Cicada Moving

Chapter 374: Tianfu's tail

Chapter 374 The Tail of Tianfu

They were all intelligence officers. Min Ping knew Zuo Zhong's plan very well, but she was relieved. Only living people need confessions, not dead people. This means that the other party did not lie to her.

“Mr. Zuo, I will write down all my experiences, but if the news of you taking people away from the National Government spreads, the Heavenly Government will definitely be vigilant when they know about it.” Min Ping proactively reminded.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction: "Of course I know this. After you finish writing, we will release everyone except Yue Dawu and the others on the spot. You can just follow the crowd and leave the Secret Service."

This is just in case. Judging from the contents of the secret message sent by the Nandou team, it is very unlikely that these members are in the same department. In just one day, Tianfu may not know that Min Ping was arrested.

 The most likely possibility is that he would secretly observe near Min Ping's residence, or learn about the investigation of the assassination case through other members. In short, he lacked direct access to the case.

 Unless he is in the Secret Service.

 But Zuo Zhong quickly ruled out this possibility. If the other party was really lurking in the Secret Service, then the Beidou team should have been well prepared when they rushed into the auditorium today, at least they would not have died so miserably.

 But there is no absolute in everything.

He thought and added: "It is difficult to hide our investigation from everyone. If Tianfu chooses to show up to contact you and ask about what happened today, you don't have to hide anything from him.

 You can tell him that this is just an ordinary investigation. You have not been tortured and there are no traces of torture. Your safety is the first consideration. Do not try to extract information from him. "

Zuo Zhong was worried that Tianfu would personally screen out Min Ping. The assassination operation was only half successful. Tianfu would definitely look for the reason, and Min Ping was the best way, although the possibility was slim.

 Intelligence operations are full of changes, and no one can be sure of Tianfu's actions. If this guy breaks the rules and Min Ping leaks information in front of the other party, they must be prepared to be left empty-handed.

 “Thank you, Mr. Zuo, let’s get started.”

After listening to Zuo Zhong’s arrangement, Min Ping thought it was a good idea to let her lie in front of Tianfu. She was really scared. After working together for so long, she knew very well how cruel Tianfu was.

 Once the lie is exposed, the only thing waiting for her is death. If she says something like this that is half true and half false, the probability of hiding it from the other party is greatly increased. It seems that the Chinese really care about her life and death.

Thinking of this, she wrote down her identity and background with a relaxed expression. In her statement of surrender, she sincerely scolded the Kwantung Army, which was regarded as a submission.

 This woman is a smart person.

Zuo Zhong probably knows what Min Ping is thinking, but he wants to tell her that you are thinking too much. All he wants is information. The life and death of the other party is not important. If necessary, he will send her to die at any time.

However, after Min Ping wrote the confession and seven or eight pieces of false information as required, a certain performing artist still showed a satisfied expression and carefully checked the false information.

These false reports contain no abrupt or inconsistent word order, no deliberately long or short sentences, and no tricks such as acrostics. There seems to be no problem.

Zuo Zhong randomly picked out one and handed it to Min Ping: "It's good that Miss Min has this attitude. When you go out, just follow your usual habits. Tianfu may secretly monitor you.

 Go to work as usual tomorrow and don’t mention anything about today. At 6 o’clock tomorrow you put this false information into the dead mailbox. Your mission will be completed by then and leave the rest to us.

 When the matter is over, in addition to promising that your conditions will remain unchanged, we will announce to the outside world that you have been shot dead. You do not have to worry about your relatives in Japan being liquidated. This is our sincerity. "

 “Thank you, Mr. Zuo.”

Min Ping bowed deeply when she heard this: "I will definitely do my best to help you capture Tianfu."

“Well, then I won’t send Miss Min as a gift.”

Zuo Zhong replied perfunctorily, and shouted to Wu Chunyang at the door: "Send Miss Min out, and by the way, let go of everyone who has been questioned before. You will be responsible for all other inquiries.

 Let a batch of people go after questioning them. There is no need to send people to follow them, just follow the normal procedures, and there is no need to deliberately let them go. If there are any problems, arrest them immediately. Just try what you summarized today. "

 He ​​had seen Wu Chunyang's actions a long time ago. Any boss would be pleased with such a subordinate who loves learning. The next inquiry is not important and he can give him a try.

 “Yes, section chief.”

Wu Chunyang felt happy and stretched out his hand towards the door happily: "Miss Min, please."

Min Ping bent down slightly, followed Wu Chunyang out of the interrogation room, walked to the yard, and took a deep breath of air. She suddenly felt that being arrested might be a good thing, at least she was free.

 Out of the control of the Kwantung Army, she could do whatever she wanted. She didn't have to lurk in the Republic of China with fear, she didn't have to hide her preferences, and she didn't have to worry about her parents and friends back home.

 What a wonderful day.

 Min Ping is gone, but the work of the Intelligence Section is not over. Zuo Zhong read the other party's confession carefully and found that the Nandou team, at least Min Ping, came to Jinling earlier than Vanessa and Wang Deyong, which was consistent with Wang Deyong's confession.

Their usual task is to collect all kinds of intelligence. The information about Minister He's trip to North China was obtained by Min Ping through certain channels. To be precise, it was the result of intelligence analysis.

Min Ping works in the accounting office of the auditorium. The expenses of the auditorium are no secret to her. Whenever the expenses of the auditorium suddenly increase, it means that the National Government has held an important meeting.

 The Nationalist Government decided to resolve disputes with Southwest China first, and North China adopted the policy of avoiding military conflicts as much as possible. The same was true at the meeting when Minister He took over the Peking Military Commission.

That meeting lasted for a long time, and the expenses spent on the meeting exceeded that of any previous meeting, especially the purchase of multiple large-scale maps of Southwest and North China for the participants to review.

Min Ping used this to deduce the main topic of the meeting, which was that the Nationalist Government was evaluating the war between the north and the south. This matter was not a secret, and many people within the government knew about it.

But what was terrible was that after the meeting, when Min Ping was counting the meeting supplies, she found that the map of southwest China was basically gone, and there were only a few maps of north China missing. She asked the guard why she needed to register.

As a result, the map of North China was taken away by Minister He’s secretary. Now any intelligence officer with some experience could guess that the government’s strategic focus was on the southwest war, and Minister He was in charge of North China.

Minister He studied in Japan in his early years, and his attitude toward Japan was quite ambiguous. He could not be said to be pro-Japanese, but he was definitely pro-Japanese. The purpose of sending such a skinhead to North China is obvious.

Zuo Zhong sighed helplessly, it was so pervasive.

The confidentiality of that meeting was very strict, but with just a few maps, the spy was able to make assumptions that were completely consistent with the facts, which made him think more about intelligence operations.

 Intelligence operations are not only life and death, but sometimes an inadvertent move can allow the other party to grasp your weaknesses and gain insight into your plans. This incident is a painful lesson.

With He Yingqin's overt and covert income, couldn't he afford to buy a map? However, this group of people are used to taking advantage of the country, leading to the leakage of major national policies. This person really deserves to die.

 “Wang Ba Dan.”

Zuo Zhong threw the confession book on the table and cursed under his breath. Listening to the screams in the interrogation room next to him, he thought about the action plan against Tianfu. This opponent was not easy to deal with.

  He has isolated himself from the relationship network of all his subordinates. If you want to find him, you can only follow the dead mailbox. The other party must also know this, so he will definitely carry out counter-tracking.

 Tracking and counter-tracking are the relationship between spears and shields. There is no strongest spear, and there is no so-called strongest shield. On a certain occasion, at a certain point in time, there may be a distinction between superior and inferior.

Tracking such an old spy is like walking a tightrope. Any oversight will lead to the failure of the operation. At the same time, there are too many uncertainties. Zuo Zhong has been trying his best to avoid this situation.

Now what he has to consider is how to track with the minimum risk. The method of finding the Butterfly Group is obviously not feasible. The air force's attack on Wutong Street has already been widely spread.

 Have to find another way.

Zuo Zhong asked someone to bring him a map of Jinling and quickly found the location of the dead mailbox. Kunlu Temple was just east of the National Government. The dead mailbox was set up here to facilitate the delivery of intelligence.

He picked up a pen and drew a circle on the map, including Kunlu Temple. Then he checked the surrounding environment. At this time, he found that Kunlu Temple did not seem to be suitable for intelligence communication.

Kunlu Temple is adjacent to the Communications Corps and the National Government to the west, to the north is the army prison and the military academy officer corps station, to the south is a small street, and to the east is the moat of Jinling City.

These places are either heavily guarded military and political institutions, streets with a large flow of people, or river banks with unobstructed views. It can be said that apart from being close to Minping, they have no advantages.

Why did Tianfu put the dead mailbox in this place?

Zuo Zhong put himself into the role of Tianfu and tried to find out the reasons. First of all, the first requirement for setting up a dead mailbox is safety and confidentiality, and the second is to facilitate the delivery and recovery of intelligence.

And Kunlu Temple only occupies one of them, there must be a more suitable location nearby. Unless it is necessary, as a senior intelligence officer, Tianfu should not arrange it like this.

Is it necessary to do this?

There is only one explanation for this, and that is that it is safe for Tianfu, for example, it is convenient for observation. Is he a prison staff member? An officer from the military academy? Or someone from the Traffic Corps?

The Army Prison is blocked by high walls. Except for the officers and soldiers patrolling the wall, no one else can see the movement around the dead mailbox. However, the working hours of the prison are too fixed, making it difficult to move and exclude.

The same is true for the military academy. It is even worse than a prison. The walls of the military academy have no place to look out except for the power grid. Tianfu cannot climb the wall with a ladder to monitor the mailbox.

 The Transportation Corps is a professional logistics force affiliated with the Military Commission. Its scope of work includes but is not limited to engineers and radio. It can observe the National Government in the west and Kunlu Temple in the east.

 But when the security for the previous meeting was carried out, Wu Chunyang arranged sharpshooters inside. If the other party was in the traffic corps, it was impossible not to get wind of it, so this place can be excluded.

Zuo Zhong frowned, wondering where the other party was hiding. There were only a few suitable places around him. After a few minutes, his eyes slowly moved to the east of the map, and there was a place that he seemed to have overlooked.

   Two chapters 6700



 (End of this chapter)

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