordered to lurk in the National Government and wait for opportunities to steal intelligence.

Whether it was the Beidou team that carried out the assassination mission, I don't know their specific situation. In fact, if Mr. Zuo hadn't explained it, I wouldn't have known there was a Beidou team at all.

The task I received was to observe the activities of the secret service headquarters within the National Government, bring poison in and hide it in the toilet. For this purpose, I conducted many rehearsals, and only then did you see the flaw.

As for the situation of the Nandou Group, only one person in Tianfu has control over it. There is a single line of communication between me and him. The contact method is the dead mailbox. I am willing to cooperate with your country and tell the location of the dead mailbox.

If your country can capture him, not only can it capture the Nandou Group, but it can also obtain part of the Beidou Group's intelligence, because the two groups should be in contact, but I have a request. "

Min Ping quickly gave up her resistance. This seemed like a child's play, but according to relevant statistics, only one in ten intelligence officers who were captured during intelligence operations could remain silent.

The remaining nine-tenths all succumbed to coercion and inducement. In the final analysis, intelligence personnel are just normal people who have undergone strict training. Since they are normal people, they have various weaknesses.

  “But it’s okay to say it.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand with a serious look on his face. Although he could only get a dead mailbox location, he finally had a clear clue. He didn't have to run around like a headless fly. It was worth trading with the other party.

At that time, when searching for the special work class radio station, the Intelligence Division also found the dead mailbox, and then followed the clues to arrest the person. Now he directly knows the location of the dead mailbox, and he is confident that he can find Tianfu.

Min Ping stared at Zuo Zhong and said straight to the point: "I want you to ensure my safety and send me out of the Republic of China immediately after catching Tianfu. I want to go to America, North and South America are fine.

 In addition, I need thirty thousand U.S. dollars. This is not an astronomical figure. I am not the kind of person who is greedy. Thirty thousand U.S. dollars is enough for me to start a new life in a new country. Do you agree? ” ˆ ˆ Zuo Zhong pondered for a few seconds and extended his right hand: “It’s a pleasure to cooperate. "

Safety is the most basic condition. Thirty thousand US dollars is also within his authority. If the other party proposes a reward of one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand US dollars, he will have to write a bad check if he has no choice but to do so.

This woman is very smart and knows that one bird in the hand is worse than a thousand birds in the forest. Too harsh conditions will only kill herself. Now both parties can get what they need without worrying about other things.

Min Ping shook hands with him: "The location of the dead mailbox is outside the east wall of Kunlu Temple, under the tenth tree from north to south. The password is from the Jinling Evening News of the previous day. The information needs to be handwritten by me.

So you were right not to kill me. As long as the handwriting on the intelligence is wrong, Tianfu will immediately put the Nandou team into hibernation. In this way, it will be difficult for you to find him again. "

Zuo Zhong nodded after hearing this. The standard intelligence team contact method is very primitive but reliable. Unless there is something wrong with the intelligence agent himself, the dead mailbox will be very safe, but this alone is not enough.

So he continued to ask: "How do you notify him to pick up the mail, how do you give him a task, what are the emergency contact information, and the means of early warning. There is no need for you to hide it anymore.

 You must be sincere in your cooperation. In this way, we will let you go later, and we will also give you the $30,000, and make sure that Yue Dawu, Luo Ailing and Zhuang Meiyun will not reveal your identity. How about that? "

Min Ping originally wanted to bargain, at least to have some initiative, so as to prevent the Secret Service from burning bridges. But now that she heard this condition, it was beyond her expectation and she felt a little hesitant.

Once she revealed these key pieces of information, the only card left in her hand was handwritten intelligence, and the handwriting could be imitated. She did not want to bet on the character of the other party, and the intelligence personnel had no integrity at all.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, she decided to say it. If she didn't say anything, there would be nothing. If she said it, at least there would still be hope. Anyway, she had decided to surrender, so why not take a gamble, or she would die.

Min Ping no longer hesitated and puffed up her chest to encourage herself: "I deliver and receive intelligence every three days. If there is no intelligence or order to be transmitted, both parties will put in a blank piece of paper.

 The specific time is six o'clock in the evening. If I release the information at other times, it means that I have been exposed. Tianfu will choose to rescue or silence me. This is only the first warning method.

If urgent contact is needed, Tianfu and I will publish a notice in the Jinling Evening News, looking for a 45-year-old middle-aged man named Wang Qinian, and verify that the last word of each paragraph is the same.

There is another means of early warning. When I feel that I am in danger or being followed, I will open all the curtains on the day when the intelligence is released, and Tianfu will determine whether it is safe near my residence. "

 The Japanese are very cautious.

Zuo Zhong had only one feeling after listening to it. All contact methods have double verification. Even if it is a warning, there is no need to communicate in person, which completely isolates the physical contact between group members.

If Min Ping had not cooperated with them, even if they knew the location of the dead mailbox or emergency contact information, it would be basically impossible to find Tianfu because of the lack of necessary verification information.

Zuo Zhong reviewed the information he had obtained in his mind and asked two questions: "There are still a few days until your next contact with Tianfu. You said before that he was in contact with the Beidou team. Why."

“At six o’clock tomorrow night, the last time I contacted you was to report the number of people and patrol routes at the Secret Service Headquarters. Today the Beidou team is completely based on this information. They must be in contact.

Moreover, when I received the order to collect intelligence earlier, Tianfu clearly told me that poison should be placed in the last row of squatting seats in the women's toilet. This shows that Tianfu knows the composition of the Beidou team.

The combination of these two points is enough for me to speculate that there is contact between the Nandou and Beidou groups. I don’t know exactly how to contact them. It may be a radio station, or it may be a dead mailbox between the two team leaders. "

Min Ping is a qualified intelligence officer. It is just her nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death. The information she disclosed has a certain degree of credibility. The most valuable thing is that she deduced that the two groups are in contact based on the order.

This aspect confirms the information the Intelligence Section obtained from Wang Deyong. At that time, Vanessa made the two intelligence teams radio silent and asked the two intelligence teams to work together to complete the assassination mission.

There must be some kind of communication channel between Beidou and Nandou. Zuo Zhong did not mention this in the conversation. It was Min Ping who took the initiative. From this point of view, she has a certain degree of sincerity in cooperation.

But it cannot be ruled out that this woman is playing tricks, such as reporting a message to Tianfu. There is too much room for maneuver here. A punctuation mark or a small word can be used as an early warning method.

Zuo Zhong thought for a long time, and then said with a smile: "The US$30,000 will be delivered at any time. Your promise to let Miss Min go is also valid. I hope you can help us catch Mr. Tianfu.

To achieve this goal, please ask Miss Min to write a confession about your true identity, origin, and surrender process. By the way, write a few more pieces of false information as requested by Zuo. "

The confession was for control, and the false information was for identification. He didn't believe it. Min Ping had the ability to leave warning signs in all the false information. If it were like this, it would be easy to see through.

 (End of this chapter)

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