Cicada Moving

Chapter 390: final preparations

Chapter 390 Final preparations

 “Yes, Lao Wu, you go ahead and say it.”

Wu Chunyang was a kind person and knew that Wu Jingzhong had just arrived in the Intelligence Section and needed credit, and besides, his situation here was not too important, so he smiled and motioned for Wu Jingzhong to speak first, while he added last.

Wu Jingzhong looked grateful, smiled and nodded to him, then turned around and said: "The section chief arranged for us to investigate the use of public and private cars in Jinling, but we didn't gain much in this regard.

 After receiving the new order, we focused our attention on pharmaceutical companies. According to the registration of the police station, there are 19 pharmaceutical companies that own cars in Jinling City, all of which are large companies.

 This includes the three companies mentioned by Captain Gui. We found that the management of cars by these companies is very chaotic. As long as company employees can borrow them, there is no registration record.

Through confidential interviews with people at nearby stalls and stores, we found that a total of 8 cars were unaccounted for during the time period the section chief asked us to investigate. More specific circumstances require in-depth investigation.

These eight vehicles belong to Bayer, Boehringer, Pfizer, Roche, Wuzhou, and Sandoz. Two vehicles from Bayer and Wuzhou each were absent that day. This has been confirmed by several witnesses. "

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction. Wu Jingzhong did a good job. He knew that testimony must undergo multiple verifications to satisfy the relevance and objectivity of the evidence and reduce the possibility of a single witness making subjective assumptions.

Just like the identification of a photo, one person will remember or see it wrong, but it is impossible for two or more people to see it wrong. This case is related to the truth of the assassination, and the relevant evidence must be conclusive.

“Old Wu, that’s right. Chunyang, it’s your turn.”

He picked up the tea cup and blew the foam gently, then turned to look at Wu Chunyang: "I asked you to secretly take photos of the staff of the pharmaceutical company. Why, did any of them appear in Tangzi Alley?"

"That's not true." Wu Chunyang immediately shook his head: "I sent several teams to monitor the pharmaceutical companies, including the companies Gui Youguang and Lao Wu said are all concentrated on Lu Province Road."

As he spoke, he took out a schematic diagram, pointed at it and said: "This may be because the military quartermaster and the Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for appropriation, are nearby, and it is easier for them to do business if they are close.

According to your instructions, I conducted a secret investigation around Lu Province Road. Someone did see a car passing by many times in the dark that night. Unfortunately, the license plate and model were not clearly visible. "


Zuo Zhong straightened up and reached out to take out the schematic diagram. Several pharmaceutical companies were marked on it, and they were densely distributed along Lu Province Road. Everything was consistent with his guess.

After Tianfu screened Min Ping, he drove the car to the south of Jinling Middle School. Based on inference, it was guessed that he should have gone east from Xinjiekou to Lu Province Road, and counter-tracking was conducted around him.

As it turned out, a suspicious-looking car happened to appear there that night. In addition, many pharmaceutical companies that have business dealings with the Central Hospital are also here. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

 No, some are just careful arrangements.

And the other party's home base may not be far away, otherwise there is no need for him to wander around the company after completing the task, unless the daily activity area is on Lu Province Road, which is not careless.

If he had not found the secret passage, and if someone had not witnessed the car, there would indeed be no problem with Tianfu doing this. In the final analysis, the Japanese underestimated the Intelligence Department.

This guy thinks that he can hide it from everyone with his cleverness. As the saying goes, those who are good at swimming will be drowned, and those who are good at riding will be ruined. Everyone does what they like, but it is their own disaster. It is true.


Zuo Zhong chuckled and handed the schematic diagram to the nearest Gu Qi, asking him to pass it around after reading it. He held the teacup in his hand and started to stare blankly, while waiting for his subordinates to familiarize themselves with the situation of Wanlu Province Road.

This is all old information for many years. Everyone quickly read the schematic diagram and thought about it seriously. Based on the section chief's speculation about Tianfu's actions after screening Min Ping, Lu Province Road was indeed suspicious.

There are too many clues repeated here. If the spy is an academic visitor to a pharmaceutical company, he does have the opportunity to use his work to monitor dead mailboxes, which proves Tianfu's occupation.

 “How is it? What do you think?”

Zuo Zhong put down his tea cup and asked with a smile. Seeing that everyone was silent, he added: "If you listen to one side, you will be dark, if you listen to both, you will be enlightened. If you have any opinions, just say it and let's discuss it together."

“Section Chief, the key is to compare the personnel. After the photos from Chunyang are sent back, first confirm whether the other party has been in Tangzi Lane. The focus is on the three suspicious persons that Youguang found.

 It is best not to arrange close reconnaissance before this. The spy has just completed the assassination, which is when he is most nervous and vigilant. Once he finds someone following him, he may choose to evacuate directly. "

Song Minghao was the first to express his opinion. Wu Jingzhong's appearance made him quite nervous. It was said that the other party was both capable and good at handling interpersonal relationships, which greatly affected his status in the intelligence department.

In the current division of labor in the intelligence department, Gu Qi can help with official affairs, Wu Chunyang is good at intelligence, and Gui Youguang is a master of operations. He is incompetent in literature and military, and can only make a living by flattering.

 Now there is a professional spy who can photograph horses. Is there any way for him to survive? He must perform well, otherwise he will definitely be marginalized. He has experienced this situation several times and is too familiar with it. "That's right, Chunyang, please send the photos back as soon as possible, and be careful to hide them. The other party is very cautious. After the photos arrive, everyone who has no task will continue to identify them, and the people in the investigation department will forget them."

After listening to what Song Minghao said, Zuo Zhong agreed and gave Wu Chunyang a few words. He said that Wu Jingzhong, a catfish, was very useful. Even Lao Song started to take the initiative.

He knew everything he needed to know about the Investigation Section. Wu Jingzhong was the one who could do the job, and the rest were just dawdling. This identification was of great importance, and he couldn't trust those bastards.

Wu Jingzhong and others blushed a little when they heard Zuo Zhong's words. They knew the virtues of their old colleagues very well. Apparently those people had done something to anger Section Chief Zuo. It was really impossible to hold up the wall.

Over there, Wu Chunyang looked at his watch: "It is now six o'clock in the evening, and the film will be sent back at seven o'clock. These pharmaceutical companies will hold a regular meeting before get off work, and all employees will attend.

 As soon as the film is returned, it will be developed immediately, and the comparison will be completed tonight. Section Chief, you have to work hard. New people have not been added, and we do not have enough manpower. "

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. I'm going to sleep anyway. Besides, the dormitory is very messy now. I don't know where those children get so much energy. They are running around at night."

 “Hahaha.” Everyone laughed.

There are too many people from the Investigation Section coming to Jinling. Counting their family members, there is no room for them to live in Bingdi. For a single officer like Zuo Zhong, the dormitory is full of family members. It is really messy.

This makes Wu Jingzhong and others feel warm in their hearts. This kind of thing is left in the investigation department, and the superiors will not care about it. What does it have to do with the family members freezing to death and starving to death? They want them to give up the house, but there is no door.

After laughing, Gu Qi reached out and lit a cigarette with his left hand: "The original classroom is being renovated, and the brothers will have a place to sleep soon. But, section chief, where will we arrest Tianfu after we find it?"

 Everyone was stunned when they heard what he said.

Yes, if you want to capture both the stolen goods and the stolen goods, you must arrest them while the other party is monitoring the death mailbox. But now that there is a master in the Central Hospital, it is unknown whether misunderstandings will occur.

Although that person is currently hated by others, there is a huge difference in level between people like me and him. Do you have to obey orders? If the spy is released because of this, whose fault is it?

The other party’s wife, Chen Bingru, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In the past few days, people have been telling people everywhere that the assassination of Wang was ordered by the chairman of the committee. It is too dangerous to get involved in such a thing rashly.

Tiehanhan Gui Youguang frowned: "What if Tianfu sets up early warning means at the company and residence? Only by taking action at the Central Hospital can we avoid the risk of exposure as much as possible.

 Besides, Tianfu would not be stupid enough to put a radio station in his own home. Not all intelligence officers are as stupid as Ye Jinzhong. Without certain evidence, the assassination case will be even more difficult to investigate.

According to my plan, I will send elite operatives to sneak in secretly, and a large force will ambush nearby. If the person's guards dare to stop him and shoot directly, the assassination may be just a trick. "


Except for Wu Jingzhong and others who were not familiar with this guy, everyone else was dumbfounded. Is this still a flash of light? When did you learn to mistake a deer for a horse and confuse right and wrong?

 “Cough cough cough.”

Chief Zuo Da was choked by the smoke and coughed so hard that his face turned red. What was going on? The big bald man's arrangement at the construction committee's surveillance point had shocked him before, but this time it was even more ridiculous.

Gui Youguang felt a little embarrassed when everyone saw him, and scratched his head: "I just can't stand the guy named Wang. Ever since the East Asia Club case, he and his people have caused so much trouble for us.

Brothers, you are a life-and-death hunter for Japanese spies, but has he been punished? He is still in front of the Executive Dean. Bah, I have to show him off this time. I have to let him know that some people cannot be messed with. "

 Well, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A lieutenant officer said that he wanted to give the Executive President a good look. This is the familiar Gui Youguang. Can a normal person say such mindless nonsense? The conference room returned to normal.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him angrily: "It's okay to say this here. If outsiders hear it, they will think that our intelligence department is going to do something bad. Are you right, Lao Wu?"

 “Yes, that’s so right.”

Wu Jingzhong immediately slapped the table with indignation: "I have long heard that the man named Wang has ulterior motives and is not clear with the Japanese. I think the bitter trick Captain Gui told me is very likely to be true."

"Hahaha, this kind of thing is not our business. I think the arrest will be carried out in the hospital and according to Gui Youguang's plan. It's just that you don't need to shoot when you encounter obstruction, just knock him out."

Zuo Zhong smiled and threw a cigarette to Wu Jingzhong, looked at everyone and said: "Now I order everyone below me and those who have no tasks to compare photos, and they must be completed before tomorrow morning."

 “Yes.” The agents stood up one after another with serious faces.

 (End of this chapter)

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